Elenco notifiche

Urban-scale/Agricultural-scale Mapping/Monitoring for Digital Twin of Earth (didattica di eccellenza)


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Urban And Regional Development - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Piras Marco   Professore Ordinario CEAR-04/A 2 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Objective of the course: Urban areas are expanding rapidly in many parts of the globe, with the world’s population projected to surpass 10 billion inhabitants, of which 70% will live in towns and cities by 2050. The urban heat island effect can cause cities to be 6-12°C warmer than the surrounding rural areas, which is of great concern due to the increased fatalities associated with heatwaves, an issue that will be exacerbated by climate change. Urban and agricultural areas are in the process of being introduced into the Earth system model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), involving a rigorous treatment of the turbulent and radiative exchanges at the principal elements of an urban area (streets, walls and roofs). This course will introduce the underpinning science of modelling urban and agricultural areas as new capability in the ECMWF Earth system and designed to answer scientific and policy questions on a continental to global scale, as applications of the Digital Twins of Earth.
Objective of the course: Urban areas are expanding rapidly in many parts of the globe, with the world’s population projected to surpass 10 billion inhabitants, of which 70% will live in towns and cities by 2050. The urban heat island effect can cause cities to be 6-12°C warmer than the surrounding rural areas, which is of great concern due to the increased fatalities associated with heatwaves, an issue that will be exacerbated by climate change. Urban and agricultural areas are in the process of being introduced into the Earth system model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), involving a rigorous treatment of the turbulent and radiative exchanges at the principal elements of an urban area (streets, walls and roofs). This course will introduce the underpinning science of modelling urban and agricultural areas as new capability in the ECMWF Earth system and designed to answer scientific and policy questions on a continental to global scale, as applications of the Digital Twins of Earth.
Tuesday, March 1 (5 hours) Theory of urban/agriculture-scale mapping/modeling 1 – Hot to map global urban and agricultural areas? 2 – How to approach modelling energy/hydrology? 3 – How to benchmark land and urban models? Wednesday, March 2 (5 hours) Satellite & In-situ observations of Megacities & Irrigated areas 4 – Which satellite/sensor detect urban/agri signal? 5 – Which field campaigns/case studies on cities 6 – Land-use and Water-use global datasets Thursday, March 3 (5 hours) Digital Twin of Earth applications for Urbanization, Land-use & Water-use sustainability 7 – how well do the new urban and agricultural treatment in the ECMWF represent heat extremes? 8 – how to represent CO2 and pollutant emissions? 9 – how to manage land-use/water-use sustainably? 10 – how to mitigate urban climate change impact? Evaluation of the course For registration, please contact Marco Piras Marco.Piras@polito.it
Tuesday, March 1 (5 hours) Theory of urban/agriculture-scale mapping/modeling 1 – Hot to map global urban and agricultural areas? 2 – How to approach modelling energy/hydrology? 3 – How to benchmark land and urban models? Wednesday, March 2 (5 hours) Satellite & In-situ observations of Megacities & Irrigated areas 4 – Which satellite/sensor detect urban/agri signal? 5 – Which field campaigns/case studies on cities 6 – Land-use and Water-use global datasets Thursday, March 3 (5 hours) Digital Twin of Earth applications for Urbanization, Land-use & Water-use sustainability 7 – how well do the new urban and agricultural treatment in the ECMWF represent heat extremes? 8 – how to represent CO2 and pollutant emissions? 9 – how to manage land-use/water-use sustainably? 10 – how to mitigate urban climate change impact? Evaluation of the course For registration, please contact Marco Piras Marco.Piras@polito.it
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione report scritto
Written report presentation
P.D.2-2 - Marzo
P.D.2-2 - March