Electronic systems are nowadays ubiquitous in vehicles. A good understanding of their operation and performance is more and more essential to an automotive engineer in vehicle system design, in testing and as a common background to effectively interact with hardware and software specialists. In the framework of the objectives of the MS program in Automotive Engineering, the course is intended to:
- provide a good understanding of the architecture and of the operation of microprocessor-based electronic systems in vehicles and vehicle data networks;
- introduce the main performance parameters of ECU building blocks with reference to vehicle applications and requirements, including safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements;
- describe the functions and of the architecture of specific electronic control systems for vehicles (e.g. engine control unit, antilock braking system);
Electronic systems are nowadays ubiquitous in vehicles. A good understanding of their operation and performance is more and more essential to an automotive engineer involved in vehicle design and testing, and also as a common background to effectively interact with hardware and software specialists. In the framework of the objectives of the MS program in Automotive Engineering, the course is intended to:
- provide a good understanding of the architecture and of the operation of microprocessor-based electronic systems in vehicles and vehicle data networks;
- introduce essential concepts in vehicle sensor readout and data conversion;
- introduce the main performance parameters of ECU building blocks with reference to vehicle applications and requirements, including safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements;
- describe the functions and the HW architecture of specific electronic control systems for vehicles (e.g. engine control unit, antilock braking system);
After the module, the students are expected to:
- understand the architectures and the operation of the main building blocks of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and describe them adopting an appropriate terminology;
- understand the architecture and the operation of specific ECU-based control systems in vehicles and of vehicle data networks;
- be familiar with the technical litterature and with the main performance parameters of electronic systems;
- quantitatively express the performance requirements of electronic systems in simple vehicle applications;
- design
After attending the module, the students are expected to:
- understand the architectures and the operation of the main building blocks of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and describe them adopting an appropriate terminology;
- understand the architecture and the operation of specific ECU-based control systems in vehicles and of vehicle data networks;
- be familiar with the main performance parameters of electronic systems used in technical litterature;
- apply the concepts to discuss electronic systems requirements in real world vehicle applications (also with reference to simple numerical exercises).
- Mathematical Analsys;
- Physics;
- Circuit Theory (the students are expected to be able to analyze an electric circuit both in the time and frequency domain),
- Basic concepts of analog electronics (transistors, amplifiers, opamp-based circuits)
- Basic concepts of digital electronics and computer science (binary numbers, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits)
- Mathematical Analsys;
- Physics;
- Circuit Theory (in particular: DC, AC and transient circuit analysis, Frequency domain analysis and Bode Plots);
- Basic concepts of analog electronics (transistors, amplifiers, opamp-based circuits);
- Basic concepts of digital electronics and computer science (binary numbers, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits).
- Microprocessor units (MPU) (8h) : MPU architecture: ALU, Register File, Control Unit; MPU operation and programming (overview); MPU-based systems: buses and access to peripheral devices; MPUs for vehicles and main performance parameters.
- Vehicle data networks (10h): general concepts; medium access control (MAC); Master-slave, interrupt, random access and arbitration; automotive data networks: LIN, CAN, Automotive Ethernet.
- A/D conversion and acquisition front end (12h): A/D conversion fundamentals: sampling, quantization, coding. Sampling theorem: aliasing and oversampling; quantization error; A/D converters (ADCs) static and dynamic performance; D/A converters (DACs) and ADCs for automotive applications: operation and performance comparison. Multichannel acquisition front-end: anti-aliasing filter, conditioning amplifiers, sample and hold (S/H). Exercises on signal conditioning and acquisition.
- Power management unit (8h): MOS transistors, linear and switching-mode voltage regulators, power drivers and actuators: drivers for solenoid actuators and small DC motors.
- Gasoline engine control ECU (8h): control targets and controller architercture, input variables and sensors (EPS, TPS, RPM, MAF, CT, lambda sensor). Sensor signal acquisition exercises. Control strategies and operating modes.
- Braking System and Vehicle Dynamics Control (5h): targets, input quantities and sensors (acceletometers, wheel speed sensors, yaw rate sensor), antilock braking system (ABS) operation, outline on vehicle dynamics control systems (ESP, CBC).
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (3h) : Emission and Immunity issues; practical issues and EMC concepts. Standard regulations and automotive EMC tests at component and vehicle level.
- Electronic control unit design and verification flow (2h), hardware in the loop (HIL) testing.
1) Microprocessor units (MPU) (9h) :
-MPU architecture;
-MPU operation and programming concepts (overview);
-MPU-based systems: buses and access to peripheral devices;
-MPUs for vehicles and main performance parameters.
2) Vehicle data networks (9h):
- general data network concepts;
- shared transmission media: medium access control (MAC) and arbitration;
- automotive data networks: LIN, CAN, Automotive Ethernet.
3) Sensor acquisition front-end and A/D conversion (12h):
-automotive sensors; sensor non-idealities and sensor terminology;
-A/D conversion fundamentals: sampling, quantization, coding. Sampling theorem: aliasing and oversampling; quantization error;
-A/D converters static and dynamic performance;
-D/A converters (DACs) and A/D converters (ADCs) for automotive applications: operation and performance comparison;
-multichannel acquisition front-end: anti-aliasing filter, conditioning amplifiers, sample and hold (S/H);
-exercises on signal conditioning and acquisition.
4) Power management unit (6h):
- MOS transistors;
- linear and switching-mode voltage regulators;
- power drivers and actuators: drivers for solenoid actuators;
5) Gasoline engine control ECU (14h):
-control targets and controller architercture;
-input variables and sensors (EPS, TPS, RPM, MAF, CT, lambda sensor);
-output variables and actuators: fuel injectors, ignition system;
-control strategies and operating modes;
-Sensor signal acquisition exercises.
6) Braking System and Vehicle Dynamics Control (5h):
- targets, input quantities and sensors (acceletometers, wheel speed sensors, yaw rate sensor);
- antilock braking system (ABS) operation;
- outline on vehicle dynamics control systems (ESP, CBC).
7) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (3h) :
- emission and Immunity issues;
- practical issues and EMC concepts;
- standard regulations and automotive EMC tests at component and vehicle level.
8) Electronic control unit design and verification flow overview (2h).
The course is structured in:
- frontal lectures (about 50h), intended to give the students the basic concepts and understanding of electronic systems in vehicles, their operation and performance parameters (as detailed in the program);
- numerical exercises (about 10h), in which the concepts and performance parameters introduced in theorical lectures will be applied with reference to simple numerical examples and case studies in the automotive field.
The course is structured in:
- frontal lectures (about 52h), intended to give the students the basic concepts and understanding of electronic systems in vehicles, their operation and performance parameters (as detailed in the program);
- numerical exercises (about 8h), in which the concepts and performance parameters introduced in theorical lectures will be applied with reference to simple numerical examples and case studies in the automotive field.
Lecture notes and slides (avaialable online in the course material).
Further reading:
William Ribbens, "Understanding Automotive Electronics, An Engineering Perspective," 7th Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Lecture notes and slides (avaialable online in the course material).
Further reading:
William Ribbens, "Understanding Automotive Electronics, An Engineering Perspective," 8th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, (Elsevier Science), 2017 Amsterdam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
Oral exam.
The student will be asked to:
- illustrate the structure and the operation principles of electronic systems and sub-systems in a vehicle (especially in terms of block diagrams and/or simplified electrical circuits);
- introduce the main performance parameters and/or characteristic curves of components and sub-systems having an idea of their order of magnitude in vehicle applications;
- discuss the main criteria to be considered in the design of different electric/electronic systems and subsystems with reference to vehicle applications.
- describe the main architectures/protocols for on-board networks.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
Oral exam (15-20min), intended to verify the acquisition of the expected learning outcomes (see above).
The student will be asked to:
- illustrate the structure and the operation principles of electronic systems and sub-systems in a vehicle (especially in terms of block diagrams and/or simplified electrical circuits);
- introduce and properly define the main performance parameters of components and sub-systems;
- discuss the main criteria and tradeoffs in the design of electric/electronic systems and subsystems with reference to vehicle applications;
- discuss electronic systems requirements in simple vehicle applications, also with reference to simple numerical exercises to be solved interactively during the oral test;
In the evaluation, the following points are considered: 1) the understanding of the concepts and the ability to explain them; 2) the ability to provide very focused and concise answers to specific questions; 3) the adoption of a correct terminology; 4) the ability to apply/adapt the concepts in simple real-world problems; 5) the awareness of the typical numerical values of electronic systems parameters in automotive applications.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The online exam will include a mandatory multiple-choice question (MCQ) test on the Exam platform (with Respondus), covering the topics of the on-site oral exam (see above) and possibly including simple numerical exercises (also presented in the form of multiple-choice questions); and an optional online oral exam (Virtual Classroom platform) to be taken in the same call.
The MCQ test will include 15 questions to be answered in 30min, no penalty for wrong answers
The optional oral exam can be
Exam: Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The online exam includes a mandatory multiple-choice question (MCQ) test on the Exam platform (with Respondus, no books/notes allowed), covering the topics of the on-site oral exam, possibly including simple numerical exercises (see above). The MCQ test can be possibly followed by an optional online oral test (10min, Virtual Classroom platform, structured as the on-site oral exam), to be taken in the same call.
The MCQ test will include 15 questions with four alternatives to be answered in 30min, no penalty for incorrect answers. The MCQ test will be automatically corrected and it will be attributed a raw score x ranging from 0 to 30.
for 18<=x<22: the student cannot take the oral test, but x can be registered as the final mark;
for x>=22: the student can decide:
- to take the optional oral test
- to register min(x,25) as the final mark;
For the students who take the oral test, the final mark will be a weighted average of the MCQ score (50%) and of the oral test score (50%), and ranges from 0 to 30L. If the oral test score is not sufficient, the exam should be repeated independently of the raw score x of the MCQ test.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale facoltativa; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The blended exam rules are the same as for the ONLINE exam (online MCQ + optional oral exam), but the optional oral exam can be taken either online or in presence.
Exam: Optional oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam rules are the same as for the ONLINE exam (mandatory online MCQ test + optional oral test). Unlike in the ONLINE exam, the optional oral test will be normally in presence, and it can be taken online (Virtual Classroom platform) only upon motivated request.