Elenco notifiche

Wind and ocean energy plants


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Energetica E Nucleare - Torino



Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Tutoraggio 39
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Bracco Giovanni   Professore Associato IIND-02/A 25 6 0 0 6

SSD CFU Activities Area context
C - Affini o integrative
C - Affini o integrative
Attività formative affini o integrative
Attività formative affini o integrative
The course presents Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy plants together with Wave and Tidal Energy plants, starting from their operating principles up to the electric connection to the grid. The Goals of the course include: the knowledge of the wind, wave and tidal resource, the methods to correctly design the main plant components, evaluation of the energy production with economic analysis of investment. Since Ocean Energy Plants are a recent technology, also the R&D development path from concept to market will be addressed.
The course presents Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy plants together with Wave and Tidal Energy plants, starting from their operating principles up to the electric connection to the grid. The Goals of the course include: the knowledge of the wind, wave and tidal resource, the methods to correctly design the main plant components, evaluation of the energy production with economic analysis of investment. Since Ocean Energy Plants are a recent technology, also the R&D development path from concept to market will be addressed. The skills acquired during the Course will enhance the capability of the student to effectively work in the roles of "Designer engineer of plants" and "Energy Manager".
Knowledge of the main technologies about the Wind and Ocean Energy generators and plants. Knowledge of the state of the art and perspective in the market of Wind and Ocean Energy Plants. Knowledge of the path and the guidelines to develop an idea from a concept to a full scale demonstrator in the Sea. Ability to calculate productivity, efficiency and the main technoeconomic indexes of a Wind and Ocean power systems. Ability to correctly design and size the main components of the plants given specific requirements.
Knowledge of the main technologies about the Wind and Ocean Energy generators and plants. Knowledge of the state of the art and perspective in the market of Wind and Ocean Energy Plants. Knowledge of the path and the guidelines to develop an idea from a concept to a full scale demonstrator in the Sea. Ability to calculate productivity, efficiency and the main technoeconomic indexes of a Wind and Ocean power systems. Ability to correctly design and size the main components of the plants given specific requirements.
Basic knowledge about Applied Mechanics and Electric Circuit Theory (electrical circuit analysis).
Basic knowledge about Applied Mechanics and Electric Circuit Theory (electrical circuit analysis).
Lectures (about 40 h) Wind energy: Resource characterization, global and local availability. Wind generation, measurement of speed, space and time distribution, gusts. Evaluation of wind potential, Betz theory. Wind turbine: Historical evolution, Horizontal axis and vertical axis layouts. Bladeless wind energy systems. Turbine main components and subsystems. Betz Theory. Blades and turbine aerodynamics characterization, coefficient of lift and coefficient of thrust, stall conditions, basics of aeroelasticity, flutter. Mechanical limitations, static and fatigue loads. Mathematical modeling and experiments. Generator control, tip speed ratio control, speed and torque limitation, power shedding. Turbine wake, Wind farm layout. Electrical systems: structure and operation of synchronous and induction (asynchronous) machines, equivalent circuit and integration in the variable speed drives by power electronics, a solution for variable speed wind turbines: the doubly-fed induction generator. Ideal calculation of energy production for a single wind turbine by the manufacturer power curve, issues affecting the real energy production: wake and park effects, failure rate and reliability, deviations from the manufacturer power curve, power losses consequent to grid connection and curtailment. Offshore Wind Energy: global energy potential, state of the art and perspectives of the market. Bottom fixed wind farms, architecture and components. Deployment, service and decommissioning. Floating wind energy systems, floaters architectures (spar, semisubmersible and tension leg platforms), mooring layout and electric connection. Ocean Energy: Mechanics of waves, Airy’s linear wave theory, dispersion relationship, deep-intermediate-shallow water theory, wave power density. Wave Resource characterization, surface elevation time series and frequency spectrum. Most common wave spectra (Bretschneider, Pierson-Moskovits, Jonswap), directionality, groupiness. Wave buoys, wave gauges, satellite measurement of waves. Global wave atlas. Basic of hydrodynamics, ship stability and Cummins equation. Wave Energy Converter (WEC) working principle, technology classification. Power Take Off (PTO) electric and hydraulic systems, PTO control techniques. Wave farm layout, hydrodynamic interaction. Evaluation of WEC/wave farm power output, economical feasibility, LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy). Focus on most relevant technologies, case study on ISWEC (inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter). WEC development path, TRL scale, guidelines and procedures. State of the art of R&D activities on Wave Energy, market status and future developments. Tidal Energy: Mechanics of tides, resource characterization, tidal range and tidal streams resource. Tidal Energy Converters (TEC), layout and principle of working. Focus on state of the art plants and technologies, deployment and maintenance. Energy output definition and cost of energy. Osmotic power (salinity gradient) and OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion): basic principles, potential, current R&D activities, perspectives. Ocean Energy multisource generations, synergies and energy storage implications. Basics of environmental impact analysis and LCA of Wind and Ocean Energy plants. Basics of Ocean Economy and Processes, Aquaculture, Microplastic debris.
Wind energy: Resource characterization, global and local availability. Wind generation, measurement of speed, space and time distribution, gusts. Evaluation of wind potential, Betz theory. Wind turbine: Historical evolution, Horizontal axis and vertical axis layouts. Bladeless wind energy systems. Turbine main components and subsystems. Betz Theory. Blades and turbine aerodynamics characterization, coefficient of lift and coefficient of thrust, stall conditions, basics of aeroelasticity, flutter. Mechanical limitations, static and fatigue loads. Mathematical modeling and experiments. Generator control, tip speed ratio control, speed and torque limitation, power shedding. Turbine wake, Wind farm layout. Electrical systems: structure and operation of synchronous and induction (asynchronous) machines, equivalent circuit and integration in the variable speed drives by power electronics, a solution for variable speed wind turbines: the doubly-fed induction generator. Ideal calculation of energy production for a single wind turbine by the manufacturer power curve, issues affecting the real energy production: wake and park effects, failure rate and reliability, deviations from the manufacturer power curve, power losses consequent to grid connection and curtailment. Offshore Wind Energy: global energy potential, state of the art and perspectives of the market. Bottom fixed wind farms, architecture and components. Deployment, service and decommissioning. Floating wind energy systems, floaters architectures (spar, semisubmersible and tension leg platforms), mooring layout and electric connection. Ocean Energy: Mechanics of waves, Airy’s linear wave theory, dispersion relationship, deep-intermediate-shallow water theory, wave power density. Wave Resource characterization, surface elevation time series and frequency spectrum. Most common wave spectra (Bretschneider, Pierson-Moskovits, Jonswap), directionality, groupiness. Wave buoys, wave gauges, satellite measurement of waves. Global wave atlas. Basic of hydrodynamics, ship stability and Cummins equation. Wave Energy Converter (WEC) working principle, technology classification. Power Take Off (PTO) electric and hydraulic systems, PTO control techniques. Wave farm layout, hydrodynamic interaction. Evaluation of WEC/wave farm power output, economical feasibility, LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy). Focus on most relevant technologies, case study on ISWEC (inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter). WEC development path, TRL scale, guidelines and procedures. State of the art of R&D activities on Wave Energy, market status and future developments. Tidal Energy: Mechanics of tides, resource characterization, tidal range and tidal streams resource. Tidal Energy Converters (TEC), layout and principle of working. Focus on state of the art plants and technologies, deployment and maintenance. Energy output definition and cost of energy. Osmotic power (salinity gradient) and OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion): basic principles, potential, current R&D activities, perspectives. Ocean Energy multisource generations, synergies and energy storage implications. Basics of environmental impact analysis and LCA of Wind and Ocean Energy plants. Basics of Ocean Economy and Processes, Aquaculture, Microplastic debris.
The course is organized with 34.5 h of lectures (topics above), 15 h of exercises and laboratories and 10.5 h of collaborative project. The exercises will regard: 1. Basics of Signal Processing, Fourier Transform, Matlab implementation 2. Elaboration of Wave and Wind data from free databases, evaluation of resource potential, extreme events. 3. Simulation of a Wind Turbine and farm, assessment of power production and farm layout. 4. Simulation of a Wave Energy Converter, PTO and control 5. Electric side simulation: Usage of equivalent circuits for synchronous and induction machines to calculate powers and efficiencies, simulation of power profiles injected into the grid and energy balances, calculation of power losses inside distribution transformers and lines.
The course is organized with 34.5 h of lectures (topics above), 15 h of exercises and laboratories and 10.5 h of collaborative project. The exercises regard: 1. Basics of Signal Processing, Fourier Transform, Matlab implementation 2. Elaboration of Wave and Wind data from free databases, evaluation of resource potential, extreme events. 3. Simulation of a Wind Turbine and farm, assessment of power production and farm layout. 4. Simulation of a Wave Energy Converter, PTO and control 5. Electric side simulation: Usage of equivalent circuits for synchronous and induction machines to calculate powers and efficiencies, simulation of power profiles injected into the grid and energy balances, calculation of power losses inside distribution transformers and lines.
Teaching documents (handouts and slides of the lectures) on the POLITO portal of the course. Free open textbooks:  J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers, Wind Energy Explained – Theory, Design and Application, Second Edition, Wiley, 2009. http://ee.tlu.edu.vn/Portals/0/2018/NLG/Sach_Tieng_Anh.pdf  Martin O. L. Hansen, Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, Second Edition, EarthScan, 2008. https://www.academia.edu/794883/Aerodynamics_of_Wind_Turbines  Matt Folley, Numerical Modelling of Wave Energy Converters - State-of-the-Art Techniques for Single Devices and Arrays, Elsevier (Accessible from Polito network), 2016. https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128032107/numerical-modelling-of-wave-energy-converters  Arthur Pecher, Jens Peter Kofoed, Handbook of Ocean Wave Energy, SpringerOpen, 2017. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-39889-1
Teaching documents (handouts and slides of the lectures) on the POLITO portal of the course. Free open textbooks: - J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers, Wind Energy Explained – Theory, Design and Application, Second Edition, Wiley, 2009. http://ee.tlu.edu.vn/Portals/0/2018/NLG/Sach_Tieng_Anh.pdf - Martin O. L. Hansen, Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, Second Edition, EarthScan, 2008. https://www.academia.edu/794883/Aerodynamics_of_Wind_Turbines - Matt Folley, Numerical Modelling of Wave Energy Converters - State-of-the-Art Techniques for Single Devices and Arrays, Elsevier (Accessible from Polito network), 2016. https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128032107/numerical-modelling-of-wave-energy-converters - Arthur Pecher, Jens Peter Kofoed, Handbook of Ocean Wave Energy, SpringerOpen, 2017. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-39889-1
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Group project;
... Written exam (2h duration, 28 points) + Report on collaborative project (mandatory, 4 points) Total mark 32 (a grade >30 corresponds to 30 cum laude). The written exam is passed if a score higher than 60% (17 points) is achieved. The written exam is composed both of theory questions and numerical exercises. During the written exam it is possible to use a pocket electronic calculator, but it is not permitted to use handouts, books or notes. The exam assesses the knowledge of the course topics and the achievement of the expected learning outcomes by answering theoretical questions and solving problems related to the program.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Group project;
Written exam (100 min duration, 24 points) + Report on collaborative project (mandatory, to be submitted before the written exam, 8 points) Total mark 32 (a grade >=31 corresponds to 30 cum laude). The exam is passed if the total score higher than 18 points. The written exam is composed both of theory questions and numerical exercises. During the written exam it is possible to use a pocket electronic calculator, but it is not permitted to use handouts, books or notes. The teacher may provide a Formulary integrated in the Exam and shared prior to the students. The exam assesses the knowledge of the course topics and the achievement of the expected learning outcomes by answering theoretical questions and solving problems related to the program. The project part aims to evaluate the teamworking skills together with the ability to analyze state of the art topics. Excercises and tutorial evaluate the ability to solve simplified practical problems.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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