Elenco notifiche

Healthy and Connected Built Environment


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 15
Esercitazioni in aula 15
Tutoraggio 17,5
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Pellegrino Anna
Healthy and Connected Built Environment (Fisica tecnica ambientale)
Professore Associato IIND-07/B 7,5 7,5 0 0 4
Pollo Riccardo
Healthy and Connected Built Environment (Tecnologia dell'architettura)
Professore Associato CEAR-08/C 15 15 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
"Healthy and Connected Built Environment" seminar aims to address the growing demand for experts able to consciously tackle the issues by the UN "Health and Wellbeing" agenda (SDG 3) in the architectural design field. The SDG 3 goal achievement “To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages" is widely involving architects by the design of a healthy environment at the urban as well at the building scale. The complex issues of the relationship between the built environment and health, well-being and safety of people will be addressed, focusing on influential environmental factors (light, sound, heatwaves, air quality etc.) and on design approaches and technological solutions, with particular attention to the human-environment interaction and environmental management solutions (e.g. smart approaches to measuring, monitoring and simulating environmental quality with widespread and low-cost systems - IoT, Apps). The approach of the workshop is multidisciplinary and inspired by the ecological and environmental design perspective and aims to provide a critical and operational framework to stimulate students to investigate, integrating theory and practice. In the seminar the knowledge and skills acquired will be applied for the development, at different scales, of a human-centric design approach.
"Healthy and Connected Built Environment" seminar aims to address the growing demand for experts able to consciously tackle the issues by the UN "Health and Wellbeing" agenda (SDG 3) in the architectural design field. The SDG 3 goal achievement “To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages" is widely involving architects by the design of a healthy environment at the urban as well as at the building scale. The complex issues of the relationship between the built environment and health, well-being and safety of people will be addressed, focusing on influential environmental factors (light, sound, heatwaves, air quality etc.) and on design approaches and technological solutions, with particular attention to the human-environment interaction and environmental management solutions (e.g. smart approaches to measuring, monitoring and simulating environmental quality with widespread and low-cost systems - IoT, Apps). The approach of the workshop is multidisciplinary and inspired by the ecological and environmental design perspective, aiming to provide a critical and operational framework to stimulate students to investigate, integrating theory and practice. In the seminar the knowledge and skills acquired will be applied for the development, at different scales, of a human-centric design approach.
The seminar is aimed to introduce the students to the changes at the local and global scale and its socio-technical, ecological, cultural and economic challenges. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen student’s knowledge and skills to: - Identify environmental factors affecting the health, well-being and safety of the people in the built environment, at urban and building scale; - Stress the architect’s role in the design of the Healthy City at different scales, focusing on key enabling technologies and innovation in the building and construction domain; - Investigate the relationships between environmental conditions, urban microclimate, light and acoustic environment, and the potential effects on health, well-being and perceived safety, indoor as well as outdoor; - Manage approaches and procedures for measuring/monitoring environmental quality (light, sound, microclimate, air quality, waste); - Develop a human-centric perspective for design and management of technologies in the built environment; - Design the urban environment according to an ecological approach with particular attention to the role of the urban spaces features and greenery related to the urban morphology and microclimate; - Identify the use of Nature Based Solutions - NBS and architectural technologies in adaptation and mitigation strategies with particular attention to health effects. The skills to be acquired by the student are: - The ability to develop scientific investigation and theoretical insights on the topic; - The ability to critically analyze a built environment focusing on the user’s needs of health, welfare and safety; - The ability to perform surveys and measures in the field aimed at characterizing the environment, such as sound, light, air and surface temperature, air quality etc.; - The ability to identify and manage architectural and technological strategies to design a healthy built environment.
The seminar aims to introduce the students to the changes at the local and global scale and its socio-technical, ecological, cultural and economic challenges. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen student’s knowledge and skills to: - Identify environmental factors affecting the health, well-being and safety of the people in the built environment, at urban and building scale; - Stress the architect’s role in the design of the Healthy City at different scales, focusing on key enabling technologies and innovation in the building and construction domain; - Investigate the relationships between environmental conditions, urban microclimate, light and acoustic environment, and the potential effects on health, well-being and perceived safety, indoor as well as outdoor; - Manage approaches and procedures for measuring/monitoring environmental quality (light, sound, microclimate, air quality, waste); - Develop a human-centric perspective for design and management of technologies in the built environment; - Design the urban environment according to an ecological approach with particular attention to the role of the urban spaces features and greenery related to the urban morphology and microclimate; - Identify the use of Nature Based Solutions - NBS and architectural technologies in adaptation and mitigation strategies with particular attention to health effects. The skills to be acquired by the student are: - The ability to develop scientific investigation and theoretical insights on the topic; - The ability to critically analyze a built environment focusing on the user’s needs of health, welfare and safety; - The ability to perform surveys and measures in the field aimed at characterizing the environment, such as sound, light, air and surface temperature, air quality etc.; - The ability to identify and manage architectural and technological strategies to design a healthy built environment.
Students attending the Introductory Seminar must have a good knowledge of the fundamentals and principles of Building Physics and Architectural Technology. In particular, they must have taken a course in Building Physics in their three-year course of study in which the principles of lighting, acoustics and thermal building physics were covered.
Students attending the Introductory Seminar must have a good knowledge of the fundamentals and principles of Building Physics and Architectural Technology. In particular, they must have taken a course in Building Physics in their three-year course of study in which the principles of lighting, acoustics and thermal building physics were covered.
The course consists of 3 modules: - I Module _ Principles and theories on health and wellbeing in the built environment at urban and building scale. This module is devoted to provide the general framework of the course. The subjects that will be tackled concern: impact of built environment on human health and wellbeing; environmental factors affecting human health and wellbeing; tools for integrating and evaluating health and well-being aspects when designing and managing the built environment. - Module II _ Environmental analysis and IoT Procedures and tools for assessing, monitoring and communicating environmental conditions related to microclimate, air quality, sound and light are presented in this module. The opportunities and challenges of IoT and digital technologies for environmental analysis are explored. - Module III _ Case studies Critical analysis of case studies, focused on architectural and urban design strategies for healthy cities, and social quality in buildings and communities. The topics addressed in the three modules are assumed as a reference cultural framework for the development of a meta-design workshop at the neighborhood/urban scale. The case study is a urban area in Torino, with a mix of different uses (living, working, and leisure time areas), outdoor spaces (greenery, public spaces and facilities) and urban morphologies. The meta-design workshop involves the analysis of the area and the definition of architectural and technological design strategies aimed to enhance the urban and social quality in a human-centric perspective. Such strategies include technologies based on green and blue infrastructure as well as on sensors and IoT devices in a perspective of smart environment. The environmental analysis and the meta-design activity can include aspects such as architectural and technological strategies to mitigate the urban microclimate, to improve air quality, to manage sound and light conditions, both outdoor and indoor. Urban morphology, greenery, water, urban materials are considered as factors affecting the microclimate and as design tools of the architect.
The course consists of 3 modules: - I Module _ Principles and theories on health and wellbeing in the built environment at urban and building scale. This module is devoted to provide the general framework of the course. The subjects that will be tackled concern: impact of built environment on human health and wellbeing; environmental factors affecting human health and wellbeing; tools for integrating and evaluating health and well-being aspects when designing and managing the built environment. - Module II _ Environmental analysis and IoT Procedures and tools for assessing, monitoring and communicating environmental conditions related to microclimate, air quality, sound and light are presented in this module. The opportunities and challenges of IoT and digital technologies for environmental analysis are explored. - Module III _ Case studies Critical analysis of case studies, focused on architectural and urban design strategies for healthy cities, and social quality in buildings and communities. The topics addressed in the three modules are assumed as a reference cultural framework for the development of a meta-design workshop at the neighborhood/urban scale. The case study is an urban area in Torino, with a mix of different uses (living, working, and leisure time areas), outdoor spaces (greenery, public spaces and facilities) and urban morphologies. The meta-design workshop involves the analysis of the area and the definition of architectural and technological design strategies aimed to enhance the urban and social quality in a human-centric perspective. Such strategies include technologies based on green and blue infrastructure as well as on sensors and IoT devices in a perspective of smart environment. The environmental analysis and the meta-design activity can include aspects such as architectural and technological strategies to mitigate the urban microclimate, to improve air quality, to manage sound and light conditions, both outdoor and indoor. Urban morphology, greenery, water, urban materials are considered as factors affecting the microclimate and as design tools of the architect.
The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, thematic seminars with invited speakers and design workshops. Furthermore laboratory or in field practice on environmental quality measurements could be included in the course structure. Each activity is coordinated between the two involved disciplines: Building Physics (3 CFU) and Environmental Technological Design (3 CFU). As a general indication, 30 hours are devoted to lectures and seminars and 30 hours to design workshop, laboratory and/or in-field practice. For each module, students are initially asked to develop a personal analysis on literature references provided in class by the teachers. The analysis is then collectively discussed and deepened through lectures and seminars with external experts. For the design workshop and the laboratory or in-field practice students work in groups, with a periodical support of the teaching staff during collective reviews In field practice includes on-site measurements and subjective surveys, carried out by the students with the support of the teaching staff. In case of COVID-19 restrictions, lectures, seminars and the design workshop will be held remotely, while in-field practice will be organized to be performed individually, or substituted by theoretical insights based on tutorial provided by the teaching staff. Revision of the students’ work will be planned periodically during the teaching hours.
The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, thematic seminars with invited speakers and design workshops. Furthermore, laboratory or in-field practice on environmental quality measurements could be included in the course structure. Each activity is coordinated between the two involved disciplines: Building Physics (3 CFU) and Environmental Technological Design (3 CFU). As a general indication, 30 hours are devoted to lectures and seminars and 30 hours to design workshop, laboratory and/or in-field practice. For each module, students are initially asked to develop a personal analysis on literature references provided in class by the teachers. The analysis is then collectively discussed and deepened through lectures and seminars with external experts. For the design workshop and the laboratory or in-field practice students work in groups, with a periodical support of the teaching staff during collective reviews In-field practice includes on-site measurements and subjective surveys, carried out by the students with the support of the teaching staff. In case of COVID-19 restrictions, lectures, seminars and the design workshop will be held remotely, while in-field practice will be organized to be performed individually, or substituted by theoretical insights based on tutorial provided by the teaching staff. Revision of the students’ work will be planned periodically during the teaching hours.
Knowles, R. (1978), Energy and Form. Mit Press. - Smith, P. F. (2006), Architecture in a Climate of Change, Routledge. - Erell, E.; Pearlmutter, D.; Williamson, T. (2011) Urban Microclimate: Designing the Spaces Between Buildings, Routledge - Perini, K. (2013), Progettare il verde in città. Una strategia per l'architettura sostenibile, Angeli - WHO, World Health Organization (2016), Health as the Pulse of the New Urban, United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Qujito - Ratti, C.; Claudel, M. (2017), La città di domani. Come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro urbano, Einaudi - Ferguson, F. (2019), Make City. A Compendium of Urban Alternatives Stadt anders machen, Jovis - Aletta, F., Xiao, J. (2018) Handbook of Research on Perception-Driven Approaches to Urban Assessment and Design, ISBN:9781522536376, IGI Global - Hanc, M; McAndrew, C. and Ucci, M. (2018), Conceptual approaches to wellbeing in buildings: a scoping review, Building Research and Information, pp. 767-783. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2018.1513695
Knowles, R. (1978), Energy and Form. Mit Press. - Smith, P. F. (2006), Architecture in a Climate of Change, Routledge. - Erell, E.; Pearlmutter, D.; Williamson, T. (2011) Urban Microclimate: Designing the Spaces Between Buildings, Routledge - Perini, K. (2013), Progettare il verde in città. Una strategia per l'architettura sostenibile, Angeli - WHO, World Health Organization (2016), Health as the Pulse of the New Urban, United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Qujito - Ratti, C.; Claudel, M. (2017), La città di domani. Come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro urbano, Einaudi - Ferguson, F. (2019), Make City. A Compendium of Urban Alternatives Stadt anders machen, Jovis - Aletta, F., Xiao, J. (2018) Handbook of Research on Perception-Driven Approaches to Urban Assessment and Design, ISBN:9781522536376, IGI Global - Hanc, M; McAndrew, C. and Ucci, M. (2018), Conceptual approaches to wellbeing in buildings: a scoping review, Building Research and Information, pp. 767-783. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2018.1513695 - WELL v2 building standard, IWBI, https://www.wellcertified.com/certification/v2/
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
... Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff; Group project;
Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff; Group project;
Each group will be asked to collect the analysis and design work in a dossier that is prepared, based on a fixed structure provided by the teaching staff, and sent electronically, by means of the student portal maximum 7 days before the exam date. The dossier is collectively presented, discussed and assessed during the final oral examination. The individual learning level is also assessed through a written test with two open questions on the subjects addressed in Module I and II. A mid-term presentation by the students teams will be carried out with invited discussants. The grading criteria follows the rules reported below: - Comprehensiveness, quality and deepening of the dossier’s contents: 50% - Knowledge and understanding of the principles, methods and tools (individual assessment of the learning level): 50%
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