Elenco notifiche

Professional Training


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Bertagnoli Gabriele Professore Associato CEAR-07/A 0 0 0 0 3

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A *** 6 F - Altre attività (art. 10) Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
The educational objectives that can be achieved by the students during the internship are: • understanding the differences between receiving academic education and interacting within a production context inside an economic environment; • learning team-working, respecting hierarchies, rules and tasks, timetables and deliveries that are typical inside a production context; • being able to transfer academic skills into the working world; • evaluating the differences between the skills requested on the working field and the ones learned inside the university; • being able to work independently and reach good problem solving skill. • achieving the specific professional skills and competencies related to the working field within the internship is done.
The educational objectives that can be achieved by the students during the internship are: • understanding the differences between receiving academic education and interacting within a production context inside an economic environment; • learning team-working, respecting hierarchies, rules and tasks, timetables and deliveries that are typical inside a production context; • being able to transfer academic skills into the working world; • evaluating the differences between the skills requested on the working field and the ones learned inside the university; • being able to work independently and reach good problem solving skill. • achieving the specific professional skills and competencies related to the working field within the internship is done.
The internships of the Civil Engineering course do not require special pre-requisites. There are no minimum CFU to be achieved before starting the internship. The student can fulfil a 6CFU internship in the bachelor degree and a 6CFU internship in the master degree. The master degree internship can be extended adding 6 or 12CFU extra; in this case the student will get the master degree with 126 or 132CFU instead of the regular 120. Internships can be done by private or public companies like: engineering or architecture design studios or firms, construction companies, public administrations, concession holding companies (highways and railways, energy production and distribution, water and sewage management, etc.), universities and research labs. The internship can be done in Italy or abroad.
The internships of the Civil Engineering course do not require special pre-requisites. There are no minimum CFU to be achieved before starting the internship. The student can fulfil a 6CFU internship in the bachelor degree and a 6CFU internship in the master degree. The master degree internship can be extended adding 6 or 12CFU extra; in this case the student will get the master degree with 126 or 132CFU instead of the regular 120. Internships can be done by private or public companies like: engineering or architecture design studios or firms, construction companies, public administrations, concession holding companies (highways and railways, energy production and distribution, water and sewage management, etc.), universities and research labs. The internship can be done in Italy or abroad.
Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf The student can see in real time the internship offers logging on his page of the polito internet site. Once per year, the TIME FOR JOB event of the CIA (Construction, Infrastructures, Environment) is organized to promote the meeting between companies interested in internships and students. (https://careerservice.polito.it/eventi). The student should choose an academic tutor, in function of the subject of the internship, among the teaching staff of Civil Engineering Course. Extending the duration of your internship (valid for Master’s degree programmes only) Internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in the Annual Personal Study Plan. You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours”. You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it. In any case, you cannot do more than 900 hours (maximum amount of hours may vary for each study course). The extra credits (6 or 12) grant a bonus on the Master Degree (1 point maximum on 110). Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company. It MUST also be approved by a Polito faculty member (your Academic Tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Progetto Formativo. If your Progetto Formativo is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of your degree programme (i.e., 6 credits/ 150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credit threshold required for Master’s graduation). During the internship the student should keep in contact with the academic tutor and inform him on the internship activity. At the end of the internship the student should load a report on the activity accomplished during the internship on the Polito Portal, together with the timesheet. The report should be accepted by the company tutor and, afterwards, by the academic tutor and/or the Internship Coordinator Referente tirocini: Prof. Gabriele BERTAGNOLI
Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf The student can see in real time the internship offers logging on his page of the polito internet site. Once per year, the TIME FOR JOB event of the CIA (Construction, Infrastructures, Environment) is organized to promote the meeting between companies interested in internships and students. (https://careerservice.polito.it/eventi). The student should choose an academic tutor, in function of the subject of the internship, among the teaching staff of Civil Engineering Course. Extending the duration of your internship (valid for Master’s degree programmes only) Internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in the Annual Personal Study Plan. You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours”. You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it. In any case, you cannot do more than 900 hours (maximum amount of hours may vary for each study course). The extra credits (6 or 12) grant a bonus on the Master Degree (1 point maximum on 110). Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company. It MUST also be approved by a Polito faculty member (your Academic Tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Progetto Formativo. If your Progetto Formativo is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of your degree programme (i.e., 6 credits/ 150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credit threshold required for Master’s graduation). During the internship the student should keep in contact with the academic tutor and inform him on the internship activity. At the end of the internship the student should load a report on the activity accomplished during the internship on the Polito Portal, together with the timesheet. The report should be accepted by the company tutor and, afterwards, by the academic tutor and/or the Internship Coordinator Referente tirocini: Prof. Gabriele BERTAGNOLI
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
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