This course is designed for students interested in the business domain, who are next to become business professionals.
The main goal is to help them learn how to use and manage information technologies to improve the business process, better supporting business decision making and gain competitive advantage. A major emphasis is placed on up-to-date coverage of the Internet technologies treated in the perspective of a dynamic platform for business, commerce, and collaboration processes among all business stakeholders.
This course is designed for students interested in the business domain, who are next to become business professionals.
The main goal is to help them learn how to use and manage information technologies to improve the business process, better supporting business decision making and gain competitive advantage. A major emphasis is placed on up-to-date coverage of the Internet technologies treated in the perspective of a dynamic platform for business, commerce, and collaboration processes among all business stakeholders.
Main KSC can be summarized as follows:
-Understanding the concept of a system and how it relates to information systems;
-Defining why knowledge of information systems is important for business professionals;
-Giving examples to illustrate how the business applications of information systems can support a firm’s business processes, managerial decision making, and strategies for competitive advantage;
-Providing examples of several major types of information systems from experiences with business organizations in the real world;
-Identifying several challenges that a business manager might face in managing the successful and development and use of information technology in a business;
-Providing examples of the components of information systems;
-Showing that in an information system, people use hardware, software, data, and networks as resources to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into information products.
Main KSC can be summarized as follows:
-Understanding the concept of a system and how it relates to information systems;
-Defining why knowledge of information systems is important for business professionals;
-Giving examples to illustrate how the business applications of information systems can support a firm’s business processes, managerial decision making, and strategies for competitive advantage;
-Providing examples of several major types of information systems from experiences with business organizations in the real world;
-Identifying several challenges that a business manager might face in managing the successful and development and use of information technology in a business;
-Providing examples of the components of information systems;
-Showing that in an information system, people use hardware, software, data, and networks as resources to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into information products.
Basic digital competence, skills and knowledge of programming principles, database systems and computer networks.
Basic digital competence, skills and knowledge of programming principles, database systems and computer networks.
Course topics address information systems life cycle management carried out referring to a specific case study.
The approach followed in the course is rooted on problem based learning. The case study model is built around the Problem Life Cycle stating six main stages: problem identification and formulation, problem posing, problem solving, prototyping, deployment and dissemination, validation. The project work is organised and developed by teams of 5-6 students. Each group has its own problem to be analysed so that a corresponding information system can be planned and carried out using a shared development stack for the application.
Main tools and methodologies to be used in the project work:
-Lean Model Canvas to sketch the problem, solutions, stakeholders, and other relevant perspectives
-Logical Framework Analysis, to dig deeper into the problem and trace the solution focusing on expected results
-Quality Function Deployment, to learn from existent and competitive examples already offered by the market
-IDEF0, to draw a picture of macro-processes involved into the proposed solution
-UML for the specification
-Python, SQLlite/MySQL, Flask as development stack
-PyCharm as an integrated development environment
-Camtasia or analogous open source tools to develop kickstarter-like and functional application description videos
A prototype, a report, a slide based presentation, two videos, are the deliverables expected at the end of the project work.
Course topics address information systems life cycle management carried out referring to a specific case study.
The approach followed in the course is rooted on problem based learning. The case study model is built around the Problem Life Cycle stating six main stages: problem identification and formulation, problem posing, problem solving, prototyping, deployment and dissemination, validation. The project work is organised and developed by teams of 5-6 students. Each group has its own problem to be analysed so that a corresponding information system can be planned and carried out using a shared development stack for the application.
Main tools and methodologies to be used in the project work:
-Lean Model Canvas to sketch the problem, solutions, stakeholders, and other relevant perspectives
-Logical Framework Analysis, to dig deeper into the problem and trace the solution focusing on expected results
-Quality Function Deployment, to learn from existent and competitive examples already offered by the market
-IDEF0, to draw a picture of macro-processes involved into the proposed solution
-UML for the specification
-Python, SQLlite/MySQL, Flask as development stack
-PyCharm as an integrated development environment
-Camtasia or analogous open source tools to develop kickstarter-like and functional application description videos
A prototype, a report, a slide based presentation, two videos, are the deliverables expected at the end of the project work.
Lectures and labs are deeply integrated covering each-one 50% of the whole course timespan. Labs are organised into two weekly sections coping with the number of students attending the course. Project work is the leading topic which is carried out having the information systems framework shaped by Marachas and O'Brian in the background. The effort the students are requested to deliver in team on the PW corresponds to 2/3 from the whole endeavour expected in the course. The remaining effort is spent either on theory (1/6) and on reverse engineering (1/6). These latter sustain student individual action to complete the previous collective assessment got through the team work.
Lectures and labs are deeply integrated covering each-one 50% of the whole course timespan. Labs are organised into two weekly sections coping with the number of students attending the course. Project work is the leading topic which is carried out having the information systems framework shaped by Marachas and O'Brian in the background (or other similar texts). The effort the students are requested to deliver in team on the PW corresponds to 2/3 from the whole endeavour expected in the course. The remaining effort is spent either on theory (1/6) and on reverse engineering (1/6). These latter sustain student individual action to complete the previous collective assessment got through the team work.
-Marakas, O'Brian, Introduction to Information Systems, 16th Ed., 2013.
-PyCharm Python IDE., last visit: January 18th, 2019.
-Flask microframework., last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-European commission. Project cycle management guidelines. 2004.
-F. Franceschini, Advanced Quality Function Deployment, CRC Press, December 13, pp. 208, ISBN 9781574443219, (2001)
-Codecademy: Learn to code,, last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-DEF0., last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-Course slides
-Marakas, O'Brian, Introduction to Information Systems, 16th Ed., 2013.
-PyCharm Python IDE., last visit: January 18th, 2019.
-Flask microframework., last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-European commission. Project cycle management guidelines. 2004.
-F. Franceschini, Advanced Quality Function Deployment, CRC Press, December 13, pp. 208, ISBN 9781574443219, (2001)
-Codecademy: Learn to code,, last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-IDEF0., last visit: April 17th, 2019.
-Course slides
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
-Written test (individual assessment)
The first part includes closed answers questionnaire (30 questions to be dealt with in 60 minutes) applied to "Introduction to Information Systems", Marachas, O'Brian, or other similar texts; these questions are taken from the test banks texts may provides.
The second part is based on a reverse engineering process of a python code segment, expected results are: comments to the given code, Use Case diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence diagram, one/five open answer questions on specific instructions identified within the given code segment.
-Case study development (team assessment)
The team (5/6 students) develops a project report (team assessment) structured according to the problem life cycle, it includes:
-Lean Business Model Canvas
-Logical Framework Approach schema (Stakeholder Analysis, Problem Analysis, Solution Analysis, Strategy
Identification, LogFrame Matrix definition, WBS, GANTT, PERT, Activies, Resources, Deliverables)
-5Ws1H perspective
-Quality Functional Development/House of Quality
-UML diagrams
-Prototype implementation
-List of used tools
-Obstacles/Concerns - assumptions
-Future work
-Oral presentation (individual): a presentation is also required (ex. Power point) to discuss the prototype (total of 60 minutes): 10 minutes each student
-A kickstarter-like video (3 minutes)
-A video for functional description of the prototype (7-10 minutes)
-Prototype discussion (team assessment)
-The Team Self-Assessment (individual assessment)
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
-Written test (individual assessment)
The first part includes closed answers questionnaire (30 questions to be dealt within 45 minutes) applied to "Introduction to Information Systems", Marachas, O'Brian, or other similar texts; these questions are taken from the test banks texts may provide.
The second part is based on a reverse engineering process of a python code segment, expected results are: comments to the given code, including some open answer questions on specific instructions identified within the given code segment, a Use Case diagram, a Class Diagram and a Sequence diagram. This part requires 1h 30 minutes.
-Case study development (team assessment)
The team (5/6 students) develops a project report (team assessment) structured according to the problem life cycle, it includes:
-Lean Business Model Canvas
-Logical Framework Approach schema (Stakeholder Analysis, Problem Analysis, Solution Analysis, Strategy
Identification, LogFrame Matrix definition, WBS, GANTT, PERT, Activies, Resources, Deliverables)
-5Ws1H perspective
-Quality Functional Development/House of Quality
-UML diagrams
-Prototype implementation
-List of used tools
-Obstacles/Concerns - assumptions
-Future work
-Oral presentation (individual): a presentation is also required (ex. Power point) to discuss the prototype (total of 60 minutes): 10 minutes each student
-A kickstarter-like video (3 minutes)
-A video for functional description of the prototype (7-10 minutes)
-Prototype discussion (team assessment)
-The Team Self-Assessment (individual assessment)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato scritto individuale; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
-Written test (individual assessment)
The first part includes closed answers questionnaire (30 questions to be dealt within 45 minutes) applied to "Introduction to Information Systems", Marachas, O'Brian, or other similar texts; these questions are taken from the test banks texts may provide.
The second part is based on a reverse engineering process of a python code segment, expected results are: comments to the given code, including some open answer questions on specific instructions identified within the given code segment, a Use Case diagram, a Class Diagram and a Sequence diagram. This part requires 1h 30 minutes.
-Case study development (team assessment)
The team (5/6 students) develops a project report (team assessment) structured according to the problem life cycle, it includes:
-Lean Business Model Canvas
-Logical Framework Approach schema (Stakeholder Analysis, Problem Analysis, Solution Analysis, Strategy
Identification, LogFrame Matrix definition, WBS, GANTT, PERT, Activies, Resources, Deliverables)
-5Ws1H perspective
-Quality Functional Development/House of Quality
-UML diagrams
-Prototype implementation
-List of used tools
-Obstacles/Concerns - assumptions
-Future work
-Oral presentation (individual): a presentation is also required (ex. Power point) to discuss the prototype (total of 60 minutes): 10 minutes each student
-A kickstarter-like video (3 minutes)
-A video for functional description of the prototype (7-10 minutes)
-Prototype discussion (team assessment)
-The Team Self-Assessment (individual assessment)
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Individual essay; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
-Written test (individual assessment)
The first part includes closed answers questionnaire (30 questions to be dealt within 45 minutes) applied to "Introduction to Information Systems", Marachas, O'Brian, or other similar texts; these questions are taken from the test banks texts may provide.
The second part is based on a reverse engineering process of a python code segment, expected results are: comments to the given code, including some open answer questions on specific instructions identified within the given code segment, a Use Case diagram, a Class Diagram and a Sequence diagram. This part requires 1h 30 minutes.
-Case study development (team assessment)
The team (5/6 students) develops a project report (team assessment) structured according to the problem life cycle, it includes:
-Lean Business Model Canvas
-Logical Framework Approach schema (Stakeholder Analysis, Problem Analysis, Solution Analysis, Strategy
Identification, LogFrame Matrix definition, WBS, GANTT, PERT, Activies, Resources, Deliverables)
-5Ws1H perspective
-Quality Functional Development/House of Quality
-UML diagrams
-Prototype implementation
-List of used tools
-Obstacles/Concerns - assumptions
-Future work
-Oral presentation (individual): a presentation is also required (ex. Power point) to discuss the prototype (total of 60 minutes): 10 minutes each student
-A kickstarter-like video (3 minutes)
-A video for functional description of the prototype (7-10 minutes)
-Prototype discussion (team assessment)
-The Team Self-Assessment (individual assessment)