Elenco notifiche

Architecture and urban economics


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Esercitazioni in aula 50
Tutoraggio 45
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Frassoldati Francesca
Architecture and urban economics (Architectural and urban design)  
Professore Associato CEAR-09/A 30 30 0 0 1
Abastante Francesca
Architecture and urban economics (Real Estate evaluation)  
Professore Associato CEAR-03/C 20 40 0 0 2
Novascone Roberta
Architecture and urban economics (Sociology)
Docente esterno e/o collaboratore   10 10 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
During the design experience of the Design Unit 2, the student will continue to enhance his own skills, already trained during the design experience of Design Unit 1, in managing independently a complex architectural project, in particular as regards the constructive aspects. The topics of Design Unit 2 will be focused on a complex urban project and takes into account both the settlement components and the economic ones. It also includes the design of an architectural object, developed through techniques, methodologies and the specific abilities of the European architect. Through the knowledge and the in-depth analysis of the specific design theme, the student will acquire an understanding and interpretation of the complex phenomena that characterize the contemporary processes of urbanization and urban regeneration, both on the local scale and on the global one. The overall educational goal of the “Architecture and Urban Economics” Design Unit is to elaborate a complex urban project, starting from the knowledge and the specific skills provided by two specific and complementary subjects: the Architectural Design and the Economic Evaluation of the projects. The latter is the second characterizing discipline, focused on the economic dimension of Architecture in the urban context. To these two subjects are associated in the Design Unit the specific knowledge and skills provided by one or more related and integrative disciplines, selected in relation with the specific design topics of every Design Unit. The Design Unit dedicated to the topics Creative City & Urban Regeneration will adopt the knowledge and the expertise coming from the fields of urban management and digital sociology. Through the Design Unit experience the student will acquire not only the general design skills, but also the specific knowledge and skills in Economic Evaluation, mandatory in the Master’s degree, as alternative to the attendance of the 2nd Year Course in “Economic evaluation of projects”.
During the design experience of the Design Unit 2, students will continue to enhance their own skills, building on the design experience of Design Unit 1, in managing independently a complex architectural project, with specific emphasis on its process of implementation. The topics of Design Unit 2 focus on a complex urban project and take into account both the settlement and the economic components, considering techniques, methodologies and specific competences of European architects in the design of an architectural object. Through the knowledge and the in-depth analysis of the specific design theme, the student will acquire the capacity to understand and interpret complex phenomena that characterize the contemporary processes of urbanization and urban regeneration, both on the local scale and on the global one. The overall learning goal of the “Architecture and Urban Economics” Design Unit is to elaborate a complex urban project, starting from the knowledge and the specific skills provided by two specific and complementary subjects: Architectural and Urban Design and Real Estate Evaluation. The latter is the second characterizing discipline, revolving around the economic dimension of design in the urban context. These two subjects are associated in the Design Unit to specific knowledge and skills provided by one or more related and integrative disciplines, selected in relation with the specific design topics of every Design Unit. The Design Unit dedicated to 'Creative City & Urban Regeneration' will be enriched by the knowledge and the expertise coming from the fields of Urban Management and Digital Sociology. Through the Design Unit experience students will not only acquire general design skills, but also the specific knowledge and skills in Economic Evaluation, mandatory in the Master’s degree, as alternative to the attendance of the 2nd Year Course in “Economic evaluation of projects”.
The Design Unit 2 deepens and develops the advanced knowledge and the design skills learned during the Design Unit 1: such a knowledge is acquired within the Design Unit and through a series of mono-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary lectures, and through studies and in-depth modules on theories, relevant to the design themes and issues. The advanced progresses in knowledge and understanding will be assessed through mid-term and final evaluations during the Design Unit, especially aimed at assessing the students’ capability to synthesise and to integrate the different disciplines contributing to the Unit. In the design experience of the Design Unit “Architecture and urban economics”, the understanding of the complex phenomena that govern urban and territorial transformations, both in its architectural and urban components, occurs through the knowledge and the in-depth analysis of the specific design theme. The instructors provide multi-disciplinary knowledge of all the aspects of the complex context within which the design has to be developed. The ability to understand and interpret the complex phenomena that characterize the practices of urbanization and urban regeneration, at both local and global levels, also occurs in the ability to work in un international context, understanding cultures and traditions not only national, also through the choice of topics and design sites in international context, in the capacity of a design and narrative synthesis, and in the ability to carry out individual research, aimed to connect architectural design, urban culture and economic evaluation. In the Design Unit experience the capability to apply knowledge and skills is primarily defined by the ability to independently manage a complex urban project in a given time, through the mastery of techniques, methods and skills specific to the job of the Architect. The capability to independently manage a project of urban and territorial transformation is expressed in the ability to analyze complex and non-univocal information, to interpret them into a shared decision-making process, but also in the ability to exert leadership in a necessarily multi-disciplinary design team, even toward languages and social and public practices. The experience of the Design Unit, characterized by an intense experimentation, is configured as a partial simulation of effective design practices in the real-world. As such, it ensures the acquisition of the ability of applying knowledge and understanding. This ability is assessed through intermediate and final evaluations within the Design Unit, with the contributions of guest experts from practice, with especial attention to the capability to integrate and synthetize the various disciplines involved in the Unit, as well as to meet the timetable of the activities, which requires the students to complete the project at the end of the semester. The ability to process a complex architectural project in a given time represents a specific ability of the work of the architect: this will be verified at the exam that will take place during the first week of exams, in the first examination session consecutive to the Design Unit.
The Design Unit 2 deepens and develops the advanced knowledge and the design skills learned during the Design Unit 1: such a knowledge is consolidated in the Design Unit through a series of mono-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary lectures, studies and in-depth modules on relevant theoretical background to the design themes and issues. Progresses in knowledge and understanding will be assessed through mid-term and final evaluations during the Design Unit, especially aimed at assessing the students’ capability to synthesise and integrate the different disciplines contributing to the Unit. In the Design Unit “Architecture and urban economics”, the understanding of the complex phenomena that govern urban and territorial transformations - whether building's or urban aspects are considered - develops by approaching a specific design theme (site-based learning and design exercise). The instructors provide multi-disciplinary background on all aspects of the complex context within which design has to be developed. The ability to understand and interpret the complex phenomena that characterize the practices of urbanization and urban regeneration, in all their dimensions, includes also competences to assess urban processes in international contexts, to understand multifaceted cultures and practices, to express personal synthesis by design and narrative, to carry out individual research, aimed to connect architectural design, urban culture and economic evaluation. In the Design Unit experience the capability to apply knowledge and skills is primarily defined by the ability to independently manage a complex urban project in a designated time, mastering techniques, methods and skills specific to the architectural practice. The capability to independently manage a project of urban transformation is expressed in the ability to analyze complex and non-univocal pieces of information, to interpret them into a shared decision-making process, and to exert competent leadership in a multi-disciplinary conversation that requires different technical languages and understanding of social and public practices. Intermediate and final evaluations, with the contributions of guest experts from professional practice, will assess students' capability to integrate and synthesise the various disciplines contributing to the Design Unit and to meet the timetable of the activities. Students are encouraged to complete the project by the end of the semester. The ability to process a complex architectural project in a given time is a specific duty in the work of the architect: this will be verified at the exam that will take place during the first week of exam session at the end of the second term.
Critical and design skills, along with the concepts and introductory tools in Economic Evaluation and Cost Planning of Buildings are considered already acquired during the Disciplinary Courses and the Design Ateliers of the Bachelor Degree in “Sciences of Architecture”. Knowledge and skills trained during the Design Unit 1, especially the ability to process autonomously a complex architectural project in a given time, are also required. A further prerequisite is represented by the knowledge and skills acquired during the Courses of First Semester “Digital parametric modeling” and “Energy systems in building design”.
Students are expected to manage critical and design skills, along with the basic concepts and tools in Real Estate Evaluation and Buildings Appraisal, provided by their undergraduate experience. Knowledge and skills consolidated during the Design Unit 1, especially the ability to autonomously process a complex architectural project in a designated time, are also required.
The Design Unit will elaborate a smart high-quality design and sustainable urban development project, starting from specific knowledge and competence in four complementary fields: the architectural composition, the economic evaluation of development projects, the management of urban processes and the social awareness. A major objective of the Design Unit is the critical reflection on the idea of ‘heritage’ as a key component of a "smart city" strategy, one of the most important sides of the so-called "creative city". Another specific objective is to provide a toolkit of methods for supporting decisions of managers and policymakers toward smart urban strategies economy in the face of conflicting demands of economic development, social progress, and environmental sustainability, also using new digital technologies and understanding their multiple impacts on society. The designer, dealing with heritage assets, has to undertake a relevant task, which is correlated to design, evaluation, management and social sciences. By designing, a process of revaluating the objects is undertaken and every aspect of the design process (formal, material, constructive etc.) supports the social importance of the heritage asset itself. Such as the design is complex activity that requires multidisciplinary capacities and the cooperation of various policy-makers, the topic of the design process concerns various objectives and purposes: the choice of alternative propositions, the definition of priorities when dealing with conflicts among stakeholders or in situation with limited resources, the determination of appropriate use of cultural and environmental assets that should be preserved, taxonomy of total economic values, considering monetary together with cultural values, the analysis of major impacts and effects of the urban transformation project. The core of interest is the morphological, environmental, social and economical asset of an area in the south part of Nanjing (Popular Republic of China), located at the interior side of the ancient city-walls. The Hehua Tang area (area of the Lotus Pond) has been occupied by a workers’ houses slum and it is waiting today for a regeneration project, that could be different from the ordinary settlement made by tall anonymous buildings and also from the “fake” restorations in Chinese Traditional style.
The lockdown experience in many cities and towns, as a response to the pandemic in early 2020, has shed new light on the complex relationships between domestic, public and collective space. This Design Unit aims to develop the students' capability to deal with complex mixed-use urban programs in pre-existing urban environments, addressing the tangled problems their transformation pose in multiple dimensions, from urban design and integration to the economic evaluation of building design and urban projects, with a specific emphasis on management of public and private processes of decision and social awareness. To this end, a major objective of the Design Unit is to stimulate critical reflection on the notion of 'heritage' as a key component for designing urban futures. Students will be asked to address a design proposal engaging experimentally with: methods for supporting public and private decisions that regard conflicting developmental aims; environmental issues that can be addressed in terms of urban and architectural design; redefinition of social and individual priorities; multifaceted impacts of digital technologies on society. Particular attention will be payed to the way notions of heritage define 'values' according to design processes, project evaluation, management and social sciences. Pitches by practitioners and scholars will enrich the programme of lectures and public critiques.
This studio aims to work as an exchange environment, with a constant ‘peer review’ approach. This means that the whole activities will lean on the participation of students in critiques and lectures. ‘Having words’ is a prerequisite to getting involved in these discussions; theoretical issues play therefore a crucial role and will be addressed in the whole Design Unit unfolding.
This studio aims to work as an exchange environment, with a constant ‘peer review’ approach. This means that the whole activities will lean on the participation of students in critiques and lectures. ‘Having words’ is a prerequisite to getting involved in these discussions; theoretical issues play therefore a crucial role and will be addressed in the whole Design Unit unfolding.
The work in the Design Unit will be organized by weekly collective discussions about design development and DU topics. The design process will be defined as an incremental step-based process which involved different stages, such as: diagnosis of the context, envisioning exercise and development of a number of design options, selection of a design alternative and implementation. Through exchange and collaboration also with Nanjing Southeast University (SEU), the DU will give to the students the possibility to access studies, analyses and projects regarding the present and the future of an important Chinese City, former capital of the Empire and of the Republic. Shared activities and lectures with the other Design Unit held in English and with a Chinese focus will be provided.
Students are expected to fully engage in the studio’s approach and aims, to attend lectures and collective discussions on theoretical issues and empirical cases of reference, to partake regularly in individual discussions and collective critiques upgrading their projects according to the tasks assigned, and to spend significant time - beyond the organised activities - working out the topics addressed and their design proposals.
Nanjing and Chinese Architecture and Urbanism: McGEE T.G., LIN G.C.S., MARTON A.M., WANG M.Y.L., WU J., China’s Urban Space. Development under market socialism, Routledge, London and New York 2007 WU F., XU J., GAR-ON YEH A., Urban Development in Post Reform China. State, market, and space, Routledge, London and New York 2006 LI X. and YEO K.S., Chinese Conception of Space, China Architecture and Building Press, Beijing 2007 LEDDEROSE L., Ten Thousands Things. Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2000 CHEN W. and GAZZOLA L., Comparative Study on the City Walls of Nanjing and Rome, Edilstampa, Roma, SEU Press, Nanjing 2013 s.a., Vision in China. Chinese Contemporary Architecture, Liaoning Science and Technology Pub., Shenyang 2015 Disciplines’ References: BALMER J. and SWISHER M.T., Diagramming the Big Idea. Methods for Architectural Composition, Routledge, London and New York 2012 SALAT S., Cities and Forms: On Sustainable Urbanism, Editions Hermann, Paris, 2011. PETRUCCIOLI A., After Amnesia. Learning from the Islamic Mediterranean Urban Fabric, ICAR, Bari 2007 ROSSI, A., The Architecture of the City, (P.Eisenman ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge Mass. And London 1982 (or.it.ed. 1966) * BRANDON P.S., LOMBARDI P., Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment, II Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken (USA) 2005, pp. 272, (II edition 2011) COOP AFRICA, Project Design Manual. A Step-by-Step Tool to Support the Development of Cooperatives and Other Forms of Self-Help Organization, International Labour Organization, I.L.O., Genève, 2010, (web pdf) FIGUERIA J., GRECO S., EHRGOTT M. (eds), Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis. State of the Art, Springer, Berlin 2010 PEARCE, D., G. ATKINSON, MOURATO S., Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment: recent developments, OECD, Paris 2006 VREEKER R., DEAKIN M., CURWELL S., Sustainable Urban Development Volume 3: The Toolkit for Assessment, Routledge, London and New York 2009 * R.A. BREALEY R.A., MYERS S.C., MARCUS A.J., Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill, New York 2001 CHUNLING Y., CHUANJIANG M., Ziroom: creating quality rental living, China Business Case Center, Case TU-088, 05-10, 2014 EUROPEAN COMMISSION/Directorate General Regional Policy, Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of investment projects, 2008 PAINE L.S., MACOMBER J., WONG K.C.H., China Vanke, Harvard Business School, Case 9-314-104, 2015 RETSINAS R.P., HU J., XU R. (2013) Sino-Ocean Land: responding to change, Harvard Business School, Case 9-211-107, 2013 * DE WAAL M., The City as Interface: How Digital Media Are Changing the City, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam 2014 * Teachers and Assistants will give further references and notes during the semester.
Disciplines’ References: BALMER J. and SWISHER M.T., Diagramming the Big Idea. Methods for Architectural Composition, Routledge, London and New York 2012 LENHERER A., Grand Urban Rules, Rotterdam, nai010, 2009. SALAT S., Cities and Forms: On Sustainable Urbanism, Editions Hermann, Paris, 2011. * BRANDON P.S., LOMBARDI P., Evaluating Sustainable Development in the Built Environment, II Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken (USA) 2005, pp. 272, (II edition 2011) COOP AFRICA, Project Design Manual. A Step-by-Step Tool to Support the Development of Cooperatives and Other Forms of Self-Help Organization, International Labour Organization, I.L.O., Genève, 2010, (web pdf) FIGUERIA J., GRECO S., EHRGOTT M. (eds), Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis. State of the Art, Springer, Berlin 2010 PEARCE, D., G. ATKINSON, MOURATO S., Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment: recent developments, OECD, Paris 2006 VREEKER R., DEAKIN M., CURWELL S., Sustainable Urban Development Volume 3: The Toolkit for Assessment, Routledge, London and New York 2009 * R.A. BREALEY R.A., MYERS S.C., MARCUS A.J., Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill, New York 2001 CHUNLING Y., CHUANJIANG M., Ziroom: creating quality rental living, China Business Case Center, Case TU-088, 05-10, 2014 EUROPEAN COMMISSION/Directorate General Regional Policy, Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of investment projects, 2008 PAINE L.S., MACOMBER J., WONG K.C.H., China Vanke, Harvard Business School, Case 9-314-104, 2015 RETSINAS R.P., HU J., XU R. (2013) Sino-Ocean Land: responding to change, Harvard Business School, Case 9-211-107, 2013 * DE WAAL M., The City as Interface: How Digital Media Are Changing the City, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam 2014 * Supervisors and Tutors will provide further references during the term.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato progettuale individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Fully attendance and positive participation in lectures, seminars, and further activities of the Design Unit are preconditions to access the assessment. The final exam will take place in the first week of the examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. In case the final design work is not completed on time or is judged inadequate or incomplete, the student may submit the final project in the second examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. The final grade will consider the student ability to develop a complex architectural design in a given time. The final evaluation will be individual and will use the available range of marks. It will be carried out through group discussion of the Design Unit professors, taking into account the weight of each discipline (in terms of credits) and considering carefully the studio central experience and its project activities. Specific activities undertook during the Unit and their outcomes (written texts, presentations and the likes) . 1. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROJECT Evaluating the ability to analyse and to interpret the physical and social context of the project through original elaborations. Evaluating the ability to manage the complexity of the information provided by the supervisors and proposed by the student, and to interpret the architectural context. Guiding Criteria: _Reading and synthesis _Interpretation and critical processing _Awareness of design procedures and their aims _Design results. 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION Evaluating the ability to conceptualize an argued proposal, as a strategic answer to the identified problems. Evaluating the ability to describe the general aspects of the project and its feasibility in relation to ordinary practices. Guiding Criteria: _Clarity of proposal _Vision _Connection with design references _Autonomy in the elaboration of the proposal 3. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT AND RESULTS Evaluating the ability to develop, within an available time, a coherent project through a circular process (development, discussion, feedback). Evaluating the quality of the final result and its consistency with the design process. Guiding Criteria: _Critical capacity and self-criticism _Adaptation to the feedback of the reviews _Completeness and quality of the final results 4. COMMUNICATION Evaluating the ability to represent and transmit the project at all stages of the learning experience, employing the appropiate scales of representation in order to control and direct the construction. Evaluating the ability to communicate in innovative ways the specific aspects of different disciplines and their integration into the project. Guiding Criteria: _Conscious use of presentation tools _Effectiveness of public presentation and discussion _Theoretical awareness 5. DISCIPLINARY CONTRIBUTIONS Evaluating the ability to identify disciplinary issues in a relevant way according to the proposed project case. Evaluating the ability to intercept a complex design theme using cross-fertilization of knowledge. Evaluating the capability to discuss a design proposal according to real estate dynamics. Guiding Criteria: _Maturation of knowledge in the Unit’s disciplines _Disciplinary relevance of individual contributions in the project _Integration of disciplines at different scales
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Fully attendance and positive participation in lectures, seminars, and further activities of the Design Unit are preconditions to access the assessment. The final exam will take place in the first week of the examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. In case the final design work is not completed on time or is judged inadequate or incomplete, the student may submit the final project in the second examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. The final grade will consider the student ability to develop a complex architectural design in a given time. The final evaluation will be individual and will use the available range of marks. It will be carried out through group discussion of the Design Unit professors, taking into account the weight of each discipline (in terms of credits) and considering carefully the studio central experience and its project activities. Specific activities undertook during the Unit and their outcomes (written texts, presentations and the likes) will contribute to the final grade. The student's attitude to synthetize and bring together in the project what acquired from the different disciplines of the Design Unit is considered a background value. Assessment Criteria 1. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROJECT Evaluating the ability to analyse and to interpret the physical and social context of the project through original elaborations. Evaluating the ability to manage the complexity of the information provided by the supervisors and proposed by the student, and to interpret the architectural context. Guiding Criteria: _Reading and synthesis _Interpretation and critical processing _Awareness of design procedures and their aims _Design results. 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION Evaluating the ability to conceptualize an argued proposal, as a strategic answer to the identified problems. Evaluating the ability to describe the general aspects of the project and its feasibility in relation to ordinary practices. Guiding Criteria: _Clarity of proposal _Vision _Connection with design references _Autonomy in the elaboration of the proposal 3. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT AND RESULTS Evaluating the ability to develop, within an available time, a coherent project through a circular process (development, discussion, feedback). Evaluating the quality of the final result and its consistency with the design process. Guiding Criteria: _Critical capacity and self-criticism _Adaptation to the feedback of the reviews _Completeness and quality of the final results 4. COMMUNICATION Evaluating the ability to represent and transmit the project at all stages of the learning experience, employing the appropiate scales of representation in order to control and direct the construction. Evaluating the ability to communicate in innovative ways the specific aspects of different disciplines and their integration into the project. Guiding Criteria: _Conscious use of presentation tools _Effectiveness of public presentation and discussion _Theoretical awareness 5. DISCIPLINARY CONTRIBUTIONS Evaluating the ability to identify disciplinary issues in a relevant way according to the proposed project case. Evaluating the ability to intercept a complex design theme using cross-fertilization of knowledge. Evaluating the capability to discuss a design proposal according to real estate dynamics. Guiding Criteria: _Maturation of knowledge in the Unit’s disciplines _Disciplinary relevance of individual contributions in the project _Integration of disciplines at different scales
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato progettuale individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Fully attendance and positive participation in lectures, seminars, and further activities of the Design Unit are preconditions to access the assessment. The final exam will take place in the first week of the examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. In case the final design work is not completed on time or is judged inadequate or incomplete, the student may submit the final project in the second examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. The final grade will consider the student ability to develop a complex architectural design in a given time. The final evaluation will be individual and will use the available range of marks. It will be carried out through group discussion of the Design Unit professors, taking into account the weight of each discipline (in terms of credits) and considering carefully the studio central experience and its project activities. Specific activities undertook during the Unit and their outcomes (written texts, presentations and the likes) . 1. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROJECT Evaluating the ability to analyse and to interpret the physical and social context of the project through original elaborations. Evaluating the ability to manage the complexity of the information provided by the supervisors and proposed by the student, and to interpret the architectural context. Guiding Criteria: _Reading and synthesis _Interpretation and critical processing _Awareness of design procedures and their aims _Design results. 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION Evaluating the ability to conceptualize an argued proposal, as a strategic answer to the identified problems. Evaluating the ability to describe the general aspects of the project and its feasibility in relation to ordinary practices. Guiding Criteria: _Clarity of proposal _Vision _Connection with design references _Autonomy in the elaboration of the proposal 3. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT AND RESULTS Evaluating the ability to develop, within an available time, a coherent project through a circular process (development, discussion, feedback). Evaluating the quality of the final result and its consistency with the design process. Guiding Criteria: _Critical capacity and self-criticism _Adaptation to the feedback of the reviews _Completeness and quality of the final results 4. COMMUNICATION Evaluating the ability to represent and transmit the project at all stages of the learning experience, employing the appropiate scales of representation in order to control and direct the construction. Evaluating the ability to communicate in innovative ways the specific aspects of different disciplines and their integration into the project. Guiding Criteria: _Conscious use of presentation tools _Effectiveness of public presentation and discussion _Theoretical awareness 5. DISCIPLINARY CONTRIBUTIONS Evaluating the ability to identify disciplinary issues in a relevant way according to the proposed project case. Evaluating the ability to intercept a complex design theme using cross-fertilization of knowledge. Evaluating the capability to discuss a design proposal according to real estate dynamics. Guiding Criteria: _Maturation of knowledge in the Unit’s disciplines _Disciplinary relevance of individual contributions in the project _Integration of disciplines at different scales
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Fully attendance and positive participation in lectures, seminars, and further activities of the Design Unit are preconditions to access the assessment. The final exam will take place in the first week of the examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. In case the final design work is not completed on time or is judged inadequate or incomplete, the student may submit the final project in the second examination session consecutive to the Design Unit. The final grade will consider the student ability to develop a complex architectural design in a given time. The final evaluation will be individual and will use the available range of marks. It will be carried out through group discussion of the Design Unit professors, taking into account the weight of each discipline (in terms of credits) and considering carefully the studio central experience and its project activities. Specific activities undertook during the Unit and their outcomes (written texts, presentations and the likes) will contribute to the final grade. The student's attitude to synthetize and bring together in the project what acquired from the different disciplines of the Design Unit is considered a background value. Assessment criteria 1. INVESTIGATION OF THE PROJECT Evaluating the ability to analyse and to interpret the physical and social context of the project through original elaborations. Evaluating the ability to manage the complexity of the information provided by the supervisors and proposed by the student, and to interpret the architectural context. Guiding Criteria: _Reading and synthesis _Interpretation and critical processing _Awareness of design procedures and their aims _Design results. 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION Evaluating the ability to conceptualize an argued proposal, as a strategic answer to the identified problems. Evaluating the ability to describe the general aspects of the project and its feasibility in relation to ordinary practices. Guiding Criteria: _Clarity of proposal _Vision _Connection with design references _Autonomy in the elaboration of the proposal 3. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT AND RESULTS Evaluating the ability to develop, within an available time, a coherent project through a circular process (development, discussion, feedback). Evaluating the quality of the final result and its consistency with the design process. Guiding Criteria: _Critical capacity and self-criticism _Adaptation to the feedback of the reviews _Completeness and quality of the final results 4. COMMUNICATION Evaluating the ability to represent and transmit the project at all stages of the learning experience, employing the appropiate scales of representation in order to control and direct the construction. Evaluating the ability to communicate in innovative ways the specific aspects of different disciplines and their integration into the project. Guiding Criteria: _Conscious use of presentation tools _Effectiveness of public presentation and discussion _Theoretical awareness 5. DISCIPLINARY CONTRIBUTIONS Evaluating the ability to identify disciplinary issues in a relevant way according to the proposed project case. Evaluating the ability to intercept a complex design theme using cross-fertilization of knowledge. Evaluating the capability to discuss a design proposal according to real estate dynamics. Guiding Criteria: _Maturation of knowledge in the Unit’s disciplines _Disciplinary relevance of individual contributions in the project _Integration of disciplines at different scales
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