Elenco notifiche

Rocks Mechanics


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 64
Esercitazioni in aula 4
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 12
Tutoraggio 16
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/07 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria civile
The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental elements of Rock Mechanics, starting from the description of the peculiarities of a rock mass and proceeding with the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the rock matrix, the discontinuities and the rock mass. The presence of natural discontinuities in rock masses, in fact, leads to experimental and theoretical problems, which are partly different from those studied in Soil Mechanics and Structural Mechanics courses. In this respect, the methods of the equivalent continuous and discontinuous are introduced. Some applications of the basics to engineering works are provided, with reference to surface and underground excavations and to rock slope stability.
The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental elements of Rock Mechanics, starting from the description of the peculiarities of a rock mass and proceeding with the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the rock matrix, the discontinuities and the rock mass. The presence of natural discontinuities in rock masses, in fact, leads to experimental and theoretical problems, which are partly different from those studied in Soil Mechanics and Structural Mechanics courses. In this respect, the methods of the equivalent continuous and discontinuous are introduced. Some applications of the basics to engineering works are provided, with reference to surface and underground excavations and to rock slope stability.
At the end of the course, the students who have attended the teaching successfully will be able to: - Choose the best model for the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of a rock mass (equivalent continuum or discontinuum) - Interpret the results of the experimental tests for the estimation of the rock matrix strength and deformability parameters - Interpret the results of the experimental tests for the estimation of the rock discontinuities strength parameters - Classify the rock mass quality (RMR, GSI and Q methods) and calculate the characteristic geotechnical parameters for the rock mass - Analyze the stability of a rock slope for some of the most common mechanisms occurring according to the structure of the rock mass - Analyze the stress-strain condition induced in the rock mass by an underground excavation - Producing a complete and rigorous technical report.
At the end of the course, the students who have attended the teaching successfully will be able to: - Choose the best model for the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of a rock mass (equivalent continuum or discontinuum) - Interpret the results of the experimental tests for the estimation of the rock matrix strength and deformability parameters - Interpret the results of the experimental tests for the estimation of the rock discontinuities strength parameters - Classify the rock mass quality (RMR, GSI and Q methods) and calculate the characteristic geotechnical parameters for the rock mass - Analyze the stability of a rock slope for some of the most common mechanisms occurring according to the structure of the rock mass - Analyze the stress-strain condition induced in the rock mass by an underground excavation - Producing a complete and rigorous technical report.
For a fruitful use of the teaching the following knowledge are required: - soil mechanics - structural mechanics
For a fruitful use of the teaching the following knowledge are required: - soil mechanics - structural mechanics
The course consists of lectures (64 hours) and tutorials (16 hours). Lectures: 1. Quantitative description of natural rock discontinuities (on site surveys) 2. Mechanical behavior of rock discontinuities: lab tests, strength criteria 3. Mechanical behavior of rock matrix: lab tests, strength criteria, deformability, stress-strain criteria 4. Rock mass classification: RMR, GSI, Q methods 5. Mechanical behavior of the rock mass: strength criteria, deformability 6. In situ natural state of stress: estimation by means of in situ tests 7. Rock slope stability by means of Limit Equilibrium Methods: the cases of sliding of a rock block along a plane, sliding of a wedge along two planes, toppling 8. Stabilization systems for rock slopes 9. Design and excavation methods for shallow and deep tunnels 10. Analytical solutions for the estimation of the state of stress and strain around the tunnel 11. Empirical methods for the preliminary choice of tunnel supports 12. Convergence-confinement method for tunnels and supports Tutorials: The tutorials consist of: 1. Stereographic representation of rock discontinuities: some exercises are given to be made in the classroom 2. First project on rock mass characterization: to be carried on autonomously (in groups) and delivered in the form of a technical report 3. Rockfall stability analysis: second project on rock slope stability, to be carried on autonomously (in groups) also by means of software dedicated, and delivered in the form of a technical report 4. Third project on tunnel excavation: to be carried on autonomously (in groups) also by means of software dedicated, and delivered in the form of a technical report.
The course consists of lectures (64 hours) and tutorials (16 hours). Lectures: 1. Quantitative description of natural rock discontinuities (on site surveys) 2. Mechanical behavior of rock discontinuities: lab tests, strength criteria 3. Mechanical behavior of rock matrix: lab tests, strength criteria, deformability, stress-strain criteria 4. Rock mass classification: RMR, GSI, Q methods 5. Mechanical behavior of the rock mass: strength criteria, deformability 6. In situ natural state of stress: estimation by means of in situ tests 7. Rock slope stability by means of Limit Equilibrium Methods: the cases of sliding of a rock block along a plane, sliding of a wedge along two planes, toppling 8. Stabilization systems for rock slopes 9. Design and excavation methods for shallow and deep tunnels 10. Analytical solutions for the estimation of the state of stress and strain around the tunnel 11. Empirical methods for the preliminary choice of tunnel supports 12. Convergence-confinement method for tunnels and supports Tutorials: The tutorials consist of: 1. Stereographic representation of rock discontinuities: some exercises are given to be made in the classroom 2. First project on rock mass characterization: to be carried on autonomously (in groups) and delivered in the form of a technical report 3. Rockfall stability analysis: second project on rock slope stability, to be carried on autonomously (in groups) also by means of software dedicated, and delivered in the form of a technical report 4. Third project on tunnel excavation: to be carried on autonomously (in groups) also by means of software dedicated, and delivered in the form of a technical report.
The course consists of lectures in classroom (real or virtual), in which the theoretical topics are dealt, and tutorials in classroom or Computer Lab (real or virtual) devoted to the applications. Homeworks focused on the preparation of three projects are planned. The drafting of complete technical reports is the final product due by the students.
The course consists of lectures in classroom (real or virtual), in which the theoretical topics are dealt, and tutorials in classroom or Computer Lab (real or virtual) devoted to the applications. Homeworks focused on the preparation of three projects are planned. The drafting of complete technical reports is the final product due by the students.
The slides shown during the lectures will be available on the portal. The following textbooks are suggested for further readings: • E. Hoek, E.T. Brown. "Underground excavation in rock ", IMM, London, 1980. • E. Hoek, Bray, "Rock slope stability ", IMM, London, 1981. • J. A. Hudson and J. P. Harrison. "Engineering rock mechanics: an introduction to the principles ", Pergamon. 1997 • J.P. Harrison and J.A. Hudson, "Engineering rock mechanics: part 2: illustrative worked examples ", Pergamon, 2000
The slides shown during the lectures will be available on the portal. The following textbooks are suggested for further readings: • E. Hoek, E.T. Brown. "Underground excavation in rock ", IMM, London, 1980. • E. Hoek, Bray, "Rock slope stability ", IMM, London, 1981. • J. A. Hudson and J. P. Harrison. "Engineering rock mechanics: an introduction to the principles ", Pergamon. 1997 • J.P. Harrison and J.A. Hudson, "Engineering rock mechanics: part 2: illustrative worked examples ", Pergamon, 2000
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Group project;
... The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Group project;
The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The written and oral exam relates to the assessment of the knowledge and comprehension of the subjects according to the points of section “Expected learning outcomes”. The written exam duration is about 2 hours and deals with the topics faced during the tutorials. The maximum grade is 30/30. The minimum grade of 18/30 is needed to attend the oral exam. The oral exam aims to verify: clarity of exposition, suitability of terminology, ability to use the concept learned, ability to suggest solutions to proposed questions, ability to discuss the approaches and justify the choices made in the own projects. The maximum grade is 33/30. The group project has to be delivered by the deadline specified during the course: the punctuality when delivering is mandatory. The evaluation is based on: fairness of results, structure and clarity of the report, which has to be drafted according to a rigorous technical paper. The maximum grade is 30/30. The final grade is calculated as: 0.5 (oral exam) + 0.4 (written exam) + 0.1 (projects).
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