Elenco notifiche

Optimization methods for engineering problems


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Repetto Maurizio Professore Ordinario IIET-01/A 30 0 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Optimization techniques are used ubiquitously in many application areas and are thus a cross-cutting topic. The course aims at giving the basics of the main methods and a glimpse of applications. The course aims at introducing the main operative concepts of nonlinear optimization both on scalar and vector problems by means of deterministic (search methods, gradient methods, quadratic optimization) and of stochastic (genetic algorithm, swarm, artificial immune etc.) basis. Some application examples in the field of electromagnetics, energy application and data management engineering will be presented.
Optimization techniques are used ubiquitously in many application areas and are thus a cross-cutting topic. The course aims at giving the basics of the main methods and a glimpse of applications. The course aims at introducing the main operative concepts of nonlinear optimization both on scalar and vector problems by means of deterministic (search methods, gradient methods, quadratic optimization) and of stochastic (genetic algorithm, swarm, artificial immune etc.) basis. Some application examples in the field of electromagnetics, energy application and data management engineering will be presented.
Laurea in Ingegneria
Master degree in engineering
1. Introduzione ai problemi di ottimizzazione applicata all'ingegneria 2. Ottimizzazione nonlineare per problemi scalari 3. Definizione del problema di ottimizzazione vettoriale 3. Ottimizzazione stocastica per problemi scalari e vettoriali 5. Esempi di applicazione
1. Introduction to applied optimization in engineering 2. Nonlinear deterministic optimization for single value problems 3. Stochastic optimization for single value problems 4. Multi-objective optimization 5. Application examples
In presenza
On site
Prova di laboratorio di natura pratica sperimentale o informatico - Sviluppo di project work in team
Laborartory test on experimental practice or informatics - Team project work development
P.D.2-2 - Giugno
P.D.2-2 - June