Elenco notifiche

BiM and interoperability for SMART Cities processes and Tools


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Urban And Regional Development - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Del Giudice Matteo   Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 art.24-B CEAR-10/A 10 0 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Nowadays, Architecture Engineering Construction, and Operations (AECO) industry is crossing a transition period led by digitalization. This driving impulse is due to several factors linked to climate change and current economic conditions. For this reason, the evolution of cities into smart cities is closely correlated to the adoption of innovative processes and tools in line with the requirements of the European Commission. Several researches are ongoing, starting from the creation of digital platforms that manage large amounts of graphic and alphanumeric data for energy assessment on a building / urban scale. Hence, the development of virtual 3D city models able to collect, monitor, and extract information from various datasets to optimize data management of the city is one of the most interesting topics of the last decades linked to the concept of Digital Twin (DT). One of the principal key points consists of the adoption of innovative methods such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), a methodology for the digital managing of information along the whole building life cycle. The main features of BIM will be present, based on the development of a parametric 3D model, and the benefits of interoperability. The main challenges and indications on information modeling with BIM will be outlined for possible interactions with other data domains (i.e. GIS). In this way, the description of the District Information Model (DIM) approach based on a Digital Twin (DT) idea will be presented, based on the experience gained in recent research projects. The course will be focused on presenting the BIM models characteristics aimed at various uses such as energy optimization, focusing on the critical issues related to communication languages and interdisciplinary that have to ensure data transfer from one BIM platform to specific simulations
Nowadays, Architecture Engineering Construction, and Operations (AECO) industry is crossing a transition period led by digitalization. This driving impulse is due to several factors linked to climate change and current economic conditions. For this reason, the evolution of cities into smart cities is closely correlated to the adoption of innovative processes and tools in line with the requirements of the European Commission. Several researches are ongoing, starting from the creation of digital platforms that manage large amounts of graphic and alphanumeric data for energy assessment on a building / urban scale. Hence, the development of virtual 3D city models able to collect, monitor, and extract information from various datasets to optimize data management of the city is one of the most interesting topics of the last decades linked to the concept of Digital Twin (DT). One of the principal key points consists of the adoption of innovative methods such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), a methodology for the digital managing of information along the whole building life cycle. The main features of BIM will be present, based on the development of a parametric 3D model, and the benefits of interoperability. The main challenges and indications on information modeling with BIM will be outlined for possible interactions with other data domains (i.e. GIS). In this way, the description of the District Information Model (DIM) approach based on a Digital Twin (DT) idea will be presented, based on the experience gained in recent research projects. The course will be focused on presenting the BIM models characteristics aimed at various uses such as energy optimization, focusing on the critical issues related to communication languages and interdisciplinary that have to ensure data transfer from one BIM platform to specific simulations
First phase: (7h) 1. BIM introduction 2. BIM tools 3. Setting a model for an existing building 4. Worksharing 5. BIM dimensions (4D, 5D, nD) 6. LODs 7. Interoperability challenges 8. BIM/GIS Interaction 9. ICTs platforms for BIM inclusion 10. BIM Data visualization with VR/AR 11. Future challenges Second phase: (8h) 12. BIM-based case studies (e.g. HBIM, BIM per As-Built) 13. BIM for Digital Twin a. BIM for energy efficiency (i.e. FCA) b. Data management at the urban scale with the DIM (i.e. the DIMMER project) 14. Practical applications
First phase: (7h) 1. BIM introduction 2. BIM tools 3. Setting a model for an existing building 4. Worksharing 5. BIM dimensions (4D, 5D, nD) 6. LODs 7. Interoperability challenges 8. BIM/GIS Interaction 9. ICTs platforms for BIM inclusion 10. BIM Data visualization with VR/AR 11. Future challenges Second phase: (8h) 12. BIM-based case studies (e.g. HBIM, BIM per As-Built) 13. BIM for Digital Twin a. BIM for energy efficiency (i.e. FCA) b. Data management at the urban scale with the DIM (i.e. the DIMMER project) 14. Practical applications
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione orale
Oral presentation
P.D.1-1 - Gennaio
P.D.1-1 - January