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Computer aided simulations and performance evaluation


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Data Science And Engineering - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 50
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Giaccone Paolo Professore Ordinario IINF-03/A 20 0 20 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/03 8 C - Affini o integrative Attività formative affini o integrative
The course provides to student the basic knowledge on performance evaluation via computer simulations, and the skills of using some fundamental methodologies in data processing. Two complementary approaches are discussed. On the one side, the course introduces analytical modeling based on queuing theory and stochastic processes, suitable to study complex systems such as computer networks or transport systems. On the other side, students will be introduced to simulation techniques, which can be applied to study more complex system. Applications of these tools to case studies of practical interest are presented and developed in the activities in the lab.
The course provides to the students the basic knowledge on performance evaluation of dynamic systems via computer simulations, and the skills of using some fundamental methodologies for the assessment, design and understanding of data processing systems. Two complementary approaches are discussed to study complex discrete systems such as computer networks and data processing systems. On the one side, the course introduces analytical modeling based on queuing theory and stochastic processes. On the other side, students will be introduced to simulation techniques, which can be applied to study the dynamic evolution of a system as a function of time. Applications of these tools to case studies of practical interest are presented and developed in the activities in the lab.
• Knowledge of the main elements of a simulator • Ability to evaluate the performance of a dynamic discrete systems through simulation • Ability to understand the fundamental behavior of dynamic discrete systems in terms of its stability, performance characteristics and limits, bottlenecks • Ability to model flows of vehicles, data, people, as well as the interactions among elements of complex dynamic systems • Ability to compare in a quantitative way two dynamic discrete systems
- Knowledge of the main elements of a simulator - Ability to evaluate the performance of a dynamic discrete system through simulation - Ability to understand the fundamental behavior of a dynamic discrete system in terms of its stability, performance characteristics and limits, bottlenecks - Ability to model flows of vehicles, data, people, as well as the interactions among elements of complex dynamic systems - Ability to compare in a quantitative way two dynamic discrete systems
Basic knowledge of probability theory. Basic programming skills (python).
Basic knowledge of probability theory. Basic programming skills (python).
• Basic concepts of performance evaluation • Discrete-event and process simulation • Fitting empirical distributions • Simulating traffic sources • Mobility models • Analysis of the output • Identification of transients • Analysis of transient behaviors • Basic concepts of queuing systems • Queuing systems in isolation • Load and system stability • Little's law • Queuing networks • Case studies
Theory of simulation (3CFU): - Basic concepts of performance evaluation - Discrete-event and process simulation - Fitting empirical distributions - Simulating traffic sources - Analysis of the output - Identification of transients - Analysis of transient behaviors Application to queueing systems (1CFU) - Basic concepts of queuing systems - Queuing systems in isolation - Load and system stability - Little's law - Queuing networks Application to approximated data structures (2CFU) - bins and balls models - hash functions and fingerprinting - hash tables and Bloom filters Application to other scenarios (2CFU)
• 50 h lectures (L) • 30 h lab (EL)
- 50 h lectures (L): besides traditional theoretical classes, several problems will be proposed, discussed and solved - 30 h lab (EL): examples of simulators will be developed in class
The teaching material will be provided by the teachers on the web portal.
The teaching material will be provided by the teachers on the web portal. A useful textbook is Leemis, Lawrence M., and Stephen K. Park. Discrete-event simulation: A first course. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2005.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Individual project;
... Exam: written test; group essay; group project; The exam is composed of two parts. i) A written exam of 1.5h duration that includes 2 or 3 problems that require skills on the use of the methodologies for the network performance evaluation and design. This part is evaluated with a score over 30 points. ii) The lab experience will be evaluated through a report and, possibly, a short discussion on the report itself. The report leads to a score of 30 points. The final score is obtained by the mean of the two scores. Both the parts of the exam must be positively evaluated for passing the exam.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Individual project;
The exam will consist of three parts. 1) A written exam, of the duration of 1 h, will be done in the classroom with open questions and open books, covering all the theoretical topics covered in the class (40% final grade) 2) A report on the lab activities. (40% final grade) 3) An oral exam to discuss both the lab activities and the written exam (20% final grade) The report on the lab activities could be substituted by a peer-grading evaluation of the in-class lab activities, depending on the number of students attending the class.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
The exam will consist of three parts. 1) A written exam, of the duration of 1.5 h, will be done with the support of the exam platform and proctoring system. 2) A report on the lab activities. 3) An oral exam to discuss both the lab activities and the written exam.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Individual project;
The exam will consist of three parts. 1) A written exam, of the duration of 1 h, will be done in the classroom with open questions and open books, covering all the theoretical topics covered in the class (40% final grade) 2) A report on the lab activities. (40% final grade) 3) An oral exam to discuss both the lab activities and the written exam (20% final grade) The report on the lab activities could be substituted by a peer-grading evaluation of the in-class lab activities, depending on the number of students attending the class.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
The exam will consist of three parts. 1) A written exam, of the duration of 1.5 h, will be done with the support of the exam platform and proctoring system or in the classroom. 2) A report on the lab activities. 3) An oral exam to discuss both the lab activities and the written exam.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Individual project;
The exam will consist of three parts. 1) A written exam, of the duration of 1 h, will be done in the classroom with open questions and open books, covering all the theoretical topics covered in the class (40% final grade) 2) A report on the lab activities. (40% final grade) 3) An oral exam to discuss both the lab activities and the written exam (20% final grade) The report on the lab activities could be substituted by a peer-grading evaluation of the in-class lab activities, depending on the number of students attending the class.
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