Elenco notifiche

Architectural heritage in disuse


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Pellegrino Anna
Architectural heritage in disuse (Building physics)
Professore Associato IIND-07/B 20 0 0 0 1
Coscia Cristina
Architectural heritage in disuse (Real Estate Appraisal)
Professore Associato CEAR-03/C 20 0 0 0 1
Novelli Francesco
Architectural heritage in disuse (Restoration)  
Professore Associato CEAR-11/B 40 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The Thesis Seminar is a multidisciplinary didactic experience, designated to study in depth the methodological aspects of the research activity, and notably aimed at developing the Master's Degree graduation Thesis. The seminar will specifically provide the students with some critical and methodological instruments, and with a collegial space for free discussion and debate, in order to allow them to systematize knowledge and skills learnt during their previous academic career and to define an individual and original research program positioned within the wider framework of the topics treated in the seminar. Once a common theme will be identified, the teachers of the various disciplines involved in the seminar will work together, exploring specific research or design topics, offering further opportunities of in-depth analysis and fostering collective debates about the outcomes of the individual research of the students. The continuous dialogue among the disciplines involved in the seminar will offer to the students an opportunity to test the application of a robust methodological structure to the manifold solicitations coming from the real world. Through ex-cathedra lectures and seminar meetings, specialised disciplinary insights will be provided. The originality of the contents and the proposed approach and the necessary topicality of the topics and issues proposed and addressed in the thesis seminar, will allow the student to start a first and important moment of in-depth knowledge; this work will be eventually completed in the subsequent graduation thesis, that will be developed under the tutorship of one or more of the tutors involved in the seminar.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to interpret the state of the art and the basic scientific literature and structure his or her own research pathway for a master's thesis on the proposed topics. The student will acquire: - the ability to broaden, update and apply the knowledge and technical skills learnt during the course of studies to the need to tackle complex and articulated design and research topics; - the ability to use an appropriate methodological approach when proposing and organising design or research work; - the ability to systemise, with respect to a research theme, the theoretical and applicative insights from the different disciplines that emerged during the seminar activities.
The student must be in possession of adequate personal preparation, having acquired basic knowledge of the disciplines involved in the seminar activity and of the topics taught in the first and second level courses.
The proposed theme, Architectural heritage in disuse, identifies a large segment of assets that today constitute a rather widespread and diversified reality on the national territory. Heritage in a state of ruin, disused factories and industrial complexes, abandoned villages and hamlets, etc., represent a heritage whose conservation, enhancement and possible reuse are on the agenda of administrations and local authorities. The promotion of projects for the conservation, regeneration, enhancement and management of these assets that integrate the objectives of protecting the cultural heritage also with the needs of social and economic revitalization (involvement in the dynamics of planning and transformation of local communities), are of close relevance for example in the recent proposals launched by the PNRR. The topic of the seminar will be characterized by a strong interdisciplinary character through the contributions of the disciplines directly related to it and the contributions of the teachers of the College of Architecture. In particular, through the seminar formula, we intend to debate the definition of this abandoned “heritage”. For the discipline of Restoration, we will try to deepen its meaning as indicated in the restoration papers, rather than in the regulatory framework currently in force, a necessary prerequisite for launching a broader and more articulated debate. In particular, it is essential to underline, through the presentation of virtuous case studies, the components that affect the projects of conservation and enhancement of this heritage. Highlight how the relationships between the assets of interest, the territory, and the local community are determining factors in the process of rediscovering the values of tangible and intangible culture which in the past contributed to the construction of this same heritage and which today can represent its occasion of rebirth. For the discipline of Real Estate Appraisal, declined in the tools of Project Economic Evaluation and Enhancement, some insights will be on the role of the tools of economic enhancement to support decision-makers (private, public, public-private subjects) in the choices of intervention, thanks to the identification of values, surplus values and advantages in all phases of the enhancement cycle, with particular attention both to the moment of use and management and to that of finding resources. For the Building Physics discipline, the contribution will concern the role that the energy and the environmental renovation have on the recovery of architectural heritage in disuse. Reaching the targets of energy performance and environmental quality to re-use the cultural heritage, while preserving and enhancing its tangible and intangible values, is often challenging. The role of aspects, such as light, sound, innovative technologies, renewable energies, etc. to recover and enhance the architectural cultural heritage at the building and urban/territorial scales will be addressed in relation to the general framework of the seminar. The seminar will be an opportunity to address aspects of planning on the state of abandonment, the issues of the reversibility of the intervention and its sustainability in continuity also with the guidelines, currently being defined, of the PNRR projects. The identification of different categories of assets in a state of neglect, and the reporting of guidelines for their enhancement will also be other aspects to be developed with the aim of providing students with tools for the subsequent development of master's degree theses. The seminar will be conducted through disciplinary contributions presented from time to time by the individual teacher belonging to the same with a different disciplinary cut but open to common debate. Contributions are also envisaged from experts and subjects outside the academic sphere who operate in the field of cultural heritage (banking foundations, associations, etc.), both nationally and internationally, who can be involved in the scheduled debate, in addition of course to the active participation of the professors belonging to the College.
The course organisation includes: In restoration class: 1. ex-cathedra lessons focusing on the examination of aspects of both theoretical, and practical/application; 2. seminars helds by experts on field of preservation, enhancement and management of cultural heritage; 3. debates on the issues also with "role-playing games" (the designer, the person in charge of protection, the Foundation, the association, etc.); 4. practical assignment. During the course it is required an active participation in lessons, during which a debate in relation to the issues addressed will be stimulated. The students will be asked to do a written paper, assigned by the teacher, aimed at a deeper analysis of some of the topics illustrated during the lessons. Students (even in small groups) will be asked to develop specific micro-insights indicated by the teachers on the basis of the communications presented in the classroom, works that will therefore be the starting point for a subsequent debate.
Bibliography and thematic teaching material in digital form and relevant documents to the organisation of the activities will be made available to students on the portal of teaching or shared through padlet. Specific bibliographic references will be provided from time to time, after lessons and during the practical activity, in relation to the specific needs of the topics dealt with e and to the debate in the classroom. For the discipline of Restoration -P.A. Bullen, P.E.D. Love, The rethoric of adaptive reuse or reality of demolition: views from the field, in “Cities”, 27, 2000, pp. 215-224; -M. Petzet, International principles of preservation, ICOMOS, 2009, https://www.icomos.de/admin/ckeditor/plugins/alphamanager/uploads/pdf/principles.pdf - E. E. Burden, Illustrated Dictionary of Architectural Preservation, Mc-Graw Hill, 2004; - Stefano F. Musso, Recupero e restauro degli edifici storici, EPC Libri, Roma 2004. - Donatella Fiorani (a cura di), Restauro e tecnologie in architettura, Carocci, Roma, 2009. - M. Vecco, A definition of cultural heritage: from the tangible to the intangible, in "Journal of Cultural Heritage", n. 11, 2010, pp. 321-324. - Giovanni Carbonara, Architettura d’oggi e restauro. Un confronto antico-nuovo, Utet, Torino 2011. - European Commission, 2015. Getting Cultural Heritage to work for Europe [https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/b01a0d0a-2a4f-4de0-88f7-85bf2dc6e004]. - Donatella Fiorani (coordinamento di), RICerca/REStauro, Edizioni Quasar, Roma, 2017. -E. Romeo, Instaurare, reficere, renovare, Celid/Lexis Torino 2017. - Stefano Francesco Musso, Marco Pretelli (coordinamento di), Restauro: Conoscenza, Progetto, Cantiere, Gestione, Edizioni Quasar, Roma, 2020. J. Jokilehto, A History of architectural conservation, part 3, [https://www.iccrom.org/it/publication/history-architectural-conservation]; M. S. Taher Tolou Del, B. S. Sedghpour and S. K. Tabrizi, The semantic conservation of architectural heritage: the missing values, Herit Sci (2020) 8:70, [https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-020-00416-w]; For the discipline of Real Estate Appraisal Coscia C., Curto R. (2017). Valorising in the Absence of Public Resources and Weak Markets: the Case of "Ivrea, the 20th Century Industrial City". DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49676-4_7. pp.79-99. In Appraisal: From Theory to Practice. Results of SIEV 2015 - ISBN:978-3-319-49675-7. In GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY - ISSN:1865-3529 vol. Green Energy and Technology Coscia C. Curto, Rocco Antonio; Gadaleta, Valeria; Pena Diaz, Jorge; Rolando, Diana (2018) Enjoyment of the Cuban Modern Heritage: an innovative cultural visitors route to connect the UNESCO site of Old Havana to the National Schools of Art. pp.535-544. In ARCHITECTURE HERITAGE and DESIGN. WORLD HERITAGE and KNOWLEDGE Representation | Restoration | Redesign | Resilience (Carmine Gambardella editor), XVI INTERNATIONAL FORUM Mercanti - ISBN:978-88-492-3633-0 vol. Le Vie dei Mercanti XVI International Forum di Studi - free download: http://www.leviedeimercanti.it/proceedings-xvi-forum/ Allegro, I.; Lupu, A. Models of Public Private Partnership and financial tools for the cultural heritage valorisation. Urbanistica Informazioni-INU 2018, 1-6. Coscia C., Lazzari G., Rubino I. (2018), Values, Memory, and the Role of Exploratory Methods for Policy-Design Processes and the Sustainable Redevelopment of Waterfront Contexts: The Case of Officine Piaggio (Italy). DOI:10.3390/su10092989. pp.1-22. In SUSTAINABILITY - ISSN:2071-1050 vol. Sustainability - Special Issue "Real Estate Economics, Management and Investments" (10(9), 2989) Council of the European Union. Council conclusions on risk management in the area of cultural heritage 2020/C 186/01; 2020. Available online: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52020XG0605(01) (accessed on 21 March 2022 Fusco Girard, L.; Vecco, M. The “Intrinsic Value” of Cultural Heritage as Driver for Circular Human-Centered Adaptive Reuse. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3231. [https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063231] UNESCO. Intangible Cultural Heritage in Emergencies Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Addressing Questions of ICH and Resilience in Times of Crisis: Report; UNESCO Office Venice and Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Eu-rope: Venice, Italy, 2020. Available online: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000374652] (accessed on 21 March 2022). Liang, Xiaoxu; Coscia, Cristina; Dellapiana, Elena; Martin, John; Zhang, Yu (2022), Complex Social Value-Based Approach for Decision-Making and Valorization Process in Chinese World Cultural Heritage Site: The Case of Kulangsu (China). In: LAND, vol. 11, pp. 1-30. ISSN 2073-445X For the Building Physic discipline Francesca Romana d’Ambrosio (Ed.), Livio Mazzarella (Ed.), Laura Bellia, Marco Filippi, Livio de Santoli, Piercarlo Romagnoni, Rehva European Guidebook n. 26, - Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (MiBACT). Linee di indirizzo per il miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica nel patrimonio culturale. Architettura, centri e nuclei storici ed urbani. Ottobre 2015. EN 16883, Conservation of cultural heritage - Guidelines for improving the energy performance of historic buildings; Dario Camuffo, Microclimate for Cultural Heritage: Measurement, Risk Assessment, Conservation, Restoration, and Maintenance of Indoor and Outdoor Monuments, Elsevier, 3rd Edition. Zeno Bastian and Alexandra Troi Eds. Energy Efficiency Solutions for Historic Buildings, A Handbook. 2015, Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, Basel. Keoma Ambrogio, Marco Zuppiroli, Energia e restauro, Il miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica in sistemi aggregati di edilizia pre-industriale tra istanze conservative e prestazionali, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2013 Chiara Aghemo, Monica Naretto, Rossella Taraglio, Lodovica Valetti, Un approccio metodologico al tema dell’integrazione degli impianti nelle architetture storiche: dall’analisi dell’esistente alle proposte di soluzioni compatibili per l’adeguamento e il riuso, in Atti del XXXV Convegno Internazionale Scienza e beni culturali, Bressanone, 2019, pp. 295-305. Bo E.; Astolfi A.; Pellegrino A.; Pelegrin-Garcia D.; Puglisi G.E.; Shtrepi L.; Rychtarikova M., The modern use of ancient theatres related to acoustic and lighting requirements: Stage design guidelines for the Greek theatre of Syracuse, ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, Elsevier, pp. 10, 2015, Vol. 95, ISSN: 0378-7788, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.12.037 Valetti, L.; Pellegrino, A.; Aghemo, C., Cultural landscape: Towards the design of a nocturnal lightscape, JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, Elsevier Masson SAS, pp. 10, 2019, ISSN: 1296-2074, DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2019.07.023
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
The examination will be marked 'passed' or 'failed' by the teachers of the three disciplines. Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to structure their Master's thesis by submitting an individual written paper in the form of an essay to be presented orally to the committee in which they will illustrate, with respect to a proposed thesis topic, a brief abstract, the state of the art and reference bibliography, the research objectives, the methodological structure, initial hypotheses for in-depth project or research development and the elements of originality and innovation.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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