Elenco notifiche

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and energy efficiency in buildings


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Energetica - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Fabrizio Enrico Professore Ordinario IIND-07/B 10 0 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Energy consumption of buildings significantly depends on indoor environment requirements, building design and operation and systems. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) includes thermal, indoor air, light and acoustics aspects of the indoor environment. IEQ affects health and productivity of the occupants and hence its evaluation is crucial for the occupant’s behaviour in relation to building spaces and systems (e.g., use and control of windows, shadings, HVAC, lighting, etc.). Recent studies have also demonstrated that costs of the deteriorated indoor environment for the society, employer and building owner are significant. At the same time, latterly the COVID-19 pandemic has driven a complete rethinking of strategies for the management of indoor air quality, indoor environmental quality and also the ergonomics of indoor environments. A correct assessment of building energy performance has to properly take into account IEQ aspects; to this purpose, several international standards and guidelines have been introduced with the aim to provide criteria for thermal comfort, air quality, acoustic and visual comfort. This course provides design criteria for IEQ of different types of buildings, methodologies for performing in-field measurements and subjective surveys. Eventually the course is aimed at discussing the most important factors related to IEQ influencing the building energy performance at both the design and operational stages.
Energy consumption of buildings significantly depends on indoor environment requirements, building design and operation and systems. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) includes thermal, indoor air, light and acoustics aspects of the indoor environment. IEQ affects health and productivity of the occupants and hence its evaluation is crucial for the occupant’s behaviour in relation to building spaces and systems (e.g., use and control of windows, shadings, HVAC, lighting, etc.). Recent studies have also demonstrated that costs of the deteriorated indoor environment for the society, employer and building owner are significant. At the same time, latterly the COVID-19 pandemic has driven a complete rethinking of strategies for the management of indoor air quality, indoor environmental quality and also the ergonomics of indoor environments. A correct assessment of building energy performance has to properly take into account IEQ aspects; to this purpose, several international standards and guidelines have been introduced with the aim to provide criteria for thermal comfort, air quality, acoustic and visual comfort. This course provides design criteria for IEQ of different types of buildings, methodologies for performing in-field measurements and subjective surveys. Eventually the course is aimed at discussing the most important factors related to IEQ influencing the building energy performance at both the design and operational stages.
Teoria: 3 ore (Fabrizio): Introduzione alla qualità dell’ambiente interno. Criteri per il progetto e per i calcoli di verifica dei consumi energetici. Valutazione di lungo periodo della qualità dell’ambiente interno. Edifici esistenti e POE (Post Occupancy Evaluation). Classificazione e certificazione della qualità dell’ambiente interno. Teoria: 3 ore (Fabrizio): Ambiente termico. Criteri per ambienti interni climatizzati meccanicamente. Discomfort termici locali. Valutazioni soggettive. Teoria: 3 ore (Capozzoli) Criteri per edifici non climatizzati meccanicamente. Modelli di comfort adattativo. Laboratorio: 1.5 ore. (Fabrizio) Sessione pratica (misura del comfort termico). Theory: 4 ore (Capozzoli): Qualità dell’aria e portate di ventilazione. Criteri per edifici residenziali e non residenziali. Tecniche di misura. L’impatto del COVID-19 sulle strategie per la gestione dell’IAQ, la qualità dell’ambiente interno e l’ergonomia. Laboratorio: 1 ora. (Fabrizio) Sessione pratica: applicazione del blower door test. Laboratorio : 1.5 ore (Fabrizio). Sessione pratica: applicazione della tecnica di misura con i gas traccianti. Laboratorio : 1 ora (Capozzoli). Sessione pratica: visita ad una unità di trattamento dell’aria. Teoria: 3 ore (Pellegrino). Illuminazione artificiale e naturale. Aspetti visivi e non visivi della luce. Criteri per un’illuminazione confortevole e sana all’interno degli edifici non residenziali. Teoria: 3 ore (Astolfi): Requisiti acustici e line guida per assicurare una buona qualità acustica degli ambienti medio-piccoli destinati all’ascolto della parola. Laboratorio: 6 ore (Astolfi e Pellegrino). Misure illuminotecniche. Misura di indici di intelligibilità e di comfort acustico in aule scolastiche. Indagine soggettiva sul comfort acustico percepito.
Theory: 3 hours (Fabrizio): Introduction on indoor environment quality and energy efficiency in buildings. Criteria for the design of building systems and energy calculation. Long-term evaluation of the indoor environment. Existing buildings and post occupancy evaluation. Classification and certification of the indoor environment. Theory: 3 hours (Fabrizio): Thermal environment. Criteria for mechanical heated and/or cooled buildings. Local thermal discomfort. Subjective evaluation. Theory: 3 hours (Capozzoli) Criteria for buildings without mechanical cooling. Principles of adaptive comfort models. Laboratory: 1 hour. (Fabrizio) Practical session (thermal comfort meter) Theory: 4 hours (Capozzoli): Indoor air quality and ventilation rates. Criteria for residential and non-residential buildings. Measurements. The impact of COVID-19 on IAQ control strategies, IEQ and ergonomics. Laboratory: 1.5 hours. (Fabrizio) Practical session: blower door. Laboratory : 1.5 hours (Fabrizio). Gas tracer measurement experiment. Laboratory : 1 hour (Capozzoli). AHU visit Theory: 3 hours Lighting (Pellegrino). Electric lighting and daylighting. Visual and non visual aspects of light. Criteria for comfortable and healthful lighting in non residential buildings. Theory: 3 hours (Astolfi): Acoustic requirements and design guidelines to ensure good acoustic quality, primarily of spoken communication, in small to-medium sized rooms. Laboratory: 6 hours (Astolfi and Pellegrino). Practical session. Lighting measurements. Measurements of speech intelligibility and acoustic comfort parameters in classroom. Subjective survey on perceived acoustic comfort.
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione report scritto
Written report presentation
P.D.1-1 - Gennaio
P.D.1-1 - January