Elenco notifiche

E-powertrain components


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Automotive Engineering (Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 54
Esercitazioni in aula 27
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Ravello Vittorio Docente esterno e/o collaboratore   54 0 0 0 5

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/32 8 C - Affini o integrative A12
The purpose of the module is to provide to the students, in the field of the electrified systems for road vehicles: - fundamental knowledge on the state of the art, under development and future solutions - basic competences in the vehicle and powertrain components sizing - capability in evaluating the behavior of the different possible options with a particular focus on the passenger cars domain but insights also on different size commercial vehicle from the light up to the heavy duty ones.
The purpose of the module is to provide to the students, in the field of the electrified systems for road vehicles: - fundamental knowledge on the state of the art, under development and future solutions - basic competences in the vehicle and powertrain components sizing - capability in evaluating the behavior of the different possible options with a particular focus on the passenger cars domain but insights also on commercial vehicles (from the light up to the heavy duty ones) when/where useful or appropriate.
Comprehensive knowledge of the powertrain and vehicle electrification possible different applicable solutions including their main e-components in terms of technologies, functional behaviours, strong and weak points, impact on the vehicle performance and consumption Capability of evaluating which technology packages/solutions have to be applied to meet different vehicle level targets and/or legislation requirements Ability to select an electrified propulsion system solution depending on the type of vehicle and the mission profile and evaluate its performance and consumption vs. the ones of a standard ICE based one including their impact at vehicle level Ability to perform the preliminary sizing of the propulsion system devices considering the different possible technologies and the desired performance targets Ability to identify the proper specifications for the components of an electrified powertrain to satisfy the vehicle specifications
Comprehensive knowledge of the powertrain and vehicle electrification possible different applicable solutions including their main e-components in terms of technologies, functional behaviours, strong and weak points, impact on the vehicle performance and consumption Capability of evaluating which technology packages/solutions have to be applied to meet different vehicle level targets and/or legislation requirements Ability to select an electrified propulsion system solution depending on the type of vehicle and the mission profile and evaluate its performance and consumption vs. the ones of a standard ICE based one including their impact at vehicle level Ability to perform the preliminary sizing of the propulsion system devices considering the different possible technologies and the desired performance targets Ability to identify the proper specifications for the components of an electrified powertrain to satisfy the vehicle specifications
Particularly useful the ones of the following modules: - Physics (low frequency electromagnetism) - Chemistry (basics) - Fundamentals of electrical and electronic systems (with particular focus on DC and AC (single and three phase) electrical circuits) - Electrical drives for eMobility - Motor vehicle design
Particularly useful the ones of the following modules: - Physics (low frequency electromagnetism) - Chemistry (basics) - Fundamentals of electrical and electronic systems (with particular focus on DC and AC (single and three phase) electrical circuits) - Electrical drives for eMobility - Motor vehicle design
1. Introduction to the electrification: - Previous experiences and learned lessons - Motivations - Traction systems classification systems 2. Basics (working principles): - Battery and supercaps - E-motors (review) - Fuel Cells stack and system 3. Automotive electrification specificities: - Batteries and battery systems - E-motors and generators - Power Electronics for e-drives - E-drive controls - Power Electronics for powertrain and vehicle auxiliaries - Fuel Cells stack and systems - Safety and HV Shock 4. Applications and vehicle integration in: - ICEVs - BEVs - Series Hybrids - Parallel Hybrids - Series-Parallel Hybrids - Plug-in Hybrids - FCEVs Vehicle architecture, on-board propulsion system analysis, different subsystems devices selection, powertrains and vehicles examples 5. Trends and evolutions: - Battery Charging trends - E-drives for Automated Driving - Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) 6. Perspectives and future developments: - Evolution trends - Strategies for the effective introduction of the electrified propulsion systems and vehicles
1. Introduction to the electrification: - Previous experiences and learned lessons - Motivations - Traction systems classification systems 2. Basics (working principles): - Battery and supercaps - E-motors (review) - Fuel Cells stack and system 3. Automotive electrification specificities for: - Batteries and battery systems - E-motors and generators - Power Electronics for e-drives - E-drive controls - Power Electronics for powertrain and vehicle auxiliaries - Fuel Cells stack and systems - Safety and HV shock 4. Applications and vehicle integration in: - ICEVs - BEVs - Series Hybrids - Parallel Hybrids - Series-Parallel Hybrids - Plug-in Hybrids - FCEVs Vehicle architecture, on-board propulsion system analysis, different subsystems devices selection, powertrains and vehicles examples 5. Trends and evolutions: - Battery Charging trends - E-drives for Automated Driving - Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) 6. Perspectives and future developments: - Evolution trends - Strategies for the effective introduction of the electrified propulsion systems and vehicles
Depending on the possible future Polito decisions related to the Covid-19 situation evolutions, the possible impacts on this course and its organisational issues will be reported on the "Portale della Ddattica" in the page of this course
Depending on the possible future Polito decisions related to the Covid-19 situation evolutions, the possible impacts on this course and its organisational issues will be reported on the "Portale della Ddattica" in the page of this course
The couse is organised in: - lectures (60 hours) - practice lectures (20 hours) aimed to apply the sizing concepts also to support the students in acquiring the exprected evaluation abilities
The course is organised in: - lectures (60 hours) - practice lectures (20 hours) aimed to apply the sizing concepts also to support the students in acquiring the expected evaluation abilities
Lesson slides will be distributed through the Polito Website or, if possible, through paper copies available at the Automotie Engineering secretary. Some valuable complementary reading materials are: - F. Badin, “Hybrid Vehicles: From Components to System”, Editionstechnip - L. Guzzella, A. Sciarretta, “Vehicle Propulsion Systems - Introduction to Modeling and Optimization”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg - Szumanowski, “Fundamentals of hybrid vehicle drives”, ITE Warsaw-Radom - J. Larminie, A. Dicks, “Fuel Cell System Explained “, J. Wiley & Sons - M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design” (Power Electronics and Applications Series) CRC-PRESS: - G. Pede, G. Brusaglino, E. Vitale, "Sistemi di Propulsione Elettrica ed Ibrida: dalla Sorgente a Bordo all'Attuazione Meccanica", ENEA
Lesson slides will be distributed through the Polito Website or, if possible, through paper copies available at the Automotive Engineering secretary. Some valuable complementary reading materials are: - F. Badin, “Hybrid Vehicles: From Components to System”, Editionstechnip - L. Guzzella, A. Sciarretta, “Vehicle Propulsion Systems - Introduction to Modeling and Optimization”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg - Szumanowski, “Fundamentals of hybrid vehicle drives”, ITE Warsaw-Radom - J. Larminie, A. Dicks, “Fuel Cell System Explained “, J. Wiley & Sons - M. Ehsani, Y. Gao, S. E. Gay and A. Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design” (Power Electronics and Applications Series) CRC-PRESS: - G. Pede, G. Brusaglino, E. Vitale, "Sistemi di Propulsione Elettrica ed Ibrida: dalla Sorgente a Bordo all'Attuazione Meccanica", ENEA
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula);
Exam: Written test;
... The exam is in written form only and consists at least of: - multiple choice sentences/questions - fast numerical exercises on electrified traction systems sizing Duration: 3 hours. Each multiple-choice question has just one correct answer. The numerical exercises require to solve a numerical problem similar to those shown during the practice lectures. During the exam it is possible to use just a simple scientific calculator (or the calculator available in Respondus interface), a pen and white papers. Exchange information among students is not permitted by any means. Use of multimedia devices such as cell phone, tablet, pc, smart watch is not allowed. Use of any written material such as notes, textbooks or equivalent materials is not allowed.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test;
The exam is in written form only and consists at least of: - multiple choice sentences/questions - fast numerical exercises on electrified traction systems sizing Duration: 3 hours. Each multiple-choice question has just one correct answer. The numerical exercises require to solve a numerical problem similar to those shown during the practice lectures. During the exam it is possible to use just a simple scientific calculator (or the calculator available in Respondus interface), a pen and white papers. Exchange information among students is not permitted by any means. Use of multimedia devices such as cell phone, tablet, pc, smart watch is not allowed. Use of any written material such as notes, textbooks or equivalent materials is not allowed.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Written examination: - multiple choice sentences/questions (10 points max) - fast numerical computations on electrified powertrain sizing (10 points max) - one open question to be selected between two possible options on transversal issues (max 10 points) Duration: 3 hours (depending on the Polito limitations) During the exam, the use of books, notes or equivalent materials is not allowed
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam (based on Exam platform and proctoring tools (Respondus)) is in written form only and consists at least of: - multiple choice sentences/questions - fast numerical exercises on electrified traction systems sizing Duration: 3 hours (or less depending on the Polito limitations). Each multiple-choice question has just one correct answer. The numerical exercises require to solve a numerical problem similar to those shown during the practice lectures. During the exam it is possible to use just a simple scientific calculator (or the calculator available in Respondus interface), a pen and white papers. Exchange information among students is not permitted by any means. Use of multimedia devices such as cell phone, tablet, pc, smart watch is not allowed. Use of any written material such as notes, textbooks or equivalent materials is not allowed.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Written examination: - multiple choice sentences/questions (10 points max) - fast numerical computations on electrified powertrain sizing (10 points max) - one open question to be selected between two possible options on transversal issues (max 10 points) Duration: 3 hours (depending on the Polito limitations) During the exam, the use of books, notes or equivalent materials is not allowed
Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam (based on Exam platform and proctoring tools (Respondus)) or in classroom is in written form only and consists at least of: - multiple choice sentences/questions - fast numerical exercises on electrified traction systems sizing Duration: 3 hours. Each multiple-choice question has just one correct answer. The numerical exercises require to solve a numerical problem similar to those shown during the practice lectures. During the exam it is possible to use just a simple scientific calculator (or the calculator available in Respondus interface), a pen and white papers. Exchange information among students is not permitted by any means. Use of multimedia devices such as cell phone, tablet, pc, smart watch is not allowed. Use of any written material such as notes, textbooks or equivalent materials is not allowed.
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