The course is aimed at providing the basic knowledge and the design skills in the field of the thermal behaviour and energy performance of buildings. Particular attention will be put on the evaluation of the indoor environmental requirements (thermal comfort, indoor air quality), on the thermal performance of the building envelope components, of the analysis of the built environment, on the design of technical building systems, and on the assessment of building energy performance.
The course is organized in lectures, numerical exercises (carried out in classroom and/or in computer labs) and experimental exercises.
The course is aimed at providing the basic knowledge and the design skills in the field of the thermal behaviour and energy performance of buildings. Particular attention will be put on the evaluation of the indoor environmental requirements (thermal comfort, indoor air quality), on the thermal performance of the building envelope components, of the analysis of the built environment, on the design of technical building systems, and on the assessment of building energy performance.
The course is organized in lectures, numerical exercises and experimental exercises.
The skills and knowledge that are expected at the end of the lectures include the ability:
- to assess the requirements for a correct energy design of a building, including thermal comfort and IAQ requirements and the energy efficiency requirements of the various building components and installations,
- to calculate heating and cooling loads for a building,
- of designing advanced envelope and technical building systems as to optimize the energy performance of buildings and the indoor environmental quality,
- of developing the design for the energy retrofit of buildings,
- of managing and documenting at the professional level the energy design of buildings.
The skills and knowledge that are expected at the end of the lectures include the ability:
- to assess the requirements for a correct energy design of a building, including thermal comfort and IAQ requirements and the energy efficiency requirements of the various building components and installations,
- to calculate heating and cooling loads for a building,
- of designing advanced envelope and technical building systems as to optimize the energy performance of buildings and the indoor environmental quality,
- of developing the design for the energy retrofit of buildings,
- of managing and documenting at the professional level the energy design of buildings.
Basic knowledge of mathematics and of building physics (BSc level).
Basic knowledge of mathematics and of building physics (BSc level).
Lectures are organized as theoretical lectures, practical lessons (oriented to the design) and experimental exercises. The main topics covered by the course are:
A) Indoor environmental quality and indoor environmental control
- Basic concepts on thermal comfort, PMV method and basics of adaptive comfort
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation, pollutants classifications, prescriptive and performance base methods, objective and subjective IAQ assessment,
- Technologies for the IAQ control and fundamentals of ventilation, a
- Air tightness and air distribution in buildings
- Basic concepts of the indoor environmental quality (IEE)
B) Technical building systems
- Basic concepts on HVAC systems, their classifications and main features,
- Ventilation systems and strategies: technologies and analysis methods
- Heat generators and storage systems, RES generation
- Lighting systems
C) Thermal loads and indoor temperature under design conditions
- Assessment of the design heating load (accordingly to standard UNI EN 12831),
- Assessment of the design cooling load/temperatures (accordingly to the simplified method based on a 24 hours steady periodic regime),
- Basic concepts about software for building energy modelling.
D) Energy and environmental legislation
- European directives on energy performance of buildings and RES
- Energy performance and RES requirements according to national legislation
E) Advanced building skins
- Basic concepts of adaptive façades, insulation, thermal storage, solar control
- Advanced materials and products, PCM, VIP, smart glazing, solar shadings
- Green roof, double skin façades, active façades smart, integration of building services
- Advanced calculation methods of optical and thermal performance parameters
F) Energy management and automation of buildings
- Long term monitoring of energy and energy-related variables
- Building automation and control systems and effect on energy performance and IEQ
- Principles of technical management of buildings
Lectures are organized as theoretical lectures, practical lessons (oriented to the design) and experimental exercises. The main topics covered by the course are:
A) Indoor environmental quality and indoor environmental control
- Basic concepts on thermal comfort, PMV method and basics of adaptive comfort
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation, pollutants classifications, prescriptive and performance base methods, objective and subjective IAQ assessment,
- Technologies for the IAQ control and fundamentals of ventilation, a
- Air tightness and air distribution in buildings
- Basic concepts of the indoor environmental quality (IEE)
B) Technical building systems
- Basic concepts on HVAC systems, their classifications and main features,
- Ventilation systems and strategies: technologies and analysis methods
- Heat generators and storage systems, RES generation
- Lighting systems
C) Thermal loads and indoor temperature under design conditions
- Assessment of the design heating load (accordingly to standard UNI EN 12831),
- Assessment of the design cooling load/temperatures (accordingly to the simplified method based on a 24 hours steady periodic regime),
- Basic concepts about software for building energy modelling.
D) Energy and environmental legislation
- European directives on energy performance of buildings and RES
- Energy performance and RES requirements according to national legislation
E) Advanced building skins
- Basic concepts of adaptive façades, insulation, thermal storage, solar control
- Advanced materials and products, PCM, VIP, smart glazing, solar shadings
- Green roof, double skin façades, active façades smart, integration of building services
- Advanced calculation methods of optical and thermal performance parameters
F) Energy management and automation of buildings
- Long term monitoring of energy and energy-related variables
- Building automation and control systems and effect on energy performance and IEQ
- Principles of technical management of buildings
Teaching is organised in theoretical lectures, application lectures (design) and in experimental exercises.
The design application lectures consist of the development of the energy design of a new or an existing building; in particular, the object of this design exercise will be the same adopted in the frame of the “Integrated Design for Sustainable Building”. The design exercise includes: the assessment of the design heating/cooling loads and of indoor temperatures, the energy design of the building envelope and of HVAC systems, the assessment of the thermal comfort condition and of the indoor air quality, the check of compliance with legislative requirements.
The experimental exercises will be centred on the measurement of the thermal comfort and of the indoor microclimatic variables, of the indoor air quality and/or the measurements of the thermal parameters of the envelope components.
Teaching is organised in theoretical lectures, application lectures (design) and in experimental exercises.
The design application lectures consist of the development of the energy design of a new or an existing building; in particular, the object of this design exercise will be the same adopted in the frame of the “Integrated Design for Sustainable Building”. The design exercise includes: the assessment of the design heating/cooling loads and of indoor temperatures, the energy design of the building envelope and of HVAC systems, the assessment of the thermal comfort condition and of the indoor air quality, the check of compliance with legislative requirements.
The experimental exercises will be centred on the measurement of the thermal comfort and of the indoor microclimatic variables, of the indoor air quality and/or the measurements of the thermal parameters of the envelope components.
Lecture notes, material, slides, references to technical standards distributed by the teachers.
Slides of the IDES-EDU project (
Suggested references:
- Desideri U.; Asdrubali F. (Eds.), Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings., OXFORD: Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-812817-6
- Corrado V., Fabrizio E., “Fondamenti di Termofisica dell’Edificio e Climatizzazione (Seconda edizione)”, Torino: CLUT, 2014
- Stefanutti L. (a cura di), “Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione”, Milano: Tecniche Nuove, 2008.
- ASHRAE, “Handbook of Fundamentals”, Atlanta: ASHRAE, 2017.
- AICARR, “Manuale d’ausilio alla progettazione: Miniguida AICARR (III Edizione)”, Milano: AiCARR, 2010.
- Capozzoli A., Corrado V., Gorrino A., Soma P., “Atlante nazionale dei ponti termici conforme alle norme UNI EN ISO 14683 e UNI EN ISO 10211”, Borgomanero (NO): Edilclima, 2011
Lecture notes, material, slides, references to technical standards distributed by the teachers.
Slides of the IDES-EDU project (
Suggested references:
- Desideri U.; Asdrubali F. (Eds.), Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings., OXFORD: Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-812817-6
- Corrado V., Fabrizio E., “Fondamenti di Termofisica dell’Edificio e Climatizzazione (Seconda edizione)”, Torino: CLUT, 2014
- Stefanutti L. (a cura di), “Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione”, Milano: Tecniche Nuove, 2008.
- ASHRAE, “Handbook of Fundamentals”, Atlanta: ASHRAE, 2017.
- AICARR, “Manuale d’ausilio alla progettazione: Miniguida AICARR (III Edizione)”, Milano: AiCARR, 2010.
- Capozzoli A., Corrado V., Gorrino A., Soma P., “Atlante nazionale dei ponti termici conforme alle norme UNI EN ISO 14683 e UNI EN ISO 10211”, Borgomanero (NO): Edilclima, 2011
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• a theory test, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge, and
• a numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of the presentation and critical discussion of the final product of a design exercise; the student will have to justify the design choices and calculation results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Questions and insights on the theory are possible during the oral interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out onsite.
The numerical exercise will be carried out onsite. The numerical exercise will start immediately after the end of the theory test.
The oral interview will be carried out onsite. The oral interview will be scheduled within one week of the written test.
The written test and oral interview must be taken in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
During the theory test the student is not allowed to use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the student is allowed to consult: technical standards (the own student copy), books, notes, lecture notes, slides.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total grade of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final grade of the exam is the arithmetic average of the grades obtained for the written test and for the oral interview (with a minimum grade of 15/30 for each of the two parts).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• a theory test, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge, and
• a numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of the presentation and critical discussion of the final product of a design exercise; the student will have to justify the design choices and calculation results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Questions and insights on the theory are possible during the oral interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out onsite.
The numerical exercise will be carried out onsite. The numerical exercise will start immediately after the end of the theory test.
The oral interview will be carried out onsite. The oral interview will be scheduled within one week of the written test.
The written test and oral interview must be taken in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
During the theory test the student is not allowed to use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the student is allowed to consult: technical standards (the own student copy), books, notes, lecture notes, slides.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total grade of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final grade of the exam is the arithmetic average of the grades obtained for the written test and for the oral interview (with a minimum grade of 15/30 for each of the two parts).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• Theory, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge.
• A numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of a presentation and a critical discussion of the final product of the design exercise, by justifying the design choices and results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Some questions and insights on the theory can be asked during this interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out via PC by using the Polito exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respondus).
The numerical exercise will be carried out as paper-based written exams with video surveillance by professors with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Teaching Portal.
The oral interview will be carried with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Teaching Portal.
The written test and oral interview must be done in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
During the Theory part the student cannot use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the students can/must use: technical standards (the own student copy), book, note, lecture notes, slide.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total score of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final score is the arithmetic average of the score obtained for the written test and the oral interview (in order to pass the exam each part must have a score equal or above 15/30).
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• a theory test, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge, and
• a numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of the presentation and critical discussion of the final product of a design exercise; the student will have to justify the design choices and calculation results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Questions and insights on the theory are possible during the oral interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out online, via PC by using the Polito exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respondus).
The numerical exercise will be carried out online, as paper-based written exams with video surveillance by professors with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Polito teaching portal. The numerical exercise will start 1,5 hours after the start time of the theory test.
The oral interview will be carried out online, with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Polito teaching portal. The oral interview will be scheduled within one week of the written test.
The written test and oral interview must be taken in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
During the theory test the student is not allowed to use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the student is allowed to consult: technical standards (the own student copy), books, notes, lecture notes, slides.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total grade of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final grade of the exam is the arithmetic average of the grades obtained for the written test and for the oral interview (with a minimum grade of 15/30 for each of the two parts).
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• Theory, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge.
• A numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of a presentation and a critical discussion of the final product of the design exercise, by justifying the design choices and results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Some questions and insights on the theory can be asked during this interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out via PC by using the Polito exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respondus).
The numerical exercise will be carried out as paper-based written exams with video surveillance by professors with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Teaching Portal.
The oral interview will be carried with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Teaching Portal.
The written test and oral interview must be done in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
During the Theory part the student cannot use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the students can/must use: technical standards (the own student copy), book, note, lecture notes, slide.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total score of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final score is the arithmetic average of the score obtained for the written test and the oral interview (in order to pass the exam each part must have a score equal or above 15/30).
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The exam consists of two parts, both compulsory: a written test and an oral interview.
The written test is structured in two parts:
• a theory test, with four open questions that require a synthetic answer (duration 40 min), aimed at verifying the acquisition of basic knowledge, and
• a numerical exercise (duration 1 hour and 30 min), aimed at verifying the ability to apply theoretical concepts.
The oral interview is aimed at verifying the design skills. It consists of the presentation and critical discussion of the final product of a design exercise; the student will have to justify the design choices and calculation results on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical lectures. Questions and insights on the theory are possible during the oral interview.
The theory test with open answers will be carried out, either online via PC by using the Polito exam platform integrated with proctoring tools (Respondus), or onsite.
The numerical exercise will be carried out, either online as paper-based written exams with video surveillance by professors with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Polito teaching portal, or onsite. The numerical exercise will start 1,5 hours after the start time of the theory test for the online exam, immediately after the end of the theory test for the onsite exam.
The oral interview will be carried out, either online with the tool of the Virtual classroom of the Polito teaching portal, or onsite. The oral interview will be scheduled within one week of the written test.
The written test and oral interview must be taken in the same session.
The exam booking on the didactics portal is mandatory.
If one fails the oral interview, also the written test must be repeated.
During the theory test the student is not allowed to use any support (book, note, lecture notes, slide, technical standards, others). During the numerical exercise the student is allowed to consult: technical standards (the own student copy), books, notes, lecture notes, slides.
Each part of the written test is worth of 16 points (total 32 which corresponds to 30 cum laude).
If the total grade of the written test is equal or above 15/30, the student can access to the oral interview.
The final grade of the exam is the arithmetic average of the grades obtained for the written test and for the oral interview (with a minimum grade of 15/30 for each of the two parts).