Elenco notifiche

Criticism: a reading and writing on contemporary architecture through case study


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Architettura. Storia E Progetto - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 16
Esercitazioni in aula 4
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Criticism is an important method of reading and understanding architecture. It attracts the attention of the relation between theory and design, by introducing work of theoretic writing where an abstract thinking recreates analogously the process of design. The approaches of criticism firstly regards a theoretical reference and a verification of its projection to the design. Secondly it evokes an anthropological research on architects, their experiences and apprehensions, operations and actions. And a third approach is to demonstrate the ideas of the architects as well as the mechanic process of design. Young Architects from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou will connect to the classes, to bring their experience to the discussion.
Criticism is an important method of reading and understanding architecture. It attracts the attention of the relation between theory and design, by introducing work of theoretic writing where an abstract thinking recreates analogously the process of design. The approaches of criticism firstly regards a theoretical reference and a verification of its projection to the design. Secondly it evokes an anthropological research on architects, their experiences and apprehensions, operations and actions. And a third approach is to demonstrate the ideas of the architects as well as the mechanic process of design. Young Architects from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou will connect to the classes, to bring their experience to the discussion.
The structure of the Course is based on case studies and text analysis. It puts attention to the basic topics of architectural design, through some keywords. The comparative reading of different texts encourages first the mapping of authors’ ideas then related individual expansions and explanations. It does not intend to find a direct connection between Chinese and European criticisms, rather a re-critic to launch a solid valuable analogy. The outcome of this course will be presentations made by participants featuring their own materials on the topics discussed. A collaboration with Chinese Magazine “New Architecture” is included.
The structure of the Course is based on case studies and text analysis. It puts attention to the basic topics of architectural design, through some keywords. The comparative reading of different texts encourages first the mapping of authors’ ideas then related individual expansions and explanations. It does not intend to find a direct connection between Chinese and European criticisms, rather a re-critic to launch a solid valuable analogy. The outcome of this course will be presentations made by participants featuring their own materials on the topics discussed. A collaboration with Chinese Magazine “New Architecture” is included.
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione orale - Presentazione report scritto
Oral presentation - Written report presentation
P.D.1-1 - Novembre
P.D.1-1 - November