Elenco notifiche

Knowledge of the built heritage in the era of the climate changes


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Edile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 100
Esercitazioni in aula 80
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Osello Anna Professore Ordinario CEAR-10/A 40 0 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
C - Affini o integrative
B - Caratterizzanti
B - Caratterizzanti
F - Altre attività (art. 10)
Architettura e urbanistica
Edilizia e ambiente
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
The course, carried out in the form of an interdisciplinary laboratory, aims to set the methodological elements of the entire course of studies in Green Building, providing innovative tools and methods for the integration and critical interpretation of heterogeneous data functional to the design, starting from the creation of a digital model on the building scale (the Digital Twin of the Green Building). The theoretical concepts are applied to a real case study shared by all the courses of the first year of the master's degree and refers to a building characterized by a constructive and formal identity that make it peculiar and representative in the context of the international heritage.
The course, carried out in the form of an interdisciplinary laboratory, aims to set the methodological elements of the entire course of studies in Green Building, providing innovative tools and methods for the integration and critical interpretation of heterogeneous data functional to the design, starting from the creation of a digital model on the building scale (the Digital Twin of the Green Building). The theoretical concepts are applied to a real case study shared by all the courses of the first year of the master's degree and refers to a building characterized by a constructive and formal identity that make it peculiar and representative in the context of the international heritage.
The student will acquire competence in managing the complexity of the heterogeneous data that characterize a building, learning to work in group with a multidisciplinary approach, using the most innovative tools available on the market from time to time.
The student will acquire competence in managing the complexity of the heterogeneous data that characterize a building, learning to work in group with a multidisciplinary approach, using the most innovative tools available on the market from time to time.
Basic knowledge of BIM Fundamentals of programming (Computer Science) Basic knowledge of topography and cartography Basic knowledge of building physics
Basic knowledge of BIM Fundamentals of programming (Computer Science) Basic knowledge of topography and cartography Basic knowledge of building physics
BUILDING PHYSICS Notes of bioclimatic, sustainable, smart and resilient design of buildings, interactions between buildings and outdoor environment. Climate data for building design, standards on weather data and classification of the territory, climate changes, heat waves and related effects on a building scale. Energy and mass balance of the built environment, thermal-energy characterization of the envelope components, construction typology. GEOMATICS Tools and methods for the generation of point clouds from the acquisition, processing and production of the final results. The topics will be: - The modern approach to surveying. - The survey of the framework network by means of total station and GNSS techniques. - Terrestrial laser scanning techniques: tools, operating modes, measurement schemes, precision, union and geo-referencing of scans, cloud coloring, intelligent reduction of acquisitions by cleaning and filtering. - Drones and structure from motion: unconventional aerial tools, characteristics and calibration of the photographic camera, modern flight schemes, photogrammetric support schemes. - The generation of the final products: orthophotos, DTM/DSM, 3D model using mesh with textureco. - Entering information in a simple GIS system. ICT Python for IoT programming. Data format for exchange of information between devices (eg XML, JSON). Distributed programming using RestFUL web services. Publish/subscribe communication paradigm. DIGITAL MODELING Analysis of data deriving from historical-archival and bibliographic research for the identification of the types of information necessary for the knowledge of the characteristics of an existing building. Advanced modeling Scan to BIM for the integration with GIS, with attention to data reliability and management of Big Data connected to the energy characteristics of a building also provided by visual programming. Integration of IoT / BIM / VAR data for data visualization in relation to different use cases and to the potential of use of the Digital Twin for the definition of new maintenance and intervention strategies on a building scale based on LCA.
BUILDING PHYSICS Notes of bioclimatic, sustainable, smart and resilient design of buildings, interactions between buildings and outdoor environment. Climate data for building design, standards on weather data and classification of the territory, climate changes, heat waves and related effects on a building scale. Energy and mass balance of the built environment, thermal-energy characterization of the envelope components, construction typology. GEOMATICS Tools and methods for the generation of point clouds from the acquisition, processing and production of the final results. The topics will be: - The modern approach to surveying. - The survey of the framework network by means of total station and GNSS techniques. - Terrestrial laser scanning techniques: tools, operating modes, measurement schemes, precision, union and geo-referencing of scans, cloud coloring, intelligent reduction of acquisitions by cleaning and filtering. - Drones and structure from motion: unconventional aerial tools, characteristics and calibration of the photographic camera, modern flight schemes, photogrammetric support schemes. - The generation of the final products: orthophotos, DTM/DSM, 3D model using mesh with textureco. - Entering information in a simple GIS system. ICT Python for IoT programming. Data format for exchange of information between devices (eg XML, JSON). Distributed programming using RestFUL web services. Publish/subscribe communication paradigm. DIGITAL MODELING Analysis of data deriving from historical-archival and bibliographic research for the identification of the types of information necessary for the knowledge of the characteristics of an existing building. Advanced modeling Scan to BIM for the integration with GIS, with attention to data reliability and management of Big Data connected to the energy characteristics of a building also provided by visual programming. Integration of IoT / BIM / VAR data for data visualization in relation to different use cases and to the potential of use of the Digital Twin for the definition of new maintenance and intervention strategies on a building scale based on LCA.
The contents of the digital modelling contribution will be distributed over the entire semester and will act as a collector for those of building physics, geomatics and ICT, which will be concentrated in a few weeks, according to a logical sequence of introduction of the information.
The contents of the digital modelling contribution will be distributed over the entire semester and will act as a collector for those of building physics, geomatics and ICT, which will be concentrated in a few weeks, according to a logical sequence of introduction of the information.
The course is organized in theoretical lessons aimed at dealing with the topics described in the program and by a practical exercise in applying the concepts learned to the proposed case study. This organization allows the student: (i) to develop a critical ability in finding, analysing and managing data on the building scale (from detail to general and vice versa), heterogeneous among them and coming from different sources in relation to the expected objective; (ii) to learn how to choose the most suitable tools from time to time, always with particular attention to innovation. The exercise provides: (i) historical-bibliographic research functional to the knowledge of the building analysed; (ii) a metric survey of high precision for the definition of a point cloud using drones and laser scanners; (iii) the definition of data detectable thanks to IoT technologies and a verification of interoperability with the typical data of an energy analysis; (iv) the realization of a digital twin (Digital Twin) at the building scale containing all the graphic and alphanumeric information collected and processed by integrating BIM and GIS using not only parametric modelling but also visual programming; (v) the use of immersive virtual reality for the revision and the visualization of the model. The exercise is to be carried out in a group in order to develop a work ability based on comparison and collaboration as well as on the verification of the communication ability that must be clear and determined, in order to explain the reasons for the choices with specialized and non-specialized languages. The verification of autonomy and maturity takes place through the presentation and discussion of the digital model using immersive virtual meetings.
The course is organized in theoretical lessons aimed at dealing with the topics described in the program and by a practical exercise in applying the concepts learned to the proposed case study. This organization allows the student: (i) to develop a critical ability in finding, analysing and managing data on the building scale (from detail to general and vice versa), heterogeneous among them and coming from different sources in relation to the expected objective; (ii) to learn how to choose the most suitable tools from time to time, always with particular attention to innovation. The exercise provides: (i) historical-bibliographic research functional to the knowledge of the building analysed; (ii) a metric survey of high precision for the definition of a point cloud using drones and laser scanners; (iii) the definition of data detectable thanks to IoT technologies and a verification of interoperability with the typical data of an energy analysis; (iv) the realization of a digital twin (Digital Twin) at the building scale containing all the graphic and alphanumeric information collected and processed by integrating BIM and GIS using not only parametric modelling but also visual programming; (v) the use of immersive virtual reality for the revision and the visualization of the model. The exercise is to be carried out in a group in order to develop a work ability based on comparison and collaboration as well as on the verification of the communication ability that must be clear and determined, in order to explain the reasons for the choices with specialized and non-specialized languages. The verification of autonomy and maturity takes place through the presentation and discussion of the digital model using immersive virtual meetings.
OSELLO ANNA, FONSATI ARIANNA, RAPETTI NICCOLÒ, SEMERARO FRANCESCO (a cura di), InfraBIM. Il BIM per le infrastrutture, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2019. DEL GIUDICE MATTEO (a cura di), Il disegno e l’ingegnere. BIM handbook for building and civil engineering students, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2019. OSELLO ANNA (a cura di), Building Information Modelling - Geographic Information System - Augmented Reality per il Facility Management, Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2015. AA.VV., Climate Change 2013. The Physical Science Basis, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013. AA.VV., Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione, capp. 12-14, Tecniche nuove, 2007.
OSELLO ANNA, FONSATI ARIANNA, RAPETTI NICCOLÒ, SEMERARO FRANCESCO (a cura di), InfraBIM. Il BIM per le infrastrutture, Gangemi Editore, Roma, 2019. DEL GIUDICE MATTEO (a cura di), Il disegno e l’ingegnere. BIM handbook for building and civil engineering students, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2019. OSELLO ANNA (a cura di), Building Information Modelling - Geographic Information System - Augmented Reality per il Facility Management, Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2015. AA.VV., Climate Change 2013. The Physical Science Basis, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013. AA.VV., Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione, capp. 12-14, Tecniche nuove, 2007.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam is divided into two parts: (i) presentation (in group) of the Digital Twin of the Green Building with particular attention to data and process interoperability; (ii) oral exam (individual) for the verification of the theoretical contents of the course. The exam aims to verify the individual achievement of the student's knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons and the ability to process and exchange interoperable heterogeneous data starting from the definition of reliability of the same, using different tools to define a complex digital model. The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) in addition to the ability to present the work in English in public (one maximum point).
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam is divided into two parts: (i) presentation (in group) of the Digital Twin of the Green Building with particular attention to data and process interoperability; (ii) oral exam (individual) for the verification of the theoretical contents of the course. The exam aims to verify the individual achievement of the student's knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons and the ability to process and exchange interoperable heterogeneous data starting from the definition of reliability of the same, using different tools to define a complex digital model. The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) in addition to the ability to present the work in English in public (one maximum point).
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam is divided into two parts: (i) presentation (in group) of the Digital Twin of the Green Building with particular attention to data and process interoperability; (ii) oral exam (individual) for the verification of the theoretical contents of the course. The exam aims to verify the individual achievement of the student's knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons and the ability to process and exchange interoperable heterogeneous data starting from the definition of reliability of the same, using different tools to define a complex digital model. The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) in addition to the ability to present the work in English in public (one maximum point).
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam is divided into two parts: (i) presentation (in group) of the Digital Twin of the Green Building with particular attention to data and process interoperability; (ii) oral exam (individual) for the verification of the theoretical contents of the course. The exam aims to verify the individual achievement of the student's knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons and the ability to process and exchange interoperable heterogeneous data starting from the definition of reliability of the same, using different tools to define a complex digital model. The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) The verification of group work is based on the location in the best, good, discreet, sufficient range. The individual student who is part of the group is subsequently assigned points that may increase or decrease for expressive ability (one maximum point), reasoning ability (two maximum points) and mastery of the topics (five maximum points) in addition to the ability to present the work in English in public (one maximum point).
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