Elenco notifiche

Survey and drawing design for urban refurbishment at sustainable transition


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Edile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Esercitazioni in aula 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Garzino Giorgio Professore Ordinario CEAR-10/A 30 0 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/17 6 B - Caratterizzanti Architettura e urbanistica
The course explores the theme of renovation of buildings within the consolidated city, with a focus on urban design. It is clear to all that the theme of green building now concerns not only the technological aspect of the building and the containment of consumption but also the new forms of living (work, residence, health, school, entertainment, etc.). The topics, both those relating to urban form and those concerning the distributional system of buildings are related and overlapping (refurbishment of buildings that are not congruent or not suited to contemporary needs, rebuilding of ruined or vacant areas, interventions relating to expansion areas, etc.). The topics are approached with precise reference to the building legislation in force (with attention also to the realities of the different EU countries), which is carefully examined. The course is based on methodological teaching ( lecture) followed by the development of a project theme (exercise). During the lectures, each topic is discussed concerning a wide range of anthological documentation, the rational examination of which (a sort of survey based on reports as well as on visits and inspections) constitutes the main axis of the teaching course as well as the indispensable cognitive basis for drawing up the project exercise.
The course explores the theme of renovation of buildings within the consolidated city, with a focus on urban design. It is clear to all that the theme of green building now concerns not only the technological aspect of the building and the containment of consumption but also the new forms of living (work, residence, health, school, entertainment, etc.). The topics, both those relating to urban form and those concerning the distributional system of buildings are related and overlapping (refurbishment of buildings that are not congruent or not suited to contemporary needs, rebuilding of ruined or vacant areas, interventions relating to expansion areas, etc.). The topics are approached with precise reference to the building legislation in force (with attention also to the realities of the different EU countries), which is carefully examined. The course is based on methodological teaching ( lecture) followed by the development of a project theme (exercise). During the lectures, each topic is discussed concerning a wide range of anthological documentation, the rational examination of which (a sort of survey based on reports as well as on visits and inspections) constitutes the main axis of the teaching course as well as the indispensable cognitive basis for drawing up the project exercise.
At the end of the course, the student will be aware of what is needed to prepare a bureaucratic project for a building permit for a building to be refurbished (including demolition and reconstruction) within the consolidated city. During the final examination, the student must demonstrate good levels of: Knowledge and understanding • the requirements framework; • context constraints; • technical and regulatory framework; Competences and skills • in the development of significant design themes at the building scale; Evaluation and approach; • careful assessment of the most appropriate technical-administrative process; • definition of the most technically appropriate intervention strategies; • integration of an approach to enhance the consolidated urban form, the innovative components regarding construction techniques and the social model in the making of which the green building concept is the bearer (coworking spaces, new forms of living, new social models aimed at encouraging generational mixing, cohousing, seniorhousing, etc.).
At the end of the course, the student will be aware of what is needed to prepare a bureaucratic project for a building permit for a building to be refurbished (including demolition and reconstruction) within the consolidated city. During the final examination, the student must demonstrate good levels of: Knowledge and understanding • the requirements framework; • context constraints; • technical and regulatory framework; Competences and skills • in the development of significant design themes at the building scale; Evaluation and approach; • careful assessment of the most appropriate technical-administrative process; • definition of the most technically appropriate intervention strategies; • integration of an approach to enhance the consolidated urban form, the innovative components regarding construction techniques and the social model in the making of which the green building concept is the bearer (coworking spaces, new forms of living, new social models aimed at encouraging generational mixing, cohousing, seniorhousing, etc.).
Knowledge of the main principles of urban surveying and reading the evolutionary dynamics of the European city, mastery of the rules of technical architecture.
Knowledge of the main principles of urban surveying and reading the evolutionary dynamics of the European city, mastery of the rules of technical architecture.
The main topics covered in class are: 1. Introduction to the course - Presentation of the exercise; 2. Critical review of the current regulatory framework at the building scale; 3. Reading and analysis in terms of resilience for a consolidated urban fabric where the characterising formal structure and the recognition of emergencies extraneous to the consolidated urban form are highlighted; 4. Discussion of design solutions on a building scale aimed at restoring/maintaining the urban form itself. During the exercises the design process is approached about the following methods and procedures: 1. Identification of a model/set of reference models; 2. Heuristic-iterative procedure to go from the design of the idea to the design; 3. Drawing and design of the technological components as a method for developing the project itself; 4. Representation of the project contents at the level of the master plan and paperwork for the building permit of a construction.
The main topics covered in class are: 1. Introduction to the course - Presentation of the exercise; 2. Critical review of the current regulatory framework at the building scale; 3. Reading and analysis in terms of resilience for a consolidated urban fabric where the characterising formal structure and the recognition of emergencies extraneous to the consolidated urban form are highlighted; 4. Discussion of design solutions on a building scale aimed at restoring/maintaining the urban form itself. During the exercises the design process is approached about the following methods and procedures: 1. Identification of a model/set of reference models; 2. Heuristic-iterative procedure to go from the design of the idea to the design; 3. Drawing and design of the technological components as a method for developing the project itself; 4. Representation of the project contents at the level of the master plan and paperwork for the building permit of a construction.
The methodological topics discussed in the lectures are immediately applied in the organisation of the exercises, where the design theme is dealt with in working groups. The exercises are structured as follows: 1) in conjunction with the first exercise, the professor proposes one or more case studies and illustrates them in detail in their content and purpose; 2 - 3) in the second and third exercises, inspections will be carried out to recognise the elements of interest through surveys and measurements (direct and indirect); 4) during the fourth exercise, a conjectural restitution operation will be carried out in the classroom, where the data collected will be organised in a survey drawing; 5) the fifth exercise defines the theme of the project and identifies the formal and distributive models of reference, checking their congruence with the context of the case study, 6 – 7) the sixth/seventh exercise: elaboration of the functional layout; 8 – 9 – 10) eighth/ninth and tenth exercises: definition of the formal plant and iterative design path to determine the final settlement of the functional layout: interactions with structural and plant themes (if existing); 11 – 12 – 13) eleventh/twelfth and thirteenth exercises: preparation of project drawings for presentation; 14) fourteenth exercise: presentation of the work done by each group.
The methodological topics discussed in the lectures are immediately applied in the organisation of the exercises, where the design theme is dealt with in working groups. The exercises are structured as follows: 1) in conjunction with the first exercise, the professor proposes one or more case studies and illustrates them in detail in their content and purpose; 2 - 3) in the second and third exercises, inspections will be carried out to recognise the elements of interest through surveys and measurements (direct and indirect); 4) during the fourth exercise, a conjectural restitution operation will be carried out in the classroom, where the data collected will be organised in a survey drawing; 5) the fifth exercise defines the theme of the project and identifies the formal and distributive models of reference, checking their congruence with the context of the case study, 6 – 7) the sixth/seventh exercise: elaboration of the functional layout; 8 – 9 – 10) eighth/ninth and tenth exercises: definition of the formal plant and iterative design path to determine the final settlement of the functional layout: interactions with structural and plant themes (if existing); 11 – 12 – 13) eleventh/twelfth and thirteenth exercises: preparation of project drawings for presentation; 14) fourteenth exercise: presentation of the work done by each group.
Material supplied by the lecturer, main reference journals related to construction including: - Arketipo - Legno Architettura - Area - L’industria delle costruzioni - Detail - Costruire in laterizio - Casabella
Material supplied by the lecturer, main reference journals related to construction including: - Arketipo - Legno Architettura - Area - L’industria delle costruzioni - Detail - Costruire in laterizio - Casabella
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
... The Assessment is oral and consists of a part relating to the presentation of the exercise and a part relating to the discussion of some of the topics covered in the lessons. The exam is aimed at verifying the achievement, in terms of adequacy and autonomy, of the student's design skills according to the following evaluation matrix (Drawings 70% - Oral test30%): Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the issues discussed during the lessons - Oral exam 10% Understanding of the issues discussed in the lesson - Oral exam 10% Skills and abilities Expertise in survey and project design - Group project 30% Skill in working in a team with people from different backgrounds - Group project 10% Critical and synthetic skills Critical capacity in identifying the reading of the context and in the development of project proposals - Group project 15% - Oral exam10% Ability to synthesise in the drafting of drawings to illustrate all the contents of the project - Group project 15%
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The Assessment is oral and consists of a part relating to the presentation of the exercise and a part relating to the discussion of some of the topics covered in the lessons. The exam is aimed at verifying the achievement, in terms of adequacy and autonomy, of the student's design skills according to the following evaluation matrix (Drawings 70% - Oral test30%): Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the issues discussed during the lessons - Oral exam 10% Understanding of the issues discussed in the lesson - Oral exam 10% Skills and abilities Expertise in survey and project design - Group project 30% Skill in working in a team with people from different backgrounds - Group project 10% Critical and synthetic skills Critical capacity in identifying the reading of the context and in the development of project proposals - Group project 15% - Oral exam10% Ability to synthesise in the drafting of drawings to illustrate all the contents of the project - Group project 15%
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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