Elenco notifiche

Radiating electromagnetic systems


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica (Electronic Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 49
Esercitazioni in aula 17
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 14
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Matekovits Ladislau   Professore Associato IINF-02/A 49 17 20 0 11

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/02 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria elettronica
The course is taught in English. All wireless systems are based on the radiation and/or reception of electromagnetic waves. The success of wireless connections (cellular networks, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc.) relies on the fact that electromagnetic fields are pervasive; in turn, this also poses a threat to proper operation of all electronic systems, and motivates the need to understand, control and/or mitigate electromagnetic interference, which is a key topic of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This course addresses engineering of electromagnetic field radiation in relevant applications in electronics and communications. This includes intentional radiation and reception of waves, as in antenna theory and design, as well as unwanted radiation and reception of fields (i.e., interference), that is, EMC. Knowledge of antennas is a key competence in communication system design; understanding the limitations imposed by electromagnetic interference is a necessary competence not only in communication systems, but also for any electronic hardware, all the way down to modern integrated circuits design.
The course is taught in English. All wireless systems are based on the radiation and/or reception of electromagnetic waves. The success of wireless connections (cellular networks, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc.) relies on the fact that electromagnetic fields are pervasive; in turn, this also poses a threat to proper operation of all electronic systems, and motivates the need to understand, control and/or mitigate electromagnetic interference, which is a key topic of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This course addresses engineering of electromagnetic field radiation in relevant applications in electronics and communications. This includes intentional radiation and reception of waves, as in antenna theory and design, as well as unwanted radiation and reception of fields (i.e., interference), that is, EMC. Knowledge of antennas is a key competence in communication system design; understanding the limitations imposed by electromagnetic interference is a necessary competence not only in communication systems, but also for any electronic hardware, all the way down to modern integrated circuits design.
Knowledge of methods to assess wanted and unwanted radiation of electromagnetic fields. Knowledge of the main classes of antennas currently in use in relevant wireless systems. Knowledge of basics of radiated susceptibility (EMC). Knowledge and ability to understand regulations and recommendations for exposure to (non-ionizing) electromagnetic radiation. Ability to understand the requirements of antennas in relevant wireless systems. Ability to carry out basic design of some relevant antenna types. Ability to assess EMC issues for some relevant classes of configurations.
Knowledge of methods to assess wanted and unwanted radiation of electromagnetic fields. Knowledge of the main classes of antennas currently in use in relevant wireless systems. Knowledge of basics of radiated susceptibility (EMC). Knowledge and ability to understand regulations and recommendations for exposure to (non-ionizing) electromagnetic radiation. Ability to understand the requirements of antennas in relevant wireless systems. Ability to carry out basic design of some relevant antenna types. Ability to assess EMC issues for some relevant classes of configurations.
Basics of Radiation of EM fields; Basics of Antennas (definition of fundamental parameters); Basics of Link budget; Transmission lines (capacity to solve standard problems).
Basics of Radiation of EM fields; Basics of Antennas (definition of fundamental parameters); Basics of Link budget; Transmission lines (capacity to solve standard problems).
Review of radiation of electromagnetic fields (intentional and non-intentional sources); reciprocity and reception/interference (1 CFU); Review of antenna fundamentals, antenna and/or sensors requirements in relevant systems and EMC tests (0,8 CFU); Wire and broadband antennas: biconical antenna, dipoles, Yagi-Uda, loop, log-periodic (1 CFU); Symmetry and balancing; common/differential mode radiation and susceptibility (0,8 CFU); Aperture-type antennas: Horns, Slots, Printed antennas (microstrip), Reflectors (1,8 CFU); Arrays, beam-forming and signal-combining/splitting networks (1,6 CFU); Overview of regulations for EMC, and regulations and recommendation for exposure to electromagnetic fields (0,6 CFU);
Review of radiation of electromagnetic fields (intentional and non-intentional sources); reciprocity and reception/interference (1 CFU); Review of antenna fundamentals, antenna and/or sensors requirements in relevant systems and EMC tests (0,8 CFU); Wire and broadband antennas: biconical antenna, dipoles, Yagi-Uda, loop, log-periodic (1 CFU); Symmetry and balancing; common/differential mode radiation and susceptibility (0,8 CFU); Aperture-type antennas: Horns, Slots, Printed antennas (microstrip), Reflectors (1,8 CFU); Arrays, beam-forming and signal-combining/splitting networks (1,6 CFU); Overview of regulations for EMC, and regulations and recommendation for exposure to electromagnetic fields (0,6 CFU);
Presentation of the theoretical part. All demonstrations are carried out at the black-board. Slides are only used when necessary to report graphs. A key component of the learning activity are problem-solving classes and home assignments, so groups of exercises will be assigned to be solved at home and deliver at given dates, usually after one week the assignments have been proposed. Due date (corresponding to a class) are explicitly mentioned on the assignments, that are uploaded by the course website from time to time. Students are asked to handle in the solutions individually. No typeset reports are required (handwriting is ok). Solutions can be handled in before/on the due date personally (at the beginning of the class) or upload a scanned copy on the course website or by email to the lecturer-in-charge. During the seminars, these exercises will be solved and discussed in detail. Moreover, there are about 20 hours of laboratory activity when dedicated software will be used to design and analyze specific antennas. Measurement laboratory sessions are planned for about 4h. lab groups are of 5-6 students. For each lab. a single report (max. 3 pages) for each group is required to be delivered with the same procedure as described above. Evaluation is based on the clarity of the aim, description of the setup (photo of it can be inserted), measured data and comments on the results.
Presentation of the theoretical part. All demonstrations are carried out at the black-board. Slides are only used when necessary to report graphs. A key component of the learning activity are problem-solving classes and home assignments, so groups of exercises will be assigned to be solved at home and deliver at given dates, usually after one week the assignments have been proposed. Due date (corresponding to a class) are explicitly mentioned on the assignments, that are uploaded by the course website from time to time. Students are asked to handle in the solutions individually. No typeset reports are required (handwriting is ok). Solutions can be handled in before/on the due date personally (at the beginning of the class) or upload a scanned copy on the course website or by email to the lecturer-in-charge. During the seminars, these exercises will be solved and discussed in detail. Moreover, there are about 20 hours of laboratory activity when dedicated software will be used to design and analyze specific antennas. Measurement laboratory sessions are planned for about 4h. Lab groups are of 5-6 students. For each lab. a single report (max. 3 pages) for each group is required to be delivered with the same procedure as described above. Evaluation is based on the clarity of the aim, description of the setup (photo of it can be inserted), measured data and comments on the results.
The learning will be supported by handouts made available by the instructor. A bibliography of useful reference textbooks (not necessary for course activity, only to probe further) will be also made available on the web portal. Some example text-books are reported below: R. E. Collin, “Foundations for microwave engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1992. D. M. Pozar, “Microwave engineering”, Addison Wesley, 1990. C. R. Paul, "Electromagnetics for engineers", Wiley, 2004. S. Ramo, J. Whinnery and Th. Van Duzer, "Fields and waves in communication electronics", Third edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1994. P. H. Young, Electronic communication Techniques, Prentice Hall, 1991. J.D. Kraus, Antennas,. etc.
The learning will be supported by handouts made available by the instructor. Typset version (in draft/beta-version form) is also available. A bibliography of useful reference textbooks (not necessary for course activity, only to probe further) will be also made available on the web portal. Some example text-books are reported below: R. E. Collin, “Foundations for microwave engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1992. D. M. Pozar, “Microwave engineering”, Addison Wesley, 1990. C. R. Paul, "Electromagnetics for engineers", Wiley, 2004. S. Ramo, J. Whinnery and Th. Van Duzer, "Fields and waves in communication electronics", Third edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1994. P. H. Young, Electronic communication Techniques, Prentice Hall, 1991. J.D. Kraus, Antennas,. etc.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato scritto individuale;
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Individual essay;
... A) The final mark consists of three parts: A.1) written problem-solving test: maximum mark 27/30; Duration: 2-2.5 hour. Type: open-book; any material (notes,books, etc) apart solved exercises can be used. A.2) Submission of completed assignments grants an additive bonus of max. 1/30. A.3) Submission of the laboratory reports gives an additive bonus of max. 2/30. B) Participate to an optional oral exam, mainly based on the theory, requires a minimum mark of 18/30 obtained for the written part (A.1). During the oral exam (approx. 30 min) students are asked to demonstrate their skills on handling the mathematical part (demonstrations), on discussing physical inside (interpretation of the results), and on designing approach (define the type of solution(s) considering input parameters/constrains). In case of the oral exam the final mark is given by the arithmetic mean (average) between the mark obtained at the oral exam and the mark from the previous item A.1. Bonuses are added after.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Individual essay;
A) The final mark consists of three parts: A.1) written problem-solving test: maximum mark 27/30; Duration: 2-2.5 hour. Type: open-book; any material (notes,books, etc) apart solved exercises can be used. A.2) Submission of completed assignments grants an additive bonus of max. 1/30. A.3) Submission of the laboratory reports gives an additive bonus of max. 2/30. B) Participate to an optional oral exam, mainly based on the theory, requires a minimum mark of 18/30 obtained for the written part (A.1). During the oral exam (approx. 30 min) students are asked to demonstrate their skills on handling the mathematical part (demonstrations), on discussing physical inside (interpretation of the results), and on designing approach (define the type of solution(s) considering input parameters/constrains). In case of the oral exam the final mark is given by the arithmetic mean (average) between the mark obtained at the oral exam and the mark from the previous item A.1. Bonuses are added after.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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