Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Per L'Ambiente E Il Territorio - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Chimica E Dei Processi Sostenibili - Torino
The aim of this course is to offer an outline of the technologies employed in the processing of raw materials. By raw materials we mean solid georesources with a market value destined for use in industry, while by secondary materials we mean those materials that are recovered from waste. Knowledge of the properties of solids shall be the starting point for the identification of the best physical and mechanical process techniques to adopt to obtain a raw or a secondary materal. The operations that shall be considered include solid separation and treatment methodologies based on the physical and mechanical properties of the materials. Some of the most important examples of mineral
and solid waste processing for the production of primary and secondary materials shall be examined, and at the end of the course the students shall be able to design a treatment plant on the basis of the knowledge acquired during the course.
The aim of this course is to offer an outline of the technologies employed in the processing of raw materials. By raw materials we mean solid georesources with a market value destined for use in industry, while by secondary materials we mean those materials that are recovered from waste. Knowledge of the properties of solids shall be the starting point for the identification of the best physical and mechanical process techniques to adopt, to obtain a raw or a secondary materal. The operations that shall be considered include solid separation and treatment methodologies based on the physical and mechanical properties of the materials. Some of the most important examples of mineral and solid waste processing for the production of primary and secondary materials shall be examined, and at the end of the course the students shall be able to design a treatment plant on the basis of the knowledge acquired during the course.
The students should develop the ability to identify the best methodologies to apply in order to obtain a free substance that can be used as a raw material both from natural resources and from waste. The student shall have the possibility of testing the physical and mechanical properties of some minerals/rocks and some recyclable waste substances in the laboratory and by means of different separation methodologies to reach a valuable yeld of the desired substance. At the end of the course, the students shall be able to plan a process treatment obtaining the free raw material from the additional components to which it is connected in nature if dealing with minerals, or in the commercial product, if dealing with wastes. The analysis and observation capacities acquired over the three year degree course shall be necessary for this purpose.
The students should develop the ability to identify the best methodologies to apply in order to obtain a free substance that can be used as a raw material both from natural resources and from waste. The student shall have the possibility of testing the physical and mechanical properties of some minerals/rocks and some recyclable waste substances in the laboratory and by means of different separation methodologies to reach a valuable yeld of the desired substance. At the end of the course, the students shall be able to plan a process treatment obtaining the raw material free from the additional components to which it is connected in nature if dealing with minerals, or in the commercial product, if dealing with wastes. The analysis and observation capacities acquired over the three year degree course shall be necessary for this purpose.
The students should have knowledge of the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, statistics and material sciences. They should also be capable of carrying out preliminary evaluations and make general process designs to obtain raw and secondary materials.
The students should have knowledge of the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, statistics and material sciences. They should also be capable of carrying out preliminary evaluations and make general process designs to obtain raw and secondary materials.
Concepts on primary and secondary raw materials. Solid georesources production and economic layout. UE guide lines on soustainability
Sampling - Concepts on liberation of the grain, yield and concentration - Separation and recovery efficiency Physical and mechanical main properties - laboratory test methods
General concepts pertaining to comminution. Alternative and rotating crushing machines; roller mills, impact crushers, milling, general concepts and technologies pertaining to screening
industrial classification in a fluid medium, by fall, counter-current, mechanical, centrifuge, the pneumatic classifying systems, sink-float separation, hydraulic and pneumatic table flotation, magnetic separation, electric separation
Natural stones and aggregates - laboratory test for CE marking of natural stones and aggregates - the weathering of natural stone – the ageing tests – in situ measurements
Examples of mineral processing plants: minerals for the glass, ceramic and refractory industries, limes and cement, gold suphides coal iron
Waste management. Evolution of the concepts pertaining to wastes, differentiated collections and consortiums; UE guide lines on wastes and recycling
Recycling quality standards and technology the recycling of electric and electronic waste, inert waste from construction and demolition, aluminium and other metals, glass, paper, plastic, compost, tyres. Flowcharts. Solid waste pre-selection plants.
Concepts on primary and secondary raw materials. Solid georesources production and economic layout. UE guide lines on sustainability
Sampling Concepts on liberation of the grain, yield and concentration - Separation and recovery efficiency (3h)- Physical and mechanical main properties - laboratory test methods (6h)
General concepts pertaining to comminution. Alternative and rotating crushing machines; roller mills, impact crushers, milling, general concepts and technologies pertaining to screening (3h)
industrial classification in a fluid medium, by fall, counter-current, mechanical, centrifuge, the pneumatic classifying systems, sink-float separation, hydraulic and pneumatic table flotation, magnetic separation, electric separation (3h)
Natural stones and aggregates - laboratory test for CE marking of natural stones and aggregates - the weathering of natural stone – the ageing tests – in situ measurements (9)
Examples of mineral processing plants: minerals for the glass, ceramic and refractory industries, limes and cement, gold sulphides coal iron (6h)
Waste management. Evolution of the concepts pertaining to wastes, differentiated collections and consortiums; UE guide lines on wastes and recycling (3h)
Recycling quality standards and technology the recycling of electric and electronic waste, inert waste from construction and demolition, aluminium and other metals, glass, paper, plastic, compost, tyres (3h). Flowcharts. Solid waste pre-selection plants. (3h)
The course is organized in lectures, exercise-classes, visits to process plants .
Lectures are devoted to the presentation of the course topics, in their theoretical aspects and applicative examples.
Exercises classes shall be carried out in the Solid Processing Lab where students, in workgroups, will apply the treatment processes learned in the theoretical lessons, on samples of different materials, with the assistance of the instructor. The exercises will be on: sampling, particle size analyses, differential comminution, magnetic separation, densimetric separationin fluid medium, flotation, mechanical strength of rock samples, determination of the physical properties of stone materials.
Visits to industrial plants are planned in order to allow students to understand the real complexity of a treatment plant.
The last part of the course will be devoted to the design of a process plant that will be presented during the final lesson.
The course is organized in lectures, exercise-classes, visits to process plants .
Lectures are devoted to the presentation of the course topics, in their theoretical aspects and applicative examples.
Exercises classes shall be carried out in the Solid Processing Lab where students, in workgroups, will apply the treatment processes learned in the theoretical lessons, on samples of different materials, with the assistance of the instructor. The exercises will be on: sampling, particle size analyses, differential comminution, magnetic separation, densimetric separationin fluid medium, flotation, mechanical strength of rock samples, determination of the physical properties of stone materials.
Visits to industrial plants are planned in order to allow students to understand the real complexity of a treatment plant.
The last part of the course will be devoted to the design of a process plant that will be presented during the final lesson.
Notes shall be made available by the lecturer.
Moreover, the following texts can be consulted in DIATI library:
Barry A. Wills - Mineral Processing Technology : An Introduction to the Practical Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery, Edition 7, 2011, Butterworth-Heinemann
Gupta and D. S. Yan - Mineral Processing Design and Operation : An Introduction, 2006, Elsevier
Manning D.a.C. Introduction to industrial minerals. Chapman and Hall Ed. , 1995
Industrial Minerals (periodic)
Notes shall be made available by the lecturer.
Moreover, the following texts can be consulted in DIATI library:
Barry A. Wills - Mineral Processing Technology : An Introduction to the Practical Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery, Edition 7, 2011, Butterworth-Heinemann
Gupta and D. S. Yan - Mineral Processing Design and Operation : An Introduction, 2006, Elsevier
Manning D.a.C. Introduction to industrial minerals. Chapman and Hall Ed. , 1995
Industrial Minerals (periodic)
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Group project;
The final evaluation is the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment will be presented by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes) . Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must deliver at least two days before the final examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Group project;
The exam is aimed at verifying that the student has acquired the expected learning outcomes relating to the ability to identify the best techniques for the treatment of raw and secondary materials.
For this purpose, students will present a mineral or secondary material treatment project in which they will have to indicate and justify the different steps of the process and the machines chosen.
Reports are also required on the labworks carried out and on the field trips, which will allow the student to show the level of in-depth study achieved with respect to the topics covered
The final evaluation is the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment will be presented by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes) . Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must deliver at least two days before the final oral examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The final evaluation is the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment will be presented online by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes) . Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must upload on the website of the course at least two days before the final examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The online oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Group project;
The exam is aimed at verifying that the student has acquired the expected learning outcomes relating to the ability to identify the best techniques for the treatment of raw and secondary materials.
For this purpose, students will present a mineral or secondary material treatment project in which they will have to indicate and justify the different steps of the process and the machines chosen.
Reports are also required on the labworks carried out and on the field trips, which will allow the student to show the level of in-depth study achieved with respect to the topics covered.
The final evaluation is the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment will be presented online by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes) . Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must upload on the website of the course at least two days before the final examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The online oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
The final evaluation is the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment will be presented online or onsite by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes) . Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must upload on the website of the course at least two days before the final examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The online or onsite oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.
The exam is aimed at verifying that the student has acquired the expected learning outcomes relating to the ability to identify the best techniques for the treatment of raw and secondary materials.
For this purpose, students will present a mineral or secondary material treatment project in which they will have to indicate and justify the different steps of the process and the machines chosen.
Reports are also required on the labworks carried out and on the field trips, which will allow the student to show the level of in-depth study achieved with respect to the topics covered.
The final exam aims to evaluate the acquisition of the knowledge and skills objective of the teaching (described in the field Expected Learning Outcomes). It will be the weighted average of the following three phases:
1) the project of treatment presented online or onsite by each group on the last day of the lesson, to the colleagues of the course and to the experts called by the teacher (time for each presentation: 15 minutes). Its rating will weigh as much as 50% of the final vote.
2) Each student must upload on the website of the course at least two days before the final examination a report on one of the didactic visits and a second report on one of the laboratory exercises carried out. The vote attributed to the reports will weigh for a quarter of the final vote.
3) The online or onsite oral examination, which will weigh for the last quarter, will consist of a question related to the subjects of the course not addressed in the project and in the reports.