The multidisciplinary Atelier addresses the integration of some disciplines that contribute to the realization of a sustainable, aimed-at-re-functioning, Restoration Project, with a particular focus on the innovative techniques for survey and the communication of the project. The disciplines of Restoration, Geomatics and Structures are coordinated within a design exercise that students are asked to develop, at different scales of study, facing the relevant themes related to:
- preservation,
- structural rehabilitation and improvement,
- 3D survey methodologies and techniques
- compliance with codes,
- design of new functions
- cultural, economic and environmental sustainability.
The Restoration unit aims at contributing to the formation of the student’s design experience in the field of built heritage. The general framework within which the design activity will take place comprises, on the one hand, the analysis of the evolution of the general built context, which the building selected as a case study belongs to, and on the other hand, the direct knowledge of the building itself, according to the restoration principles and methods. Such a knowledge is based on the historical research, the survey of constructional techniques and structural apparatuses, the analysis of decay and distress phenomena of the building. On this background, the project can be developed, continuously verifying the principles of (environmental, economic, cultural, social) compatibility and sustainability -moreover trying to share (whenever possible) the enhancement process with local authorities – and constantly relating to the other modules.
The main objective of the Geomatic unit is to provide students with the methods for evaluating and selecting the survey and representation techniques which are the most suitable for the development of the restoration design, offering theoretical knowledge and operational tools to detect and represent architecture in its various components. Firstly advance techniques concerning 3D survey will be analyzed that will be based on digital photogrammetry and LiDAr acquisition devices. Moreover, different representation techniques will be experimented, in particular digital image base 3D modeling techniques, considering them not only as fundamental means to describe and comprehend reality, but also as key communication systems for educating to the view of the built environment, at different scales, and to its metric control. The teaching activity is aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge of the most proper and advanced drawing software for the representation of reality, describing their correct and conscious use.
The Structures unit aims at widening students’ basic knowledge of the theory and technique of structures and lead them to gain an operative skill for the analysis of an existing structural system, for the identification of its vulnerability and for the design of rehabilitation and improvement interventions, particularly intended to the mitigation of seismic actions.
The unit also aims at providing the student with the ability to govern the integration of structural design into the complex of actions oriented to the preservation and transformation of the architectural work.
The multidisciplinary Atelier addresses the integration of some disciplines that contribute to the realization of a sustainable, aimed-at-re-functioning, Restoration Project, with a particular focus on the innovative techniques for survey and the communication of the project. The disciplines of Restoration, Geomatics and Structures are coordinated within a design exercise that students are asked to develop, at different scales of study, facing the relevant themes related to:
- preservation,
- structural rehabilitation and improvement,
- 3D survey methodologies and techniques
- compliance with codes,
- design of new functions
- cultural, economic and environmental sustainability.
The Restoration unit aims at contributing to the formation of the student’s design experience in the field of built heritage. The general framework within which the design activity will take place comprises, on the one hand, the analysis of the evolution of the general built context, which the building selected as a case study belongs to, and on the other hand, the direct knowledge of the building itself, according to the restoration principles and methods. Such a knowledge is based on the historical research, the survey of constructional techniques and structural apparatuses, the analysis of decay and distress phenomena of the building. On this background, the project can be developed, continuously verifying the principles of (environmental, economic, cultural, social) compatibility and sustainability -moreover trying to share (whenever possible) the enhancement process with local authorities – and constantly relating to the other modules.
The main objective of the Geomatic unit is to provide students with the methods for evaluating and selecting the survey and representation techniques which are the most suitable for the development of the restoration design, offering theoretical knowledge and operational tools to detect and represent architecture in its various components. Firstly advance techniques concerning 3D survey will be analyzed that will be based on digital photogrammetry and LiDAr acquisition devices. Moreover, different representation techniques will be experimented, in particular digital image base 3D modeling techniques, considering them not only as fundamental means to describe and comprehend reality, but also as key communication systems for educating to the view of the built environment, at different scales, and to its metric control. The teaching activity is aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge of the most proper and advanced drawing software for the representation of reality, describing their correct and conscious use.
The Structures unit aims at widening students’ basic knowledge of the theory and technique of structures and lead them to gain an operative skill for the analysis of an existing structural system, for the identification of its vulnerability and for the design of rehabilitation and improvement interventions, particularly intended to the mitigation of seismic actions.
The unit also aims at providing the student with the ability to govern the integration of structural design into the complex of actions oriented to the preservation and transformation of the architectural work.
The expected learning objectives essentially concern the following topics:
- Formal, structural and material characterisation of historical architecture;
- Theories and techniques of conservation design of Architectural Heritage;
- Principles of conservation of Architectural Heritage;
- Compatibility of functional adaptations in the restoration project;
- Sustainability of the conservation project;
- Theories and techniques for the restoration design of architectural heritage;
- Fundamentals and basic theoretical principles of the 3D survey methods (digital photogrammetry and LiDAR);
- Survey theories and techniques for managing the design process of restoration;
- Principles of Geomatics for 3D metric survey;
- Fundamentals of construction theory and technique;
- Calculation and design of structures;
- Knowledge of building structures of recurrent type and of their response to static and dynamic actions, particularly seismic loadings.
The students will be able to apply their knowledge for the achievement of the following objectives:
- Using the complexity of the project of rehabilitation of the existing heritage in order to guarantee the conservation and use of the heritage also through new functions compatible with the heritage itself and with the environmental, social and cultural system of which it is part;
- Collecting, organising and interpreting data for the knowledge of the assets;
- Conducting out analyses and monitoring activities of the architectural heritage, including complex and specialised ones;
- Using traditional and innovative representation tools to promote and enhance the architectural heritage;
- Recognizing the formal, structural and material features of historical architecture;
- Identifying meanings and uses of architectural heritage, in both tangible and intangible aspects;
- Verifying the compatibility of re-functioning choices in the restoration project;
- Checking autonomously the sustainability of the conservation project;
- Drawing properly the restoration project (virtual image and real image);
- Exploiting properly 2D and 3D representation systems;
- Using representation methods and scales suited to the different needs of the project;
- Using Geomatics as a methodology to acquire an ever wider and more accurate knowledge of the existing buildings, optimizing survey and monitoring techniques.
- Analysing the seismic behaviour of a structural system, evaluating the needs of improvement interventions;
- Identifying and representing structural vulnerabilities;
- Designing structural solutions in relation with the architectural characters.
The expected learning objectives essentially concern the following topics:
- Formal, structural and material characterisation of historical architecture;
- Theories and techniques of conservation design of Architectural Heritage;
- Principles of conservation of Architectural Heritage;
- Compatibility of functional adaptations in the restoration project;
- Sustainability of the conservation project;
- Theories and techniques for the restoration design of architectural heritage;
- Fundamentals and basic theoretical principles of the 3D survey methods (digital photogrammetry and LiDAR);
- Survey theories and techniques for managing the design process of restoration;
- Principles of Geomatics for 3D metric survey;
- Fundamentals of construction theory and technique;
- Calculation and design of structures;
- Knowledge of building structures of recurrent type and of their response to static and dynamic actions, particularly seismic loadings.
The students will be able to apply their knowledge for the achievement of the following objectives:
- Using the complexity of the project of rehabilitation of the existing heritage in order to guarantee the conservation and use of the heritage also through new functions compatible with the heritage itself and with the environmental, social and cultural system of which it is part;
- Collecting, organising and interpreting data for the knowledge of the assets;
- Conducting out analyses and monitoring activities of the architectural heritage, including complex and specialised ones;
- Using traditional and innovative representation tools to promote and enhance the architectural heritage;
- Recognizing the formal, structural and material features of historical architecture;
- Identifying meanings and uses of architectural heritage, in both tangible and intangible aspects;
- Verifying the compatibility of re-functioning choices in the restoration project;
- Checking autonomously the sustainability of the conservation project;
- Drawing properly the restoration project (virtual image and real image);
- Exploiting properly 2D and 3D representation systems;
- Using representation methods and scales suited to the different needs of the project;
- Using Geomatics as a methodology to acquire an ever wider and more accurate knowledge of the existing buildings, optimizing survey and monitoring techniques.
- Analysing the seismic behaviour of a structural system, evaluating the needs of improvement interventions;
- Identifying and representing structural vulnerabilities;
- Designing structural solutions in relation with the architectural characters.
Preliminary to the Atelier are considered the skills and abilities acquired in the three-years degree course (theory and history of restoration, geomatics, drawing and survey, structural and technological disciplines, architectural composition and history of architecture).
In particular: to have an in-depth knowledge of the history of architecture, the cultural evolution of environmental design, town planning, architectural restoration and other environmental and territorial transformation activities, the tools and forms of representation, the equilibrium conditions of statically determinate structures, the diagrams of internal actions in beam systems in the plane, the elastic constitutive law, the simple cases of stress in beams, the Euler’s theory of buckling, the deflection of elastic beams under bending, the resolution of statically indeterminate structures, the actions on structures.
Preliminary to the Atelier are considered the skills and abilities acquired in the three-years degree course (theory and history of restoration, geomatics, drawing and survey, structural and technological disciplines, architectural composition and history of architecture).
In particular: to have an in-depth knowledge of the history of architecture, the cultural evolution of environmental design, town planning, architectural restoration and other environmental and territorial transformation activities, the tools and forms of representation, the equilibrium conditions of statically determinate structures, the diagrams of internal actions in beam systems in the plane, the elastic constitutive law, the simple cases of stress in beams, the Euler’s theory of buckling, the deflection of elastic beams under bending, the resolution of statically indeterminate structures, the actions on structures.
The atelier is conceived as a shared training activity between the disciplines of Restoration, Geomatic and Structural Design, with the aim of transmitting to the student those skills useful for the development of a single complex restoration project, inherent in the analysis phases (territorial framework, historical investigation, survey and representation of the asset inserted in the context, knowledge of the technical construction elements of the artifacts and their state of conservation), the conservation and reuse project, regulatory adjustments, static checks and structural improvement interventions seismic of an asset - or a set of assets - of historical and architectural interest.
The case study - which the teachers will identify and make known during the presentation of the atelier itself - will focus on architectural complexes of significant historical documentary and/or monumental character, captured in their relations with the territory to which they belong. Starting from the case study identified, issues related to the conservation, total and/or partial re-functionalization, and enhancement of the complex or individual portions of it will be addressed. Recovery issues will also be addressed relating to the relationship between the asset and the territory, between the asset and the reference community, all with a view to contributing to creating initiatives of maximum inclusion, connected to a conscious and sustainable use of the architectural heritage, for its culturally and socially shared enhancement.
All the activity will be shared with the main stakeholders: the local administration bodies, the Superintendency, the owners (if the asset is not publicly owned) as well as the bodies engaged in social inclusion activities, in order to characterize the contents of the project proposals, according to a sharing of objectives that also extend to integration with the surrounding area.
The atelier experience is formed through three teaching methods: frontal lessons, case study visits and project reviews.
For the Restoration unit there are lectures ( for about one third of the CFUs) that will develop the following themes:
- methodologies of the contemporary restoration project (examples and critical analyzes) (2 hours);
- technical construction systems of historic buildings (2 hours);
- survey aimed at the restoration project (6 hours);
- mapping and analysis of the state of material degradation (2 hours);
- reference legislative framework and regulatory adjustments (2 hours);
- the planning of the restoration and the theoretical debate on the choices of the project (6 hours)
The Geomatic unit is organised in lectures (16 hours), on site surveys (8 hours), data processing and recisions (16 hours).
Lectures and revision will be organized in different parts according to the following scheme:
· Introduction to architectural 3D survey for restoration (1,5 hours);
· Basis of topographic survey (1,5 hours)
· 3D laser scanning (fixed and mobile instruments) (1,5 hours)
· Data processing of laser data (1,5 hours)
· Photography for architecture and basis of photogrammetry (3 hours)
· Drone photogrammetry (1,5 hours)
· Photogrammetric data processing (1,5 hours)
· 2D and 3D drawings production (4 hours)
For the Structural Design unit, the ex-cathedra lessons (corresponding to about one half of the total CFUs) will cover the following topics:
- analysis of structures in space and redistribution of horizontal forces (3 hours);
- elements of structural dynamics (3 hours);
- seismic action and its combination with other actions (3 hours);
- general criteria for seismic design (4.5 hours);
- general methods for the seismic evaluation and improvement of existing buildings (3 hours);
- specific methods for the seismic evaluation and improvement, particular to the structural type chosen in the overall Design Studio (4.5 hours);.
Analysis will be possibly developed by using computer programs.
The lectures of the three units and their content are aimed at providing the student the skills necessary to face a practical exercise activity that it will conclude with the project of restoration and integrated conservation of a case study. The project will include the territorial framework, the historical reading, the survey (also 3D), the different mappings, the analysis of structural behavior, the static rehabilitation and seismic improvement project, the overall architectural restoration project.
Inspections are planned organized by the teachers, for the direct knowledge of the property, its reference context, and for the survey operations. Where possible, meetings with the authorities and experts will also be organized to encourage maximum understanding of the complex issues related to the conservation of the property and the hypotheses of intervention.
The atelier is conceived as a shared training activity between the disciplines of Restoration, Geomatic and Structural Design, with the aim of transmitting to the student those skills useful for the development of a single complex restoration project, inherent in the analysis phases (territorial framework, historical investigation, survey and representation of the asset inserted in the context, knowledge of the technical construction elements of the artifacts and their state of conservation), the conservation and reuse project, regulatory adjustments, static checks and structural improvement interventions seismic of an asset - or a set of assets - of historical and architectural interest.
The case study - which the teachers will identify and make known during the presentation of the atelier itself - will focus on architectural complexes of significant historical documentary and/or monumental character, captured in their relations with the territory to which they belong. Starting from the case study identified, issues related to the conservation, total and/or partial re-functionalization, and enhancement of the complex or individual portions of it will be addressed. Recovery issues will also be addressed relating to the relationship between the asset and the territory, between the asset and the reference community, all with a view to contributing to creating initiatives of maximum inclusion, connected to a conscious and sustainable use of the architectural heritage, for its culturally and socially shared enhancement.
All the activity will be shared with the main stakeholders: the local administration bodies, the Superintendency, the owners (if the asset is not publicly owned) as well as the bodies engaged in social inclusion activities, in order to characterize the contents of the project proposals, according to a sharing of objectives that also extend to integration with the surrounding area.
The atelier experience is formed through three teaching methods: frontal lessons, case study visits and project reviews.
For the Restoration unit there are lectures ( for about one-third of the CFUs) that will develop the following themes:
- methodologies of the contemporary restoration project (examples and critical analyzes);
- technical construction systems of historic buildings ;
- survey aimed at the restoration project;
- mapping and analysis of the state of material degradation;
- reference legislative framework and regulatory adjustments;
- the planning of the restoration and the theoretical debate on the choices of the project.
The Geomatic unit is organised in lectures (16 hours), on-site surveys (8 hours), data processing and recisions (16 hours).
Lectures and revision will be organized in different parts according to the following scheme:
· Introduction to architectural 3D survey for restoration;
· Basis of topographic survey;
· 3D laser scanning (fixed and mobile instruments);
· Data processing of laser data;
· Photography for architecture and basis of photogrammetry;
· Drone photogrammetry;
· Photogrammetric data processing;
· 2D and 3D drawings production.
For the Structural Design unit, the ex-cathedra lessons (corresponding to about one half of the total CFUs) will cover the following topics:
- analysis of structures in space and redistribution of horizontal forces;
- elements of structural dynamics;
- seismic action and its combination with other actions;
- general criteria for seismic design;
- general methods for the seismic evaluation and improvement of existing buildings;
- specific methods for the seismic evaluation and improvement, particular to the structural type chosen in the overall Design Studio;.
The analysis will be possibly developed by using computer programs.
The lectures of the three units and their content are aimed at providing the student the skills necessary to face a practical exercise activity that it will conclude with the project of restoration and integrated conservation of a case study. The project will include the territorial framework, the historical reading, the survey (also 3D), the different mappings, the analysis of structural behaviour, the static rehabilitation and seismic improvement project, the overall architectural restoration project.
Inspections are planned organized by the teachers, for the direct knowledge of the property, its reference context, and for the survey operations. Where possible, meetings with the authorities and experts will also be organized to encourage maximum understanding of the complex issues related to the conservation of the property and the hypotheses of intervention.
The design activity of the Atelier is carried out in groups of 2-3 students. The teaching period (14 weeks) is divided into two parts: the first is divided into lectures, inspection, analysis, and exercises, while the second is dedicated to the development of the intervention concept and the drafting of the project. Near the start of the lectures, the teaching staff will publish the Atelier's detailed calendar on the portal, indicating the dates of the lectures, the inspection, the deadlines, the review meetings where each group is called to document the progress of the work on a weekly basis. During the hours dedicated to classroom work and reviews (which may take place both with joint meetings with the three teachers and teaching collaborators and with individual interviews for each discipline) the observations on the work carried out will be noted by the teacher and will, of from time to time, the interim evaluation with respect to the progress of the work is communicated to the groups. This evaluation (from A to D) will be indicative for the student, constituting a trace of his training path towards the final evaluation. To complete what has already been stated in the program, it is specified that - even if the project is developed in a group - each of the participants must be independently responsible for the entire processing and must be able to respond to it during the examination
The design activity of the Atelier is carried out in groups of 2-3 students. The teaching period (14 weeks) is divided into two parts: the first is divided into lectures, inspection, analysis, and exercises, while the second is dedicated to the development of the intervention concept and the drafting of the project. Near the start of the lectures, the teaching staff will publish the Atelier's detailed calendar on the portal, indicating the dates of the lectures, the inspection, the deadlines, the review meetings where each group is called to document the progress of the work on a weekly basis. During the hours dedicated to classroom work and reviews (which may take place both with joint meetings with the three teachers and teaching collaborators and with individual interviews for each discipline) the observations on the work carried out will be noted by the teacher and will, of from time to time, the interim evaluation with respect to the progress of the work is communicated to the groups. This evaluation (from A to D) will be indicative for the student, constituting a trace of his training path towards the final evaluation. To complete what has already been stated in the program, it is specified that - even if the project is developed in a group - each of the participants must be independently responsible for the entire processing and must be able to respond to it during the examination
During the course of the atelier lectures and exercises, support material will be provided in the form of slides, presentations, tutorials, which will be made available through the portal. However, some texts, chosen from those listed, which will be communicated in a class by the teacher in charge of the course, can be appropriate supplementary tools.
For the restoration unit they are recommended:
G. CARBONARA, Trattato di restauro architettonico, 4 voll., Torino 1996.
M. DALLA COSTA, Il progetto di restauro per la conservazione del costruito, Celid, Torino 2000.
C. BARTOLOZZI, Progetti ed esperienze di conservazione e restauro, Torino : CELID, 2008;
It is also recommended to consult publications such as "Ananke", "Journal of Architectural Heritage", "Journal of Cultural Heritage" and the Proceedings of the "Science and Cultural Heritage" Conferences (Bressanone) for updated information on conservation issues, with particular with regard to theoretical and practical aspects.
For the Geomatic unit they are raccomended:
References will be reported during the individual learning activities in relation to the addressed issues. The basic material for the exercise will be constantly updated on the course website, where students will also find excerpts of the lectures. Anyway, essential textbooks for the Atelier are listed below. All the texts can be found in the University libraries, and extracts of some of them - in compliance with the copyright law - will be uploaded on Portale della Didattica.
-M. A. Gomarasca, Elementi di Geomatica, Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento, 2004.
-M. Bini, S.Bertocci, Manuale di rilievo architettonico e urbano. Città Studi, Firenze, 2012.
-D. Andrews, J. Bedford and P. Bryan, Metric Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage, (first 2000, second 2009, third 2015).
-Archeomatica, Tecnologie per i Beni Culturali,
For the Structural Design unit they are raccomended:
L. Petrini, R. Pinho, G.M. Calvi, Criteri di progettazione antisismica degli edifici, 2004.
A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering, 2005.
M.A. Pisani, S. Cattaneo, T. D’Antino, Consolidamento delle strutture, Guida ai criteri, ai materiali e alle tecniche più utilizzati, 2019.
During the course of the atelier lectures and exercises, support material will be provided in the form of slides, presentations, tutorials, which will be made available through the portal. However, some texts, chosen from those listed, which will be communicated in a class by the teacher in charge of the course, can be appropriate supplementary tools.
It is also recommended to consult publications such as "Ananke", "Journal of Architectural Heritage", "Journal of Cultural Heritage" and the Proceedings of the "Science and Cultural Heritage" Conferences (Bressanone) for updated information on conservation issues, with particular with regard to theoretical and practical aspects.
For the Geomatic unit they are recommended:
References will be reported during the individual learning activities in relation to the addressed issues. The basic material for the exercise will be constantly updated on the course website, where students will also find excerpts of the lectures. Anyway, essential textbooks for the Atelier are listed below. All the texts can be found in the University libraries, and extracts of some of them - in compliance with the copyright law - will be uploaded on Portale della Didattica.
-D. Andrews, J. Bedford and P. Bryan, Metric Survey Specifications for Cultural Heritage, (first 2000, second 2009, third 2015).
For the Structural Design unit they are recommended:
A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering, 2005.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Group project;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with the presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual written test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this written test will last 1.5 hours (2 hours for students recommended by the "special needs" service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Group project;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with the presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual written test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this written test will last 1.5 hours (2 hours for students recommended by the "special needs" service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual oral test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this test will last approximately 30 minutes (45 min. for students recommended by the special needs service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Group project;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual oral test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this test will last approximately 30 minutes (45 min. for students recommended by the special needs service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with the presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual oral test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this test will last approximately 30 minutes (45 min. for students recommended by the special needs service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Group project;
The student will be assessed individually, also in relation to the contribution provided to the design exercise developed in a group. The exam will take place in the following way:
- interview with the presentation of the project developed in a group with interventions by all members;
- answer to the 2/3 questions asked by the teachers regarding the course contents (lessons, bibliography, results of exercises), with reference to the design strategies adopted.
The evaluation of the contribution of structures will also include an individual oral test on the theoretical foundations presented in the lectures, whose mark will average the one obtained in the discussion of the project; this test will last approximately 30 minutes (45 min. for students recommended by the special needs service) and will consist of one or more open-ended questions. The mark of the written test will be given by the arithmetic average of the scores of each answer (minimum score 18/30, maximum score 30/30).
The final mark of the atelier will result from the weighted average of the evaluations of the three disciplinary contributions. To pass the Atelier, it is necessary to achieve sufficiency in each module.