Elenco notifiche

Analysis and design of geotechnical structures and earthworks


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 42
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Barbero Monica Professore Associato CEAR-05/A 42 18 0 0 7

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/07 6 D - A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
The course aims to provide the basis for the design of geotechnical works in all its stages, starting from the site characterization to the work execution. The skills needed to face a geotechnical problem and to provide the engineering solution and its design, as well as to produce a detailed and rigorous technical report, are given. Building on previous knowledge of Geotechnics, the course considers detailed analyses, by means of analytical and numerical approaches, to assess the safety of new and existing geotechnical works with the aim to mitigate the risk for people, facilities and infrastructure because of geotechnical problems.
The course aims to provide the basis for the design of geotechnical works in all its stages, starting from the site characterization to the work execution. The skills needed to face a geotechnical problem and to provide the engineering solution and its design, as well as to produce a detailed and rigorous technical report, are given. Building on previous knowledge of Geotechnics, the course considers detailed analyses, by means of analytical and numerical approaches, to assess the safety of new and existing geotechnical works with the aim to mitigate the risk for people, facilities and infrastructure because of geotechnical problems.
The student are provided with the necessary tools for understanding the specific issue related to geotechnical works. They acquire the ability of analysing a geotechnical problem, identifying the engineering solution and designing it, by means of analytic and numerical tools. They are taught to produce a complete and rigorous geotechnical report.
The student are provided with the necessary tools for understanding the specific issue related to geotechnical works. They acquire the ability of analysing a geotechnical problem, identifying the engineering solution and designing it, by means of analytic and numerical tools. They are taught to produce a complete and rigorous geotechnical report.
For understanding the topics covered in the course, the knowledge of the basic elements of Soil Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Structural Engineering and Foundations is fundamental.
For understanding the topics covered in the course, the knowledge of the basic elements of Soil Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Structural Engineering and Foundations is fundamental.
The main features of geotechnical works and the tools available for their analysis and design are introduced in lectures and tutorials. Specifically, the following main topics are considered: LECTURES - Basics of rock mechanics - Analysis of the stability of soil and rock natural slopes and excavations - Geotechnical works for mitigating the risk due to soil and rock stability problems: soil and reinforced soil structures (embankments, dams); soil and rock slopes stabilization systems (anchorages, bars); defence works (rockfall barriers, rockfall nets, rockfall embankments); ground improvement (micro drains, draining wells, jet grouting, soil nailing) TUTORIALS Tutorials involve the use of different geotechnical software to learn how to implement the design procedures discussed during the lectures and to develop a specific project. The latter aims at the complete design of a geotechnical work, starting from the development of the geotechnical model on the basis of available site investigation data, followed by the choice of the appropriate engineering solution and its design. The final product is a complete and rigorous technical report, including graphical representation and estimation of construction costs.
The main features of geotechnical works and the tools available for their analysis and design are introduced in lectures and tutorials. Specifically, the following main topics are considered: LECTURES - Basics of rock mechanics - Analysis of the stability of soil and rock natural slopes and excavations - Geotechnical works for mitigating the risk due to soil and rock stability problems: soil and reinforced soil structures (embankments, dams); soil and rock slopes stabilization systems (anchorages, bars); defence works (rockfall barriers, rockfall nets, rockfall embankments); ground improvement (micro drains, draining wells, jet grouting, soil nailing) TUTORIALS Tutorials involve the use of different geotechnical software to learn how to implement the design procedures discussed during the lectures and to develop a specific project. The latter aims at the complete design of a geotechnical work, starting from the development of the geotechnical model on the basis of available site investigation data, followed by the choice of the appropriate engineering solution and its design. The final product is a complete and rigorous technical report, including graphical representation and estimation of construction costs.
The contents are delivered through lectures and tutorials at Computer Labs. The latter are devoted to the use of some geotechnical software that have to be used for the development of a specific project. Home-works focused on the preparation of a final project are planned. The drafting of a complete technical report is the final product due by the students.
The contents are delivered through lectures and tutorials at Computer Labs. The latter are devoted to the use of some geotechnical software that have to be used for the development of a specific project. Home-works focused on the preparation of a final project are planned. The drafting of a complete technical report is the final product due by the students.
The material shown during the lectures is available on the portal. The following texts are suggested for further investigation: • R. Lancellotta (2009). "Geotechnical Engineering" 2nd edition. Taylor & Francis, Abingdon (UK) and New York (USA) • R. Lancellotta, J. Calavera (1999). "Fondazioni". McGraw-Hill, Italia • R. Lancellotta, D.Costanzo, S. Foti (2011). "Progettazione geotecnica secondo l’Eurocodice 7 (UNI EN 1997) e le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (NTC 2008)". Hoepli, Milano (ITALY)
The material shown during the lectures is available on the portal. The following texts are suggested for further investigation: • R. Lancellotta (2009). "Geotechnical Engineering" 2nd edition. Taylor & Francis, Abingdon (UK) and New York (USA) • R. Lancellotta, J. Calavera (1999). "Fondazioni". McGraw-Hill, Italia • R. Lancellotta, D.Costanzo, S. Foti (2011). "Progettazione geotecnica secondo l’Eurocodice 7 (UNI EN 1997) e le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (NTC 2008)". Hoepli, Milano (ITALY)
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Technical reports on projects assigned during the course are required. They will be discussed during the oral exam. The final mark is calculated on the basis of the oral exam and the discussion on the projects, taking into account the evaluation of the technical reports.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
Technical reports on projects assigned during the course are required. They will be discussed during the oral exam. The final mark is calculated on the basis of the oral exam and the discussion on the projects, taking into account the evaluation of the technical reports.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Technical reports on projects assigned during the course are required. They will be discussed during the oral exam. The final mark is calculated on the basis of the oral exam and the discussion on the projects, taking into account the evaluation of the technical reports.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
Technical reports on projects assigned during the course are required. They will be discussed during the oral exam. The final mark is calculated on the basis of the oral exam and the discussion on the projects, taking into account the evaluation of the technical reports.
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