Elenco notifiche

Design studies


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Gestione, Produzione E Design - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Peruccio Pier Paolo   Professore Ordinario CEAR-08/D 20 0 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Period: March - September The course aims to provide a historical-critical reading of contemporary design (products, processes, systems, services, experiences) with a particular focus on Systemic Design, and to provide the critical tools to analyze the phenomena in fieri. The aim is to train the student for the comprehension of the many methodological / design processes in use today, in order to acquire the skills to consciously design systems at a high coefficient of innovation.
Period: March-September The course aims to provide a historical-critical reading of contemporary design (products, processes, systems, services, experiences) with a particular focus on Systemic Design, and to provide the critical tools to analyze the phenomena in fieri. The aim is to train the student for the comprehension of the many methodological / design processes in use today, in order to acquire the skills to consciously design systems at a high coefficient of innovation.
- ability to consider a mass-produced product as an interrelated and complex system - ability to manage cross-platform workflows accessible by multiple users; - ability to manage the technical and productive innovation; - ability to combine quantitative approaches to qualitative variables distinctive of complex systems.
- ability to consider a mass-produced product as an interrelated and complex system - ability to manage cross-platform workflows accessible by multiple users; - ability to manage the technical and productive innovation; - ability to combine quantitative approaches to qualitative variables distinctive of complex systems.
- The role of history: design history vs design studies. - Analysis of the contemporary design theories and methodologies - Theory and history of Sistemic Design - Awareness and Sysemic thinking
- The role of history: design history vs design studies. - Analysis of the contemporary design theories and methodologies - Theory and history of Sistemic Design - Awareness and Sysemic thinking
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione report scritto
Written report presentation
P.D.2-2 - Marzo
P.D.2-2 - March
il corso design studies si terrà di venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 15:30. Le lezioni saranno nel mese di maggio, giugno e luglio. verrà richiesto agli studenti un piccolo approfondimento nel mese di agosto con consegna a inizio settembre. Venerdì 16 settembre presentazioni dei lavori degli studenti
il corso design studies si terrà di il venerdì dalle 14:00 alle 15:30. Le lezioni saranno nel mese di maggio, giugno e luglio. verrà richiesto agli studenti un piccolo approfondimento nel mese di agosto con consegna a inizio settembre. Venerdì 16 settembre presentazioni dei lavori degli studenti