Elenco notifiche

Landslides and slope engineering


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Per L'Ambiente E Il Territorio - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino



Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 51
Esercitazioni in aula 9
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Deangeli Chiara Professore Associato CEAR-02/B 50 0 0 0 7

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/28 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio
The course aims at the evaluation of the stability of natural and man-made slopes, cuts and excavations. The first part of the course focuses on the identification of landslide types and processes and the causes of movement in soil and rock slopes. Particular attention is given to the role of rainfalls in landslide triggering. The second part of the course focuses on: 1) the engineering methods used to analyze slope stability for the different kinematisms; 2) the strength parameters to adopt in the analysis; 3) improvement of the safety factor
The course aims at the evaluation of the stability of natural and man-made slopes, cuts and excavations. The first part of the course focuses on the identification of landslide types and processes and the causes of movement in soil and rock slopes. Particular attention is given to the role of rainfalls in landslide triggering. Furthermore, some lectures are focused on Fundamentals of Landslide risk analysis. The second part of the course focuses on: 1) the engineering methods used to analyze slope stability for the different kinematisms; 2) the strength parameters to adopt in the analysis; 3) improvement of the safety factor
At the end of the course students should be able to: - Identify landslide kinematisms and the triggering mechanisms - Select the proper method of slope stability analysis - Select the appropriate shear strength parameters - Evaluate the degree of stability of the slope - Select mitigation and stabilization techniques
At the end of the course students should be able to: - Identify landslide kinematisms and the triggering mechanisms - Select the proper method of slope stability analysis - Select the appropriate shear strength parameters - Evaluate the degree of stability of the slope - Know the main aspects of risk analysis - Select mitigation and stabilization techniques
The student must know the fundamental principles of Physics I; Applied geology; Geotechnics; Geomechanics; Hydraulics.
The student must know the fundamental principles of Physics I; Applied geology; Hydraulics; Geomechanics. In particular the main principles of soil mechanics are considered a compulsory prerequirement and are not explained in class. In the web site of the course recorded lectures on these main principles of soil mechanics will be available.
A. Classification and description of kinematisms and causes of movement I. Natural and Artificial Slopes II. Identification and classification of slope movements III. Description of different kinematisms IV. Landslide triggering mechanisms B. Methods of stability analysis I. Numerical and Analytical methods of slope stability II. The Limit Equilibrium method: the infinite slope and the methods of slices III. Soil slope stability analysis with the Limit Equilibrium method. Drained and Undrained conditions. Shear strength parameters IV. Rock slope stability analysis with the Limit Equilibrium method: Planar failure, Wedge failure, Toppling failure V. Rockfall: factors affecting the process and analysis of motion VI. Description of some mitigation and stabilization techniques VII. Slope stability in dynamic conditions
A. Classification and description of kinematisms and causes of movement I. Natural and Artificial Slopes II. Identification and classification of slope movements III. Description of different kinematisms IV. Landslide triggering mechanisms B. Methods of stability analysis I. Numerical and Analytical methods of slope stability II. The Limit Equilibrium method: the infinite slope and the methods of slices III. Soil slope stability analysis with the Limit Equilibrium method. Drained and Undrained conditions. Shear strength parameters IV. Rock slope stability analysis with the Limit Equilibrium method: Planar failure, Wedge failure, Toppling failure V. Rockfall: factors affecting the process and analysis of motion VI. Risk analysis and Description of some mitigation and stabilization techniques VII. Slope stability in dynamic conditions
The course is organized in theoretical lectures and practical lessons. During the practical lessons the students have to solve exercises by applying the theory explained in lectures. Two practical lessons are devoted to verify the stability of a slope with a software. Each student has to calculate the safety factor of a slope with given paramenters. A global sensitivity analysis, based on the the students' calculations is carried out.
The course is organized in theoretical lectures and practical lessons. During the practical lessons the students have to solve exercises by applying the theory explained in lectures. Two practical lessons are devoted to verify the stability of a slope with a software. Each student has to calculate the safety factor of a slope with given paramenters. A global sensitivity analysis, based on the the students' calculations is carried out.
Reference Books: • Landslides: Investigation and mitigation Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington, 1996. • Rock Slope Stability Analysis, Giani G.P., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993 • Rock Slope Engineering, Duncan & Christopher, based on the Hoek E. & Bray J.W. 3rd ed., London, 4th edition Spon Press- Taylor & Francis Group The slides presented during lectures will be periodically uploaded on the web site of the course
Reference Books: • Landslides: Investigation and mitigation Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington, 1996. • Rock Slope Stability Analysis, Giani G.P., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993 • Rock Slope Engineering, Duncan & Christopher, based on the Hoek E. & Bray J.W. 3rd ed., London, 4th edition Spon Press- Taylor & Francis Group The slides presented during lectures will be periodically uploaded on the web site of the course
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
The oral exam comprises 3 main questions. Questions are related to the topics explained in class. Questions consist of a discussion and/or e solution of a practical exercise.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
The exam is aimed at evaluating knowledge, competences and skills acquired during the course. The student should be able to carry out stability analyses, to select strength parameters and to evaluate the effect of water pressure in a given case. The exam will be oral through a platform of Politecnico di Torino. A group of 4-5 students will be connected contemporarily according to a calendar that will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment. The oral exam comprises 3 main questions. Questions are related to the topics explained in class. Questions consist of discussion of a given topic and/or the solution of a practical exercise. The exam duration is about 2 hours for each group of 4-5 students.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
The oral exam comprises 3 main questions. Questions are related to the topics explained in class. Questions consist of a discussion and/or e solution of a practical exercise.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
There is no option for performing part of the exam onsite and part online. The assessment and grading criteria are the same of those of ONLINE exam. ONSITE: The exam is aimed at evaluating knowledge, competences and skills acquired during the course. The student should be able to carry out stability analyses, to select strength parameters and to evaluate the effect of water pressure in a given case. The exam will be oral. A group of 4-5 students will be present contemporarily according to a calendar that will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment. The oral exam comprises 3 main questions. Questions are related to the topics explained in class. Questions consist of discussion of a given topic and/or the solution of a practical exercise. The exam duration is about 2 hours for each group of 4-5 students.
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