Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Chimica E Dei Processi Sostenibili - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Della Produzione Industriale E Dell'Innovazione Tecnologica - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Physics Of Complex Systems (Fisica Dei Sistemi Complessi) - Torino/Trieste/Parigi Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Gestionale - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Gestionale (Engineering And Management) - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Design Sistemico - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino
D - A scelta dello studente D - A scelta dello studente D - A scelta dello studente D - A scelta dello studente D - A scelta dello studente D - A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
Challenge@PoliTo_by Firms is an innovative teaching activity carried at the Politecnico di Torino. It is an integral part of PoliTo’s strategy to promote innovative education and entrepreneurial culture among the students.
These activities are organized with external firms that provide a “challenge” coming from their real business. During the experience, 30 master students divided in teams, work, compete and develop their solutions.
The Challenges are carried out as an experimental educational laboratory: the CLIK - Connection Lab & Innovation Kitchen, or similar space. At the CLIK lab, during the challenge phase, students can experiment and put into practice what they have learned during their lectures, in an informal and multidisciplinary environment that promotes the spirit of creativity and collaboration.
Challenge@PoliTo_by Firms - Crickets in the space
From 2013, FAO begins to sustain the diet based on insects (Entomophagy), as one of the sustainable alternative to global proteins production. On one hand, insects need only about 1.5 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of edible product. On the other hand, cows require 8 kg of forage to produce 1 kg of meat. The metabolic efficiency of the Hexapods used for this purpose, translates into an alternative agro-food system that reduces the impact on the environment, if compared to the traditional farms.
The technologies’ development, related to this trade, are led by the same key concepts, such as: energy sustainability, nutritional quality, ease and production efficiency.
Starting from these considerations, in 2017, near the town of Pinerolo, the biggest Italian insects farm at the moment was born, the Italian Cricket Farm S.r.l..
The breeding characteristics and the great nutritional potentiality can increase the adoption of this type of food in critical environments such as the space.
The Challenge purpose is to carry out a technical and theoretical feasibility study of this solution. Teams will:
• Evaluate all system inputs and outputs, both with respect to material and energy;
• Evaluate the impact of a 0-gravity environment on the insects breeding;
• Study the technical feasibility of an automated realization of this type of breeding;
• Evaluate cost/benefit feasibility of the whole project.
Challenge@PoliTo_by Firms is an innovative teaching activity carried at the Politecnico di Torino. It is an integral part of PoliTo’s strategy to promote innovative education and entrepreneurial culture among the students.
These activities are organized with external firms that provide a “challenge” coming from their real business. During the experience, 30 master students divided in teams, work, compete and develop their solutions.
The Challenges are carried out as an experimental educational laboratory: the CLIK - Connection Lab & Innovation Kitchen, or similar space. At the CLIK lab, during the challenge phase, students can experiment and put into practice what they have learned during their lectures, in an informal and multidisciplinary environment that promotes the spirit of creativity and collaboration.
Challenge@PoliTo_by Firms - Crickets in the space
From 2013, FAO begins to sustain the diet based on insects (Entomophagy), as one of the sustainable alternative to global proteins production. On one hand, insects need only about 1.5 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of edible product. On the other hand, cows require 8 kg of forage to produce 1 kg of meat. The metabolic efficiency of the Hexapods used for this purpose, translates into an alternative agro-food system that reduces the impact on the environment, if compared to the traditional farms.
The technologies’ development, related to this trade, are led by the same key concepts, such as: energy sustainability, nutritional quality, ease and production efficiency.
Starting from these considerations, in 2017, near the town of Pinerolo, the biggest Italian insects farm at the moment was born, the Italian Cricket Farm S.r.l..
The breeding characteristics and the great nutritional potentiality can increase the adoption of this type of food in critical environments such as the space.
The Challenge purpose is to carry out a technical and theoretical feasibility study of this solution. Teams will:
• Evaluate all system inputs and outputs, both with respect to material and energy;
• Evaluate the impact of a 0-gravity environment on the insects breeding;
• Study the technical feasibility of an automated realization of this type of breeding;
• Evaluate cost/benefit feasibility of the whole project.
The main goal is to involve students in learning initiatives capable of bridging the gap between the theory taught by the University and the skills required by companies to work in a team.
Entrepreneurial Culture: Promote the Entrepreneurial culture/behavior on the PoliTo Students
Multidisciplinary Teams: Collaborate in a complex and multidisciplinary context.
Information research: Retrieval, Data collection and Utilization of information to support teamwork activities.
Hard Skills: Put into practice what they have learnt during their lectures in order to solve a real problem coming from partner firms.
Soft Skills: Teamwork under conditions close to the ones of a real business environment, self-assessment and work organization.
At the end of this activity, students will be readier to work in multidisciplinary team, skill required by companies, and they will be able to analyze industrial problems having a more comprehensive view of technical and market issues.
The main goal is to involve students in learning initiatives capable of bridging the gap between the theory taught by the University and the skills required by companies to work in a team.
Entrepreneurial Culture: Promote the Entrepreneurial culture/behavior on the PoliTo Students
Multidisciplinary Teams: Collaborate in a complex and multidisciplinary context.
Information research: Retrieval, Data collection and Utilization of information to support teamwork activities.
Hard Skills: Put into practice what they have learnt during their lectures in order to solve a real problem coming from partner firms.
Soft Skills: Teamwork under conditions close to the ones of a real business environment, self-assessment and work organization.
At the end of this activity, students will be readier to work in multidisciplinary team, skill required by companies, and they will be able to analyze industrial problems having a more comprehensive view of technical and market issues.
The Challenge is open to every master students of the Politecnico di Torino. There are not specific competence requested to be eligible for participating.
To apply to this activity, the students have to upload:
● Covering Letter in English: self-presentation and motivations of interest in the presented challenge;
● Curriculum Vitae.
The selection of the students will be based on Cover Letter, CV and multidisciplinary required by the Challenge.
The Challenge contents are provided in English.
The Challenge is open to every master students of the Politecnico di Torino. There are not specific competence requested to be eligible for participating.
To apply to this activity, the students have to upload:
● Covering Letter in English: self-presentation and motivations of interest in the presented challenge;
● Curriculum Vitae.
The selection of the students will be based on Cover Letter, CV and multidisciplinary required by the Challenge.
The Challenge contents are provided in English.
The Challenges last 14 weeks, they start on the 28th September 2020 and end on the 23rd January 2021. During this specific Challenge, the students have to work in multidisciplinary Teams supported by a group of tutors, PoliTo and partner Firm, with complementary background and competences, under the lead of the Professors F. Deorsola and F. Savorani.
Every team will self-organize its own working time and methodology, but will have to spend about 1,5 hour/week, supported by mentors, in the CLIK Lab, similar space or in remote (clarifications will be provided), in addition to the common alignment meetings (specified subsequently).
According to the Rector guideline, the Challenges of the first didactic period A.Y. 20/21 will be provided face-to-face, pandemic condition permitting. However, all the meetings are guaranteed in remote mode.
The teaching manner could change due to the future pandemic condition. Additional information will be provided during next months.
The Challenges last 14 weeks, they start on the 28th September 2020 and end on the 23rd January 2021. During this specific Challenge, the students have to work in multidisciplinary Teams supported by a group of tutors, PoliTo and partner Firm, with complementary background and competences, under the lead of the Professors F. Deorsola and F. Savorani.
Every team will self-organize its own working time and methodology, but will have to spend about 1,5 hour/week, supported by mentors, in the CLIK Lab, similar space or in remote (clarifications will be provided), in addition to the common alignment meetings (specified subsequently).
According to the Rector guideline, the Challenges of the first didactic period A.Y. 20/21 will be provided face-to-face, pandemic condition permitting. However, all the meetings are guaranteed in remote mode.
The teaching manner could change due to the future pandemic condition. Additional information will be provided during next months.
The event will take place at the Lab CLIK (Connection Lab and Innovation Kitchen) or similar space, located in the central building of the Politecnico di Torino (Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24), with the following program:
● Kick Off & Team Formation: the partner company and tutors will hold a session on the issues of the challenge. There will be the Team Formation and Team Building phases to the establishment of multidisciplinary teams. Common meeting of 2 days.
● Problem Analysis and Idea Creation: two weeks in which the teams will analyze the problem in details. A team of mentors will support the teams through weekly meetings.
● Idea Presentation – 1st Work Progress: each team will present (by a pitch) the problem and the proposed solution. Common meeting of 1 day.
● Prototyping and Development: teams will meet at CLIK on a weekly basis to meet with mentors who will provide support to the development of the project. 11 weeks of team work.
● Two Mid-Check Presentations – 2nd and 3rd Work Progress: two meeting of half day on work progress during the Prototyping and Development phase.
● Final Presentation: the teams will present their projects through the pitch of the idea. Common meeting of 1 day at the end of the 14th week.
Furthermore, we will organize a visit in the partner company building. During the challenge, PoliTo will provide other educational content useful for the development of the Team ideas and personal culture. For example, Business Plan creation, Social Impact, Communication & Pitch Learning, etc. The dates will be defined during next months.
Every team will self-organize its own working timeframe and methodology, but will have to spend about 1,5 hour/week, supported by mentors, in the CLIK Lab, similar space or in remote (clarifications will be provided).
The Teams, during the challenge, have to hand in the following deliverables:
• Three ppts Work Progress: Pitches to explain achieved outcomes and next steps of project, during work progress meetings;
• One monthly report: a paper monthly report to describe achieved outcomes and next steps;
• One ppt Final Presentation: final pitch, during final presentation, to present the whole work;
• One final report: final report about whole work. PoliTo will provide a form.
The explained structure as well as the dates are only an example, it could be modified during the challenge.
The event will take place at the Lab CLIK (Connection Lab and Innovation Kitchen) or similar space, located in the central building of the Politecnico di Torino (Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24), with the following program:
● Kick Off & Team Formation: the partner company and tutors will hold a session on the issues of the challenge. There will be the Team Formation and Team Building phases to the establishment of multidisciplinary teams. Common meeting of 2 days.
● Problem Analysis and Idea Creation: two weeks in which the teams will analyze the problem in details. A team of mentors will support the teams through weekly meetings.
● Idea Presentation – 1st Work Progress: each team will present (by a pitch) the problem and the proposed solution. Common meeting of 1 day.
● Prototyping and Development: teams will meet at CLIK on a weekly basis to meet with mentors who will provide support to the development of the project. 11 weeks of team work.
● Two Mid-Check Presentations – 2nd and 3rd Work Progress: two meeting of half day on work progress during the Prototyping and Development phase.
● Final Presentation: the teams will present their projects through the pitch of the idea. Common meeting of 1 day at the end of the 14th week.
Furthermore, we will organize a visit in the partner company building. During the challenge, PoliTo will provide other educational content useful for the development of the Team ideas and personal culture. For example, Business Plan creation, Social Impact, Communication & Pitch Learning, etc. The dates will be defined during next months.
Every team will self-organize its own working timeframe and methodology, but will have to spend about 1,5 hour/week, supported by mentors, in the CLIK Lab, similar space or in remote (clarifications will be provided).
The Teams, during the challenge, have to hand in the following deliverables:
• Three ppts Work Progress: Pitches to explain achieved outcomes and next steps of project, during work progress meetings;
• One monthly report: a paper monthly report to describe achieved outcomes and next steps;
• One ppt Final Presentation: final pitch, during final presentation, to present the whole work;
• One final report: final report about whole work. PoliTo will provide a form.
The explained structure as well as the dates are only an example, it could be modified during the challenge.
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
The Challenge is open to every master student of Politecnico di Torino. The student can register individually.
The CFUs, curricular as well as extra, will be awarded at the end of the challenge and only if the student will have passed the course. The verification procedure is based on:
• The development of project on an evaluation grid;
• Quality of the presentation during the common meeting;
• Reports (monthly and final);
• Self-evaluation of team members.
This activity does not have a grade, only passed/not passed.
Exam: Check;
The Challenge is open to every master student of Politecnico di Torino. The student can register individually.
The CFUs, curricular as well as extra, will be awarded at the end of the challenge and only if the student will have passed the course. The verification procedure is based on:
• The development of project on an evaluation grid;
• Quality of the presentation during the common meeting;
• Reports (monthly and final);
• Self-evaluation of team members.
This activity does not have a grade, only passed/not passed.
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
The Challenge is open to every master student of Politecnico di Torino. The student can register individually.
The CFUs, curricular as well as extra, will be awarded at the end of the challenge and only if the student will have passed the course. The verification procedure is based on:
• The development of project on an evaluation grid;
• Quality of the presentation during the common meeting;
• Reports (monthly and final);
• Self-evaluation of team members.
This activity does not have a grade, only passed/not passed.
Exam: Check;
The Challenge is open to every master student of Politecnico di Torino. The student can register individually.
The CFUs, curricular as well as extra, will be awarded at the end of the challenge and only if the student will have passed the course. The verification procedure is based on:
• The development of project on an evaluation grid;
• Quality of the presentation during the common meeting;
• Reports (monthly and final);
• Self-evaluation of team members.
This activity does not have a grade, only passed/not passed.