The course is dedicated to the description of appropriate design methodologies for vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems. Part one will be devoted to study the dynamic behaviour of vehicles by means of adequate mathematical models. It will follow a part dedicated to the description of the most common sensors and actuators for the scope. A section dedicated to the implementation of the control techniques studied in part A of the course will follow. The last part will focus on the analysis of vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems with reference to the performance in terms of path follow capability, stability, comfort, drivability. Laboratory projects developed in team will strengthen the implementation capabilities and the vehicle system analysis.
The technology in the field of Automotive Engineering is growing up fast mainly in the area of electrification and implementation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. The next generation of engineers interested in a carrier in Vehicle Systems Design are requested to possess an adequate knowledge in the technology of Advanced Driver Assistance System and the performance of the vehicles equipped with such systems.
Within this context, the aim of the course of Driver Assistance System Design is to provide the adequate knowledge and design methodologies to approach the subject of properly control the motion of the vehicle by the support of sensors, control algorithms, and actuation devices.
The course is composed by two parts (A and B). Part A is devoted to learn subjects related to control techniques and trajectory planning algorithms for vehicles equipped with ADAS. A dedicated presentation of Part A is available in a parallel sheet. The present part B is complementary and is dedicated to technologies for sensors, processing units and actuators for ADAS.
Additionally, emphasis will be given to vehicle dynamic models and vehicle dynamic design methodologies, being them at the base of an adequate design of the control algorithms for ADAS. Issues related to trajectory tracking capability, stability, comfort and drivability are properly addressed.
Laboratory projects developed in team will strengthen the implementation capabilities and the vehicle system analysis.
Students are required to learn the design methodologies for vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems. To this end, students must learn the basics on: vehicle dynamics, characteristics of sensors and actuators, implementation of control strategies, study of vehicle performance.
The skills acquired during the course are related to the understanding of: the dynamic behaviour of a vehicle equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems, the influence of the different subsystems, the role played by the control design parameter.
Students are required to learn the adequate methodologies to design vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems. At the end of the course the students will:
capability to model the vehicle dynamics,
know the typologies and characteristics of sensors and actuators for ADAS systems,
capability to design and implement ADAS control strategies,
Capability to model and study the vehicle performance.
The skills acquired during the course are related to the understanding of: the dynamic behaviour of a vehicle equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems, the influence of the different subsystems, the role played by the control design parameter.
It is requested a background on the basics of automatic control, vehicle system design and modelling and simulation tools for vehicle analysis and control. This means the knowledge covered in the courses of motor vehicle design, automatic control, car body design and aerodynamics, numerical modelling and simulation.
Are requested the knowledge acquired within the courses of Motor Vehicle Design, Automatic Control, Car Body Design and aAerodynamics, Numerical Modelling and Simulation.
Additionally, it is requested a basic knowledge of Matlab/Simulink programming and simulation. Matlab/Simulink environment will be adopted for the modelling and simulation of vehicle systems and control.
The topics of the Course are listed here below
1. Vehicle Dynamics
Bicycle Model:
Description of the equations of motion,
Linearization and analysis of the stability,
Study of the most relevant non-linear effects (tire non-linear behaviour, aerodynamic drag, ),
Derivation of the equations of motion at Steady State and study of the effect of the load transfer (contribution of : antiroll bar, longitudinal position of the COG, tire traction and braking force)
10 dof model
Description of the equations of motion,
Linearization of the equations of motion and description of the uncoupling between handling and comfort,
Description of the Segel model and study of the handling behaviour of the vehicle
Description of the comfort model and study of the comfort
Longitudinal dynamic behaviour
Modeling of the torsional dynamic behaviour of the driveline and study of the coupling between the torsional dynamics of the driveline and the longitudinal dynamic behaviour of the vehicle.
Drivability and comfort analysis.
2. Driver Assist Vehicle Control
Driver Model
Non-predictive and predictive simplified driver models (integration in the vehicle model),
Longitudinal vehicle control
Antilock, Antispin (Implementation of Control Strategies)
Handling control
Vehicle Dynamic Control (Implementation of Control Strategies)
Suspension control
Heave control (Implementation of Control Strategies)
Roll control (Implementation of Control Strategies)
3. Autonomous Vehicle Control
Technologies and methods for Autonomous Vehicle Control
An overview on the sensor technology (Camera, Radar, Lidar, IMU),
Sensor fusion techniques,
An overview on electronic control unit characteristics for image processing and vehicle control,
An overview on the actuation systems technology for autonomous vehicles.
Trajectory planning
In Vehicle Implementation
Vehicle Dynamic Control
Lateral and Longitudinal Vehicle Control,
Comfort of the occupants.
Three projects are developed, in strict collaboration between the two parts:
Project 1: Study the dynamic behaviour of a vehicle using the Segel model: Stability analysis and open loop manoeuvres.
Project 2: Implementation of Control Strategies .
Project 3: Implementation of trajectory planning algorithms and control of the trajectory.
The present section reports the topics of the course of Driving Assistance System Design. Both parts A and B are reported here below to allow a better comprehension of the overall organisation of the course. Each section in the following list reports the indication about what part it belongs to (part A or part B).
1. Introduction (Part A+Part B - 4.5h)
Description of the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and the Automated Driving Systems
Description of the Longitudinal Control Systems
Cruise Control,
Automated Highway Systems,
Control systems for improving the safety:
Collision Avoidance,
Antilock (ABS) and Antispin (ASR) systems
Description of the Lateral Control Systems:
Automated Lane Keeping
Vehicle Dynamic Control
Description of Suspension Control Systems
Active Roll Control
Heave Control (skyhook, groundhook)
The role played by the Simplified Vehicle Dynamic Models (Rigid Vehicle model, Models describing the Heave motion, Simple Roll Motion)
Basic and Advanced Control Methods
Complete Vehicle models for the design and simulation of Vehicle Active Control Systems.
2. Recap of systems and control notions (Part A - 7.5h)
General Concept of dynamic systems
Stability notions,
Laplace transform,
Transfer functions,
Feedback control principle.
3. Longitudinal Dynamic models for Adaptive Cruise Control (Part B 6h)
Recap on driving dynamic performance,
Recap on braking performance.
4. Simplified (non-linear and linearized) Vehicle Dynamic Models for the design of the Automated Lane Keeping and the Simplified Vehicle Dynamic Control (part B) (10,5h)
Bicycle Model:
Recap on the tire characteristics and models (1,5 h),
Recap on the aerodynamic forces acting on the vehicle (1,5 h),
Computation of the equations of motion in the Configuration Space and in the State Space, analysis of the stability in the small (3 h),
Derivation of the equations of motion at Steady State and study of the effect of the load transfer (contribution of : antiroll bar, longitudinal position of the COG, tire traction and braking force) (4,5)
5. Simplified Vehicle Dynamic Models for Heave and Roll Control Design (Part B - 9 h)
Non-linear and linearized dynamic models describing the vertical motion of the vehicle on suspensions (half car model, quarter car model) (6 h)
Simplified single degree of freedom model describing the roll motion (3 h)
6. Control Algorithms: description, design and implementation (Part A - 34.5h)
PID control:
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of lane keeping and cruise control based on PID controllers using as reference the bicycle model.
Adaptive cruise control, string stability and constant time-gap control:
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of the cruise control using as reference the bicycle model
State feedback control and LQR/LQI control
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of the lane keeping using the State feedback control and LQR/LQI control
H-infinity control
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of active suspensions using H-infinite control
Gain scheduling control
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of the lane keeping based on the gain scheduling control using the bicycle model.
Model predictive control
- Description of the control architecture and features
- Design of the trajectory planning, lateral and longitudinal control based on MPC control using the bicycle model.
- Observers/filters, notions about sensor fusion
- Description of State Observers,
- Description about sensor fusion
- Implementation of the above mentioned control techniques assuming to measure only some variables and estimating the others.
- Implementation of ABS and vehicle stability control using the most adequate control methods described above.
7. Complete vehicle model 10 dof (Part B - 13,5 h)
Description of the equations of motion,
Linearization of the equations of motion and description of the uncoupling between handling and comfort,
Description of the Segel model and study of the handling behaviour of the vehicle
Description of the comfort model and study of the comfort
Longitudinal dynamic behaviour
Modeling of the torsional dynamic behaviour of the driveline and study of the coupling between the torsional dynamics of the driveline and the longitudinal dynamic behaviour of the vehicle.
Drivability and comfort analysis.
8. Autonomous Vehicle Control - Technologies for Autonomous Vehicle Control (Part A + Part B - 7,5 h)
An overview on the sensor technology (Camera, Radar, Lidar, IMU),
An overview on electronic control unit characteristics for image processing and vehicle control,
An overview on the actuation systems technology for autonomous vehicles.
9. Driver Assistance Vehicle Control Implementation (Part A + Part B - 27 h)
Driver Model
Non-predictive and predictive simplified driver models (integration in the vehicle model),
Longitudinal Vehicle Control
Antilock, Antispin, Cruise Control (Implementation of the Control Strategies using a complete vehicle model PROJECT 1 Lateral Vehicle Control
Automated Lane Keeping and Vehicle Dynamic Control (Implementation of the Control Strategies using a complete vehicle model PROJECT 2)
The lectures will be concerned with methodological and design aspects, numerical examples and solved problems. The lab exercises will be based on the Matlab/Simulink software.
The course is organized in a sequence of subjects ascribed to Part A and Part B to take the maximum learning comprehension. After an introductory part (Part A and B), teaching will focus on a recap of systems and control notions (Part A). The following part (Part B) will be dedicated to the learning of the simplified vehicle model that are requested to design the controllers for ADAS. Then a wide part will be devoted to the description, design and implementation of the Control Algorithms (Part A). It will follow a part (Part B) dedicated to the learning of the complete vehicle models. Then a part (Part A + Part B) dedicated to the implementation of ADAS controllers on complete vehicle models will conclude the course. Project works in teams will be assigned to this end.
The different sections are organized in teaching lectures mainly devoted to the theory part. They will be supported by tutorials dedicated to address design aspects, numerical examples and solved problems on specific issues about vehicle dynamic analysis and vehicle design methodologies. The tutorials will be developed using Matlab/Simulink software.
Laboratory exercises will be assigned in the last part of the course and will address the development of the Project Works to be carried out in team. They will be dedicated to implement the Adaptive Cruise Control strategies and the Lane Keeping Assist Controls developed in Part A in a complete vehicle model. A Matlab/Simulink + CARSIM co-simulation approach will be adopted for the scope.
- Lecture material (slides, Matlab/Simulink files)
- Rajesh Rajamani Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Mechanical Engineering Series
- P. Lugner - Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars, 2019
- G. Genta, L. Morello, The automotive Chassis, Volume 1 and 2, Springer, 2009.
- W.F. Milliken, D.L. Milliken, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, SAE International, 1995.
- G. Genta, "Motor Vehicle Dynamics", World Scientific, 2002
The textbooks that will be adopted for the course are:
Rajesh Rajamani Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Mechanical Engineering Series,
G. Genta, L. Morello, The automotive Chassis, Volume 1 and 2, Springer, 2009,
W.F. Milliken, D.L. Milliken, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, SAE International, 1995,
G. Genta, "Motor Vehicle Dynamics", World Scientific, 2002.
The following learning resources
Lecture Notes,
Exercise texts and solutions,
Documentation for the development of the project works,
will be uploaded on the Portale della Didattica from time to time before each class.
Modalitΰ di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Group project;
The assessment is devoted to verify the comprehension of the topics that have been covered throughout the whole course of Driver Assistance System Design (Part A and B together). The assessment is also addressed to verify the ability of the student to use adequate design methodologies and mathematical tools for the design of the controllers for ADAS and the consequent verification of the vehicle performance.
Additionally, the presentation and discussion of the project reports is intended to verify the ability of the students to work in team on the application of a real case by using numerical modelling tools adopted in the field of automotive industry.
Grading Criteria
The exam is divided in a written part and in a oral part. The details about the two sections are described here below.
Onsite written exam
Written Exam part is composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice.
Total duration: 3:00 h (accounting also for possible technical problems).
Part A: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part B: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part A and Part B questions will appear in a single assignment.
The grade to be assigned to the Multiple Choice questions rather than the Open Questions can change depending on the level of difficulty of a single question.
A negative score is assigned to wrong answers (Multiple Choice questions).
Both Open Questions and Multiple Choice Questions may be in the form of exercises or design problems.
The grade is rated out of thirty.
The admission to the oral and/or project discussion is possible only if the grade of the written part is ≥ 18/30.
No material is allowed, except the one provided during the exam by the teachers.
Allowed software: Matlab/Simulink, pdf reader. Any other software is forbidden.
Navigation is forbidden.
Taking photos and screenshots is forbidden.
White paper sheets for handwritten calculations are allowed. A small number of separated sheets should be used. Paper notebooks of any kind are not allowed.
The validity of the score is limited to the exam session.
Onsite oral exam
The Oral Exam is optional, depending on the grading of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 25 included).
Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory.
3 points will be assigned after the discussion.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilitΰ o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unitΰ Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione piω idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Group project;
The assessment is devoted to verify the comprehension of the topics that have been covered throughout the whole course of Driver Assistance System Design (Part A and B together). The assessment is also addressed to verify the ability of the student to use adequate design methodologies and mathematical tools for the design of the controllers for ADAS and the consequent verification of the vehicle performance.
Additionally, the presentation and discussion of the project reports is intended to verify the ability of the students to work in team on the application of a real case by using numerical modelling tools adopted in the field of automotive industry.
Grading Criteria
The exam is divided in a written part and in a oral part. The details about the two sections are described here below.
Onsite written exam
Written Exam part is composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice.
Total duration: 3:00 h (accounting also for possible technical problems).
Part A: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part B: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part A and Part B questions will appear in a single assignment.
The grade to be assigned to the Multiple Choice questions rather than the Open Questions can change depending on the level of difficulty of a single question.
A negative score is assigned to wrong answers (Multiple Choice questions).
Both Open Questions and Multiple Choice Questions may be in the form of exercises or design problems.
The grade is rated out of thirty.
The admission to the oral and/or project discussion is possible only if the grade of the written part is ≥ 18/30.
No material is allowed, except the one provided during the exam by the teachers.
Allowed software: Matlab/Simulink, pdf reader. Any other software is forbidden.
Navigation is forbidden.
Taking photos and screenshots is forbidden.
White paper sheets for handwritten calculations are allowed. A small number of separated sheets should be used. Paper notebooks of any kind are not allowed.
The validity of the score is limited to the exam session.
Onsite oral exam
The Oral Exam is optional, depending on the grading of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 25 included).
Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory.
3 points will be assigned after the discussion.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalitΰ di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The exam is composed by
- Written Exam part composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice questions in a 2 hours time frame.
(access to the oral and/or project discussion only if the score of the written part is ≥ 18/30)
- Oral Exam part. The oral part could be optional depending on the grading of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 23 included).
- Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory. +- 3 marks will be assigned after the discussion.
The validity of the written exam score is limited to the exam session
Exam: Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The assessment is devoted to verify the comprehension of the topics that have been covered throughout the whole course of Driver Assistance System Design (Part A and B together). The assessment is also addressed to verify the ability of the student to use adequate design methodologies and mathematical tools for the design of the controllers for ADAS and the consequent verification of the vehicle performance.
Additionally, the presentation and discussion of the project reports is intended to verify the ability of the students to work in team on the application of a real case by using numerical modelling tools adopted in the field of automotive industry.
Grading Criteria
The exam is divided in a written part and in a oral part. The details about the two sections are described here below.
Online written exam
Written Exam part is composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice.
Total duration: 3:00 h (accounting also for possible technical problems).
Part A: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part B: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part A and Part B questions will appear in a single assignment.
The grade to be assigned to the Multiple Choice questions rather than the Open Questions can change depending on the level of difficulty of a single question.
A negative score is assigned to wrong answers (Multiple Choice questions).
Both Open Questions and Multiple Choice Questions may be in the form of exercises or design problems.
The grade is rated out of thirty.
The admission to the oral and/or project discussion is possible only if the grade of the written part is ≥ 18/30.
No material is allowed, except the one provided during the exam by the teachers.
Allowed software: Matlab/Simulink, pdf reader. Any other software is forbidden.
Navigation is forbidden.
Taking photos and screenshots is forbidden.
White paper sheets for handwritten calculations are allowed. A small number of separated sheets should be used. Paper notebooks of any kind are not allowed.
The validity of the score is limited to the exam session.
Online oral exam
The Oral Exam is optional, depending on the grading of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 25 included).
Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory.
3 points will be assigned after the discussion.
Modalitΰ di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Prova scritta tramite l'utilizzo di vLAIB e piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The exam is composed by
- Written Exam part composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice questions in a 2 hours time frame.
(access to the oral and/or project discussion only if the score of the written part is ≥ 18/30)
- Oral Exam part. The oral part could be optional depending on the score of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 23 included).
- Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory. +- 3 marks will be assigned after the discussion.
The validity of the written exam score is limited to the exam session
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Written test via vLAIB using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The assessment is devoted to verify the comprehension of the topics that have been covered throughout the whole course of Driver Assistance System Design (Part A and B together). The assessment is also addressed to verify the ability of the student to use adequate design methodologies and mathematical tools for the design of the controllers for ADAS and the consequent verification of the vehicle performance.
Additionally, the presentation and discussion of the project reports is intended to verify the ability of the students to work in team on the application of a real case by using numerical modelling tools adopted in the field of automotive industry.
Grading Criteria
The exam is divided in a written part and in a oral part. The details about the two sections are described here below.
Online written exam
Written Exam part is composed by 4 open questions and 10 multiple choice.
Total duration: 3:00 h (accounting also for possible technical problems).
Part A: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part B: 5 Multiple Choice questions + 2 open questions.
Part A and Part B questions will appear in a single assignment.
The grade to be assigned to the Multiple Choice questions rather than the Open Questions can change depending on the level of difficulty of a single question.
A negative score is assigned to wrong answers (Multiple Choice questions).
Both Open Questions and Multiple Choice Questions may be in the form of exercises or design problems.
The grade is rated out of thirty.
The admission to the oral and/or project discussion is possible only if the grade of the written part is ≥ 18/30.
No material is allowed, except the one provided during the exam by the teachers.
Allowed software: Matlab/Simulink, pdf reader. Any other software is forbidden.
Navigation is forbidden.
Taking photos and screenshots is forbidden.
White paper sheets for handwritten calculations are allowed. A small number of separated sheets should be used. Paper notebooks of any kind are not allowed.
The validity of the score is limited to the exam session.
Oral exam online or onsite depending on the possibilities
The Oral Exam is optional, depending on the grading of the written part (if the score of the written part is in between 18 and 25 included).
Project report presentation and discussion is mandatory.
3 points will be assigned after the discussion.