Elenco notifiche

Hydraulic and thermal machines testing


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Energetica E Nucleare - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 60
Esercitazioni in aula 10
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Dongiovanni Claudio Professore Associato IIND-06/A 60 10 30 0 13

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/08 10 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria meccanica
The subject aims at providing the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills to the students that would be needed to face the important technical problems in the experimental measurements of the main physical quantities in the mechanical and energetic fields.
The subject aims at providing the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills to the students that would be needed to face the important technical problems in the experimental measurements of the main physical quantities in the mechanical and energetic fields. The acquired knowledge are useful to all the professional figures that involve the mechanical engineer in the analysis, verification and control of machines and systems performances. The ability to analyze experimental data, to define and analyze measurements, especially obtained through digital acquisitions, are fundamental in any industrial context. For example, in the automotive industry these capabilities are fundamental both for whom is involved in the development and calibration of the systems (engine control, traction, ...), and for whom use experimental measurements to validate theoretical and numerical models.
As an outcome from the subject, the students should be able to understand, design and organize the experimental activities which are usually carried out regularly in University laboratories, the Industry as well as in the Research Institutes.
As an outcome from the subject, the students should be able to understand, design and organize the experimental activities which are usually carried out regularly in University laboratories, the Industry as well as in the Research Institutes.
The students attending this subject should be acquainted with basic knowledge of: mathematics and physics; electricity and fluid-dynamics; mechanics, thermodynamics and heat-transfer, along with Fluid Machinery in general, such as the Internal Combustion Engines, hydraulic pumps, air impellers, and so on.
The students attending this subject should be acquainted with basic knowledge of: Mathematics and Physics; Electricity and Fluid-dynamics; Mechanics, Thermodynamics and heat-transfer, along with Fluid Machinery in general, such as the Internal Combustion Engines, hydraulic pumps, air impellers, and so on.
The main subject topics of the theoretical and applied lectures are: 1. International System of Measurements (SI) 2. Measurement Methods and Experimental Errors 3. System Dynamic Models (zero, first and second order) and Fourier analysis 4. Statistical Data Analysis 5. Basic Electrical Principles (Electrical Components, Bode Plot, Bridges, Operational Amplifiers, Analogical and Numerical Filters) 6. Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ) 7. Instrument connections and Noise protection 8. Temperature measurement 9. Pressure measurement 10. Flow measurement 11. Power measurement 12. Measurement of Combustion products 13. Measurement of displacement 14. Stress and strain measurement
The main subject topics of the theoretical and applied lectures are: 1. International System of Measurements (SI) 2. Measurement Methods and Experimental Errors 3. System Dynamic Models (zero, first and second order) and Fourier analysis 4. Statistical Data Analysis 5. Basic Electrical Principles (Electrical Components, Bode Plot, Bridges, Operational Amplifiers, Analogical and Numerical Filters) 6. Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ) 7. Instrument connections and Noise protection 8. Temperature measurement 9. Pressure measurement 10. Flow measurement 11. Power measurement 12. Measurement of Combustion products 13. Measurement of displacement 14. Stress and strain measurement.
Applied lectures (10h) During the applied lectures the student will solve practical exercises concerning the experimental data analysis, the design of an experimental layout, the choice of a sensor, the design of a measuring chain and the setup of a Digital Acquisition System. Laboratory Lectures(30h) The students will extensively work with virtual laboratory based on a notebook, Arduino boards and a breadboard. Virtual instruments like Oscilloscope, Wave Generator, Spectrum Analyser and Digital Filters will be simulated by means of software that are based on the netbook soundcard. The Arduino Boards connected to some devices (LCD, SD Card reader/recorder, …) will be used like a DAQ in order to perform simple experiments. The breadboard allows the realization and test of simple conditioning circuits based on Operational Amplifiers.
Applied lectures (10h) During the applied lectures the student will solve practical exercises concerning the experimental data analysis, the design of an experimental layout, the choice of a sensor, the design of a measuring chain and the setup of a Digital Acquisition System. Laboratory Lectures (30h) The students will extensively work with virtual laboratory based on a notebook, Arduino boards and a breadboard. Virtual instruments like Oscilloscope, Wave Generator, Spectrum Analyser and Digital Filters will be simulated by means of software that are based on the netbook soundcard. The Arduino Boards connected to some devices (LCD, SD Card reader/recorder, …) will be used like a DAQ in order to perform simple experiments. The breadboard allows the realisation and test of simple conditioning circuits based on Operational Amplifiers. At the end of the laboratory activities a short report has to be written by the students and this report will be discussed during the oral exam.
Reference Books Experimental Methods for Engineers - J. P. Holman - McGraw-Hill Inc. Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook - J.G Webster - CRC Press (Optional) Didactic material provided by the lecturer The video of the lectures.
Reference Books Experimental Methods for Engineers - J. P. Holman - McGraw-Hill Inc. Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook - J.G Webster - CRC Press (Optional) Didactic material regarding all the lectures and applied lectures is provided by the lecturer in the web page of the subject . The lectures and applied lectures are recorded by the teacher. The videos are uploaded in the course web-page for both on-line and in class activities.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova pratica di laboratorio;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Practical lab skills test;
... The exam consists of: practical, written and oral exams*. Practical test (1.5 h): The student has to develop of an electronic circuit on a breadboard and a sketch for the Arduino Uno board. The evaluation is: 13/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1h; 10/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1.5h; a maximum mark of 5/30 for not working electronic circuits and sketches. Written exam (1.5h): the student has to solve three exercises, which have a value of 5/30 marks each, concerning statistical data analysis, electronic circuits analysis and DAQ setup. Oral exam: it deals with the theoretical topics covered during the lectures; it provides a maximum mark of 6/30. The final mark is the sum on the mark obtained in the practical, written and oral exam*. *Oral Exam is mandatory to pass the subject. The student can attend the oral exam only if the sum of the marks obtained in the practical and written tests are higher than or equal to 12/30.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Practical lab skills test;
The exam checks the student knowledges about the following topics: - selection of a proper transducer in accordance to the characteristics of the physical quantity under investigation; - design simple electronic circuits for electrical signal conditioning; - configure the acquisition chain and set the acquisition parameters; - critically analyse and post-process the measured data. The exam consists of: practical, written and oral exams. Practical test (1.5 h): The student has to develop of an electronic circuit on a breadboard and a sketch for the Arduino Uno board. The evaluation is: 13/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1h; 10/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1.5h; a maximum mark of 5/30 for not working electronic circuits and sketches. Written exam (1.5h): the student has to solve three exercises, which have a value of 5/30 marks each, concerning statistical data analysis, electronic circuits analysis and DAQ setup. Students are supposed to solely use a calculator, as well as a formula sheet in A4 format to be procured by the students themselves. In addition, students can use table for Gaussian and Chi-2 distribution. Oral exam: it deals with the theoretical topics covered during the lectures with particular reference to the transducers performances and selection. It provides a maximum mark of 6/30. The final mark is the sum on the mark obtained in the practical, written and oral exam. Therefore, the minimum mark obtained in the practical and written tests has to be higher than 12/30 to sit for the oral exam.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The exam checks the student knowledges about the following topics: - selection of a proper transducer in accordance to the characteristics of the physical quantity under investigation; - configure the acquisition chain and set the acquisition parameters; - critically analyse and post-process the measured data. The exam consists of a written and oral exams. Written exam (110 minutes): 1st part (18/30): The student has to answer to 9 multiple choice questions (MCQ). 3 MCQs concern to the practical activities developed in the laboratory and 6 MCQs are related to the topics discussed in the lectures. The MCQs can provide more than one correct answers. The evaluation of the MCQ is performed in accordance to the following rules: . +2 points when all the correct answers are selected; . 0 points when none or all the answers are selected; . -2 points when all the incorrect answers are selected; . when a mixed selection of correct and incorrect answers is provided, the evaluation if performed in accordance to the above rules. 2nd part (mark 15/30): the student has to solve 3 exercises regarding the topics discussed during the applied lectures. The mark assigned for each exercise is equal to 5/30. The final mark will be evaluated by summing the results of the 1st and 2nd part. In order to pass the exam, the following constraints must be respected: - the 1st part must be higher or equal to 9/30; - the 2nd part must be higher or equal to 7.5/30; - the final mark (sum between 1st and 2nd part) has to be higher or equal than18/30. The maximum mark is 30/30. The "30/30 with honour" is provided to students after a mandatory oral exam. Students are supposed to solely use a calculator, as well as a formula sheet in A4 format to be procured by the students themselves. In addition, students can use table for Gaussian and Chi-2 distribution. Oral Exam: The oral exam is at the sole discretion of the exam board. The board will select the students that are supposed to sit the exam depending on the outcome of the written part as well as on the Lockdown Browser feedbacks and REGARDLESS of the mark. Before the oral exam the selected students have to hand in the written reports for the laboratory activities; these reports would be discussed during the oral exam. If so, the final mark will be a proper weighted average between the outcomes of the written part and of the oral test.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam checks the student knowledges about the following topics: - selection of a proper transducer in accordance to the characteristics of the physical quantity under investigation; - design simple electronic circuits for electrical signal conditioning; - configure the acquisition chain and set the acquisition parameters; - critically analyse and post-process the measured data. The exam consists of a written and oral exams. Written exam (110 minutes) 1st part (18/30): the student has to answer to 9 multiple choice questions (MCQ). 3 MCQs concern to the practical activities developed in the laboratory and 6 MCQs are related to the topics discussed in the lectures. The MCQs can provide more than one correct answers. The evaluation of the MCQ is performed in accordance to the following rules: . +2 points when all the correct answers are selected; . 0 points when none or all the answers are selected; . -2 points when all the incorrect answers are selected; . when a mixed selection of correct and incorrect answers is provided, the evaluation if performed in accordance to the above rules. 2nd part (mark 15/30): the student has to solve 3 exercises regarding the topics discussed during the applied lectures concerning statistical data analysis, electronic circuits analysis and DAQ setup. The mark assigned for each exercise is equal to 5/30. The final mark will be evaluated by summing the results of the 1st and 2nd part. In order to pass the exam, the following constraints must be respected: - the 1st part must be higher or equal to 9/30; - the 2nd part must be higher or equal to 7.5/30; - the final mark (sum between 1st and 2nd part) has to be higher or equal than18/30. The maximum mark is 30/30. The "30/30 with honour" is provided to students after a mandatory oral exam. Students are supposed to solely use a calculator, as well as a formula sheet in A4 format to be procured by the students themselves. In addition, students can use table for Gaussian and Chi-2 distribution. Oral Exam The oral exam is at the sole discretion of the exam board. The board will select the students that are supposed to sit the exam depending on the outcome of the written part as well as on the Lockdown Browser feedbacks and REGARDLESS of the mark. Before the oral exam the selected students have to hand in the written reports for the laboratory activities; these reports would be discussed during the oral exam. If so, the final mark will be a proper weighted average between the outcomes of the written part and of the oral test.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The exam checks the student knowledges about the following topics: - selection of a proper transducer in accordance to the characteristics of the physical quantity under investigation; - configure the acquisition chain and set the acquisition parameters; - critically analyse and post-process the measured data. The exam consists of a practical, a written and oral exams. Written exam (15 minutes): 1st part (6/30): by means if the Exam platform and Respondus proctoring system. The student has to answer to 6 multiple choice questions (MCQ). The MCQs concern the topics discussed in the lectures. The MCQs can provide more than one correct answers. The evaluation of the MCQ is performed in accordance to the following rules: . +1 points when all the correct answers are selected; . 0 points when none or all the answers are selected; . -1 points when all the incorrect answers are selected; . when a mixed selection of correct and incorrect answers is provided, the evaluation if performed in accordance to the above rules. 2nd part (mark 15/30): in the classroom. The student has to solve 3 exercises regarding the topics discussed during the applied lectures concerning statistical data analysis, electronic circuits analysis and DAQ setup. The mark assigned for each exercise is equal to 5/30. Practical test (90 minutes): The student has to develop a simple electronic circuit on a boar provided by the teacher and used during the applied lectures. The evaluation is: 13/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1h; 10/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1.5h; a maximum mark of 5/30 for not working electronic circuits and sketches. The final mark will be evaluated by summing the results of the written test (1st and 2nd part) and the practical one. In order to pass the exam, the following constraints must be respected: - the 1st part must be higher or equal to 2/30; - the 2nd part must be higher or equal to 7.5/30; - the final mark (sum between 1st and 2nd part) has to be higher or equal than18/30. The maximum mark is 30/30. The "30/30 with honour" is provided to students after a mandatory oral exam. Students are supposed to solely use a calculator, as well as a formula sheet in A4 format to be procured by the students themselves. In addition, students can use table for Gaussian and Chi-2 distribution. Oral Exam: The oral exam is at the sole discretion of the exam board. The board will select the students that are supposed to sit the exam depending on the outcome of the written part as well as on the Lockdown Browser feedbacks and REGARDLESS of the mark. Before the oral exam the selected students have to hand in the written reports for the laboratory activities; these reports would be discussed during the oral exam. If so, the final mark will be a proper weighted average between the outcomes of the written part and of the oral test.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam checks the student knowledges about the following topics: - selection of a proper transducer in accordance to the characteristics of the physical quantity under investigation; - design simple electronic circuits for electrical signal conditioning; - configure the acquisition chain and set the acquisition parameters; - critically analyse and post-process the measured data. The exam consists of a practical and a written exam. Written exam 1st part (15 minutes): The student has to answer to 6 multiple choice questions (MCQ). The MCQs concern the topics discussed in the lectures. The MCQs can provide more than one correct answers. The evaluation of the MCQ is performed in accordance to the following rules: . +1 points when all the correct answers are selected; . 0 points when none or all the answers are selected; . -1 points when all the incorrect answers are selected; . when a mixed selection of correct and incorrect answers is provided, the evaluation if performed in accordance to the above rules. Students are supposed to solely use a calculator, as well as a formula sheet in A4 format to be procured by the students themselves. In addition, students can use table for Gaussian and Chi-2 distribution. The students online will be examined by means of the Exam platform and Respondus proctoring system. The maximum mark of the first part is 6/30. 2nd part (90 minutes): The student has to solve 3 exercises regarding the topics discussed during the applied lectures concerning statistical data analysis, electronic circuits analysis and DAQ setup. The students onsite will work in the classroom while the students online will work by means the Exam platform and Respondus proctoring system. The mark assigned for each exercise is equal to 5/30. Practical test (90 minutes): The student has to develop a simple electronic circuit on a boar provided by the teacher (students onsite) or on a simulator/personal board (students online), that are used during the applied lectures, and develop a system control program for digital acquisition by means of Arduino Uno. The evaluation is: 13/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1h; 10/30 for the electronic circuit and sketch handed in and positively tested in 1.5h; a maximum mark of 5/30 for not working electronic circuits and sketches. The final mark will be evaluated by summing the results of the written test (1st and 2nd part) and the practical one. In order to pass the exam, the following constraints must be respected: - the 1st part must be higher or equal to 2.5/30; - the 2nd part must be higher or equal to 7.5/30; - the final mark (sum of 1st, 2nd and practical part) has to be higher or equal than18/30. The maximum mark is 30/30. The "30/30 with honour" is provided to students after a mandatory oral exam. Oral Exam The oral exam is at the sole discretion of the exam board. The board will select the students that are supposed to sit the exam depending on the outcome of the written. Before the oral exam the selected students have to hand in the written reports for the laboratory activities; these reports would be discussed during the oral exam. If so, the final mark will be a proper weighted average between the outcomes of the written part and of the oral test.
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