Elenco notifiche

Smart grids


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ict For Smart Societies (Ict Per La Societa' Del Futuro) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 60
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Huang Tao   Professore Associato IIND-08/B 18 0 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
C - Affini o integrative
B - Caratterizzanti
Attività formative affini o integrative
Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni
This course is aimed at giving students with an ICT background a view on the structure and operation of modern and future electrical networks (smart grids), also pointing out the aspects referring to the interaction between power and energy systems and ICT contents. Starting from an overview on the evolution of the power and energy systems towards the construction of supergrids in high voltage bulk transmission systems and of microgrids in electrical distribution systems, the course addresses in a specific way the topics referring to the structure and operation of Medium Voltage and Low Voltage distribution systems, highlighting the contributions of the ICT sector to network modernization with increasing levels of automation, control, communication and data management. At the end of the semester, the student will have to gain knowledge on a set of aspects that enable him/her to dialogue with the operators of the electrical distribution system by using appropriate terminology and showing adequate competence in discussing about basic network-related problems. In addition, the student will have to gain competence in formulating optimization problems referring to the electrical distribution networks, choosing the most suitable methods to solve these problems. Finally, the student will be able to interact in an effective way with the network operators to discuss about the application of ICT solutions to the smart grid.
This course is aimed at giving students with an ICT background a view on the structure and operation of modern and future electrical networks (smart grids), also pointing out the aspects referring to the interaction between power and energy systems and ICT contents. Starting from an overview on the evolution of the power and energy systems towards the construction of supergrids in high voltage bulk transmission systems and of microgrids in electrical distribution systems, the course addresses in a specific way the topics referring to the structure and operation of Medium Voltage and Low Voltage distribution systems, highlighting the contributions of the ICT sector to network modernization with increasing levels of automation, control, communication and data management. At the end of the semester, the student will have to gain knowledge on a set of aspects that enable him/her to dialogue with the operators of the electrical distribution system by using appropriate terminology and showing adequate competence in discussing about basic network-related problems. In addition, the student will have to gain competence in formulating optimization problems referring to the electrical distribution networks, choosing the most suitable methods to solve these problems. Finally, the student will be able to interact in an effective way with the network operators to discuss about the application of ICT solutions to the smart grid.
The students who pass the exam will be able to understand the basic concepts referring to the structure and operation of the electrical networks at the transmission and distribution levels; use the correct terminology to address power and energy systems problems referring to smart grids; interpret appropriately the role of smart grids in the current energy system context; formulate analysis and optimization problems referring to smart grid applications and choosing the suitable solver; understand the role of distributed generation and resources in active distribution network management and demand-side management, and their connections with ICT solutions for communication, control and data management.
The students who pass the exam will be able to understand the basic concepts referring to the structure and operation of the electrical networks at the transmission and distribution levels; use the correct terminology to address power and energy systems problems referring to smart grids; interpret appropriately the role of smart grids in the current energy system context; formulate analysis and optimization problems referring to smart grid applications and choosing the suitable solver; understand the role of distributed generation and resources in active distribution network management and demand-side management, and their connections with ICT solutions for communication, control and data management.
The prerequisites include the knowledge of matrix calculations, complex numbers, basic electrotechnics (direct current and single-phase alternating current circuits), automatic control (transfer functions, feedback control) and electrical measurement (measurement accuracy, principle of operation of the instrumentation for electrical measurement).
The prerequisites include the knowledge of matrix calculations, complex numbers, basic electrotechnics (direct current and single-phase alternating current circuits), automatic control (transfer functions, feedback control) and electrical measurement (measurement accuracy, principle of operation of the instrumentation for electrical measurement).
Introductory concepts: Structure of the electricity transmission and distribution systems. Emergent paradigms: smart grids, supergrids, microgrids. Energy and electricity supply. Capacity and energy provisions, supply adequacy, load balancing. Role of ICT for smart grids. Layer-based representation of power and information flows. Electricity transmission and distribution: Three-phase systems in balanced and unbalanced conditions. Characteristics and modelling of generators, lines, transformers, loads and storage systems. Technical evolution of the network infrastructure. Meshed, radial and reconfigurable weakly meshed network representations. Notes on service continuity and reliability. Smart distribution network analysis and optimization: Matrix-based representation of the network. Power flow calculations in radial and weakly meshed networks. Fault analysis, calculation of the short-circuit currents. Principles of network protection. Relays, switchgears, protective devices. Measurement technologies and applications. Distribution substations and distribution grid automation. Notes on the IEC Standardization. Optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks: objective function, constraints, solution methods and heuristics. Examples of optimal operational planning: problem formulation, solution methods and heuristics. Distributed generation and resources: distributed generation schemes, autonomous systems, grid-connected systems, islanding operation, microgrids. Notes on distributed generation (from renewable sources and combined energy production) and storage technologies. Distribution network models with distributed resources, active distribution network management. Probabilistic power flow calculations. Effects of the diffusion of the distributed resources. Evolution of the standards. Interface with the networks, local voltage control, frequency control. Virtual power plants. Integration of fluctuating renewable energy in transmission and distribution systems. Demand-side management: technologies for electrical load management. Customer interactions with smart metering systems, assessment of the controllable load. Thermostat-controlled loads. Aggregate residential load. Demand response concepts and programmes, demand flexibility, impacts of demand-side management on customer choices. Specific aspects of ICT applications for smart grid operation. Analysis of real cases.
Introductory concepts: Structure of the electricity transmission and distribution systems. Emergent paradigms: smart grids, supergrids, microgrids. Energy and electricity supply. Capacity and energy provisions, supply adequacy, load balancing. Role of ICT for smart grids. Layer-based representation of power and information flows. Electricity transmission and distribution: Three-phase systems in balanced and unbalanced conditions. Characteristics and modelling of generators, lines, transformers, loads and storage systems. Technical evolution of the network infrastructure. Meshed, radial and reconfigurable weakly meshed network representations. Notes on service continuity and reliability. Smart distribution network analysis and optimization: Matrix-based representation of the network. Power flow calculations in radial and weakly meshed networks. Fault analysis, calculation of the short-circuit currents. Principles of network protection. Relays, switchgears, protective devices. Measurement technologies and applications. Distribution substations and distribution grid automation. Notes on the IEC Standardization. Optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks: objective function, constraints, solution methods and heuristics. Examples of optimal operational planning: problem formulation, solution methods and heuristics. Distributed generation and resources: distributed generation schemes, autonomous systems, grid-connected systems, islanding operation, microgrids. Notes on distributed generation (from renewable sources and combined energy production) and storage technologies. Distribution network models with distributed resources, active distribution network management. Probabilistic power flow calculations. Effects of the diffusion of the distributed resources. Evolution of the standards. Interface with the networks, local voltage control, frequency control. Virtual power plants. Integration of fluctuating renewable energy in transmission and distribution systems. Demand-side management: technologies for electrical load management. Customer interactions with smart metering systems, assessment of the controllable load. Thermostat-controlled loads. Aggregate residential load. Demand response concepts and programmes, demand flexibility, impacts of demand-side management on customer choices. Specific aspects of ICT applications for smart grid operation. Analysis of real cases.
The lectures present the course contents, with possible numerical examples and calculations. No experimental activity is planned.
The lectures present the course contents, with possible numerical examples and calculations. No experimental activity is planned.
There is no commercial book covering the contents of this course. The material (slides and handouts) used during the lectures and course activities will be available on the web portal.
There is no commercial book covering the contents of this course. The material (slides and handouts) used during the lectures and course activities will be available on the web portal.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The exams will be composed of 3-4 open questions (with possible related subquestions) and 1-2 questions involving calculations (with possible related subquestions).
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam is composed of a mandatory written part (with a maximum score of 30/30), possibly with a computer-based test. During the exam, the students need to respond to several questions referring to the entire course program, provided in a written way, with the possible inclusion of numerical exercises. The minimum score to pass the exam is (18/30). The principal competencies evaluated are the ability to illustrate concepts, formulating problems, describing solution methods, and solving possible numerical exercises. The written test has a duration of 2 hours. The time limit for completing the test is indicated by clear instructions at the beginning of the written exam. Before the test, the identification of the students would be conducted. The students must exhibit a valid document with a photo. When the answering sheets are delivered, the student’s name and surname, and student number must be included in the produced material. The students may use only clean paper, pen, and calculator. The students cannot refer to any material concerning the course and the exam. The students must also obey the regulations on the exam published by Politecnico di Torino. The results of the exam will be communicated through the web portal. The students will have the possibility of viewing the corrected test during the current exam session.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The exams will be composed of 3-4 open questions (with possible related subquestions) and 1-2 questions involving calculations (with possible related subquestions).
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam is composed of a mandatory written part (with a maximum score of 30/30), possibly with a computer-based test for online students, and a printed copy of the same questions will be given to the onsite students. During the exam, the students need to respond to several questions referring to the entire course program, provided in a written way, with the possible inclusion of numerical exercises. The minimum score to pass the exam is (18/30). The principal competencies evaluated are the ability to illustrate concepts, formulating problems, describing solution methods, and solving possible numerical exercises. The written test has a duration of 2 hours. The time limit for completing the test is indicated by clear instructions at the beginning of the written exam. Before the test, the identification of the students would be conducted. The students must exhibit a valid document with a photo. When the answering sheets are delivered, the student’s name and surname, and student number must be included in the produced material. The students may use only clean paper, pen, and calculator. The students cannot refer to any material concerning the course and the exam. The students must also obey the regulations on the exam published by Politecnico di Torino. The results of the exam will be communicated through the web portal. The students will have the possibility of viewing the corrected test during the current exam session.
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