The design of a vehicle body and interiors is a complex multi-disciplinary task in the design and development of a vehicle. The engineers involved in the process must insure adequate level of passenger comfort and safety as well as to be compatible with other functions such as hosting the powertrain (conventional, hybrid, and electric), the chassis components, and being safe in case of accident.
Course’s purpose is to give a solid platform of requisite knowledge and skills in body and cockpit design. It will provide notions relating to design specific methodology and materials, according to production technologies of body and cockpit components: graphical representation systems, body, movable parts such as locks, hinges, windows; notions of biomechanics from passive safety tests, restraint systems, dashboard, interior trims, seats, conditioning systems, bumpers, grilles, moldings, spoilers, sill covers, seals, glasses and mirrors, wipers, lights. Furthermore, design and assembling problems will be analysed.
The design of a vehicle body and interiors is a complex multi-disciplinary task in the design and development of a vehicle. The engineers involved in the process must insure adequate level of passenger comfort and safety as well as to be compatible with other functions such as hosting the powertrain (conventional, hybrid, and electric), the chassis components, and being safe in case of accident.
Course’s purpose is to give a solid platform of requisite knowledge and skills in body and cockpit design. It will provide notions relating to design specific methodology and materials, according to production technologies of body and cockpit: body configurations and functions, body in white, movable parts; notions of biomechanics from passive safety tests, restraint systems, dashboard, interior trims, seats, conditioning systems, bumpers,. Furthermore, design and assembling problems will be analysed.
The student must acquire knowledge concerning setting criteria and design; notions relating to technologies and body/cockpit components configurations and design, with a special attention to comfort, safety and economics. Furthermore, the student will be able to know and critically recognise main architectural solutions and conditioning fundamentals, applied to automotive design, and design based on bio-mechanical criteria coming from passive safety tests and rating.
The student must acquire knowledge concerning setting criteria and design; notions relating to technologies and body/cockpit configurations and design, with a special attention to comfort, safety and economics. Furthermore, the student will be able to know and critically recognise main architectural solutions and conditioning fundamentals, applied to automotive design, and design based on bio-mechanical criteria coming from passive safety tests and rating.
Notions of Car Body Design and structural analysis (from Numerical Modelling and Simulation) are requested.
Notions of Car Body Design and structural analysis (Fundamental of machine design, Numerical Modelling and Simulation) are requested.
- Historical evolution of car body
- Definition of body, body in white, chassis
2. BODY:
- configurations
- assembly
- functions: structural, safety, aerodynamics, insulation, visibility, reliability
- body in white breakdown
- BEV platforms
- materials for body in white
- assembly technologies
- Dashboard modules: functions and types, design solutions, assembly technologies and main components.
- Door panels, pillar coatings, parcel shelves and car roof coatings: functions, main manufacturing technologies and materials, design solutions.
- Front and rear seats: functions, main components analysis, manufacturing technologies and materials. Design solutions of the whole seat and its components. Mentions about baby transport.
- Door type classification, design.
- Static and dynamic rigidity, Resistance to permanent deformations, Impact resistance
- Technologies
- Hinges and block devices, Door lacks, Door brakes
- Door modules
- Delivery testing
- Sliding doors
- Trunk lid, liftgate, tailgate
- Technologies
- Twin rear doors
- Engine hood cover
- Mission of weather strip,
- Body joints finishing, Door weather strip,
- Aging resistance, Acoustical insulation, Air and gas infiltration, Water seal, Powder and snow seal
- Innovations
- Fracture lines and surfaces
- Windshield
- Door glasses
- Rear window
- Wiper components
- Rear wiper components
- Technical specifications and tests
- Light sources
- Alternative technical solutions for lights
- Tests
- Bumpers: evolution, functions. Design criteria, manufacturing technology and materials. Types of bumpers. - Grilles, sill covers, mouldings, spoilers: functions, design criteria with manufacturing technologies and materials.
- Historical evolution of car body
- Definition of body, body in white, chassis
2. BODY:
- configurations
- assembly
- functions: structural, safety, aerodynamics, insulation, visibility, reliability
- body in white breakdown
- BEV platforms
- materials for body in white
- assembly technologies
- Dashboard modules: functions and types, design solutions, assembly technologies and main components.
- Door panels, pillar coatings, parcel shelves and car roof coatings: functions, main manufacturing technologies and materials, design solutions.
- Front and rear seats: functions, main components analysis, manufacturing technologies and materials. Design solutions of the whole seat and its components. Mentions about baby transport.
- Door type classification, design
In order to get in touch with course’s purposes, students will visit companies and make a report.
The course is organised in classroom lessons (28 hours), exercise in classroom (16 hours) and exercise in LAIB (16 hours). The classroom exercises will be devoted to analyse study cases related to body and interior. For the body part, the LAIB exercises will deal with the analysis by means of numerical codes of the main structural parameters of a vehicle body. Two technical reports are requested regarding the practice activities. For the interiors design a team project is requested:
• In the technical reports the students have to show the procedures followed to perform the activities and to get the results indicated on a “Target Page” and in according to the “activity list” present in a shared folder (“Portale della Didattica”, section “Materiale”)
• The results of the activities have to be critically commented and discussed by the students
• The technical report consists in a short technical presentation that has to be made in .pptx format (or similar) and it must be submitted in .pdf format
• The maximum score of the report is 2/30
• The Team Project reports must be submitted within a defined deadline
• The Team Project reports must be submitted with upload operation on the course webpage (“Portale della Didattica”, section “Elaborati”)
• The deadline for the upload of the Team Project reports is mandatory: Team Project reports uploaded after the deadline will not be taken into consideration for any reason
• The deadline for the Team Project reports will be communicated during the lectures and through the webpage of the course (“Portale della Didattica”)
• The deadline is usually fixed two weeks later the finish of the discussion of the main topics for the report in the lectures
• The Team Project reports can be done by teams of students: the teams must have a maximum number of students equal to 6
• A single upload has to be made for each student’s team. On the technical report the members of the student’s team have to be clearly indicated
For the body design:
• In the technical report the students have to show the procedures followed to perform the activities and to get the results
• The results of the activities have to be critically commented and discussed by the students
• The technical report consists in a short technical presentation that has to be made in .pptx format (or similar) and it must be submitted in .pdf format
• The maximum score of each report is 2/30
• The technical reports must be submitted within a defined deadline
• The technical reports must be submitted with upload operation on the course webpage (“Portale della Didattica”, section “Elaborati”)
• The deadline for the upload of the technical reports is mandatory: technical reports uploaded after the deadline will not be taken into consideration for any reason
• The deadline for the technical reports will be communicated during the lectures and through the webpage of the course (“Portale della Didattica”)
• The deadline is usually fixed two weeks later the finish of the discussion of the main topics for the report in the lectures
• The technical reports can be done by teams of students: the teams must have a maximum number of students equal to 3
• A single upload has to be made for each student’s team. On the technical report the members of the student’s team have to be clearly indicated.
Morello L, Rosti Rossini L, Pia G, Tonoli A. The Automotive Body, Volume I and II. London: Springer, 2011
The teaching material needed for preparing the exam is made available on Portale della Didattica. It includes slides, notes, and recorded virtual classrooms.
Further reading to gain a deeper insight can be found in the following books:
Morello L, Rosti Rossini L, Pia G, Tonoli A. The Automotive Body, Volume I and II. London: Springer, 2011
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
The exam consists in an oral test with five/six questions where the different topics of the course are examined first with a global overview and the focusing on some details. The total evaluation takes into consideration the quality of reports prepared during the semester. In particular, the maximum score of the oral exam is 28/30, whereas the final score of the exam is given by the sum between the score of the oral exam plus the score of the technical reports.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
The exam consists in an oral test with five/six questions where the different topics of the course are examined first with a global overview and the focusing on some details. The total evaluation takes into consideration the quality of reports prepared during the semester. In particular, the maximum score of the oral exam is 28/30, whereas the final score of the exam is given by the sum between the score of the oral exam plus the score of the technical reports.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.