1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architettura (Architecture) - Torino 1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architettura - Torino
The teaching aims at supplying the technical-scientific fundamentals necessary for the correct choice and responsible use of building materials in architecture. Buildings, and consequently their constituent materials, are continuously requested to present new and more complex functionalities: both increased structural performances and better functional properties, in terms of physical and thermal behaviour, economic and environmental sustainability, etc. The Architect, therefore, should possess the proper tools to discuss with different cultures and professional roles in the construction field, should be able to properly select materials and correctly use them both in new structures and in restoration and conservation projects.
The teaching aims at supplying the technical-scientific fundamentals necessary for the correct choice and responsible use of building materials in architecture. Buildings, and consequently their constituent materials, are continuously requested to present new and more complex functionalities: both increased structural performances and better functional properties, in terms of physical and thermal behaviour, economic and environmental sustainability, etc. The Architect, therefore, should possess the proper tools to discuss with different cultures and professional roles in the construction field, should be able to properly select materials and correctly use them both in new structures and in restoration and conservation projects.
The teaching aims at providing to the students the proper knowledge about the main materials used in architecture, as well as the proper tools to understand the material structure and correlate it with their main chemical, physical and mechanical properties.
The whole panorama of the mainly used materials in architecture will be given within the lectures, by establishing meaningful properties-applications relationships. Particular attention will be paid to materials degradation phenomena due to environment. Basic knowledge about economic and environmental impact will be supplied. The analysis of the main materials used today in Architecture will provide a further cultural and methodological tool to be properly used for future, new materials, allowing their responsible use and optimal exploitation.
The teaching aims at providing to the students the proper knowledge about the main materials used in architecture, as well as the proper tools to understand the material structure and correlate it with their main chemical, physical and mechanical properties.
The whole panorama of the mainly used materials in architecture will be given within the lectures, by establishing meaningful properties-applications relationships. Particular attention will be paid to materials degradation phenomena due to the environment. Basic knowledge about economic and environmental impact will be supplied. The analysis of the main materials used today in Architecture will provide a further cultural and methodological tool to be properly used for future, new materials, allowing their responsible use and optimal exploitation.
Rudiments of mathematics, chemistry and physics can be useful for an effective understanding of the teaching. In any case, in the frame of the first part of the program, basic concepts are provided to the students for a deeper fruition of the contents.
Basis of mathematics, chemistry and physics can be useful for an effective understanding of the teaching. In any case, in the frame of the first part of the program, basic concepts are provided to the students for a deeper fruition of the contents.
The program of the teaching (6 CFU) is here detailed:
Part 1: Introduction to Material Science and Technology (about 2 CFU). Here, the structure, composition and classification criteria of building materials are illustrated and discussed. Then, the main materials properties will be analysed by the mechanical, functional (physical, thermal, optical and acoustic properties) and chemical (interaction with the environment and possible degradation phenomena) points of view.
Part 2: Materials for architecture (about 4 CFU). Binding materials (aerial and hydraulic binders, such as gypsum, lime, hydrated lime, Portland and blended cements) will be analysed. Particular attention will be paid to concrete. Stones, traditional ceramics, glasses, metallic materials (mainly steel, but also cast iron and the most important metal alloys – such as aluminium, copper and titanium alloys will be discussed), wood, polymeric and composite materials. For each class of materials, the processing (production and shaping), the properties, the durability, the environmental impact, the possible technological solutions to maximize the materials performance and durability will be explained.
The program of the teaching (6 CFU) is here detailed:
Part 1: Introduction to Material Science and Technology (about 2 CFU). Here, the structure, composition and classification criteria of building materials are illustrated and discussed. Then, the main materials properties will be analysed by the mechanical, functional (physical, thermal, optical and acoustic properties) and chemical (interaction with the environment and possible degradation phenomena) points of view.
Part 2: Materials for architecture (about 4 CFU). Binding materials (aerial and hydraulic binders, such as gypsum, lime, hydrated lime, Portland and blended cements) will be analysed. Particular attention will be paid to concrete. Stones, traditional ceramics, glasses, metallic materials (mainly steel, but also cast iron and the most important metal alloys – such as aluminium, copper and titanium alloys will be discussed), wood, polymeric and composite materials. For each class of materials, the processing (production and shaping), the properties, the durability, the environmental impact, the possible technological solutions to maximize the materials performance and durability will be explained.
Only frontal lectures are forecasted during the course. Additionally, films and videos will be shown to deepen some aspects of the program; seminars by experts from the industry will be possibly organized.
Only frontal lectures will be given during the course. Additionally, films and videos will be shown to deepen some aspects of the program; seminars by experts from the industry will be organized when possible.
M. Gastaldi, L. Bertolini "Introduzione ai materiali per l’architettura", Città Studi Edizioni (2011);
Other recommended readings:
M. Collepardi, Il Nuovo calcestruzzo, Ed. Tintoretto (2002);
J. F. Shackelford. Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori Editore (2009);
B. Berge. The ecology of building materials. Elsevier Architectural Press, Oxford (2009);
S. Pagliolico, R. Morra, Brevi cenni sulle proprietà chimiche e sull’elasticità dei materiali, Ed. Celid (2008);
S. Pagliolico, R. Morra, Il legno, Ed. Celid (2008);
M. Collepardi, Il Nuovo calcestruzzo, Ed. Tintoretto (2002);
A. Negro, J.M. Tulliani, L. Montanaro, "Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali", Celid (2001).
William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch, "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction", Wiley (2018);
Other recommended readings:
M. Collepardi, Il Nuovo calcestruzzo, Ed. Tintoretto (2002);
J. F. Shackelford. Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori Editore (2009);
B. Berge. The ecology of building materials. Elsevier Architectural Press, Oxford (2009);
S. Pagliolico, R. Morra, Brevi cenni sulle proprietà chimiche e sull’elasticità dei materiali, Ed. Celid (2008);
S. Pagliolico, R. Morra, Il legno, Ed. Celid (2008);
M. Collepardi, Il Nuovo calcestruzzo, Ed. Tintoretto (2002);
A. Negro, J.M. Tulliani, L. Montanaro, "Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali", Celid (2001).
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The learning and grading will be assessed through an online exam through Respondus system. The exam lasts about 1.5 hours, and comprises True/False and open questions type. There will be 10 True/False questions for which a minimum of right answers is needed to pass the exam. The minimum number of correct answers will be defined in the exam and will be 7/10 or higher. If the student doesn't obtain the minimum score at the True/False answers the exam is failed. Open questions will be evaluated only if this True/False session is passed and each correct answers worth 1/30 point.
For each open question is required an exact, articulated, comprehensive and concise response, to which may be assigned a maximum score of 4 or 5/30. The final grade will be provided by the sum of the partial scores obtained for each question. An example of the exam will be available and commented during the lessons.
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The learning and grading will be assessed through an online exam through Respondus system. The exam lasts about 1.5 hours, and comprises True/False and open questions type. There will be 10 True/False questions for which a minimum of right answers is needed to pass the exam. The minimum number of correct answers will be defined in the exam and will be 7/10 or higher. If the student doesn't obtain the minimum score at the True/False answers the exam is failed. Open questions will be evaluated only if this True/False session is passed and each correct answers worth 1/30 point.
For each open question is required an exact, articulated, comprehensive and concise response, to which may be assigned a maximum score of 4 or 5/30. The final grade will be provided by the sum of the partial scores obtained for each question.
The exam will focus on the verification of the knowledge of the properties of materials, the peculiar properties and characteristics of each class of materials, their applications and their sustainability.
An example of the exam will be available and commented during the lessons and will be available in the portal.
During the exam, a calculator will be admitted if needed and no access or consultation of manuals/slides/textbook will be allowed.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The learning and grading will be assessed through an online exam through Respondus system or written exam. The exam lasts about 1.5 hours, and comprises True/False and open questions type. There will be 10 True/False questions for which a minimum of right answers is needed to pass the exam. The minimum number of correct answers will be defined in the exam and will be 7/10 or higher. If the student doesn't obtain the minimum score at the True/False answers the exam is failed. Open questions will be evaluated only if this True/False session is passed and each correct answers worth 1/30 point.
For each open question is required an exact, articulated, comprehensive and concise response, to which may be assigned a maximum score of 4 or 5/30. The final grade will be provided by the sum of the partial scores obtained for each question. An example of the exam will be available and commented during the lessons.
Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The learning and grading will be assessed through an online exam through Respondus system or written exam. The exam lasts about 1.5 hours, and comprises True/False and open questions type. There will be 10 True/False questions for which a minimum of right answers is needed to pass the exam. The minimum number of correct answers will be defined in the exam and will be 7/10 or higher. If the student doesn't obtain the minimum score at the True/False answers the exam is failed. Open questions will be evaluated only if this True/False session is passed and each correct answers worth 1/30 point.
For each open question is required an exact, articulated, comprehensive and concise response, to which may be assigned a maximum score of 4 or 5/30. The final grade will be provided by the sum of the partial scores obtained for each question.
The exam will focus on the verification of the knowledge of the properties of materials, the peculiar properties and characteristics of each class of materials, their applications and their sustainability.
An example of the exam will be available and commented during the lessons and will be available in the portal.
During the exam, a calculator will be admitted if needed and no access or consultation of manuals/slides/textbook will be allowed.