1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architettura (Architecture) - Torino 1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architettura - Torino
The Laboratory aims to provide the basics of Geomatics required to approach the metric survey of the architectures and of the urban spaces by using appropriate technologies and methodologies.
Fundamental methods and metric survey techniques (2 CFU) and field’s applications (4 CFU) will be investigated: the "metric" meaning define the contribution of topographical and photogrammetric techniques that coincide with the English definition of "Metric Survey".
According to the main learning goal of the Laboratory, the main focus of the different instrumental methods is the planning and validation of the metric and semantic quality of the (digital) data and related added value information. The proposed approach is based on the acquisition, modelling and representation of real-world objects in accordance with the goals of the pre-defined analysis (e.g. planning, restoration, management)
The Laboratory aims to provide the basics of Geomatics required to approach the 3D metric survey of the architectural buildings and of the urban spaces by using appropriate technologies and methodologies, meeting the teaching objective to be able to carry out surveys on current and historical built heritage.
Fundamental methods and techniques of metric surveying (2 CFU) and relevant application domains (4 CFU) will be investigated. The “metric” adjective is used to emphasize the contribution of the current topographical and photogrammetric techniques as the English definition of “Metric Survey”. According to the main learning goals of the Laboratory, the main focus of the different instrumental methods is the planning and validation of the metric and semantic quality of the (digital) data and related added value information. The proposed approach is based on the acquisition, modelling and representation of real-world objects in accordance with the goals of the pre-defined analysis (e.g. planning, restoration, management)
The Laboratory aims to provide to the students the theoretical and operational knowledge required to design a metric survey meeting the interpretative and descriptive requirements of the built space and of the architectural objects. Particular attention is given to the ability to adopt different Levels of Detail in the interpretation of the architectural objects to obtain a scaled model.
Laboratory of Geomatics for architecure modelling
The Laboratory aims to provide to the students the theoretical and operational knowledge required to design a metric survey meeting the interpretative and descriptive requirements of the built space and of the architectural objects. Particular attention is given to the ability to adopt different Levels of Detail in the interpretation of the architectural objects to obtain a scaled models
At the end of the course, the student will acquire the following competences:
- knowledge about the principles of treatment of observations, with a focus on the topographic measurements processing and their validation
- knowledge about the principles of digital cartography, topography and photogrammetry necessary for the understanding of the applied techniques
- knowledge about the operating principles of topographic instrumentation, with a focus on the total station
- designing, executing, processing and validating a 3D metric survey, after having selected the techniques and methods according to the expected requirements
- generation of architectural drawings, also applying the skills acquired in the laboratories of the first year
Such knowledge and skills will allow the student to acquire the necessary competences to “carry out direct and instrumental surveys on current and historical buildings”, in line with the professional figure of three-year architect envisaged by the Degree in Architecture.
The expertise acquired during the first year of the course in Architecture is requested, specifically the basic knowledge of the representation methods as defined by the critical interpretation of the architectural shape and the graphical norms for the adopted representation scales.
The expertise acquired during the first year of the course in Architecture is requested, specifically the basic knowledge of the representation methods as defined by the critical interpretation of the architectural shape and the graphical norms for the adopted representation scales.
The theoretical basics of the metric survey methods and technologies will be provided and exploited in an operational case study with the goal to derive architectural models and drawings (vector format) by means of (archived) 3D data processing.
Standard guidelines defined in the Cultural Heritage documentation domain and commonly used for professional activities are adopted, i.e.: topographical methods based on the use of digital total stations; different software tools to process and manage digital survey data; image geometric transformations (rectification); manual and semi-automatic photogrammetric processing; 3D data management in CAD environment; raster-vector integration and representation.
Basic consideration about image-matching based photogrammetric algorithms (also known as photo-modelling) will be also described beside the management of 3D point clouds, 3D modelling strategies and orthoprojection approaches.
The main focus will be on the validation of the metric accuracy of the outputs and on the quality of the graphical deliverables.
Some activities will be directed to test the coordination with activities of the "City and Territory Studio" that the students attend in the same semester, and aimed at supporting the use of mapping materials and related management tools.
The theoretical basics of the metric survey methods and technologies will be provided and exploited in an operational case study with the goal to derive architectural models and drawings (vector format) by means of (archived) 3D data processing. Standard guidelines defined in the Cultural Heritage documentation domain and commonly used for professional activities are adopted,
In particular, the following topics will be covered in the course, addressing the theoretical contents (2 CFU) necessary for the correct development of the exercises (4 CFU):
• topographical methods based on the use of digital total stations and digital photogrammetry data collection. (10 h) different software tools to process and manage digital survey data
• processing and management of the digital survey data, including plano-altimetric adjustment of the control network (5 h)
• image geometric transformations (rectification); manual and semi-automatic photogrammetric processing; with resolution and Geo-referencing control (5h)
• fundamentals of stereo data acquisitions and image matching techniques, SfM algorithms, camera calibration, use of ground control points and check points , photogrammetric process accuracy check and orhtophotos and Digital surface models generation (15h)
• -management of three-dimensional vector data in CAD environment, integrated raster-vector representation (5 h)
- notes on other geomatic techniques suitable for 3D metric survey (2 h)
- review of the activities and panels carried out, with particular reference to the validation of the metric accuracy of the survey outputs and that of the drawings (10 h).
Additionally, the coordination with the activities of the "City and territory" atelier attended by the students in the same semester will be tested, through activities aimed at supporting the use of mapping materials and related management tools. (8 h)
The organisation of the Laboratory consists in theoretical lessons to face the theoretical basics of the metric survey techniques; they will be tested by means of a practical activity which allow to learn the basic on the acquisition of the primary data by using total stations and/or the primary data for a photogrammetric survey.
The acquired data will be handled through specific software enabling image rectification and digital photogrammetry processing to generate 2D outputs (e.g. plans, sections, elevations) as well as 3D models (e.g. point clouds or mesh models).
The organisation of the Laboratory consists in theoretical lessons to face the theoretical basics of the metric survey techniques (2CFU), that will be exploited in a practical activity (4CFU) which allows to learn the basics of primary data acquisition for a photogrammetric survey, including measurements with a total station. The acquired data will be handled through specific software enabling image rectification and digital photogrammetry processing (point clouds and orthoimagery) to generate 2D outputs (e.g. plans, sections, elevations) as well as 3D models (e.g. point clouds). The results will be described in panels to be realized during the practical sections of the Laboratory.
The teacher will furnish all the material used during the lessons and related notes about the theoretical arguments approached by using the web site of the Laboratory.
References related to general arguments and deep investigation on specific items will be given by the teacher during the lessons also by considering the specific example examined during the practical phase.
The teacher will provide all the material used during the lectures and the relevant notes on theoretical topics through the Teaching portal.
Suggested reading material:
David Andrews, Jon Bedford and Paul Bryan, Metric Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage, (first 2000, second 2009, third 2015). https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/metric-survey-specifications-cultural-heritage/metric-survey-specifications-for-cultural-heritage-3rded/
K. Kraus, Fotogrammetria, Vol. 1. Teoria e applicazioni – traduzione e ampliamenti di Sergio Dequal, Libreria universitaria Levrotto & Bella, Torino, 2002
References related to specific topics will be provided by the teacher during the lectures, depending also on the specific case study analysed during the exercises.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project;
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
• written test on the theoretical basics (individual evaluation);
• presentation and discussion of the 2D and 3D deliverable produced by the student groups.
The final evaluation will consider the graphic deliverable, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills..
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam is aimed at assessing: i) the knowledge of the theoretical topics related to 3D metric surveying discussed during the lectures ii) the ability to apply the operational methodologies related to data acquisition and processing and tested during the exercises.
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
- evaluation of the 2D and 3D graphical outputs produced by the student groups.
- written exam with open/close questions on the theoretical basics (test time ~1 hour, use of support material is not allowed, individual evaluation);
- individual or group oral exam, aimed at discussing the results of the written test and the group graphical outputs (optional for one of the two courses).
The final evaluation will consider the graphic outputs, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo;
The exam is aimed at assessing: i) the knowledge of the theoretical topics related to 3D metric surveying discussed during the lectures ii) the ability to apply the operational methodologies related to data acquisition and processing and tested during the exercises.
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
- evaluation of the 2D and 3D graphical outputs produced by the student groups.
- on-line written exam with Respondus with open questions on the theoretical basics (test time ~1 hour, use of support material is not allowed, individual evaluation);
- individual or group (on-line or on.site) oral exam, aimed at discussing the results of the written test and the group graphical outputs.
The final evaluation will consider the graphic deliverable, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform;
The exam is aimed at assessing: i) the knowledge of the theoretical topics related to 3D metric surveying discussed during the lectures ii) the ability to apply the operational methodologies related to data acquisition and processing and tested during the exercises.
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
- evaluation of the 2D and 3D graphical outputs produced by the student groups.
- on-line written test with open or closed answer via PC using the university's Exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respundus) aimed at ascertaining theoretical knowledge. (test time ~1 hour, use of support material is not allowed, individual evaluation);
- individual or group (on-line ) oral exam, aimed at discussing the results of the written test and the group graphical outputs.
The final evaluation will consider the graphic outputs, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo;
The exam is aimed at assessing: i) the knowledge of the theoretical topics related to 3D metric surveying discussed during the lectures ii) the ability to apply the operational methodologies related to data acquisition and processing and tested during the exercises.
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
- evaluation of the 2D and 3D graphical outputs produced by the student groups.
- on-line written exam with Respondus with open questions on the theoretical basics (test time ~1 hour, use of support material is not allowed, individual evaluation);
- individual or group (on-line or on.site) oral exam, aimed at discussing the results of the written test and the group graphical outputs.
The final evaluation will consider the graphic deliverable, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform;
The exam is aimed at assessing: i) the knowledge of the theoretical topics related to 3D metric surveying discussed during the lectures ii) the ability to apply the operational methodologies related to data acquisition and processing and tested during the exercises.
During the development of the practical activity, the intermediate results of each step of the survey workflow (metric survey, drawings and modelling of the architectural elements) will be tested. This action is aimed at guaranteeing that the students are able to face the final exams at the end of the teaching activities. The final evaluation will be based on the following tests, that will contribute with the same weight to the final score:
- evaluation of the 2D and 3D graphical outputs produced by the student groups.
- on-line written test with open or closed answer via PC using the university's Exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respundus) aimed at ascertaining theoretical knowledge. (test time ~1 hour, use of support material is not allowed, individual evaluation);
- individual or group (on-line or on-site) oral exam, aimed at discussing the results of the written test and the group graphical outputs.
The final evaluation will consider the graphic outputs, the results of the written test as well as the personal involvement in the group activities and the communication skills.