Elenco notifiche

Architectural Drawing and Survey Laboratory


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Esercitazioni in aula 40
Tutoraggio 35
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Piumatti Paolo
Architectural Drawing and Survey Laboratory (Drawing) - Corso 1  
Professore Associato CEAR-10/A 20 10 0 0 11
Piumatti Paolo
Architectural Drawing and Survey Laboratory (Drawing) - Corso 2  
Professore Associato CEAR-10/A 20 10 0 0 11
Piumatti Paolo
Architectural Drawing and Survey Laboratory (Survey) - Corso 1  
Professore Associato CEAR-10/A 20 10 0 0 11
Vozzola Mariapaola
Architectural Drawing and Survey Laboratory (Survey) - Corso 2  
Ricercatore L240/10 CEAR-10/A 20 10 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The Laboratory of Drawing and Surveying aims to build the scientific foundations (theoretical and applicative) of the language and codes of drawing, a discipline that constitutes the main form of expression of the architect. At the end of the Laboratory, students will be able to use the language of drawing to conceive, interpret, represent and communicate, choosing and consciously using different techniques, from freehand drawing to digital modelling.
The Laboratory of Drawing and Surveying aims to build the scientific foundations (theoretical and applicative) of the language and codes of drawing, a discipline that constitutes the main form of expression of the architect. At the end of the Laboratory, students will be able to use the language of drawing to conceive, interpret, represent and communicate, choosing and consciously using different techniques, from freehand drawing to digital modelling.
The Laboratory aims to provide both knowledge and skills necessary to consciously apply the language of drawing. Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the coded methods of descriptive geometry; - knowledge of the graphic standards; - knowledge of survey methods and techniques for metric acquisition, analysis and interpretation of built heritage; - knowledge of the methods of graphic, written-graphic and multimedia communication also by using information technology. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding, to collect and interpret data, to communicate: - ability to read and recognize geometric and architectural features; - ability to plan, perform and verify surveys and to generate geometric, architectonics or thematic graphic outputs at different levels of detail. - ability to represent and communicate both the built heritage and the architectural project through both traditional and innovative techniques, with a special focus to the most advanced methods of digital representation and modeling.
The Laboratory aims to provide both knowledge and skills necessary to consciously apply the language of drawing. Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the coded methods of descriptive geometry; - knowledge of the graphic standards; - knowledge of survey methods and techniques for metric acquisition, analysis and interpretation of built heritage; - knowledge of the methods of graphic, written-graphic and multimedia communication also by using information technology. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding, to collect and interpret data, to communicate: - ability to read and recognize geometric and architectural features; - ability to plan, perform and verify surveys and to generate geometric, architectonics or thematic graphic outputs at different levels of detail. - ability to represent and communicate both the built heritage and the architectural project through both traditional and innovative techniques, with a special focus to the most advanced methods of digital representation and modeling.
Basic knowledge of Euclidean geometry and its lexicon.
Basic knowledge of Euclidean geometry and its lexicon.
The Laboratory consists of three main areas: 1) fundamentals and applications of descriptive geometry (4 CFU); 2) Digital drawing and modelling (3 CFU); 3) Architectural Drawing and Surveying (5 CFU). The course will provide theoretical lessons and guided practical activities concerning the following topics: 1) Fundamentals and applications of descriptive geometry (4CFU-40 hours): Geometric constructions; Principles of projective and descriptive geometry; Orthogonal projections; Axonometric projections; Perspective projections; Theory of shadows. 2) Digital drawing and modelling (3CFU-30 hours): Theoretical foundations of infographic representation applied to architecture; Organization of the workspace, 2D drawing, setting of the views for printing; 3D modeling and visualization tools. 3) Architectural Drawing and Surveying (5CFU-50 hours) 3a) Architectural Drawing: representation of Architecture and the language for the architectural project (reference standards, scales of representation and graphic conventions); From freehand drawing, to technical drawing, to digital modeling. The “re-drawing” of an author's project as a heuristic practice. 3b) Elements for understanding, surveying and drawing the historical architecture: vaults, classical orders and mouldings. The survey as an open system of knowledge: the theoretical foundations, the reading of archival drawings, the dimensioned sketches (eidotypes), traditional and advanced techniques for metric survey, the graphic restitution and the thematic interpretation.
The Laboratory consists of three main areas: 1) fundamentals and applications of descriptive geometry (4 CFU); 2) Digital drawing and modelling (3 CFU); 3) Architectural Drawing and Surveying (5 CFU). The course will provide theoretical lessons and guided practical activities concerning the following topics: 1) Fundamentals and applications of descriptive geometry (4CFU-40 hours): Geometric constructions; Principles of projective and descriptive geometry; Orthogonal projections; Axonometric projections; Perspective projections; Theory of shadows. 2) Digital drawing and modelling (3CFU-30 hours): Theoretical foundations of infographic representation applied to architecture; Organization of the workspace, 2D drawing, setting of the views for printing; 3D modeling and visualization tools. 3) Architectural Drawing and Surveying (5CFU-50 hours) 3a) Architectural Drawing: representation of Architecture and the language for the architectural project (reference standards, scales of representation and graphic conventions); From freehand drawing, to technical drawing, to digital modeling. The “re-drawing” of an author's project as a heuristic practice. 3b) Elements for understanding, surveying and drawing the historical architecture: vaults, classical orders and mouldings. The survey as an open system of knowledge: the theoretical foundations, the reading of archival drawings, the dimensioned sketches (eidotypes), traditional and advanced techniques for metric survey, the graphic restitution and the thematic interpretation.
For each of the three main topics mentioned above the course structure includes lessons and exercises (in the classroom, in the computer lab and in the field) both individual and in group. The exercises are mandatory: they will be subject to a series of revisions during the year, aimed at the progressive refinement of the graphic language of the students, and must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the teaching staff.
For each of the three main topics mentioned above the course structure includes lessons and exercises (in the classroom, in the computer lab and in the field) both individual and in group. The exercises are mandatory: they will be subject to a series of revisions during the year, aimed at the progressive refinement of the graphic language of the students, and must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the teaching staff.
The teaching staff will upload on the course Web-page slides of the lessons and scientific references for every topic. Some easy-to-find on the web reference books are: - Francis D.K. Ching, Architectural Graphics, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2016. - Martin Kemp, The Science Of Art. Optical themes in western art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. Yale University Press·New Haven And London·1990. - Dennis K. Lieu, Sheryl Sorby, Visualization, modeling, and graphics for Engineering Design, Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2009. The drawing standards by the International Standard Organizazion (ISO) can be freely downloaded from the Politecnico di Torino web-portal.
The teaching staff will upload on the course Web-page slides of the lessons and scientific references for every topic. Some easy-to-find on the web reference books are: - Francis D.K. Ching, Architectural Graphics, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2016. - Martin Kemp, The Science Of Art. Optical themes in western art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. Yale University Press·New Haven And London·1990. - Dennis K. Lieu, Sheryl Sorby, Visualization, modeling, and graphics for Engineering Design, Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2009. The drawing standards by the International Standard Organizazion (ISO) can be freely downloaded from the Politecnico di Torino web-portal.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti;
The final evaluation of the laboratory takes into account the results achieved by the student in each of the macro-areas, and will be based on the results of both the exercises executed during the course and the results of the exam. The exam consists in a graphic/written test and in an oral discussion. In order to be admitted to the exam, the student must have demonstrated in the exercises - which must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the staff – a sufficient knowledge obtaining an average minimum evaluation of 18/30. Subsequently, to be admitted to the oral discussion the student must have passed the graphic/written test with a minimum evaluation of 18/30. The overall grade takes into account the marks - calculated as an average weighted according to the complexity of the different tests - of: - individual exercises; - group exercises; - graphic-written exam; - oral discussion. During the oral discussion the student will be asked to discuss his own graphic works and some course topics. The date of the exam round indicated on the teaching portal is the date of the graphic/written test. The date of the subsequent oral discussion will be communicated by the teacher and, depending on the number of students enrolled in the exam round, can take place the same day of the written exam or in the next days.
Exam: Optional oral exam; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff;
The final evaluation of the laboratory takes into account the results achieved by the student in each of the macro-areas, and will be based on the results of both the exercises executed during the course and the results of the exam. The exam consists in a graphic/written test and in an oral discussion. In order to be admitted to the exam, the student must have demonstrated in the exercises - which must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the staff – a sufficient knowledge obtaining an average minimum evaluation of 18/30. Subsequently, to be admitted to the oral discussion the student must have passed the graphic/written test with a minimum evaluation of 18/30. The overall grade takes into account the marks - calculated as an average weighted according to the complexity of the different tests - of: - individual exercises; - group exercises; - graphic-written exam; - oral discussion. During the oral discussion the student will be asked to discuss his own graphic works and some course topics. The date of the exam round indicated on the teaching portal is the date of the graphic/written test. The date of the subsequent oral discussion will be communicated by the teacher and, depending on the number of students enrolled in the exam round, can take place the same day of the written exam or in the next days.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti;
The final evaluation of the laboratory takes into account the results achieved by the student in each of the macro-areas, and will be based on the results of both the exercises executed during the course and the results of the exam. The exam consists in a graphic/written test and in an oral discussion. In order to be admitted to the exam, the student must have demonstrated in the exercises - which must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the staff – a sufficient knowledge obtaining an average minimum evaluation of 18/30. Subsequently, to be admitted to the oral discussion the student must have passed the graphic/written test with a minimum evaluation of 18/30. The overall grade takes into account the marks - calculated as an average weighted according to the complexity of the different tests - of: - individual exercises; - group exercises; - graphic-written exam; - oral discussion. During the oral discussion the student will be asked to discuss his own graphic works and some course topics. The date of the exam round indicated on the teaching portal is the date of the graphic/written test. The date of the subsequent oral discussion will be communicated by the teacher and, depending on the number of students enrolled in the exam round, can take place the same day of the written exam or in the next days.
Exam: Optional oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Group graphic design project; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff;
The final evaluation of the laboratory takes into account the results achieved by the student in each of the macro-areas, and will be based on the results of both the exercises executed during the course and the results of the exam. The exam consists in a graphic/written test and in an oral discussion. In order to be admitted to the exam, the student must have demonstrated in the exercises - which must be executed and delivered in the requested time in order to be evaluated by the staff – a sufficient knowledge obtaining an average minimum evaluation of 18/30. Subsequently, to be admitted to the oral discussion the student must have passed the graphic/written test with a minimum evaluation of 18/30. The overall grade takes into account the marks - calculated as an average weighted according to the complexity of the different tests - of: - individual exercises; - group exercises; - graphic-written exam; - oral discussion. During the oral discussion the student will be asked to discuss his own graphic works and some course topics. The date of the exam round indicated on the teaching portal is the date of the graphic/written test. The date of the subsequent oral discussion will be communicated by the teacher and, depending on the number of students enrolled in the exam round, can take place the same day of the written exam or in the next days.
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