Elenco notifiche

Atelier: the architectural sustainable design D


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Esercitazioni in aula 40
Tutoraggio 35
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Gregory Paola
Atelier: the architectural sustainable design D (Architectural and urban design)  
Professore Associato CEAR-09/A 20 40 0 0 1
Fantucci Stefano
Atelier: the architectural sustainable design D (Building physics)
Professore Associato IIND-07/B 10 20 0 0 1
Giordano Roberto
Atelier: the architectural sustainable design D (Environmental Technological Design)
Professore Ordinario CEAR-08/C 20 40 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
L’Atelier del I anno affronta il tema del progetto urbano con un’attenzione specifica alle ricadute che la sostenibilità ha sulla costruzione della forma urbana e sul rapporto con la città esistente. Il concetto di sostenibilità è qui inteso nell’accezione oggi accettata dalla comunità scientifica, la quale include - accanto a valutazioni legate a indicatori e parametri quantitativi – anche considerazioni più ampie, connesse alle implicazioni culturali e sociali del progetto; tale concetto viene declinato alla scala dell’edificio e alla scala dell’impianto urbano. Per poter affrontare progettualmente il tema della sostenibilità, l’Atelier del I anno assume come area di studio e di progetto un ambito territoriale che abbia una vocazione alla trasformazione. Le caratteristiche dimensionali e morfologiche dell’area saranno tali da consentire l’insediamento di un sistema di edifici sufficientemente ampio da poter accogliere funzioni urbane complesse, in cui si intreccino diverse forme di uso dello spazio, da quelle più private a quelle più pubbliche, che comprendono: gli edifici e i relativi spazi pertinenziali, lo spazio pubblico nelle sue diverse articolazioni, i luoghi di aggregazione e quelli della mobilità, l’ambiente e il paesaggio urbano.
The Design Studio of the first year addresses the theme of urban, architectural and building design with particular attention to the effects that sustainability has on the development of the urban and architectural; without neglecting form and the relationship with the existing city. The concept of sustainability is here understood in the meaning accepted today by the scientific community, which includes - in addition to evaluations linked to indicators and quantitative parameters - also broader considerations linked to the social implications of the project. In order to address the issue of sustainability, the Design Studio assumes an area of the urban periphery, where a transformation of uses is expected for local regeneration. The dimensional and morphological characteristics of the area will be such as to allow the realization of a project capable of descending to the scale of building detail, while at the same time making it possible to evaluate the induced choices that the morphological-compositive, technological and technical choices will have on the context of belonging, considered in its historical and social complexity, as well as in its physical-environmental aspects. At the heart of the Design Studio is, in fact, the question of urban regeneration of a fragile and vulnerable urban and social fabric, in which the lack of services and spaces of aggregation capable of catalyzing an improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants weighs heavily. To this end, the Design will be configured as a place not only for problem-solving but also as a space for discussion on the broader issue of urban regeneration, starting from different examples achieved in our country (and not only) to guide the student towards a sustainable transformation of the project area, which should include the building(s) and spaces of relevance, the public space in its various articulations, the places of aggregation and those of mobility, the environment and the urban landscape. Another matter of strategic significance within the Design Studio is given by the relationship between the architecture and the environment. Starting from the consciousness that on the whole, the environmental footprint matched to the construction sectors is more and more relevant. Every design option leads to an environmental impact at different scales: local, regional and global. New architects’ generation must be aware of this. There are several kinds of impacts to figure out and to minimize. In general, the Design Studio intends to promote a different design approach aimed at developing the building over its life cycle.
L’atelier si propone di trasmettere conoscenze utili ad elaborare: - un approccio conoscitivo in cui siano coniugati gli aspetti storico-culturali, architettonici e ambientali con la capacità di riconoscere e interagire con i principali parametri caratterizzanti l’area di progetto, sia sotto il profilo del rapporto tra morfologia urbana e forme edilizie presenti e/o previste, sia sotto l’aspetto della corretta comprensione delle risorse naturali e dell’ambiente fisico (clima, luce, suono, sistema del verde ecc.) caratterizzanti il contesto esistente; - una valutazione di eco-compatibilità delle diverse opzioni di progetto e le modalità di comunicazione ottimali delle scelte progettuali e tecnologiche Le abilità che lo studente deve acquisire sono indirizzate a: - la realizzazione di un progetto di insieme dell’area oggetto di esercitazione progettuale (dalle indicazioni generali 1:2000 al masterplan 1:500), svolto tenendo in specifica considerazione: la qualità urbana in generale e, in particolare, la relazione tra il tessuto urbano esistente e le parti di nuova progettazione, l’interazione tra edifici e spazi aperti, la sostenibilità socio-culturale e ambientale; - la definizione di un organismo edilizio (scale di riferimento 1:200/100, 1:50/20), le cui scelte progettuali, oltre alla necessaria coerenza con i contenuti del masterplan, devono discendere da una elaborazione progettuale consapevole in relazione agli aspetti funzionali, costruttivi e di linguaggio e devono prestare specifica attenzione all’approccio bioclimatico e agli aspetti di efficienza energetica e qualità dell’ambiente, acustico, termoigrometrico e illuminotecnico, interno ed esterno.
The Design Studio aims to transmit useful knowledge to develop and to assess: • a cognitive approach in which the historical, cultural, architectural and environmental aspects are conjugated with the ability to recognize and interact with the main parameters characterizing the project area, both in terms of the relationship between urban morphology and present building forms, and in terms of the correct understanding of natural resources and physical environment (climate, light, sound, advanced building systems, etc.) • the verification of indices related to energy, lighting, and acoustics performance according to the current legislation. • a performance-based design approach and the awareness about how different design alternatives will impact environmental and energy efficiency, including manufacturing, durability, etc., up to the end-of-life. The expected students’ skills are: • the realization of an overall project of the area covered by the design exercise (from the general indications 1: 2000/1000 to the master plan 1: 500), carried out taking into account: urban quality in general and, in particular, the relationship between existing urban fabric and new design parts, the interaction between buildings and open spaces, socio-cultural and environmental sustainability; • the definition of a building organism (reference scales 1: 200/100, 1: 20), whose design choices, in addition to the necessary consistency with the contents of the urban design, must derive from a design process aware of the relationships between functional, constructive and linguistic aspects together with specific attention to the bioclimatic approach and aspects of energy efficiency and environmental, acoustic, thermo-hygrometric and lighting, both for the indoor and outdoor environment.
Agli studenti è richiesto: - di conoscere le tecniche consolidate di rappresentazione e di comunicazione del progetto, sia con riferimento alle forme di comunicazione più tradizionali (carte percettive, schizzi progettuali, modelli fisici ecc.), sia con riferimento alle tecniche di rappresentazione digitale (modellazione virtuale e rendering ecc.); - di saper impostare in autonomia la lettura dei caratteri morfologici della città costruita attraverso le tecniche della lettura cartografica, storica e percettiva; - di saper impostare in autonomia la lettura delle caratteristiche tecnologiche del costruito (componenti dell’edificio, materiali tradizionali ecc.) e l’analisi delle principali variabili ambientali e climatiche a scala di urbana e di singolo edificio; - di saper sviluppare il progetto alla scala urbana ed edilizia (con riferimento agli aspetti tipologici e distributivi degli edifici, alle tipologie strutturali, ecc.).
Students are required to: - know the consolidated techniques of design representation and communication, both regarding the more traditional forms of communication (perceptive, design sketches, physical models, etc.), and about digital representation techniques (virtual modeling and rendering, etc.); - set up independently the reading of the morphological characters of the city built through the techniques of cartographic, historical and perceptive reading; - set up independently the reading of the technological features of the building (building components, traditional materials, etc.) and the analysis of the main environmental and climatic variables at urban and single building levels; - develop the project at urban and building scales (regarding the typological and distributive aspects of buildings, structural typologies, etc.); - know the basics of heat and moisture transfer, lighting, and acoustics in buildings; - be able to analyze and manage data in MS Excel (basic algebraic operations and creation of graphs).
L’Atelier affronta scenari di trasformazione di aree complesse, la cui rilevanza rispetto al territorio urbano ha riverberi sui programmi strategici di sviluppo e sulle politiche di riqualificazione della città. Sarà sviluppato un progetto di rigenerazione di un’area fluviale inserita nella città, attraverso strategie di recupero e riuso sostenibile. L’esperienza progettuale, fondata sul rapporto tra ambiente naturale (parco e fiume) e area urbana – nelle parti consolidate, così come nelle aree dismesse e/o in attesa di trasformazione - costituirà un’occasione importante di riflessione intorno ai temi della rigenerazione urbana, contemplando l’esigenza di relazionare fra loro ambiti diversi attraverso sistemi connettivi legati al verde e alla mobilità (con particolare riferimento alla mobilità sostenibile) sui quali innestare funzioni innovative di produzione, servizi e residenza, quest’ultima declinata nella dimensione collettiva dell’abitare. Il progetto sviluppato utilizzerà un approccio adattivo e di conseguenza contemplerà soluzioni scalabili e incrementali, anche di natura temporanea. A partire dall’elaborazione di un masterplan generale (settimane 1-4), verranno articolate soluzioni morfologiche e distributive diverse (in gruppi di 2-3 studenti) con approfondimenti fino alla scala edilizia (settimane 5-14) in coerenza con le strategie definite nel masterplan di riferimento. La sostenibilità, intesa come strategia caratterizzante il progetto, sarà intimamente connessa con i caratteri dello spazio urbano e dell’architettura, a partire dalla sua formulazione concettuale e dalle soluzioni morfologiche e tecnologiche che ne derivano. In particolare alla scala urbana (fino al 500) verrà data particolare importanza al sistema del verde e della mobilità, attraverso riferimenti puntuali sia teorici che operativi finalizzati a garantire una dimensione collettiva alle stesse infrastrutture della mobilità, riconquistate anche a un uso condiviso, socializzante e innovativo. La sostenibilità, alla scala dell’intero insediamento, verrà inoltre declinata in relazione a: occupazione di suolo, orientamento e soluzioni distributive, interazione con il clima e con il territorio. Alla definizione delle strategie di sostenibilità e quindi del progetto concorrono le conoscenze e le competenze della composizione architettonica, della progettazione tecnologica ambientale, della fisica dell’edificio. In particolare, saranno trattati i seguenti argomenti: - aspetti morfologici dell’architettura alla scala microurbana ed edilizia: impianto insediativo, rapporto tra volumi e spazi aperti, fattori di forma, soluzioni distributive, ecc.; - rapporto tra tecnologie, tipologia edilizia e linguaggio architettonico; - progetto dello spazio pubblico elemento costitutivo dell’approccio sostenibile integrato; - approccio life cycle design finalizzato agli aspetti di sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica; - analisi di sito e relativi strumenti sotto il profilo ambientale fisico – clima, acqua e verde; - analisi della normativa vigente in termini di requisiti urbanistici, ambientali, energetici, acustici e di illuminazione naturale dell’edificio. - approccio bioclimatico alla progettazione; - metodologia dello sviluppo progettuale: funzioni previste, elementi distributivi e percorsi, requisiti e prestazioni (sicurezza, fruibilità, manutenibilità, efficienza energetica, benessere visivo, acustico, termoigrometrico e di sostenibilità ambientale) delle soluzioni di progetto; - linee guida e criteri di valutazione della sostenibilità del progetto; - progetto e integrazione delle tecnologie ecocompatibili: serre, collettori solari, schermature, facciate opache e vetrate, sistemi di isolamento e di ventilazione naturale; - prestazioni termiche stazionarie e dinamiche dell’involucro edilizio opaco e trasparente; - progetto dell’isolamento acustico dell’edificio; - progetto dell’illuminazione naturale dell’edificio; Il calcolo delle prestazioni verrà svolta impiegando opportuni software di calcolo per la verifica di parametri e indici richiesti dalla normativa vigente.
The project to be developed concerns an area located in the Eastern outskirts of the city of Rome, in the Torre Spaccata district, which is a residential and social housing neighborhood originally created by INA-Casa in the Sixties. In particular, the design exercise concerns a former market - now in disuse - whose conservation or demolition can be envisaged, in which service functions and possibly social housing as a complementary use can be included. The design will use an adaptive approach and consequently provide scalable and incremental solutions, even of a temporary nature. Most of the social and environmental aspects related to sustainability will be developed within the Reinventing Cities framework. Reinventing Cities is an international competition for urban and building projects to drive carbon-neutral and resilient urban regeneration in cities and to implement the most innovative ideas to transform underutilized sites into remarkable sustainable examples. Torre Spaccata is encompassed in the Reinventing Cities context and the Design Studio replicates some of the competition stages. Starting from the elaboration of a general masterplan (weeks 1-4), different morphological and distributive solutions will be articulated (in groups of 2-3 students) with in-depth studies up to the construction scale (weeks 5-14) in coherence with the strategies defined in the reference masterplan. Sustainability is intended as an approach featuring the project. It will be intimately connected to the characteristics of urban space and architecture, starting from its conceptual formulation and the consequent morphological and technological solutions. At the urban scale (up to 1:500) particular importance will be given to the relationship with the existing urban fabric, as well as to the system of open public spaces and accessibility, to regain a shared, socializing and innovative use of urban space. Sustainability, at the scale of the entire settlement, will also be declined concerning land occupation, orientation and distribution solutions, interaction with climate and territory. At the building scale (up to 1:20) several aspects related to the building shape and its inner distribution will be analyzed and studied. Different aspects will be taken into account from the window-to-wall ratio to technical elements, etc., up to building materials. Human comfort and well-being will be carefully considered according to environmental building principles. Unbroken attention to the relationship between architecture and its energy and environmental performances will be included in the design process. The specific topics will deal with: • morphological aspects of architecture at the micro-urban and building scale: settlement system, the relationship between volumes and open spaces, form factors, distribution solutions, etc.; • public space design, a constituent element of the integrated sustainable approach; • site analysis and related tools from a physical environmental point of view - climate, acoustic, lighting, water and green; • approach to life cycle design; • design and integration of environmentally friendly technologies: advanced materials, adaptive components, greenhouses, solar collectors, shading, opaque and glazed facades, insulation and natural ventilation systems; • simulation-based design approach of the building envelope technologies (opaque and transparent); • natural lighting and acoustic insulation of the building; • energy performance and thermal comfort assessment by using both steady-state and dynamic simulation methods.
L’Atelier si comporrà sostanzialmente di due tipi di attività: didattica frontale, nella quale verranno esposte le tematiche precedentemente elencate, ed esercitazione progettuale, nella quale tali argomenti verranno concretamente applicati al caso studio in esame. La didattica frontale sarà finalizzata a fornire le nozioni e i riferimenti utili per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi proposti. L’esercitazione progettuale sarà l’occasione per sperimentare in maniera applicata l’interazione tra le differenti discipline che afferiscono all’Atelier. Sono previsti momenti di revisione e discussione collettiva con ospiti provenienti dal contesto reale preso in esame, con specialisti e aziende del settore edilizio. L’insegnamento prevede il sopralluogo al sito di progetto. Tale uscita/uscite, oltre alla possibilità di far conoscere direttamente luoghi e architetture significative ai fini dell’elaborazione progettuale, fornirà l’occasione per lo studente di produrre materiali (appunti, fotografie, disegni, interviste) utili allo sviluppo dei temi di progetto e alla stesura in progress di un “diario di bordo” personale, che farà parte dell’esame finale.
The Design Studio will feature mainly two types of activities: lessons (that will introduce the topics previously discusses) and design activity, where the same arguments will be applied to the case study. The lectures will be finalized to provide the notions and useful references for the achievement of the proposed objectives. The design exercise – according to COVID-19 sanitary emergency - will be an opportunity to experiment in a “learning by doing approach” the interaction among the different disciplines. The Design Studio includes a real/virtual inspection of the project site, which will introduce the site. Some interim collective reviews will be scheduled, eventually with guests from the real context, as well as with experts in some of the most important urban and building topics of the course. For the architectural and urban composition, each student is asked to produce drawings, sketches, notes of the lessons and more in a "logbook", which is an individual notebook developed during the semester as a tool useful for the design process: it will be part of the final examination. For the Building Physics intermediate group exercises will be done during the semester.
El Khouli S., John V., Zeumer M., Sustainable Construction Techniques, Detail Green Books, 2015. Gauzin-Muller D., Architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano 2003. Gregory, P., Paesaggio: architettura in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Appendice 2000, vol. II, pp. 396-401; XXI secolo. VII Appendice, vol. II, pp. 524-527; Nona Appendice, vol. II pp. 295-297; Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2000, 2007, 2015. Gregory, P., Torino in trasformazione/Turin always on the move, in "L'industria delle costruzioni", n. 455, maggio-giugno 2017, pp. 22-29. Grosso M., Piardi S., Peretti G., Scudo G., Progettazione ecocompatibile dell'architettura, Sistemi Ed., 2005. Lavagna M., Life Cycle Assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilità ambientale, Hoepli, 2008. Olgyay V., Design with Climate, Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism - New and expanded Edition, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015 (ed. Italiana Olgyay V., Progettare con il clima, Franco Muzzio Editore, 1990). Pavia R., Il passo della città. Temi per la metropoli futura, Donzelli, 2015. Piano R., Cassigoli R., La responsabilità dell'architetto. Conversazione con Renzo Cassigoli, Passigli, 2014 (8°ed.). Pollo R., Progettare l’ambiente urbano, Carocci, Roma 2015. Szokolay S. V., Introduzione alla progettazione sostenibile, Hoepli, 2006. Thiebat F., “An evaluation tool to support strategical evaluations for the reclamation and reuse of dismissed sites / Uno strumento di analisi a supporto di valutazioni strategiche per il recupero e la rifunzionalizzazione di aree dismesse”, TECHNE, vol. 12, 2016 (10.13128/Techne-19358).
The bibliography listed below is considered to be indicative to understand some central issues of the Design studio. Other bibliographical references will be provided during the semester by the teachers who will solicit further readings in order to stimulate the students on specific design issues. - Adaptive Facade Network – Final Booklet Series Booklet 3.1 Case Studies; Booklet 3.2 Building Performance Simulation and Characterization of Adaptive Facades; Booklet 3.3 Dissemination, Future Research and Education. TU Delft Open (2018). Free access at - Gao, A., Building skin and details. Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House, Profession Design Press (2012) - Giordano R. et. al., Embodied Energy and Operational Energy Assessment in the Framework of Nearly Zero Energy Building and Building Energy Rating. In: ENERGY PROCEDIA. - ISSN 1876-6102. (2015), pp. 3204-3209. - Gregory, P., Paesaggio: architettura in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Appendice 2000, vol. II, pp. 396-401; XXI secolo. VII Appendice, vol. II, pp. 524-527; Nona Appendice, vol. II pp. 295-297; Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2000, 2007, 2015. - Gregory P. et al., Ri-Habitat Roma. Riqualificazione sostenibile per l'edilizia residenziale pubblica degli anni'50 del XX secolo, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma 2019. - Lechner, N. Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Third Edition, 698 pages. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (2009). - Murray S.C., Contemporary curtain wall architecture, Princeton Architecture Press (2009) - Piano R., La responsabilità dell'architetto. Conversazione con Renzo Cassigoli, Passigli Editori, Firenze 2010 (7th edition) - Schittich C., Best of Detail: Fassaden/Facades, Edition Detail, 2015 - Smith P. F., Architecture in a Climate of Change, Architectural Press (2005). - Steven V. Szokolay. Introduction to Architectural Science – The basis of sustainable design. Third edition. Routledge (2014).
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The architectural and urban design will be the subject of discussion and revision in itinere with the teachers throughout the Atelier. The final examination will consist in the presentation and discussion of the developed design. In particular it is expected to discuss the content of the architectural aspects, the technological details, the construction feasibility, the technical physics requirements, the representation through physical and digital models. The evaluation will take place: - 35% compared to the revisions and discussions of the project in itinere; - for 65% compared to the final discussion of the design works. The evaluation criteria refer to the assessment of the achievement of the following objectives (consistently with the expected learning outcomes stated above): the ability to transfer into the final design the knowledge acquired during the lessons and reviews, the constructive feasibility of the project, the level of awareness of the architectural and technological choices and their degree of integration. Among the elements of evaluation will be the ability to respect the internal deadlines of the atelier and therefore to conclude the project on schedule. The inadequacy of even just one of the three contributions does not allow to overcome the Atelier.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Individual essay; Group project;
Attendance and participation (virtual and in presence) at classes and other related activities is considered a prerequisite for participating in the prospective activities positively. During the Design Studio students must discuss their learning progresses with the academic staff and revise their design proposals (sketches, models, writings, drafts, tables, etc.) in progress. The ability to communicate proposals clearly and effectively is an important element for grade evaluation. Intermediate deliveries and exercises will be requested partly concerning each module separately and partly joined among the three training modules Even though the Studio activities may be conducted in groups of 2-3 students, final evaluation is individual, taking into account revisions and discussions, mid-term evaluations, and individual participation during the Design Studio. The final design and models at the required scales and its discussion will be the focus of the examination. Along with the group project, each student will be required to have an in-depth look at some of the design aspects discussed during the classes. In particular: - for the architectural and urban design module, each student is asked to bring the "logbook" developed during the term and to produce a short text on one of the design aspects discussed in class. These aspects may include project approach methodologies, exemplifications of urban regeneration and so on (for a development of approximately 6 pages printed in A4, including images and bibliography). - for the environmental technological design and building physics modules, a final oral discussion of the project together with a group report will be evaluated. Moreover, intermediate group exercises on the topics of the lectures will be requested and will be subject to evaluation. Finally, an individual in-depth report on a topic chosen by each student will be requested to consider the individual contribution and the acquired skills. On the whole, the level of learning and knowledge of students is subjected to an evaluation process based on: - Level of participation: 20% - Activities carried out during the semester (exercises and deliveries): 40% - Final exam: 40%
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Attendance and participation (virtual and in presence) at classes and other related activities is considered a prerequisite for participating in the prospective activities positively. During the Design Studio students must discuss their learning progresses with the academic staff and revise their design proposals (sketches, models, writings, drafts, tables, etc.) in progress. The ability to communicate proposals clearly and effectively is an important element for grade evaluation. Intermediate deliveries and exercises will be requested partly concerning each module separately and partly joined among the three training modules Even though the Studio activities may be conducted in groups of 2-3 students, final evaluation is individual, taking into account revisions and discussions, mid-term evaluations, and individual participation during the Design Studio. The final design and models at the required scales and its discussion will be the focus of the examination. Along with the group project, each student will be required to have an in-depth look at some of the design aspects discussed during the classes. In particular: - for the architectural and urban design module, each student is asked to bring the "logbook" developed during the term and to produce a short text on one of the design aspects discussed in class. These aspects may include project approach methodologies, exemplifications of urban regeneration and so on (for a development of approximately 6 pages printed in A4, including images and bibliography). - for the environmental technological design and building physics modules, a final oral discussion of the project together with a group report will be evaluated. Moreover, intermediate group exercises on the topics of the lectures will be requested and will be subject to evaluation. Finally, an individual in-depth report on a topic chosen by each student will be requested to consider the individual contribution and the acquired skills. On the whole, the level of learning and knowledge of students is subjected to an evaluation process based on: - Level of participation: 20% - Activities carried out during the semester (exercises and deliveries): 40% - Final exam: 40%
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Individual essay; Group project;
Attendance and participation (virtual and in presence) at classes and other related activities is considered a prerequisite for participating in the prospective activities positively. During the Design Studio students must discuss their learning progresses with the academic staff and revise their design proposals (sketches, models, writings, drafts, tables, etc.) in progress. The ability to communicate proposals clearly and effectively is an important element for grade evaluation. Intermediate deliveries and exercises will be requested partly concerning each module separately and partly joined among the three training modules Even though the Studio activities may be conducted in groups of 2-3 students, final evaluation is individual, taking into account revisions and discussions, mid-term evaluations, and individual participation during the Design Studio. The final design and models at the required scales and its discussion will be the focus of the examination. Along with the group project, each student will be required to have an in-depth look at some of the design aspects discussed during the classes. In particular: - for the architectural and urban design module, each student is asked to bring the "logbook" developed during the term and to produce a short text on one of the design aspects discussed in class. These aspects may include project approach methodologies, exemplifications of urban regeneration and so on (for a development of approximately 6 pages printed in A4, including images and bibliography). - for the environmental technological design and building physics modules, a final oral discussion of the project together with a group report will be evaluated. Moreover, intermediate group exercises on the topics of the lectures will be requested and will be subject to evaluation. Finally, an individual in-depth report on a topic chosen by each student will be requested to consider the individual contribution and the acquired skills. On the whole, the level of learning and knowledge of students is subjected to an evaluation process based on: - Level of participation: 20% - Activities carried out during the semester (exercises and deliveries): 40% - Final exam: 40%
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