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Radar and remote sensing


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica (Electronic Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 50
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 12
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Pirinoli Paola Professore Ordinario IINF-02/A 20 10 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/02 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria elettronica
The word RADAR is an abbreviation for RAdio Detection And Ranging. In general, radar systems use modulated waveforms and directive antennas to transmit electromagnetic energy into a specific volume in space to search for targets or to remote sensing. Targets reflect portions of this energy (echoes) back to the radar. This course is a comprehensive and detailed description and presentation about radar systems analysis and design that can provide the students with hands-on-like experience. The course concentrates on radar fundamentals, principles, and mathematical derivations. It also provides the student with a comprehensive set of tools that can be used for radar analysis and/or radar system design. This course serves as a valuable resource to students in analyzing and understanding the many issues associated with radar systems analysis and design and remote sensing. The course is taught in English.
The word RADAR is an abbreviation for RAdio Detection And Ranging. In general, radar systems use modulated waveforms and directive antennas to transmit electromagnetic energy into a specific volume in space to search for targets or to remote sensing. Targets reflect portions of this energy (echoes) back to the radar. This course is a comprehensive and detailed description and presentation about radar systems analysis and design that can provide the students with hands-on-like experience. The course concentrates on radar fundamentals, principles, and mathematical derivations. It also provides the student with a comprehensive set of tools that can be used for radar analysis and/or radar system design. This course serves as a valuable resource to students in analyzing and understanding the many issues associated with radar systems analysis and design and remote sensing. The course is taught in English.
The most common concepts used in radar systems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequency, and coherency are described. The radar range equation, Radar Cross Section (RCS) and radar losses are addressed. RCS formulas for many simple objects as well as complex object RCS are presented. Continuous Wave (CW) radars and pulsed radars are discussed. Resolving range and Doppler ambiguities is also discussed in detail. A review of radar waveforms, including CW, pulsed, Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM), High Range Resolution (HRR) waveforms and stepped frequency waveforms are analyzed. The concept of the matched filter and the radar ambiguity function are introduced. Pulse compression and binary phase codes and frequency codes are discussed. The phenomenology of radar wave propagation including topics like multipath, refraction, diffraction, divergence, and atmospheric attenuation is addressed. The concepts of clutter and Moving Target Indicator (MTI) are also addressed. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and remote sensing are the subjects of the last part of the course. According to the course evolution we present an overview of radar signal processing. Moreover, the course illustrates the principles of operation, and provides the design criteria for the main microwave passive components used in radar systems. Finally, the course provides an introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, with particular emphasis on signal integrity and radiated interferences. Software simulations and realistic application examples are presented and discussed all along the course.
The most common concepts used in radar systems, such as range, range resolution, Doppler frequency, and coherency are described. The radar range equation, Radar Cross Section (RCS) and radar losses are addressed. RCS formulas for many simple objects as well as complex object RCS are presented. Continuous Wave (CW) radars and pulsed radars are discussed. Resolving range and Doppler ambiguities is also discussed in detail. A review of radar waveforms, including CW, pulsed, Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM), High Range Resolution (HRR) waveforms and stepped frequency waveforms are analyzed. The concept of the matched filter and the radar ambiguity function are introduced. Pulse compression and binary phase codes and frequency codes are discussed. The phenomenology of radar wave propagation including topics like multipath, refraction, diffraction, divergence, and atmospheric attenuation is addressed. The concepts of clutter and Moving Target Indicator (MTI) are also addressed. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and remote sensing are the subjects of the last part of the course. According to the course evolution we present an overview of radar signal processing. Moreover, the course illustrates the principles of operation, and provides the design criteria for the main microwave passive components used in radar systems. Finally, the course provides an introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, with particular emphasis on signal integrity and radiated interferences. Software simulations and realistic application examples are presented and discussed all along the course.
Basic knowledge from the courses in electromagnetism and signal theory is mandatory. In particular knowledge on the following fields is required: free space propagation and time and frequency signal analysis. Basic knowledge of MATLAB environment is required.
Basic knowledge from the courses in electromagnetism and signal theory is mandatory. In particular knowledge on the following fields is required: free space propagation and time and frequency signal analysis. Basic knowledge of MATLAB environment is required.
Radar fundamentals and applications (0.5 CFU) Radar cross sections (0.5 CFU) Radar waveforms analysis (0.5 CFU) Matched filter and the radar ambiguity function (0.5 CFU) Pulse compression (0.5 CFU) Radar wave propagation (0.5 CFU) Clutter and moving target indicator (0.5 CFU) Synthetic aperture radar and remote sensing (1.5 CFU) Radar signal processing (optional) Microwave components, characterization and design techniques: low-pass and band-pass filters, power dividers, directional couplers (2 CFU) Signal integrity: distortions due to cross-talk (0.5 CFU) Radiated emissions and susceptibility (0.5 CFU)
Radar fundamentals and applications (0.5 CFU) Radar cross sections (0.5 CFU) Radar waveforms analysis (0.5 CFU) Matched filter (0.5 CFU) Pulse compression (0.5 CFU) Radar wave propagation (0.5 CFU) Clutter and moving target indicator (0.5 CFU) Synthetic aperture radar and remote sensing (1 CFU) Radar signal processing (1 CFU) Microwave components, characterization and design techniques: low-pass and band-pass filters, power dividers, directional couplers, antennas (2.5 CFU)
Practical and realistic exercises (exam-like) related to the concepts described during classes are proposed weekly. Such activities are carried out in classroom or LAIB also using MATLAB. Laboratory experiences using real radar system are organized during the course.
The Course includes lectures on the theory, solution to proposed problems, and laboratories. Practical and realistic exercises (exam-like) related to the concepts described during classes are assigned almost weekly, to be held mainly at home (homework). After their handing in, they are solved during the exercise classes. Numerical (using either MATLAB or a dedicated tool) and experimental labs focused on the analysis of real radar systems and assisted by experienced staff are organized during the course.
Course Material is available on the web portal: classes slides, exercises and collection of useful formulas. Skolnik, M., Editor in Chief, Radar Handbook, New York, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Ed., 2008 Levanon, N., Radar Principles, Wiley, New York, 1988 Richards, M., Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005
Course Material is available on the web portal: classes slides, exercises and collection of useful formulas. Skolnik, M., Editor in Chief, Radar Handbook, New York, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Ed., 2008 Levanon, N., Radar Principles, Wiley, New York, 1988 Richards, M., Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005
Modalitą di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa;
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
... The exam consists of a written test including 3 exercises (similar to those proposed during the course) to be solved in 2 hours. During the exam it is strictly avoided to have developed exercises, notes or textbooks. The students are expected to assess the learning outcomes through the solution of exercises on the course subjects. The exercises are evaluated both in terms of the solution method and in terms of calculated results. To improve the obtained score from the written test it is possible to hold an oral test (2 questions) that can increase or decrease the written test score. The questions are directed to verify the theoretical and practical understing of the course subjects.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilitą o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unitą Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione pił idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
The standard exam consists of a written test including 3 exercises (similar to those proposed during the course) to be solved in 2 hours. During the exam it is strictly avoided to have developed exercises, notes or textbooks. The students are expected to assess the learning outcomes through the solution of exercises on the course subjects. The exercises are evaluated both in terms of the solution method and in terms of calculated results. The results of the written test are posted on the course website. Students have the possibility to see their written exam and to discuss it, in a predefined day. The maximum grade achievable with the written exam is 27/30. It is possible to improve the final grade up to 30/30 cum laude with the following activities, that are not mutually exclusive. - An oral test (2 questions), mostly aimed to verify the theoretical and practical understing of the course subjects; it could increase or decrease the final score with respect to that of the written test. - The submission of the assigned exercises (homework); their aim is to help the students to deal with the different subject matters immediately after their explanation, to have the possibility of asking clarifications without waiting for the end of the course.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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