Elenco notifiche

Integrated systems architecture


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica (Electronic Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 33
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 27
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Masera Guido Professore Ordinario IINF-01/A 33 0 0 0 21

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/01 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria elettronica
The course is taught in English. The course is part of the Msc-level programme in Electronic Engineering, offered in the first period of the second year. In particular, it completes the education of students with interest in the design of digital circuits and systems. The main objective of the course is providing techniques for the design of advanced digital processing architectures. Both programmable systems, such as modern microprocessors, and fully dedicated or application specific designs (ASIC) are considered. Among programmable systems, this course mainly superscalar and instruction level parallel (ILP) microprocessors. Design methodologies are provided to develop and optimize application specific architectures, starting from the initial specifications and arriving to the complete layout of the circuit. The main design issues for arithmetic circuits and on-chip interconnect are also studied. A very important role in the course is played by laboratory activities, which are based on the use of advanced design tools for integrated circuits.
The course is taught in English. The course is part of the Msc-level programme in Electronic Engineering, offered in the first period of the second year. In particular, it completes the education of students with interest in the design of digital circuits and systems. The main objective of the course is providing techniques for the design of advanced digital processing architectures. Both programmable systems, such as modern microprocessors, and fully dedicated or application specific designs (ASIC) are considered. Among programmable systems, this course mainly superscalar and instruction level parallel (ILP) microprocessors. Design methodologies are provided to develop and optimize application specific architectures, starting from the initial specifications and arriving to the complete layout of the circuit. The main design issues for arithmetic circuits and on-chip interconnect are also studied. A very important role in the course is played by laboratory activities, which are based on the use of advanced design tools for integrated circuits. Therefore, students who are not able to attend laboratory activities (onsite or online) are not encouraged to take this course.
Knowledge of high abstraction level design methodologies for digital integrated systems Knowledge of microprocessor architectures Knowledge of design tools based on HDL languages (VHDL, Verilog, System C) Knowledge and ability in the design of basic blocks used in integrated processing architectures, such as arithmetic circuits, memory architectures, interfaces, and interconnections Capability of designing a digital integrated circuit, from initial specifications down to post-layout verification Capability of reading and learning from a scientific paper Capability of writing a technical design report
Knowledge of high abstraction level design methodologies for digital integrated systems Knowledge of microprocessor architectures Knowledge of design tools based on HDL languages (VHDL, Verilog, System C) Knowledge and ability in the design of basic blocks used in integrated processing architectures, such as arithmetic circuits, memory architectures, interfaces, and interconnections Capability of designing a digital integrated circuit, from initial specifications down to post-layout verification Capability of reading and learning from a scientific paper Capability of writing a technical design report
Basics on digital circuits as learned in the first Digital electronics module of the Msc-level programme: Combinatorial and sequential circuits techniques; Control unit design, Timing issues, Complex processing architectures, Memories and interconnections, VHDL language and simulation tools
Basics on digital circuits as learned in the first Digital electronics module of the Msc-level programme: Combinatorial and sequential circuits techniques; Control unit design, Timing issues, Complex processing architectures, Memories and interconnections, VHDL language and simulation tools
The course includes four main topics: 1. Methods for algorithm to architecture mapping (1.5 CFU) These methods (e.g. pipelining, retiming, folding, unfolding) are based on graph representation of algorithm and enable the exploration of alternative implementation architectures, with different cost and performance. Digital filters are used as driving examples. 2. Microprocessor architectures (2 CFU) Review of pipelined architectures (MIPS); A quantitative and qualitative study of superpipelined, superscalar, dataflow, and VLIW processors; Available parallelism in programs; Out of order instruction execution; Reservation stations; Reorder buffers; Branch prediction techniques; Performance evaluation; Multicore processors; Customizable processors. 3. Design of arithmetic circuits (1.5 CFU) Adders, Multipliers, Hardware division, Square root 4. On-chip interconnects (1 CFU) Bus basics, Examples of on-chip busses, Networks-on-Chip (NoC)
The course includes four main topics: 1. Methods for algorithm to architecture mapping (1.5 CFU) These methods (e.g. pipelining, retiming, folding, unfolding) are based on graph representation of algorithm and enable the exploration of alternative implementation architectures, with different cost and performance. Digital filters are used as driving examples. 2. Microprocessor architectures (2 CFU) Review of pipelined architectures (MIPS); A quantitative and qualitative study of superpipelined, superscalar, dataflow, and VLIW processors; Available parallelism in programs; Out of order instruction execution; Reservation stations; Reorder buffers; Branch prediction techniques; Performance evaluation; Multicore processors; Customizable processors. 3. Design of arithmetic circuits (1.5 CFU) Adders, Multipliers, Hardware division, Square root 4. On-chip interconnects (1 CFU) Bus basics, Examples of on-chip busses, Networks-on-Chip (NoC)
A very important role in the course is played by laboratory activities (three hours per week), which are based on the use of advanced design tools for integrated circuits. Design teams with two or three students each are formed and they have to complete assigned projects on three cases of studies: 1. VHDL to layout design of an application specific processing unit Design entry: structural VHDL Tools: Synopsys + Encounter 2. Design of a customizable processor Design entry: C language and behavioural VHDL Tools: TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE) + VHDL tools 3. SystemC design Design entry: SystemC Tools: VHDL and SystemC co-simulation (Modelsim) Assigned projects must be completed before the end of the course. Obtained results must be described in written reports, which are evaluated to determine the final grade.
A very important role in the course is played by laboratory activities (three hours per week), which are based on the use of advanced design tools for integrated circuits. Design teams with two or three students each are formed and they have to complete assigned projects on three cases of studies: 1. VHDL to layout design of an application specific processing unit Design entry: structural VHDL Tools: Synopsys + Encounter 2. Design of a customizable processor Design entry: C language and behavioural VHDL Tools: TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE) + VHDL tools 3. SystemC design Design entry: SystemC Tools: VHDL and SystemC co-simulation (Modelsim) Assigned projects must be completed before the end of the course. Obtained results must be described in written reports, which are evaluated to determine the final grade.
The learning material used for both lectures and laboratory sessions is made available through the course website: this material includes notes provided by teachers, slides, scientific papers and book chapters. Reference books that cover part of the course content are: David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition,Morgan Kaufmann , 2017 K.K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal ProcessingSystems: Design and Implementation, John Wiley, 1999
The learning material used for both lectures and laboratory sessions is made available through the course website: this material includes notes provided by teachers, slides, scientific papers and book chapters. There are three reference textbooks covering the three main topics of the course: David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition,Morgan Kaufmann , 2017 K.K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal ProcessingSystems: Design and Implementation, John Wiley, 1999 B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010 Very detailed slides from the latter textbook are available from the companion web site: https://web.ece.ucsb.edu/~parhami/text_comp_arch.htm.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The final grade is formed from two components: 1. Evaluation of the written test (70%), up to 21 points 2. Project evaluation plus short oral colloquium related to the submitted projects (30%), up to 9 points After the written test, students who received a passing mark can ask for an optional oral exam focused on the topics covered by lectures. This oral exam may change the initial mark by typically plus/minus 3 points. The written test includes one or two brief design problems, as well as two or three open answer questions on the topics covered by lectures. Normally, the same weight is assigned to each question in the test; however, the weight of questions with very low average results can be slightly reduced. Available time is two hours. Use of books or notes is not admitted. The written test can be taken onsite or online. Projects are evaluated based on the following criteria: - completeness of the design - adopted methodology - achieved results. The oral colloquium aims at clarifying design choices and other details of the submitted project; moreover, it is used the verify that every component of the team actually contributed to the design. Although not recommended, it is possible to pass the exam without the laboratory contribution. However, in this case, an excellent result in the written test is necessary: in particular, more than 25/30 must be achieved after the written test, so as the 70% of the received evaluation is larger than the passing threshold (18/30). Written test: organization We will use the EXAM platform and the proctoring system Respondus. There will be two or three separate test sessions: 1. The first session is about the formal optimization methods based on DFG. The answer has to be typed on your PC according to a detailed template specified for every step in the design procedure, e.g. the description of the initial DFG. During the test, you must also provide two or three drawings, each one on a separate paper, according to the rules specified in the exam text. Do not deliver any other drawing in addition to the one explicitly required. Before the end of the test, the student must frame each drawing with his webcam. Then, after the end of the test and within 5 minutes, the same drawings must be delivered, according to the following rules: a. Upload your drawings to the “Elaborati” section of the “Portale della didattica” by means of the Polito App. In case you are unable to do that, send the drawings by email and, in this case, compose the file names as: student ID followed by the word PHOTO and by a progressive number (example: S123456PHOTO1). b. You have to provide clear and complete pictures of the same drawings as the ones that were framed at the end of the written test. c. Please, provide good quality pictures with files of limited size (approximately no more than 1 or 2 MB per picture). d. Each photo must only contain the required drawing and your name; no other text descriptions are admitted. Any description, explanation or comment related to the design must be typed on your PC. e. Each photo must be a JPEG or PDF image saved in a separate file. Drawings delivered too late will not be considered. Drawings that were not properly framed with the webcam at the end of the test or different from the ones framed will not be considered. 2. The second session of the written exam includes two-three open answer questions. In this case, for each question, the student has to type the answer on the PC, with no extra material admitted. Each question will detail both the requested content and the template to be followed in providing the answer. There can be a word number limit for each answer. Oral exam and laboratory colloquium: they can be organized onsite or, alternatively, online by using the BBB tool (Virtual Classroom platform).
Exam: Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The final grade is formed from two components: 1. Evaluation of the written test (70%), up to 21 points 2. Project evaluation plus short oral colloquium related to the submitted projects (30%), up to 9 points After the written test, students who received a passing mark can ask for an optional oral exam focused on the topics covered by lectures. This oral exam may change the initial mark by typically plus/minus 3 points. The written test includes one or two brief design problems, as well as two or three open answer questions on the topics covered by lectures. Normally, the same weight is assigned to each question in the test; however, the weight of questions with very low average results can be slightly reduced. Available time is two hours. Use of books or notes is not admitted. The written test can be taken onsite or online. Projects are evaluated based on the following criteria: - completeness of the design - adopted methodology - achieved results. The oral colloquium aims at clarifying design choices and other details of the submitted project; moreover, it is used the verify that every component of the team actually contributed to the design. Although not recommended, it is possible to pass the exam without the laboratory contribution. However, in this case, an excellent result in the written test is necessary: in particular, more than 25/30 must be achieved after the written test, so as the 70% of the received evaluation is larger than the passing threshold (18/30). Written test: organization We will use the EXAM platform and the proctoring system Respondus. There will be two or three separate test sessions: 1. The first session is about the formal optimization methods based on DFG. The answer has to be typed on your PC according to a detailed template specified for every step in the design procedure, e.g. the description of the initial DFG. During the test, you must also provide two or three drawings, each one on a separate paper, according to the rules specified in the exam text. Do not deliver any other drawing in addition to the one explicitly required. Before the end of the test, the student must frame each drawing with his webcam. Then, after the end of the test and within 5 minutes, the same drawings must be delivered, according to the following rules: a. Upload your drawings to the “Elaborati” section of the “Portale della didattica” by means of the Polito App. In case you are unable to do that, send the drawings by email and, in this case, compose the file names as: student ID followed by the word PHOTO and by a progressive number (example: S123456PHOTO1). b. You have to provide clear and complete pictures of the same drawings as the ones that were framed at the end of the written test. c. Please, provide good quality pictures with files of limited size (approximately no more than 1 or 2 MB per picture). d. Each photo must only contain the required drawing and your name; no other text descriptions are admitted. Any description, explanation or comment related to the design must be typed on your PC. e. Each photo must be a JPEG or PDF image saved in a separate file. Drawings delivered too late will not be considered. Drawings that were not properly framed with the webcam at the end of the test or different from the ones framed will not be considered. 2. The second session of the written exam includes two-three open answer questions. In this case, for each question, the student has to type the answer on the PC, with no extra material admitted. Each question will detail both the requested content and the template to be followed in providing the answer. There can be a word number limit for each answer. Oral exam and laboratory colloquium: they can be organized onsite or, alternatively, online by using the BBB tool (Virtual Classroom platform).
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The final grade is formed from two components: 1. Evaluation of the written test (70%), up to 21 points 2. Project evaluation plus short oral colloquium related to the submitted projects (30%), up to 9 points After the written test, students who received a passing mark can ask for an optional oral exam focused on the topics covered by lectures. This oral exam may change the initial mark by typically plus/minus 3 points. The written test includes one or two brief design problems, as well as two or three open answer questions on the topics covered by lectures. Normally, the same weight is assigned to each question in the test; however, the weight of questions with very low average results can be slightly reduced. Available time is two hours. Use of books or notes is not admitted. Projects are evaluated based on the following criteria: - completeness of the design - adopted methodology - achieved results. The oral colloquium aims at clarifying design choices and other details of the submitted project; moreover, it is used the verify that every component of the team actually contributed to the design. Although not recommended, it is possible to pass the exam without the laboratory contribution. However, in this case, an excellent result in the written test is necessary: in particular, more than 25/30 must be achieved after the written test, so as the 70% of the received evaluation is larger than the passing threshold (18/30). Written test: organization We will use the EXAM platform and the proctoring system Respondus. There will be two or three separate test sessions: 1. The first session is about the formal optimization methods based on DFG. The answer has to be typed on your PC according to a detailed template specified for every step in the design procedure, e.g. the description of the initial DFG. During the test, you must also provide two or three drawings, each one on a separate paper, according to the rules specified in the exam text. Do not deliver any other drawing in addition to the one explicitly required. Before the end of the test, the student must frame each drawing with his webcam. Then, after the end of the test and within 5 minutes, the same drawings must be delivered, according to the following rules: a. Upload your drawings to the “Elaborati” section of the “Portale della didattica” by means of the Polito App. In case you are unable to do that, send the drawings by email and, in this case, compose the file names as: student ID followed by the word PHOTO and by a progressive number (example: S123456PHOTO1). b. You have to provide clear and complete pictures of the same drawings as the ones that were framed at the end of the written test. c. Please, provide good quality pictures with files of limited size (approximately no more than 1 or 2 MB per picture). d. Each photo must only contain the required drawing and your name; no other text descriptions are admitted. Any description, explanation or comment related to the design must be typed on your PC. e. Each photo must be a JPEG or PDF image saved in a separate file. Drawings delivered too late will not be considered. Drawings that were not properly framed with the webcam at the end of the test or different from the ones framed will not be considered. 2. The second session of the written exam includes two-three open answer questions. In this case, for each question, the student has to type the answer on the PC, with no extra material admitted. Each question will detail both the requested content and the template to be followed in providing the answer. There can be a word number limit for each answer. Oral exam and laboratory colloquium: they can be organized onsite or, alternatively, online by using the BBB tool (Virtual Classroom platform).
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The final grade is formed from two components: 1. Evaluation of the written test (70%), up to 21 points 2. Project evaluation plus short oral colloquium related to the submitted projects (30%), up to 9 points After the written test, students who received a passing mark can ask for an optional oral exam focused on the topics covered by lectures. This oral exam may change the initial mark by typically plus/minus 3 points. The written test includes one or two brief design problems, as well as two or three open answer questions on the topics covered by lectures. Normally, the same weight is assigned to each question in the test; however, the weight of questions with very low average results can be slightly reduced. Available time is two hours. Use of books or notes is not admitted. The written test can be taken onsite or online. Projects are evaluated based on the following criteria: - completeness of the design - adopted methodology - achieved results. The oral colloquium aims at clarifying design choices and other details of the submitted project; moreover, it is used the verify that every component of the team actually contributed to the design. Although not recommended, it is possible to pass the exam without the laboratory contribution. However, in this case, an excellent result in the written test is necessary: in particular, more than 25/30 must be achieved after the written test, so as the 70% of the received evaluation is larger than the passing threshold (18/30). Written test: organization We will use the EXAM platform and the proctoring system Respondus. There will be two or three separate test sessions: 1. The first session is about the formal optimization methods based on DFG. The answer has to be typed on your PC according to a detailed template specified for every step in the design procedure, e.g. the description of the initial DFG. During the test, you must also provide two or three drawings, each one on a separate paper, according to the rules specified in the exam text. Do not deliver any other drawing in addition to the one explicitly required. Before the end of the test, the student must frame each drawing with his webcam. Then, after the end of the test and within 5 minutes, the same drawings must be delivered, according to the following rules: a. Upload your drawings to the “Elaborati” section of the “Portale della didattica” by means of the Polito App. In case you are unable to do that, send the drawings by email and, in this case, compose the file names as: student ID followed by the word PHOTO and by a progressive number (example: S123456PHOTO1). b. You have to provide clear and complete pictures of the same drawings as the ones that were framed at the end of the written test. c. Please, provide good quality pictures with files of limited size (approximately no more than 1 or 2 MB per picture). d. Each photo must only contain the required drawing and your name; no other text descriptions are admitted. Any description, explanation or comment related to the design must be typed on your PC. e. Each photo must be a JPEG or PDF image saved in a separate file. Drawings delivered too late will not be considered. Drawings that were not properly framed with the webcam at the end of the test or different from the ones framed will not be considered. 2. The second session of the written exam includes two-three open answer questions. In this case, for each question, the student has to type the answer on the PC, with no extra material admitted. Each question will detail both the requested content and the template to be followed in providing the answer. There can be a word number limit for each answer. Oral exam and laboratory colloquium: they can be organized onsite or, alternatively, online by using the BBB tool (Virtual Classroom platform).
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