Elenco notifiche

Point clouds and HBIM


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Tutoraggio 23,5
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Lo Turco Massimiliano
Point clouds and HBIM (Drawing)
Professore Ordinario CEAR-10/A 20 0 0 0 1
Rinaudo Fulvio
Point clouds and HBIM (Geomatics)
Professore Ordinario CEAR-04/A 2 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
Thanks to the coordinated contribution of the disciplines of Drawing and Geomatics, the integrated course intends to explore the potential of Building Information Modeling applied to the field of Cultural Heritage. The H-BIM (Historical/Heritage BIM) approach involves a close disciplinary collaboration that critically analyzes the products related to the integrated 3D metric survey (point clouds) and subsequent processing of the same into graphical and alphanumeric representations based on parametric modeling.
Thanks to the coordinated contribution of the disciplines of Drawing and Geomatics, the integrated course intends to explore the potential of Building Information Modeling applied to the field of Cultural Heritage. The H-BIM (Historical/Heritage BIM) approach involves a close disciplinary collaboration that critically analyzes the products related to the integrated 3D metric survey (point clouds) and subsequent processing of the same into graphical and alphanumeric representations based on parametric modeling.
- Ability to manage point clouds derived from acquisitions with fixed or mobile Laser Scanner systems or through digital photogrammetry techniques based on Structure from Motion algorithms. - Ability to use methods and techniques for automatic, semi-automatic and manual segmentation and classification of 3D point clouds for the subsequent parametric modeling. - Skills in the management of point clouds in BIM environment through Scan 2 BIM applications - Ability to understand the main criticalities of a BIM approach applied to the Cultural Heritage field - Ability to critically analyze the different scientific contributions available from the literature, analyzing the limits and potential of the different proposed solutions in the academic and professional field. - Ability to rework metric databases and convert them into BIM components, according to different workflows. - Ability to correctly define the information apparatuses that can be associated with BIM models and their parametric components.
- Ability to manage point clouds derived from acquisitions with fixed or mobile Laser Scanner systems or through digital photogrammetry techniques based on Structure from Motion algorithms. - Ability to use methods and techniques for automatic, semi-automatic and manual segmentation and classification of 3D point clouds for the subsequent parametric modeling. - Skills in the management of point clouds in BIM environment through Scan 2 BIM applications - Ability to understand the main criticalities of a BIM approach applied to the Cultural Heritage field - Ability to critically analyze the different scientific contributions available from the literature, analyzing the limits and potential of the different proposed solutions in the academic and professional field. - Ability to rework metric databases and convert them into BIM components, according to different workflows. - Ability to correctly define the information apparatuses that can be associated with BIM models and their parametric components.
Basic knowledge related to methods of representation encoded by descriptive geometry and architectural drawing and surveying will be considered acquired. Some bibliographic references related to basic geomatics for architectural modeling will be provided to fill any prior educational gaps.
Basic knowledge related to methods of representation encoded by descriptive geometry and architectural drawing and surveying will be considered acquired. Some bibliographic references related to basic geomatics for architectural modeling will be provided to fill any prior educational gaps.
The course is divided into 6 modules of different length, according to a flexible organization and adaptable to logistical needs. Each lesson will be characterized by the illustration of specific results derived from research projects and case studies in progress or already realized in national and international contexts. 1/6 Introduction and the main features of methods and tools for the acquisition and generation of 3D point clouds. (6 hours) 2/6 3D point clouds management: editing, segmentation and classification (from manual approach to machine learning techniques). Preparing point clouds for parametric modeling (14 hours) 3/6 - Survey on the state of the art of BIM. Differences and similarities between CAD and BIM and between BIM and HBIM (5 hours) 4/6 - Introduction to parametric modeling in the architectural domain (graphical interface, templates, relation between graphical, numerical and tabular information, customization of existing parametric libraries and creation of new libraries, etc.) and application to the assigned case study. (10 hours) 5/6 - Global modeling vs. local modeling. Point cloud management in the BIM environment. Definitions of BIM and interoperability and research applied to real case studies. Project communication (populating numeric and alphanumeric parameters, delivery of drawings. (15 hours) 6/6 - The BIM for the construction and management of the building heritage; national and international experiences; general review of the outcomes related to the assigned case study. (10 hours)
The course is divided into 6 modules of different length, according to a flexible organization and adaptable to logistical needs. Each lesson will be characterized by the illustration of specific results derived from research projects and case studies in progress or already realized in national and international contexts. 1/6 Introduction and the main features of methods and tools for the acquisition and generation of 3D point clouds. (6 hours) 2/6 3D point clouds management: editing, segmentation and classification (from manual approach to machine learning techniques). Preparing point clouds for parametric modeling (14 hours) 3/6 - Survey on the state of the art of BIM. Differences and similarities between CAD and BIM and between BIM and HBIM (5 hours) 4/6 - Introduction to parametric modeling in the architectural domain (graphical interface, templates, relation between graphical, numerical and tabular information, customization of existing parametric libraries and creation of new libraries, etc.) and application to the assigned case study. (10 hours) 5/6 - Global modeling vs. local modeling. Point cloud management in the BIM environment. Definitions of BIM and interoperability and research applied to real case studies. Project communication (populating numeric and alphanumeric parameters, delivery of drawings. (15 hours) 6/6 - The BIM for the construction and management of the building heritage; national and international experiences; general review of the outcomes related to the assigned case study. (10 hours)
The teaching activity will be divided into: KNOWLEDGE: theoretical lectures aimed at the acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge aimed at providing cultural and critical tools to students (about 30%-35%); KNOW-HOW: practical exercises aimed at the use of specific tools by students for the acquisition of methods and workflows proposed during the practical activities. These exercises will be essential for the testing of the deep and permanent understanding of the delivered contents (about 60%). The practical activities will be carried out in groups of a maximum of 3-4 students. REASONING: specific in-depth seminars may be organized (with the possible involvement of external experts from the academic and professional world) aimed at focusing attention on particular issues (about 5-10%); The evaluation is described for the assessment and grading criteria to take the exam.
The teaching activity will be divided into: KNOWLEDGE: theoretical lectures aimed at the acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge aimed at providing cultural and critical tools to students (about 30%-35%); KNOW-HOW: practical exercises aimed at the use of specific tools by students for the acquisition of methods and workflows proposed during the practical activities. These exercises will be essential for the testing of the deep and permanent understanding of the delivered contents (about 60%). The practical activities will be carried out in groups of a maximum of 3-4 students. REASONING: specific in-depth seminars may be organized (with the possible involvement of external experts from the academic and professional world) aimed at focusing attention on particular issues (about 5-10%); The evaluation is described for the assessment and grading criteria to take the exam.
The bibliography will be made available by the teachers during the course. It will be suggested the reading of articles published in conference proceedings or international journals available in open access, downloadable from the main repositories of scientific publishing websites.
The bibliography will be made available by the teachers during the course. It will be suggested the reading of articles published in conference proceedings or international journals available in open access, downloadable from the main repositories of scientific publishing websites.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
... The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam aims to determine the individual knowledge of each student. To this purpose, the exam will be divided into two parts. A first theoretical part is aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired during the course in relation to current legislation, the reference literature, the understanding of the main critical issues discussed during the course, as well as possible practical solutions. The second part of the exam refers to the outcomes of the group exercise. The theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to students. The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The graphic work produced in groups concerns the elaboration in a BIM environment of a case study that will be provided by the professors. The format used for the delivery of the exercise, the timing of delivery and the methods of in progress review will be discussed in the first lessons of the course. Evaluation Criteria. The weight of the theoretical part constitutes about 40% of the final evaluation. The remaining 60% refers to the value of the quality of the graphic work and its presentation. A prerequisite for passing the exam is having successfully passed both parts. The final grade will be based on the clarity of the presentation, the property of language, the ability to synthesize and the active participation in the course activities.
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