Elenco notifiche

Digital urban history


A.A. 2021/22

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Architettura Per Il Restauro E Valorizzazione Del Patrimonio - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Tamborrino Rosa Rita Maria Professore Ordinario CEAR-11/A 20 10 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/18 6 C - Affini o integrative Attività formative affini o integrative
The course on Digital Urban History refers to the Knowledge, Enhancement and Communication actions of Cultural Heritage. The course is a teaching on the History of the city and the territory with theoretical and practical methodologies of digital humanities. It focuses on Urban History as a field of knowledge and narrative, and underlines the richness of its complex contents as well as the making and the telling history with new digital tools for visualising and ‘spatialising’ contents (e.g. in virtual museums, web sites, online databases) and how they relate to the history of cities. With this aim, the course gives to the students also basis in the field of the digital humanities in experiencing various implementations of Digital History through a case study. Urban history is dealt as a field of knowledge, survey, narratives – in a scientific and educational way – and as a cultural value. The themes proposed by the course tend to highlight the city as a place of continuous change, and the conflicts that they generate. The focus is on the dynamics of transformation and the corresponding urban image, which is highlighted as an expression of the interaction between different dynamics, players, functions within the city, and revisited in its meaning of historical and cultural memory (with reference to the notion of Historical Urban Landscape). The course deals also with the presentation of urban history in museums. The course includes a framework on the history of the city in general, focused on some main aspects that characterize European cities at different times and in a broad and comparative framework on different cultural contexts. It deals with documentary and iconographic sources and focuses on digital tools and products that develop content and sources available on the web. The course then focuses on a case study that is dealt in a diachronic way but with some specific focalizations. The student is guided and assisted in studying through a didactic form of research training that will lead him/her to analyse and use a rich and heterogeneous primary and secondary source documentation and to elaborate a hypothesis of reading and visualizing the dynamics of change. This tutorial is part of the course and must be completed within the semester. The in-depth theme will focus on the connections between historical dynamics of the urban space, the built environment and tangible and intangible values. The context is faced as a historical urban landscape, that is, as a physical place and for the cultural meanings that are connected to it. The case study is the historic center of Paris in the phase of change that immediately follows the1789 Revolution, analyzed in the processes of urban renewal and conflict but also in the adjustment of competences and rules up to the phase preceding the First War. Some verifications will be carried out in some urban areas with attention to the architectural components, the open public space, the different components of environment. It will be a question of developing time / space analyzes at the building block scale within the chronological context identified or at a wider scale than the historical stratigraphy with the restitution of archaeological discoveries. The study will be developed as an interdisciplinary research training. For this reason, the course is closely linked to the course of GIS for Cultural Heritage, 3D modelling focusing on the same case study. Teachers will be an integrated team for lessons and practices. The student will have the opportunity to experiment in first person how to use digital tools for the investigation, interpretation, and verification of historical research on urban history with its connection to the Cultural Heritage and the dissemination of its results.
The course on Digital Urban History refers to the Knowledge, Enhancement and Communication actions of Cultural Heritage. The course is a teaching on the History of the city and the territory with theoretical and practical methodologies of digital humanities. It focuses on Urban History as a field of knowledge and narrative, and underlines the richness of its complex contents as well as the making and the telling history with new digital tools for visualising and ‘spatialising’ contents (e.g. in virtual museums, web sites, online databases) and how they relate to the history of cities. With this aim, the course gives to the students also basis in the field of the digital humanities in experiencing various implementations of Digital History through a case study. Urban history is dealt as a field of knowledge, survey, narratives – in a scientific and educational way – and as a cultural value. The themes proposed by the course tend to highlight the city as a place of continuous change, and the conflicts that they generate. The focus is on the dynamics of transformation and the corresponding urban image, which is highlighted as an expression of the interaction between different dynamics, players, functions within the city, and revisited in its meaning of historical and cultural memory (with reference to the notion of Historical Urban Landscape). The course deals also with the presentation of urban history in museums. The course includes a framework on the history of the city in general, focused on some main aspects that characterize European cities at different times and in a broad and comparative framework on different cultural contexts. It deals with documentary and iconographic sources and focuses on digital tools and products that develop content and sources available on the web. The course then focuses on a case study that is dealt in a diachronic way but with some specific focalizations. The student is guided and assisted in studying through a didactic form of research training that will lead him/her to analyse and use a rich and heterogeneous primary and secondary source documentation and to elaborate a hypothesis of reading and visualizing the dynamics of change. This tutorial is part of the course and must be completed within the semester. The in-depth theme will focus on the connections between historical dynamics of the urban space, the built environment and tangible and intangible values. The context is faced as a historical urban landscape, that is, as a physical place and for the cultural meanings that are connected to it. The case study is the historic center of Paris in the phase of change that immediately follows the1789 Revolution, analyzed in the processes of urban renewal and conflict but also in the adjustment of competences and rules up to the phase preceding the First War. Some verifications will be carried out in some urban areas with attention to the architectural components, the open public space, the different components of environment. It will be a question of developing time / space analyzes at the building block scale within the chronological context identified or at a wider scale than the historical stratigraphy with the restitution of archaeological discoveries. The study will be developed as an interdisciplinary research training. For this reason, the course is closely linked to the course of GIS for Cultural Heritage, 3D modelling focusing on the same case study. Teachers will be an integrated team for lessons and practices. The student will have the opportunity to experiment in first person how to use digital tools for the investigation, interpretation, and verification of historical research on urban history with its connection to the Cultural Heritage and the dissemination of its results.
The knowledge that will be acquired by the student include tools and methodology for the study of the history of the city and the territory in a broad chronology, notions and contents with particular attention to the transformations of the historical landscape and the built environment in the contemporary period, and the relations with the Cultural Heritage conceived as a pure notion of history. An important aspect of this knowledge concerns the forms of the historical narrative, the sources and digital tool for historical knowledge and interpretation. Through the in-depth topic, the preparation focuses on the dynamics and processes of change of the built environment in a given time and space, with a digital approach to historical research and its analytical and synthetic presentation. The student will acquire skills in historical investigation by connecting the Cultural Heritage to its context in a specific area and in a diachronic sequence, identifying the sources, interpreting and learning how to store information, organize data, view the cognitive path and finally to present historical research as a result, with the use of suitable digital tools. Specific skills achieved will be the ability to identify and recognize the reliability of sources, the use of a scientific method in the transfer of information for 3D modelling and GIS with historical content, the identification of criteria and hierarchies to organize information, critical approach in the interpretation of data and in the visualization of the dynamics of historical transformation, methodologies that combine skills in Humanities and Digital Technologies.
The knowledge that will be acquired by the student include tools and methodology for the study of the history of the city and the territory in a broad chronology, notions and contents with particular attention to the transformations of the historical landscape and the built environment in the contemporary period, and the relations with the Cultural Heritage conceived as a pure notion of history. An important aspect of this knowledge concerns the forms of the historical narrative, the sources and digital tool for historical knowledge and interpretation. Through the in-depth topic, the preparation focuses on the dynamics and processes of change of the built environment in a given time and space, with a digital approach to historical research and its analytical and synthetic presentation. The student will acquire skills in historical investigation by connecting the Cultural Heritage to its context in a specific area and in a diachronic sequence, identifying the sources, interpreting and learning how to store information, organize data, view the cognitive path and finally to present historical research as a result, with the use of suitable digital tools. Specific skills achieved will be the ability to identify and recognize the reliability of sources, the use of a scientific method in the transfer of information for 3D modelling and GIS with historical content, the identification of criteria and hierarchies to organize information, critical approach in the interpretation of data and in the visualization of the dynamics of historical transformation, methodologies that combine skills in Humanities and Digital Technologies.
Fundamentals of the history of architecture and the city at different eras and architectural drawings.
Fundamentals of the history of architecture and the city at different eras and architectural drawings.
In the theoretical contents, the course includes some lessons for framing the history of the city in a broad framework and with a comparative perspective, beyond Europe, with insights into documentary sources and digital tools. It also pays a particular attention to the methodologies of Digital History with through case studies that focus on a broad chronology aimed at providing an overall picture. The study will focus on Paris, starting from the renewal prefigured by the plan des Artistes up to contemporary developments through Haussmannian works. In particular, the area of the Rue de Rivoli will be investigated with the changes and valorization of buildings from different historical periods that are connected to it, with some verifications in the area of the Hotel de Ville and the Louvre. The study will cover historical cartography, land registers, surveys, inventories, expropriations, journals and publications, the image of the city and other specific sources such as documentary and control and verification tools. It will be tried to bring out the social impact of changes and, where possible, the presence of women in the urban space. The lessons will refer to case studies that make use of tools for narrating and displaying contents and historical research, the use of georeferencing and geolocation systems, the construction of databases, gamification experiences, museumization and narration of scientific contents and educational, virtual museums and digital archives (10 hours). A series of lectures will focus on the case study, the sources and research tools and methodologies for the research training part (20 hours). The theoretical part will take place primarily but not exclusively in the first part. In the "research training" part, students will be required to reconstruct and visualize the historical process of transformations through a documentary analysis on primary sources, linking spatial dynamics to documents, and to the different elements of the context through a rigorous historical approach to methodologies of Digital Humanities, the teachers will guide the student to experience the method and practice of the Digital Humanities approach to the proposed case study (30 hours). As part of the research training, integrated with the GIS course for Cultural Heritage-3D Modeling, some exercises and tutoring can be carried out jointly. This part of the course will start in November. The teachers, after having formed the groups and assigned a specific work area, will provide instructions to the individual groups. In the mid-term, a joint seminar will take place with the GIS Cultural Heritage - 3D Modelling course, in which students will have the opportunity to present and discuss the progress by verifying objectives and road maps.
In the theoretical contents, the course includes some lessons for framing the history of the city in a broad framework and with a comparative perspective, beyond Europe, with insights into documentary sources and digital tools. It also pays a particular attention to the methodologies of Digital History with through case studies that focus on a broad chronology aimed at providing an overall picture. The study will focus on Paris, starting from the renewal prefigured by the plan des Artistes up to contemporary developments through Haussmannian works. In particular, the area of the Rue de Rivoli will be investigated with the changes and valorization of buildings from different historical periods that are connected to it, with some verifications in the area of the Hotel de Ville and the Louvre. The study will cover historical cartography, land registers, surveys, inventories, expropriations, journals and publications, the image of the city and other specific sources such as documentary and control and verification tools. It will be tried to bring out the social impact of changes and, where possible, the presence of women in the urban space. The lessons will refer to case studies that make use of tools for narrating and displaying contents and historical research, the use of georeferencing and geolocation systems, the construction of databases, gamification experiences, museumization and narration of scientific contents and educational, virtual museums and digital archives (10 hours). A series of lectures will focus on the case study, the sources and research tools and methodologies for the research training part (20 hours). The theoretical part will take place primarily but not exclusively in the first part. In the "research training" part, students will be required to reconstruct and visualize the historical process of transformations through a documentary analysis on primary sources, linking spatial dynamics to documents, and to the different elements of the context through a rigorous historical approach to methodologies of Digital Humanities, the teachers will guide the student to experience the method and practice of the Digital Humanities approach to the proposed case study (30 hours). As part of the research training, integrated with the GIS course for Cultural Heritage-3D Modeling, some exercises and tutoring can be carried out jointly. This part of the course will start in November. The teachers, after having formed the groups and assigned a specific work area, will provide instructions to the individual groups. In the mid-term, a joint seminar will take place with the GIS Cultural Heritage - 3D Modelling course, in which students will have the opportunity to present and discuss the progress by verifying objectives and road maps.
The course consists of a theoretical disciplinary basis - with half of the teaching hours provided as lessons - and a part carried out in the form of an interdisciplinary didactic laboratory that allows the student to deal with the case study with the guidance of the teachers. The teaching program is carried out through a form of "research training" using the in-depth theme and developing it together with the GIS course for Cultural Heritage. The students, assisted by the teachers (both the teachers of the GIS course for Cultural Heritage and of Digital Urban History-History of the city), will work in groups addressing the structuring of historical research data to carry out data analysis and management and interpretations. originals of the data itself. Complete reviews of the work carried out will be periodically proposed.
The course consists of a theoretical disciplinary basis - with half of the teaching hours provided as lessons - and a part carried out in the form of an interdisciplinary didactic laboratory that allows the student to deal with the case study with the guidance of the teachers. The teaching program is carried out through a form of "research training" using the in-depth theme and developing it together with the GIS course for Cultural Heritage. The students, assisted by the teachers (both the teachers of the GIS course for Cultural Heritage and of Digital Urban History-History of the city), will work in groups addressing the structuring of historical research data to carry out data analysis and management and interpretations. originals of the data itself. Complete reviews of the work carried out will be periodically proposed.
In-depth reading: G. J. Ashworth, B. Graham (eds.), Senses of place: Senses of time. Routledge, Oxon, 2005. F. Bandarin, R.Van Oers, The historic urban landscape: managing heritage in an urban century, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, 2012. A. Burdick et al., Digital_Humanities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. D. Calabi (ed.), Built City, Designed City, Virtual City. The Museum of the City, CROMA- Università di Roma Tre, Roma 2013. C. D'Ignazio, E L. F. Klein, Data feminism, Cambridge, MIT Press, 2020. Available at: https://data-feminism.mitpress.mit.edu/ (Open access) J. Nihan, M. Terras, C. Warwick (eds.), Digital Humanities in Practice, Facet Publishing, London 2012. E. Waterton, S. Watson, (eds.). Culture, heritage and representation: Perspectives on visuality and the past. Ashgate, 2010. T. Weller (ed.), History in the digital age, London - New York, Routledge, 2013. UNESCO. Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage, 2009, https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000179529.page=2 On the case study: R. Tamborrino, Parigi nell’Ottocento, Marsilio, Venezia 2005. M. Gribaudi, ‘Morfologia di una città. Forme, continuità e rotture nella Parigi della prima metà dell’Ottocento’, in Quaderni Storici, n.125, anno XLII, fasc.2, agosto 2007, pp.393-431. M. Gribaudi, Paris, ville ouvrière – une histoire occulté. 1789-1848, La Découverte, Paris 2014 R. Tamborrino, ‘Haussmann e il piano per una capitale moderna’, Urbanistica, 111, July-Dec 1998, pp. 116-136 P. Pinon, B. Le Boudec, Les plans de Paris. Histoire d'une capitale, Le Passage Eds, Paris 2004.
In-depth reading: G. J. Ashworth, B. Graham (eds.), Senses of place: Senses of time. Routledge, Oxon, 2005. F. Bandarin, R.Van Oers, The historic urban landscape: managing heritage in an urban century, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, 2012. A. Burdick et al., Digital_Humanities, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. P. Clark, European cities and towns: 400-2000. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009. R. Tamborrino (ed.), Digital urban history. Telling the history of the city in the age of the ICT revolution, CROMA- Università di Roma Tre, Roma 2014. C. D'Ignazio, E L. F. Klein, Data feminism, Cambridge, MIT Press, 2020. Available at: https://data-feminism.mitpress.mit.edu/ (Open access) J. Nihan, M. Terras, C. Warwick (eds.), Digital Humanities in Practice, Facet Publishing, London 2012. E. Waterton, S. Watson, (eds.). Culture, heritage and representation: Perspectives on visuality and the past. Ashgate, 2010. T. Weller (ed.), History in the digital age, London - New York, Routledge, 2013. UNESCO. Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage, 2009, https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000179529.page=2 On the case study: R. Tamborrino, Parigi nell’Ottocento, Marsilio, Venezia 2005. M. Gribaudi, ‘Morfologia di una città. Forme, continuità e rotture nella Parigi della prima metà dell’Ottocento’, in Quaderni Storici, n.125, anno XLII, fasc.2, agosto 2007, pp.393-431. M. Gribaudi, Paris, ville ouvrière – une histoire occulté. 1789-1848, La Découverte, Paris 2014 R. Tamborrino, ‘Haussmann e il piano per una capitale moderna’, Urbanistica, 111, July-Dec 1998, pp. 116-136 P. Pinon, B. Le Boudec, Les plans de Paris. Histoire d'une capitale, Le Passage Eds, Paris 2004.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
... The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti;
The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff;
The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Prova scritta su carta con videosorveglianza dei docenti;
The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Paper-based written test with video surveillance of the teaching staff;
The exam consists of an individual written test, the delivery of the digital product as the final outcome of the working group, and its presentation and oral discussion. The individual test focuses on 2 questions concerning the theoretical part will be carried out together with the test for GIS for Cultural Heritage. The evaluation is 30% of the overall grade. The digital outcome of the research training will include a written report describing the sources used and the methodology of integration in the digital reconstruction. It will be delivered to teachers at least one week before the oral discussion date. The rating is 50% of the overall grade. The presentation and oral discussion of the research training product will be carried out in groups with individual contributions or may also be presented individually if the students of a group will take the exam at different times. The rating is 20% of the vote.
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