Elenco notifiche

Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning Systems


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica E Paesaggistico-Ambientale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 48
Esercitazioni in aula 12
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Cotella Giancarlo Professore Ordinario CEAR-12/A 48 12 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/20 6 B - Caratterizzanti Urbanistica e pianificazione
Territorial governance is the decision-making process through which the political power assigns the rights for land use and development, through the use of spatial planning. Through time, all countries in the world have progressively developed and consolidated territorial governance and spatial planning systems that are a more or less direct consequence of their model of society, their administrative traditions and technical cultures. In addition to national territorial governance and spatial planning systems, since the Second World War a number of transnational organization instituted and consolidated, may they be supranational or intergovernmental in nature, as an answer to the incremental emergence of globalization tendencies. Despite not being characterised by any territorial governance and spatial planning system, such organizations concur, to a greater or lesser extent, to shaping the evolution of urban and territorial policies in the various countries. This occurs through the development of more or less coercive guidance documents (e.g. The European Spatial development Perspective or the United Nations' New Urban Agenda), through the provision of specific development actions and incentives (e.g. World Banks' financial support to local development, EU cohesion policy etc.), or even through the development of rules and regulations to be taken on board by countries (e.g. as in the case of those areas in which the European Union detains direct competence). The course addresses the issues and problems outlined above, in order to provide students with a critical comparison of the selected territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe and beyond, as well as an informed perspective of the institutional and operational influence of transnational organizations over domestic contexts, with particular attention for the European Union.
Territorial governance is the decision-making process through which the political power assigns the rights for land use and development, through the use of spatial planning. Through time, all countries in the world have progressively developed and consolidated territorial governance and spatial planning systems that are a more or less direct consequence of their model of society, their administrative traditions and technical cultures. In addition to national territorial governance and spatial planning systems, since the Second World War a number of transnational organization instituted and consolidated, may they be supranational or intergovernmental in nature, as an answer to the incremental emergence of globalization tendencies. Despite not being characterised by any territorial governance and spatial planning system, such organizations concur, to a greater or lesser extent, to shaping the evolution of urban and territorial policies in the various countries. This occurs through the development of more or less coercive guidance documents (e.g. The European Spatial development Perspective or the United Nations' New Urban Agenda), through the provision of specific development actions and incentives (e.g. World Banks' financial support to local development, EU cohesion policy etc.), or even through the development of rules and regulations to be taken on board by countries (e.g. as in the case of those areas in which the European Union detains direct competence). The course addresses the issues and problems outlined above, in order to provide students with a critical comparison of the selected territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe and beyond, as well as an informed perspective of the institutional and operational influence of transnational organizations over domestic contexts, with particular attention for the European Union.
The course aims to convey to the student the following knowledge: - analytical elements to define a territorial governance and spatial planning system; - territorial governance systems in key European countries and in other regions of the world (e.g. Japan, United States, South American countries etc.) - institutional reasons of the EU intervention in the field of territorial governance, main features of European spatial planning; - nature of the process of European territorial governance and forms of interaction with the territorial governance systems in Europe; - nature of other transnational and/or intergovernmental institutions that have a more or less explicit territorial governance and spatial planning agenda. The course aims, therefore, to give the student the following skills: - ability to distinguish the significant characters of a territorial governance and spatial planning system; - ability to recognize the main instruments of spatial planning in a country; - ability to understand the institutional and operational complexity of spatial planning in Europe. - ability to recognise and describe existing transnational and/or intergovernmental institutions and the main features of their territorial governance and spatial planning agendas
The course aims to convey to the student the following knowledge: - analytical elements to define a territorial governance and spatial planning system; - territorial governance systems in key European countries and in other regions of the world (e.g. Japan, United States, South American countries etc.) - institutional reasons of the EU intervention in the field of territorial governance, main features of European spatial planning; - nature of the process of European territorial governance and forms of interaction with the territorial governance systems in Europe; - nature of other transnational and/or intergovernmental institutions that have a more or less explicit territorial governance and spatial planning agenda. The course aims, therefore, to give the student the following skills: - ability to distinguish the significant characters of a territorial governance and spatial planning system; - ability to recognize the main instruments of spatial planning in a country; - ability to understand the institutional and operational complexity of spatial planning in Europe. - ability to recognise and describe existing transnational and/or intergovernmental institutions and the main features of their territorial governance and spatial planning agendas
Basic knowledge of the territorial governance institutions and of the spatial planning instruments in Italy and/or in another State.
Basic knowledge of the territorial governance institutions and of the spatial planning instruments in Italy and/or in another State.
After a preliminary introduction to the what is intended with territorial governance and spatial planning systems, and an overview of the existing classifications of territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe and in the world, the course will be divided in three parts: Part I. Territorial governance and spatial planning in the European States. The first part of the course will explore the operational characteristics of territorial governance and spatial planning in four European countries will be presented in details, paying attention to both the institutional structure of the systems and the spatial planning tools, as well as to the discursive elements that characterise the domestic agendas and practical issues related to spatial planning implementation. Part II. Territorial governance and spatial planning in other parts of the world. In the second part of the module, selected examples will be provided, trying to provide the students with a panoramic view on how territorial governance and spatial planning works outside the European continent. The proposed case studies will touch upon the Unites States, Japan, South American countries as well as developing countries of Africa and southern Asia. Part III. The transnational dimension of territorial governance This third part of the course will concentrate on the role played by supranational, international and intergovernmental organizations in promoting territorial development and, more in particular, in influencing the progressive evolution of domestic territorial governance and spatial planning systems. The territorial policies of the European Union will be presented, together with the EU tools for intervention in territorial governance, and the definition of emerging concepts such as "European spatial planning" and "European territorial governance". At the same time, the role of other international and intergovernmental organizations will be taken into account (e.g. the role of the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the OECD, the World Bank etc.).
After a preliminary introduction to the what is intended with territorial governance and spatial planning systems, and an overview of the existing classifications of territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe and in the world, the course will be divided in three parts: Part I. Territorial governance and spatial planning in the European States. The first part of the course will explore the operational characteristics of territorial governance and spatial planning in four European countries will be presented in details, paying attention to both the institutional structure of the systems and the spatial planning tools, as well as to the discursive elements that characterise the domestic agendas and practical issues related to spatial planning implementation. Part II. Territorial governance and spatial planning in other parts of the world. In the second part of the module, selected examples will be provided, trying to provide the students with a panoramic view on how territorial governance and spatial planning works outside the European continent. The proposed case studies will touch upon the Unites States, Japan, South American countries as well as developing countries of Africa and southern Asia. Part III. The transnational dimension of territorial governance This third part of the course will concentrate on the role played by supranational, international and intergovernmental organizations in promoting territorial development and, more in particular, in influencing the progressive evolution of domestic territorial governance and spatial planning systems. The territorial policies of the European Union will be presented, together with the EU tools for intervention in territorial governance, and the definition of emerging concepts such as "European spatial planning" and "European territorial governance". At the same time, the role of other international and intergovernmental organizations will be taken into account (e.g. the role of the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the OECD, the World Bank etc.).
Teaching is organized through the following 11 lectures (PRELIMINARY - To Be Confirmed): 1. Territorial governance and spatial planning systems. Definition and preliminary overview PART I 2. France 3. United Kingdom 4. Germany 5. Poland PART II 6. United States 7. Japan 8. Selected South American examples 9. Planning in developing countries PART III 10. European Union territorial governance and the "Europeanization" of spatial planning 11. The role of international and intergovernmental organizations Moreover, students are required to prepare (in small groups of 3-4 people) a presentation of a short essay concerning the topics discussed during the lectures (exact topics will be presented during the first week of classes). This activity, the details of which will be specified in the classroom, will require each group to produce a presentation (that will take place during the lectures) and a short essay (to be delivered during the last lecture).
Teaching is organized through the following 11 lectures (PRELIMINARY - To Be Confirmed): 1. Territorial governance and spatial planning systems. Definition and preliminary overview PART I 2. Italy 3. France 4. United Kingdom 5. Germany 6. Poland PART II 7. Western Balkan 8. United States 9. Japan 10. Selected South American examples 11. Planning in developing countries PART III 12. European Union territorial governance and the "Europeanization" of spatial planning 13. The role of international and intergovernmental organizations Moreover, students are required to prepare (in small groups of 3-4 people) a presentation of a short essay concerning the topics discussed during the lectures (exact topics will be presented during the first week of classes). This activity, the details of which will be specified in the classroom, will require each group to produce a presentation (that will take place during the lectures) and a short essay (to be delivered during the last lecture).
The materials for the study of the topics of the course consist of (1) the traces of the lectures, (2) specific texts (papers and/or book chapters) pertinent to each lecture, that will be indicated by the lecturer in due time and (3) individual notes. In particular, participation to the lectures is required and students are required to collect their notes individually. To facilitate this activity, the traces of the lectures will be made available in time on the teaching web-portal. Other texts (books, essays, reports, scientific articles, web-links, movies) will be suggested during the course in relation to the topics discussed.
The materials for the study of the topics of the course consist of (1) the traces of the lectures, (2) specific texts (papers and/or book chapters) pertinent to each lecture, that will be indicated by the lecturer in due time and (3) individual notes. In particular, participation to the lectures is required and students are required to collect their notes individually. To facilitate this activity, the traces of the lectures will be made available in time on the teaching web-portal. Other texts (books, essays, reports, scientific articles, web-links, movies) will be suggested during the course in relation to the topics discussed.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo;
Each student's final assessment is composed by the following elements: a) the results of a oral exam (maximum 20 points); b) the evaluation of a group project, consisting in a presentation and a short essay (maximum 10 points); Students will be required to work in groups (3-4 students) to unfold specific issues dealt with during the lectures. Each group will then have to (i) present the result of their research in a ad hoc series of seminars that will take place during the course and (ii) produce a short essay to be delivered during the last lecture of the course. The presentation+essay account for a maximum of 10 points.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
Each student's final assessment is composed by the following elements: a) the results of a oral exam - online (maximum 20 points); b) the evaluation of a group project, consisting in a presentation and a short essay (maximum 10 points); Students will be required to work in groups (3-4 students) to unfold specific issues dealt with during the lectures. Each group will then have to (i) present the result of their research in a ad hoc series of seminars that will take place during the course and (ii) produce a short essay to be delivered during the last lecture of the course. The presentation+essay account for a maximum of 10 points.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo;
Each student's final assessment is composed by the following elements: a) the results of a oral exam (maximum 20 points); b) the evaluation of a group project, consisting in a presentation and a short essay (maximum 10 points); Students will be required to work in groups (3-4 students) to unfold specific issues dealt with during the lectures. Each group will then have to (i) present the result of their research in a ad hoc series of seminars that will take place during the course and (ii) produce a short essay to be delivered during the last lecture of the course. The presentation+essay account for a maximum of 10 points.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
Each student's final assessment is composed by the following elements: a) the results of a oral exam - that can be both online and onsite (maximum 20 points); b) the evaluation of a group project, consisting in a presentation and a short essay (maximum 10 points); Students will be required to work in groups (3-4 students) to unfold specific issues dealt with during the lectures. Each group will then have to (i) present the result of their research in a ad hoc series of seminars that will take place during the course and (ii) produce a short essay to be delivered during the last lecture of the course. The presentation+essay account for a maximum of 10 points.
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