Elenco notifiche

Professional Training


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Mechatronic Engineering (Ingegneria Meccatronica) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Sterpone Luca Professore Ordinario IINF-05/A 0 0 0 0 8

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A *** 12 E - Per prova finale e conoscenza della lingua straniera Per la prova finale
Rules for the Professional Training are available at the following address: http://stagejob.polito.it/students/lm_ingegneria_informatica_meccatronica_cinema
The internship for the master's degrees of the College of Computer Engineering, Cinema and Mechatronics is an activity carried out partly in the company and partly at the Polytechnic of Turin as part of the final test. The activities carried out are oriented towards the development of technical and practical methods, relevant to the course of study and applied to realistic cases relating to the company proposing the traineeship. As part of the internship, problems relating to management and activity in the corporate team, mechanisms and the development of real impact solutions with effective technological advancement are supported, supported by the joint cooperation between the company and the Polytechnic. Requirements for the proposing company Companies have the opportunity to offer internships throughout the academic year. It is necessary to insert internship proposals with training content such as to allow thesis planning. The internship is therefore allowed only if it will allow further study within the thesis. These proposals will be subject to approval by the Traineeships Commission (made up of the Referrals for the courses of study courses) which will decide whether or not to make them visible to the students. The internship corresponds to 12 credits (300 hours of activity). Regarding the work done in the thesis field, the company will have to allow the student to produce a report on the work done for writing a monograph and the thesis itself. At the end of the internship, the company will have to produce an evaluation of the same to be forwarded to referente.tirocini.lm.icm@polito.it prof. Luca Sterpone indicating an assessment of the specific skills acquired and the skills developed / difficulties encountered during the activity carried out.
The internship experience is only allowed upon reaching 48 ECTS. If the proposals received by the companies are positively evaluated, they will be made visible to students from the teaching portal through the Career Service Office. After having submitted the application for the internship + thesis and passed the selection with the company, it will be necessary to send an email to the referents of your course of study to obtain the interval for starting the activity. The actual student-company matching must in fact be agreed with the Internship Commission. The tutor of the internship + thesis may be proposed by the student or indicated by the Internship Commission. Students will only have to modify their didactic load at the Student Secretariat and insert this activity in the course of study, only after confirmation of the study placements by e-mail. The internship contact will send a communication to the Didactic Secretariat, with theCareer Service Office, so that this change can be correctly inserted. Students who have applied for an internship + thesis proposal, but who have not received approval of the application, will in no way be able to start the internship and make requests to change the teaching load. The Commission will also evaluate the internship proposals received by students which will be validated only if the internship experience will be formative and with specific planning that can be deepened within the thesis.
The internship experience is only allowed upon reaching 48 ECTS. If the proposals received by the companies are positively evaluated, they will be made visible to students from the teaching portal through the Career Service Office. After having submitted the application for the internship + thesis and passed the selection with the company, it will be necessary to send an email to the referents of your course of study to obtain the interval for starting the activity. The actual student-company matching must in fact be agreed with the Internship Commission. The tutor of the internship + thesis may be proposed by the student or indicated by the Internship Commission. Students will only have to modify their didactic load at the Student Secretariat and insert this activity in the course of study, only after confirmation of the study placements by e-mail. The internship contact will send a communication to the Didactic Secretariat, with theCareer Service Office, so that this change can be correctly inserted. Students who have applied for an internship + thesis proposal, but who have not received approval of the application, will in no way be able to start the internship and make requests to change the teaching load. The Commission will also evaluate the internship proposals received by students which will be validated only if the internship experience will be formative and with specific planning that can be deepened within the thesis.
Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf Extending the duration of your internship (valid for Master’s degree programmes only) Internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in the Annual Personal Study Plan. You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours”. You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it. In any case, you cannot do more than 900 hours (maximum amount of hours may vary for each study course). Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company. It MUST also be approved by a Polito faculty member (your Academic Tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Progetto Formativo. If your Progetto Formativo is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of your degree programme (i.e., 6 credits/ 150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credit threshold required for Master’s graduation) LM in Ingegneria Meccatronica: Prof. Marcello CHIABERGE (marcello.chiaberge@polito.it)
Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf Extending the duration of your internship (valid for Master’s degree programmes only) Internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in the Annual Personal Study Plan. You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours”. You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it. In any case, you cannot do more than 900 hours (maximum amount of hours may vary for each study course). Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company. It MUST also be approved by a Polito faculty member (your Academic Tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Progetto Formativo. If your Progetto Formativo is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of your degree programme (i.e., 6 credits/ 150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credit threshold required for Master’s graduation) LM in Ingegneria Meccatronica: Prof. Marcello CHIABERGE (marcello.chiaberge@polito.it)
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
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