The course focus on the theoretical background of geophysical methods applied to civil and environmental engineering and in study of snow/glacier and permafrost in alpine areas. The course aims to illustrate the data acquisition and interpretation methods of the geophysical parameters.
The course focuses on the theoretical background of geophysical methods applied to civil and environmental engineering and in study of snow/glacier and permafrost in alpine areas. The course aims to illustrate the data acquisition and interpretation methods of the applied geophysics.
The student will achieve competences in the context of applications of conventional geophysical surveys to different engineering fields. He/She must demonstrate its ability to plan geophysical surveys in multiple geological and morphological environment, to interpret the results of surveys and to understand the meaning of the geophysical parameters. He/She will also acquire skills in the evaluation of the relationships between geophysical and geotechnical/hydrogeological parameters of soils and rocks. Students will acquire skills on the suitability of geophysical methods to characterise permafrost and glaciers.
Students will achieve competences on applications of conventional geophysical methods to different engineering fields. Student will acquire ability to plan geophysical surveys in different geological and morphological environments, to interpret the results of geophysical surveys and to understand the meaning of the main geophysical parameters. Students will also acquire skills in the evaluation of the relationships between geophysical and geotechnical/hydrogeological parameters of soils and rocks. Students will acquire competences on the suitability of geophysical methods to characterise permafrost and glaciers.
The basic knowledges refer to the background in geology, hydrogeology and geophysics with reference to the petrophysical properties of the soils and rocks, the meaning of hydrogeological parameters (density, porosity, content, water permeability), geophysical properties of soils and rocks (electrical resistivity, seismic attributes, electromagnetic parameters) and environmental and geotechnical engineering (mechanical parameters). Basic knowledge on signal acquisition and processing is required. Skills in using computer tools (Matlab/Octave) for geophysical data processing are also required.
The basic knowledges refer to the background in geology, hydrogeology and geophysics with reference to the petrophysical properties of the soils and rocks, the meaning of hydrogeological parameters (density, porosity, content, water permeability), geophysical properties of soils and rocks (electrical resistivity, seismic attributes, electromagnetic parameters) and environmental and geotechnical engineering (mechanical parameters). Basic knowledge on signal acquisition and processing is required. Skills in using computer tools (Matlab/Octave) for geophysical data processing are also required.
Seismic Methods: (2 credits)
Wave equation and correlation between mechanical parameters and seismic response; Correlation between petrophysical parameters (porosity, water content) and velocity and attenuation of porous media: Willie model, Biot-Gassman model; In-hole survey methods: downhole, cross-hole and vertical seismic profile (VSP); Seismic tomography in hole and from surface. Methods of surface waves.
Electrical Methods (2 credits)
Correlations between petrophysical parameters and electrical resistivity, and induced polarization effects, induced polarization for contaminated site measurements and mining surveys: electrical tomography of resistivity and polarization from surface and in cross-hole modality; examples for hydrogeological and environmental characterization, application of electrical tomography to characterise permafrost.
Electromagnetic Methods (2 credits)
Methods in frequency and time domain; acquisition mode with low induction Slingram devices; examples for the characterization of contaminated sites; Time domain methods for hydrogeological characterization. Ground penetrating radar: theory, data acquisition and processing, application in geology and hydrogeology, application in permafrost and glaciers.
Laboratory works: processing of seismic data for mapping geomechnical properties of soil and rocks; processing of electrical tomographic data in hydrogeological applications; processing of electromagnetic and georadar data for permafrost and glacier investigation.
Seismic Methods: (2 credits)
Wave equation and correlation between mechanical parameters and seismic response; Correlation between petrophysical parameters (porosity, water content) and velocity and attenuation of porous media: Willie model, Biot-Gassman model; In-hole survey methods: downhole, cross-hole and vertical seismic profile (VSP); Seismic tomography in hole and from surface. Methods of surface waves.
Electrical Methods (2 credits)
Correlations between petrophysical parameters and electrical resistivity, and induced polarization effects, induced polarization for contaminated site measurements and mining surveys: electrical tomography of resistivity and polarization from surface and in cross-hole modality; examples for hydrogeological and environmental characterization, application of electrical tomography to characterise permafrost.
Electromagnetic Methods (2 credits)
Methods in frequency and time domain; acquisition mode with low induction Slingram devices; examples for the characterization of contaminated sites; Time domain methods for hydrogeological characterization. Ground penetrating radar: theory, data acquisition and processing, application in geology and hydrogeology, application in permafrost and glaciers.
Laboratory works: processing of seismic data for mapping geomechnical properties of soil and rocks; processing of electrical tomographic data in hydrogeological applications; processing of electromagnetic and georadar data for permafrost and glacier investigation.
Lessons are intended to provide the principles of acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data (about 40 hours). Field tutorials will enable students to learn practical-operational data acquisition methods; the laboratory exercises are aimed at deepening the aspects of data processing and interpretation of geophysical surveys.
Laboratory Exercises provide for independent work by the student in the Computer Laboratories at the University.
Lectures are intended to provide the principles of acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data (about 40 hours). Field tutorials will enable students to learn practical-operational data acquisition methods; the laboratory exercises are aimed at deepening the aspects of data processing and interpretation of geophysical surveys.
Laboratory Exercises provide for independent work by the student in the Computer Laboratories at the University.
The textbook is: J.M. Reynolds, 1997. An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Wiley Ed., 796 pp.
The teacher provides through the portal the material discussed during the lessons, hints for the classroom works and laboratory exercises. Technical documentation and scientific articles are suggested for theoretical insights and made available on-line.
The suggested textbook are:
Reynolds J.M. (1997). An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Wiley Ed., 796 pp.
Burger H. R. , Sheehan A. F. , Jone C. H. (2006). Introduction to Applied Geophysics: Exploring The Shallow Subsurface.
Telford, W., Geldart, L., and Sheriff, R. (1990). Applied Geophysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The teacher provides through the portal the material discussed during lectures, hints for the classroom works and laboratory exercises. Technical documentation and scientific articles are suggested for theoretical insights and made available on-line.
Modalitą di esame: Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Exam: Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
The exam consists of an oral test aimed at assessing the theoretical skills and the ability to integrate the results of geophysical surveys into different application contexts. The exam is organized with a question about theoretical aspects and one question about planning and carrying out surveys and interpretation of results. The discussion of the laboratory activities is also part of the exam.
The final evaluation is based on the clarity of exposition (5 points), technical skills (5 points), capability to relate the different aspects of the subject (10 points), degree of competence achieved (10 points).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilitą o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unitą Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione pił idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
The exam will consist in an individual written divided in three parts:
1) processing of geophysical data according to the tools and the platform introduced during the course (Matlab/Octave);
2) planning a geophysical survey on some specific issue (mining, climate change, environmental);
3) exercises on the relationships between geophysical and engineering properties and/or theoretical questions
The main goal is to evaluate the capability of students in planning and design geophysical survey, to interpret the data sets and in understanding the theoretical aspects of the applied geophysics.
The exam will last 60 minutes; students will be allowed to consult only the form made available by the teacher for exams.
The final evaluation is based on the clarity of exposition (5 points), technical skills (5 points), capability to relate the different aspects of the subject (10 points), degree of competence achieved (10 points).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.