The course provides knowledge, competences and skills about the use of geophysical methods, with special focus on seismic reflection technique, in hydrocarbon exploration. The course is devoted to students with different backgrounds and it is aimed at supplying fundamental knowledge about seismic method principles and technologies, data processing and interpretation in the context of reservoir discovery, characterization and exploitation. The subject is inherently linked to reservoir modelling, drilling, petroleum geology end geomechanics.
The course provides knowledge, competences and skills about the use of geophysical methods, with special focus on seismic reflection technique, in hydrocarbon exploration. The course is devoted to students with different backgrounds and it is aimed at supplying fundamental knowledge about seismic method principles and technologies, data processing and interpretation in the context of reservoir discovery, characterization and exploitation. The subject is inherently linked to reservoir modelling, drilling, petroleum geology end geomechanics.
The fundamental knowledge provided by the course during classroom lectures concerns signal processing methods used for geophysical data processing, petrophysical properties of rocks, and the physical phenomena which are used in seismic exploration (seismic wave propagation in natural heterogeneous materials). The course will deepen the geophysical exploration techniques focusing on seismic reflection method (with regards to technical and technological aspects of land and marine data acquisition, seismic signal processing methods and seismic data interpretation).
The course aims at reaching competence in simplified seismic data modelling, processing and interpretation through individual computer lab work, during which, the students will apply the fundamental knowledge concepts provided during classroom lectures and implement simple modelling and processing tools that will enable them to consolidate their basic knowledge and improve their practical skills.
Seismic data interpretation skill will be developed and trained during team work using industry data.
The fundamental knowledge provided by the course during classroom lectures concerns signal processing methods used for geophysical data processing, petrophysical properties of rocks, and the physical phenomena which are used in seismic exploration (seismic wave propagation in natural heterogeneous materials). The course will deepen the geophysical exploration techniques focusing on seismic reflection method (with regards to technical and technological aspects of land and marine data acquisition, seismic signal processing methods and seismic data interpretation).
The course aims at reaching competence in simplified seismic data modelling, processing and interpretation through individual computer lab work, during which, the students will apply the fundamental knowledge concepts provided during classroom lectures and implement simple modelling and processing tools that will enable them to consolidate their basic knowledge and improve their practical skills.
Seismic data interpretation skill will be developed and trained during team work using industry data.
Fundamental knowledge of math, physics and geology are required.
Fundamental knowledge of math, physics and geology are required.
Introduction: basic concepts of geophysical methods and applications (0.5 credits);
Signal processing: analog-digital signal; frequency, amplitude, phase; Fourier analysis and synthesis; main features of amplitude and phase spectr; sampling and data loggers; impulse response and convolution integral; digital filters (1 credits)
Seismic waves in layered media: seismic wave equations in homogeneous, isotropic, elastic media; seismic wave propagation in homogeneous, isotropic, elastic half-space: body and surface waves; wave fronts and Huygens principle; seismic wave propagation in layered media: seismic ray, Fermat principle and Snell law. Direct, reflected and refracted waves in layered media; the seismogram; seismic wave propagation in real media: attenuation. (1.3 credits).
Seismic exploration: seismic acquisition technologies: sources, sensors, cables, data-loggers for land and marine surveys; seismic reflection: acquisition, logistic, multifold data and coverage, 2D and 3D; seismic reflection data processing: editing, filtering, static corrections, CMP sorting, deconvolution, velocity analysis, NMO correction, stacking, migration. (1.3 credits)
Seismic interpretation: geological and structural interpretation, convolutional model and seismic resolution; amplitude interpretation: AVO and AVA basic principles, cross-plots and applications; seismic attributes: evolution, classification and applications; 4D seismic and reservoir monitoring. (2.5 credit)
Petrophysics: physical properties of rocks: porosity, density, elastic moduli, permeability, effects of temperature and pressure gradients, effects of fluids; analytical and empirical relationships between physical properties and measured geophysical parameters. (1 credit)
Inversion: forward and inverse problems in geophysics; linear inverse problems, weakly non-linear problems and strongly non-linear problems; information content of data; deterministic solution techniques: least squares, damping and regularization, data and model resolution matrices; stochastic solution techniques: Monte Carlo method, simulated annealing, neural networks and genetic algorithms; application to seismic tomography and acoustic impedance estimate. (0.4 credits)
Introduction: basic concepts of geophysical methods and applications (0.5 credits);
Signal processing: analog-digital signal; frequency, amplitude, phase; Fourier analysis and synthesis; main features of amplitude and phase spectr; sampling and data loggers; impulse response and convolution integral; digital filters (1 credits)
Seismic waves in layered media: seismic wave equations in homogeneous, isotropic, elastic media; seismic wave propagation in homogeneous, isotropic, elastic half-space: body and surface waves; wave fronts and Huygens principle; seismic wave propagation in layered media: seismic ray, Fermat principle and Snell law. Direct, reflected and refracted waves in layered media; the seismogram; seismic wave propagation in real media: attenuation. (1.3 credits).
Seismic exploration: seismic acquisition technologies: sources, sensors, cables, data-loggers for land and marine surveys; seismic reflection: acquisition, logistic, multifold data and coverage, 2D and 3D; seismic reflection data processing: editing, filtering, static corrections, CMP sorting, deconvolution, velocity analysis, NMO correction, stacking, migration. (1.3 credits)
Seismic interpretation: geological and structural interpretation, convolutional model and seismic resolution; amplitude interpretation: AVO and AVA basic principles, cross-plots and applications; seismic attributes: evolution, classification and applications; 4D seismic and reservoir monitoring. (2.5 credit)
Petrophysics: physical properties of rocks: porosity, density, elastic moduli, permeability, effects of temperature and pressure gradients, effects of fluids; analytical and empirical relationships between physical properties and measured geophysical parameters. (1 credit)
Inversion: forward and inverse problems in geophysics; linear inverse problems, weakly non-linear problems and strongly non-linear problems; information content of data; deterministic solution techniques: least squares, damping and regularization, data and model resolution matrices; stochastic solution techniques: Monte Carlo method, simulated annealing, neural networks and genetic algorithms; application to seismic tomography and acoustic impedance estimate. (0.4 credits)
The course is 80 hours long and it is organised as follows:
about 46 hours are dedicated to lectures about fundamental and technical knowledge. During lectures students are often involved with questions and exercises carried out individually but discussed with the whole group of students to assess the comprehension of principles and theory.
18 hours are dedicated to computer lab individual assignments which are carried out by the students with the supervision of the professor and/or an expert assistant. This activity has the task of developing competence and deepening the understanding of fundamental principles and methods.
about 16 hours are dedicated to seminars and practical lab with the additional presence of expert instructors from industry. The practical labs are carried out in teams using real industry data and are aimed at developping ability and interpretation skills.
The course is 80 hours long and it is organised as follows:
about 46 hours are dedicated to lectures about fundamental and technical knowledge. During lectures students are often involved with questions and exercises carried out individually but discussed with the whole group of students to assess the comprehension of principles and theory.
18 hours are dedicated to computer lab individual assignments which are carried out by the students with the supervision of the professor and/or an expert assistant. This activity has the task of developing competence and deepening the understanding of fundamental principles and methods.
about 16 hours are dedicated to seminars and practical lab with the additional presence of expert instructors from industry. The practical labs are carried out in teams using real industry data and are aimed at developping ability and interpretation skills.
Books of reference (available at Department library):
W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart e R.E.Sheriff: Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press
M.B. Dobrin, C.H. Savit: Geophysical Prospecting, McGraw-Hill
O. Ylmaz: Seismic data processing, SEG.
M. Bacon, R. Simm, and T. Redshaw: 3D seismic interpretation. Cambridge University Press.
Material available on the web (portale della didattica): lecture slides, limited portions of reference books; scientific papers (tutorial and basic papers) as further readings, collection of exercises; homework assignments.
Books of reference (available at Department library):
W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart e R.E.Sheriff: Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University Press
M.B. Dobrin, C.H. Savit: Geophysical Prospecting, McGraw-Hill
O. Ylmaz: Seismic data processing, SEG.
M. Bacon, R. Simm, and T. Redshaw: 3D seismic interpretation. Cambridge University Press.
Material available on the web (portale della didattica): lecture slides, limited portions of reference books; scientific papers (tutorial and basic papers) as further readings, collection of exercises; homework assignments.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
The exam will be oral through BBB platform. A group of 4-5 students will be connected contemporarily according to a calendar that will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment. The exam will consist on questions and exercises of the same kind of those normally used solved in class. The oral exam will be divided in 3 parts:
1) Open and closed questions or simple exercises
2) Exercise
3) Paper discussion
the exam duration is about 2 hours for each group of 4-5 students.
To access exercise it is needed to pass question part and to access to paper discussion it is needed to pass questions and exercise.
The final mark is composed as follows:
max 25 points for part 1) and 2),
from -3 to + 4 for paper discussion,
only after passing part 1) 2) and 3) the assignment marks will be added.
Rules during online oral exams:
the student must show his/her identification document and this will be compared with the student’s photo available in the database of the University;
a witness (who is not a member of the Board of Examiners) will be present during the exam;
the student must declare that he/she is not using any aid or support tool and that nobody is in the room to help him/her during the exam.
the student must be alone in the room, on a table clean from papers/pad /phone or whatever else than your pocket calculator, white papers, a pen and equation sheet (printed).
the student might be asked to share the screen during questions.
If the connection will be lost during the answer the exam will have to be restarted from scratch. It is decision of the professor to offer opportunities for redoing the exam in case of technical problems.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
The exam is aimed at evaluating knowledge, competences and skills acquired during the course. It consists on the evaluation of the computer lab assignments carried on during the course and an oral exam.
The assignments 1, 2, and 3, if correctly made and delivered before deadline, will provide 1, 1.5, and 1.5 point respectively (maximum total points for the assignment 4). Assignments are not mandatory but, to be considered, at least one out of two lab class should be attended. (till 2016/17 only 2 assignment were carried out with max total point equal to 3).The points attributed to the individual assignments are added to the oral exam mark.
The exam will be oral through BBB platform. A group of 4-5 students will be connected contemporarily according to a calendar that will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment. To access the oral exam a quick test with ten multiple choice questions will be carried out and at least 7 correct answers will be required. The exam will consist on questions and exercises of the same kind of those normally used solved in class. The oral exam will be divided in 3 parts:
1) Open and closed questions or simple exercises
2) Exercise
3) Paper discussion
the exam duration is about 2 hours for each group of 4-5 students.
To access exercise it is needed to pass question part and to access to paper discussion it is needed to pass questions and exercise.
The final mark is composed as follows:
max 25 points for part 1) and 2),
from -3 to + 4 for paper discussion,
only after passing part 1) 2) and 3) the assignment marks will be added.
Rules during online oral exams:
the student must show his/her identification document and this will be compared with the student’s photo available in the database of the University;
a witness (who is not a member of the Board of Examiners) will be present during the exam;
the student must declare that he/she is not using any aid or support tool and that nobody is in the room to help him/her during the exam.
the student must be alone in the room, on a table clean from papers/pad /phone or whatever else than your pocket calculator, white papers, a pen and equation sheet (printed).
the student might be asked to share the screen during questions.
If the connection will be lost during the answer the exam will have to be restarted from scratch. It is decision of the professor to offer opportunities for redoing the exam in case of technical problems.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
The exam is aimed at evaluating knowledge, competences and skills acquired during the course. It consists on the evaluation of the computer lab assignments carried on during the course and an oral exam.
The assignments 1, 2, and 3, if correctly made and delivered before deadline, will provide 1, 1.5, and 1.5 point respectively (maximum total points for the assignment 4). Assignments are not mandatory but, to be considered, at least one out of two lab class should be attended. (till 2016/17 only 2 assignment were carried out with max total point equal to 3).The points attributed to the individual assignments are added to the oral exam mark.
The exam will be oral. A calendar will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment and every day a group of max 16 students will give the exam. The exam will start with a quick test with 10 multiple choice questions, The minimum number of correct answer to be admitted to oral exam is 7 . The exam will consist on questions and exercises of the same kind of those normally solved in class. The oral exam will be divided in 3 parts:
1) Open and closed questions or simple exercises
2) Exercise
3) Paper discussion
the exam duration is about 30-40 minutes.
To access exercise it is needed to pass question part and to access to paper discussion it is needed to pass questions and exercise.
The final mark is composed as follows:
max 25 points for part 1) and 2),
from -3 to + 4 for paper discussion,
only after passing part 1) 2) and 3) the assignment marks will be added.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
The exam is aimed at evaluating knowledge, competences and skills acquired during the course. It consists on the evaluation of the computer lab assignments carried on during the course and an oral exam.
The assignments 1, 2, and 3, if correctly made and delivered before deadline, will provide 1, 1.5, and 1.5 point respectively (maximum total points for the assignment 4). Assignments are not mandatory but, to be considered, at least one out of two lab class should be attended. (till 2016/17 only 2 assignment were carried out with max total point equal to 3).The points attributed to the individual assignments are added to the oral exam mark.
The exam will be oral. A calendar will be published on the course page after the term for exam enrollment and every day a group of max 16 students will give the exam. The exam will start with a quick test with 10 multiple choice questions, The minimum number of correct answer to be admitted to oral exam is 7 . The exam will consist on questions and exercises of the same kind of those normally solved in class. The oral exam will be divided in 3 parts:
1) Open and closed questions or simple exercises
2) Exercise
3) Paper discussion
the exam duration is about 30-40 minutes.
To access exercise it is needed to pass question part and to access to paper discussion it is needed to pass questions and exercise.
The final mark is composed as follows:
max 25 points for part 1) and 2),
from -3 to + 4 for paper discussion,
only after passing part 1) 2) and 3) the assignment marks will be added.