Elenco notifiche

Flight Dynamics and Control of Vertical Lift Vehicles (didattica di eccellenza)


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 18
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Guglieri Giorgio Professore Ordinario IIND-01/C 2 0 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
This course provides a modern perspective on the theory of flight dynamics and control of vertical flight, with applications including rotary- and flapping-wing vehicles. Computer simulation methods for modeling the motion of a these vehicles in generalized maneuvering flight will be presented. The course will present modern automatic control system design in order to enhance stability, achieve desired response characteristics, and to enable fully autonomous control. Although the course will focus on rotorcraft, other hovering vehicles such as flapping-wing flyers/micro air vehicles (MAVs) will be studied. Computer simulations of rotary- and flapping-wing vehicles will be provided to students to derive those results presented in theory firsthand, and to implement modern flight control laws for existing rotorcraft platforms.
This course provides a modern perspective on the theory of flight dynamics and control of vertical flight, with applications including rotary- and flapping-wing vehicles. Computer simulation methods for modeling the motion of a these vehicles in generalized maneuvering flight will be presented. The course will present modern automatic control system design in order to enhance stability, achieve desired response characteristics, and to enable fully autonomous control. Although the course will focus on rotorcraft, other hovering vehicles such as flapping-wing flyers/micro air vehicles (MAVs) will be studied. Computer simulations of rotary- and flapping-wing vehicles will be provided to students to derive those results presented in theory firsthand, and to implement modern flight control laws for existing rotorcraft platforms.
Prof. Umberto Saetti - Auburn University (USA) Syllabus: The course consists in 12 1.5h sessions (10 lectures and 2 laboratory sessions). To provide students with real-life problem experience, one minimum-fidelity and one higher-fidelity flight simulation models of rotorcraft will be provided in MATLAB and/or Julia. 1. Lecture 1: Course Introduction and Review of Fundamentals in Vertical Flight Aerodynamics. 2. Lecture 2: State-Variable Representation of Rotorcraft Dynamics. 3. Lecture 3: Trim, Linearization, and Model-Order Reduction. 4. Lecture 4: Dynamic Modes of Motion in Hover and Forward Flight. 5. Lecture 5: Classical Flight Control Design. 6. Lecture 6: Modern Flight Control Design l: Explicit Model Following. 7. Lab 1: Implementation of Explicit Model Following Flight Control Law. 8. Lecture 7: Modern Flight Control Design Il: Dynamic Inversion. 9. Lab 2: Implementation of Dynamic Inversion Flight Control Law. 10. Lecture 8: Stability, Handling Quality, and Performance Specifications. 11. Lecture 9: Time-Periodic Systems. 12. Lecture 10: Flapping-Wing Flight and Vibrational Stabilization.
Syllabus: The course consists in 12 1.5h sessions (10 lectures and 2 laboratory sessions). To provide students with real-life problem experience, one minimum-fidelity and one higher-fidelity flight simulation models of rotorcraft will be provided in MATLAB and/or Julia. 1. Lecture 1: Course Introduction and Review of Fundamentals in Vertical Flight Aerodynamics. 2. Lecture 2: State-Variable Representation of Rotorcraft Dynamics. 3. Lecture 3: Trim, Linearization, and Model-Order Reduction. 4. Lecture 4: Dynamic Modes of Motion in Hover and Forward Flight. 5. Lecture 5: Classical Flight Control Design. 6. Lecture 6: Modern Flight Control Design l: Explicit Model Following. 7. Lab 1: Implementation of Explicit Model Following Flight Control Law. 8. Lecture 7: Modern Flight Control Design Il: Dynamic Inversion. 9. Lab 2: Implementation of Dynamic Inversion Flight Control Law. 10. Lecture 8: Stability, Handling Quality, and Performance Specifications. 11. Lecture 9: Time-Periodic Systems. 12. Lecture 10: Flapping-Wing Flight and Vibrational Stabilization.
In presenza
On site
Presentazione orale
Oral presentation
P.D.2-2 - Giugno
P.D.2-2 - June