Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering) - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica (Electronic Engineering) - Torino
The course is taught in English.
Mandatory course for Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science Engineering, in the first year and first semester of the course. The purpose of the course is to provide a better knowledge on the elaboration system architecture, with a particular attention to microprocessor based systems. The course analyzes the several components of an elaboration system: from the microprocessor internal architecture, up to system bus for peripheral devices management.
The course is taught in English.
Mandatory course for Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science Engineering, in the first year and first semester of the course. The purpose of the course is to provide a better knowledge on the elaboration system architecture, with a particular attention to microprocessor based systems. The course analyzes the several components of an elaboration system: from the microprocessor internal architecture, up to system bus for peripheral devices management.
- Knowledge of several processor architectures, with particular attention paid to x86, ARM and MIPS families
- Superscalar and multithread architectures
- Knowledge of the sw/hw architecture of an embedded system
- Knowledge about system bus, cpu and I/O characteristics
- Competences about I/O management and interface design
- Competences about development of applications for embedded systems
- Assembly code implementation for I/O device management.
- Knowledge of several processor architectures, with particular attention paid to x86, ARM and MIPS families
- Superscalar and multithread architectures
- Knowledge of the sw/hw architecture of an embedded system
- Knowledge about system bus, cpu and I/O characteristics
- Competences about I/O management and interface design
- Competences about development of applications for embedded systems
- Assembly code implementation for I/O device management.
- Knowledge of basic elaboration systems architecture: processor structure, memory organization and peripheral management
- Knowledge of basic functionalities of operative systems
- Capability to develop programs in assembler language.
- Knowledge of basic elaboration systems architecture: processor structure, memory organization and peripheral management
- Knowledge of basic functionalities of operative systems
- Capability to develop programs in assembler language.
• Advanced description of the basic microprocessor architecture
• Introduction to modern microprocessor architectures
• CISC, RISC and superscalar processor architectures, behavior and performance
• Microprocessor-based systems architecture
• Development flow of embedded system applications using a development board
• Advanced programming techniques for embedded systems: theory and practice
• Advanced assembly programming techniques (ARM, 8086): theory and practice.
• Advanced description of the basic microprocessor architecture
• Introduction to modern microprocessor architectures
• CISC, RISC and superscalar processor architectures, behavior and performance
• Microprocessor-based systems architecture
• Development flow of embedded system applications using a development board
• Advanced programming techniques for embedded systems: theory and practice
• Advanced assembly programming techniques (ARM, 8086): theory and practice.
• Class lectures: 50% of the course duration
• Extensive Class exercise time: 30% of the course duration
• Assisted laboratories: 20% of the course duration.
Students are highly invited to interact with Lecturers, at lecture, exercise, and laboratory slots
• Class lectures: 50% of the course duration
• Extensive Class exercise time: 30% of the course duration
• Assisted laboratories: 20% of the course duration.
Students are highly invited to interact with Lecturers, at lecture, exercise, and laboratory slots
• J.L. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., VI Edition, 2017
• Steve Furber, ARM system-on-chip architecture, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
Optional additional material provided by the Lecturers.
• J.L. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., VI Edition, 2017
• Steve Furber, ARM system-on-chip architecture, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
Optional additional material provided by the Lecturers.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo;
Due to the lockdown and social distancing requirements, the implementation of the exam could be affected by the way it can be run, as well as by the tools and restrictions available at the time of a call(s). In such a case, the flow will be implemented under any "new restrictions" as much as possible to be consistent with the rules holding in the years 2019-20, i.e. before the COVID-19 era. In particular, the way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen. It is for sure that all students should have a stable internet connection, one optional additional device with a second webcam, a microphone in addition to a computing system (i.e., a laptop with working webcam), which is compatible with the tools that will be used, likely polito’s virtualclass and client, plus additional software (if any) as indicated through portale della didattica by professors. Once more, in such a case, the professors will inform the students through portale della didattica and as soon as possible, about the flow, the way how the rules are implemented and the requirements for attending the exam remotely. An example of implementation of the rules in a remote exam situation (summer 2020, i.e. february 2020 with minor variations, call) is found at
The goal, as stated above, is to try to replicate as much as possible, the flow of the exam as it was before the COVID-19 era.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform;
Due to the lockdown and social distancing requirements, the implementation of the exam could be affected by the way it can be run, as well as by the tools and restrictions available at the time of a call(s). In such a case, the flow will be implemented under any "new restrictions" as much as possible to be consistent with the rules holding in the years 2019-20, i.e. before the COVID-19 era. In particular, the way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen. It is for sure that all students should have a stable internet connection, one optional additional device with a second webcam, a microphone in addition to a computing system (i.e., a laptop with working webcam), which is compatible with the tools that will be used, likely polito’s virtualclass and client, plus additional software (if any) as indicated through portale della didattica by professors. Once more, in such a case, the professors will inform the students through portale della didattica and as soon as possible, about the flow, the way how the rules are implemented and the requirements for attending the exam remotely. An example of implementation of the rules in a remote exam situation (summer 2020, i.e. february 2020 with minor variations, call) is found at
The goal, as stated above, is to try to replicate as much as possible, the flow of the exam as it was before the COVID-19 era.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo;
Due to the lockdown and social distancing requirements, the implementation of the exam could be affected by the way it can be run, as well as by the tools and restrictions available at the time of a call(s). In such a case, the flow will be implemented under any "new restrictions" as much as possible to be consistent with the rules holding in the years 2019-20, i.e. before the COVID-19 era. In particular, the way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen. It is for sure that all students should have a stable internet connection, one optional additional device with a second webcam, a microphone in addition to a computing system (i.e., a laptop with working webcam), which is compatible with the tools that will be used, likely polito’s virtualclass and client, plus additional software (if any) as indicated through portale della didattica by professors. Once more, in such a case, the professors will inform the students through portale della didattica and as soon as possible, about the flow, the way how the rules are implemented and the requirements for attending the exam remotely. An example of implementation of the rules in a remote exam situation (summer 2020, i.e. february 2020 with minor variations, call) is found at
The goal, as stated above, is to try to replicate as much as possible, the flow of the exam as it was before the COVID-19 era.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform;
Due to the lockdown and social distancing requirements, the implementation of the exam could be affected by the way it can be run, as well as by the tools and restrictions available at the time of a call(s). In such a case, the flow will be implemented under any "new restrictions" as much as possible to be consistent with the rules holding in the years 2019-20, i.e. before the COVID-19 era. In particular, the way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen. It is for sure that all students should have a stable internet connection, one optional additional device with a second webcam, a microphone in addition to a computing system (i.e., a laptop with working webcam), which is compatible with the tools that will be used, likely polito’s virtualclass and client, plus additional software (if any) as indicated through portale della didattica by professors. Once more, in such a case, the professors will inform the students through portale della didattica and as soon as possible, about the flow, the way how the rules are implemented and the requirements for attending the exam remotely. An example of implementation of the rules in a remote exam situation (summer 2020, i.e. february 2020 with minor variations, call) is found at
The goal, as stated above, is to try to replicate as much as possible, the flow of the exam as it was before the COVID-19 era.