Elenco notifiche

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering/Slope stability and Landslide Risk Mitigation


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 48
Esercitazioni in aula 12
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The course aims to provide the necessary knowledge to evaluate the stability conditions of slopes in rock and soil, both natural and artificial. To this end, the various mechanisms of instability and the various analytical and numerical methods to be used in static and dynamic conditions are described. The elements are then provided for the selection and design of structural mitigation measures aimed at slope stabilization and for the evaluation of the contribution provided by the monitoring systems to the study of slope stability.
The course aims to provide the necessary knowledge to evaluate the stability conditions of slopes in rock and soil, both natural and artificial. To this end, the various mechanisms of instability and the various analytical and numerical methods to be used in static and dynamic conditions are described. The elements are then provided for the selection and design of structural mitigation measures aimed at slope stabilization and for the evaluation of the contribution provided by the monitoring systems to the study of slope stability.
Capability to recognize the different kinematic mechanisms, to identify and use the appropriate stability analysis method according to the phenomenon in question, to plan an investigation and monitoring campaign and to choose the most effective mitigation measure.
Capability to recognize the different kinematic mechanisms, to identify and use the appropriate stability analysis method according to the phenomenon in question, to plan an investigation and monitoring campaign and to choose the most effective mitigation measure.
Basics of Hydraulics, Soil mechanics and Foundations.
Basics of Hydraulics, Soil mechanics and Foundations.
- Cognitive activity: landslide census - inventory of landslide phenomena; - Typological prediction: identification and classification of landslides. Identification of the various kinematic mechanisms; - Spatial prediction: description of the monitoring and interpretation systems for the purposes of the description of the failure, identification of the causes of the movement, formulation of the geomechanical model, stability analysis (methods of limit equilibrium, numerical methods, creep); - Temporal prediction: evaluation of the probability of occurrence according to the statistical and mechanical approaches; - Prediction of the evolution and intensity of a landslide phenomenon: Digital model of the terrain. Rheological laws. Problems connected with the numerical modeling of the dynamics of the phenomenon; - Identification of the elements at risk, in terms of number and characteristics; - Analysis of the vulnerability of the elements at risk - Procedure for the realization of hazard and landslide hazard maps. PAI: Hydrogeological planning; - Structural interventions for the safety of inhabited centers and infrastructures: Principles of sizing of stabilization, consolidation and protection works for rock and soil slopes, with particular reference to check dams, filter barriers, embankments, nets, anchorages and excavations, retaining walls, pile works, trenches, sub-horizontal drains, wells and tunnels.
- Cognitive activity: landslide census - inventory of landslide phenomena; - Typological prediction: identification and classification of landslides. Identification of the various kinematic mechanisms; - Spatial prediction: description of the monitoring and interpretation systems for the purposes of the description of the failure, identification of the causes of the movement, formulation of the geomechanical model, stability analysis (methods of limit equilibrium, numerical methods, creep); - Temporal prediction: evaluation of the probability of occurrence according to the statistical and mechanical approaches; - Prediction of the evolution and intensity of a landslide phenomenon: Digital model of the terrain. Rheological laws. Problems connected with the numerical modeling of the dynamics of the phenomenon; - Identification of the elements at risk, in terms of number and characteristics; - Analysis of the vulnerability of the elements at risk - Procedure for the realization of hazard and landslide hazard maps. PAI: Hydrogeological planning; - Structural interventions for the safety of inhabited centers and infrastructures: Principles of sizing of stabilization, consolidation and protection works for rock and soil slopes, with particular reference to check dams, filter barriers, embankments, nets, anchorages and excavations, retaining walls, pile works, trenches, sub-horizontal drains, wells and tunnels.
The course consists of a series of theoretical lessons and practical examples given in classroom. Furthermore, students are propose some projects to develop with computer softwares, during lab hours and at home, on the topics covered during the classroom lessons.
The course consists of a series of theoretical lessons and practical examples given in classroom. Furthermore, students are propose some projects to develop with computer softwares, during lab hours and at home, on the topics covered during the classroom lessons.
The material shown during the lessons is available on the teaching portal. Textbooks: - Landslides: Investigation and mitigation Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington, 1996. - Rock Slope Stability Analysis, Giani G.P., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993.
The material shown during the lessons is available on the teaching portal. Textbooks: - Landslides: Investigation and mitigation Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington, 1996. - Rock Slope Stability Analysis, Giani G.P., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
The exam consists of home projects and an oral exam. Each project has to be carried out at home. Students will work in small groups and have to deliver the work at fixed dates by email. To access the oral exam, all the projects have to be made in due time. Object of the oral exam will be both the projects and the topics dealt with during the lectures. The student has to demonstrate understanding of all the subjects and has to be able to defend the choice made in each of the projects. The final mark will be based on both the quality of the delivered projects and the outcome of the discussion during the oral exam.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual project;
The exam consists of home projects and an oral exam. Each project has to be carried out at home. Students will work in small groups and have to deliver the work at fixed dates by email. To access the oral exam, all the projects have to be made in due time. Object of the oral exam will be both the projects and the topics dealt with during the lectures. The student has to demonstrate understanding of all the subjects and has to be able to defend the choice made in each of the projects. The final mark will be based on both the quality of the delivered projects and the outcome of the discussion during the oral exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The exam consists of home projects and an oral exam. Each project has to be carried out at home. Students will work in small groups and have to deliver the work at fixed dates by email. To access the oral exam, all the projects have to be made in due time. Object of the oral exam will be both the projects and the topics dealt with during the lectures. The student has to demonstrate understanding of all the subjects and has to be able to defend the choice made in each of the projects. The final mark will be based on both the quality of the delivered projects and the outcome of the discussion during the oral exam.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The exam consists of home projects and an oral exam. Each project has to be carried out at home. Students will work in small groups and have to deliver the work at fixed dates by email. To access the oral exam, all the projects have to be made in due time. Object of the oral exam will be both the projects and the topics dealt with during the lectures. The student has to demonstrate understanding of all the subjects and has to be able to defend the choice made in each of the projects. The final mark will be based on both the quality of the delivered projects and the outcome of the discussion during the oral exam.
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