Elenco notifiche

Interdisciplinary projects


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ict For Smart Societies (Ict Per La Societa' Del Futuro) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 10
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 90
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Dovis Fabio Professore Ordinario IINF-03/A 10 0 0 0 9

SSD CFU Activities Area context
C - Affini o integrative
C - Affini o integrative
C - Affini o integrative
C - Affini o integrative
B - Caratterizzanti
Attività formative affini o integrative
Attività formative affini o integrative
Attività formative affini o integrative
Attività formative affini o integrative
Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni
This class will introduce the students to the project based learning approach. The student will learn how to apply the knowledge gained in the ICT area to the application domains characterizing the Master degree: health, intelligent transport systems, innovative building design, smart grids and geomatics for navigation based applications. Students will work together in groups to solve real-world problems in the above-mentioned application domains. Students are expected to deepen the concepts understanding, to broaden their knowledge base, to improved communication and interpersonal/social skills, to enhance their leadership skills, to increase their creativity, and to improve writing and communication skills.
Students will learn problem-solving methodologies drawing on lessons from several disciplines and applying them for the development of a project aiming at solving a simple problem taken from a real case-study. Knowledge • Application of ICT technologies to other domains • Organisation and management of a project • Tools for project management Abilities • Ability to work in a heterogeneous team • Ability to apply and select the proper ICT technology in a context different from the one in which the technology was originally deployed • Technical and scientific communication • Dissemination of project results
Knowledge of ICT technologies and basic knowledge on the non-ICT disciplines that will be addressed in the project.
Every year a specific set of interdisciplinary projects will be presented to the students, to be developed by teams of 3-4 students. A project in one of the area characterising the Master of Science (health, intelligent transport systems, innovative building design, smart grids and geomatics for navigation based applications) will be allocated to each team.
In the first part of the course, lessons (12 hours) will address the project management strategies, the tools normally used (Gannt chart, human resources accounting, etc), as well as strategies for the dissemination of the results. Along the course, each team will present, on a regular basis (about every 3 weeks) the progress of the project development. During the presentation students are required to present the progress of the work of each member of the team, discuss issues and solutions implemented, adjustments to the project planning. These presentations are mandatory parts of the course activities since they are planned to acquire or improve the ability of communication of the results obtained. The presentations will contribute to the final grade. A final presentation of the projects, open to the public, is organized at the end of the course, during which each group will demonstrate the results achieved, presenting them to a general public. Each group is required to deliver a final report on the work performed. The interim presentations and the final presentations must be uploaded on the course webpage by each group, the same day of the presentation in the class.
Teaching material will be provided to each team by the teachers tutoring the different projects, since it depends from the specific application area (health, intelligent transport systems, innovative building design, smart grids and geomatics for navigation based applications) as well as on the specific objective. The teacher responsible of the course will provide slides and notes on the web portal for the classes addressing the project management and communication of the results
The exam grade is based for 1/3 on the quality of the progress presentations and the final presentation, and for 2/3 on the final oral exam. Each group is required to deliver the final report on the work performed at least one week before the exam’s date. The interim presentation must show the ability of the team to manage the project, the organization of the team work, and a proper delivery mode (correct technical language, clarity of presentation, ability to focus on the core ideas). The oral exam is a discussion on the whole project that has been developed and it will start from the delivered report, in order to test: - their understanding of the developed work of each student of the team - their acquired ability for the problem solving - the acquired knowledge of the ICT topics necessary for the project development - the actual results achieved
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Exam: Group project;
The exam grade is based for 1/3 on the quality of the progress presentations and the final presentation, and for 2/3 on the final oral exam via videoconferencing tools. Each group is required to deliver the final report on the work performed at least one week before the exam’s date. The interim presentations, done via a videoconferencing tool, must show the ability of the team to manage the project, the organization of the team work, and a proper delivery mode (correct technical language, clarity of presentation, ability to focus on the core ideas). The oral exam is a presentation of the project that has been developed by the team and a discussion on the activities performed in order to test: - their understanding of the developed work of each student of the team - their acquired ability for the problem solving - the acquired knowledge of the ICT topics necessary for the project development - the actual results achieved
Exam: Group project;
The exam grade is based for 1/3 on the quality of the progress presentations and the final presentation, and for 2/3 on the final oral exam taken in person or via videoconferencing tools. Each group is required to deliver the final report on the work performed at least one week before the exam’s date. The interim presentation, done in person or via a videoconferencing tool, must show the ability of the team to manage the project, the organization of the team work, and a proper delivery mode (correct technical language, clarity of presentation, ability to focus on the core ideas). The oral exam is a presentation of the project by the team and a discussion on the activities performed in order to test: - their understanding of the developed work of each student of the team - their acquired ability for the problem solving - the acquired knowledge of the ICT topics necessary for the project development - the actual results achieved
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