Elenco notifiche

Structural Design


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Architettura Costruzione Citta' - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Esercitazioni in aula 40
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Matta Emiliano   Professore Associato CEAR-07/A 20 20 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/09 6 B - Caratterizzanti Analisi e progettazione strutturale dell'architettura
The course aims to examine aspects of Technique of Constructions not covered in the course of the first three years, and to lead students to acquire critical knowledge and operational skills in the conception and design of structures, in its close interaction with the architectural design. Emphasis will be given to steel structures and to design criteria for earthquake resistant buildings.
The course aims to examine aspects of Technique of Constructions not covered in the course of the first three years, and to lead students to acquire critical knowledge and operational skills in the conception and design of structures, in its close interaction with the architectural design. Emphasis will be given to steel structures.
The expected result is the acquisition of knowledge of the structural behavior of buildings of usual type in both static and seismic conditions. With the theoretical methods learned it will be possible to understand structural situations not directly covered in the course but having a similar behavior. As part of the skills, the ability will also be achieved to apply the acquired knowledge in the design of simple steel structures.
The expected result is the acquisition of knowledge of the structural behavior of architectures of usual type. With the theoretical methods learned it will be possible to understand structural situations not directly covered in the course but having a similar behavior. As part of the skills, the ability will also be achieved to apply the acquired knowledge to the design of steel structures.
The prerequisites for attending the course are the knowledge of the issues carried out in the courses of Structures of the Bachelor’s Degree Program. In particular: the equilibrium conditions of statically determinate structures, the diagrams of internal actions in beam systems in the plane, the stresses and strains in solids, the elastic constitutive law, the simple cases of stress in beams, the Euler’s theory of buckling, the deflection of elastic beams under bending, the resolution of statically indeterminate structures, the actions on structures.
The prerequisites for attending the course are the knowledge of the issues carried out in the courses of Structures of the Bachelor’s Degree Program. In particular: the equilibrium conditions of statically determinate structures, the diagrams of internal actions in beam systems in the plane, the stresses and strains in solids, the elastic constitutive law, the simple cases of stress in beams, the Euler’s theory of buckling, the deflection of elastic beams under bending, the resolution of statically indeterminate structures, the actions on structures.
The topics covered will be: 1. Internal actions in beam systems in space (4.5 hours); 2. Structural behaviors not attributable to the theory of elasticity: elements of plastic analysis (4.5 hours); 3. Setting of safety with the semi-probabilistic SL method (4.5 hours); 4. Steel structures for roofs and multi-storey buildings (18 hours); 5. Preparatory exercises to the ex tempore and ex tempore (6 hours); 6. Reinforced concrete structures (9 hours); 7. Elements of structural dynamics and principles of anti-seismic design of buildings (13.5 hours). During the course, a design ex tempore will take place, consisting in the design of a simple steel structure, with the drafting of assembly and detail drawings, the stress calculation and the verification of elements and nodes. This work will be reviewed and discussed during the exam and will be part of the final evaluation.
The topics covered will be: 1. Structural analysis of beam systems in space; 2. Structural behaviors not attributable to the theory of elasticity: elements of plastic analysis; 3. Setting of safety with the semi-probabilistic limit state method; 4. Steel structures for roofs and multi-storey buildings: properties of the material; steel products and their connections; analysis and verification methods for steel members in tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion; buckling; welded and bolted connections; 5. In-itinere exercises consisting in the design of a steel structure.
Teaching will be given mainly through ex cathedra lessons. During the course one or more preparatory exercises to the ex tempore will be performed. If possible, there will be a visit to a significant construction site.
Teaching will be given mainly through ex cathedra lessons. During the course, the student will develop an exercise consisting in the design of a steel structure, with in-itinere supervision by the teachers. If possible, there will be a visit to a significant construction site.
The handouts of the lessons and any other teaching material needed for the exam will be made available through the Teaching web portal. The following texts are suggested for further reading: - P. Pozzati – Teoria e tecnica delle strutture – UTET, Torino. - G. Ballio, F. Mazzolani – Strutture in acciaio – Hoepli, Milano. - N. Scibilia – Progetto di strutture in acciaio – Flaccovio Editore, Palermo. - AA.VV. – Manuale di Ingegneria civile, vol. 1 e 2 - Zanichelli Bologna.
The handouts of the lessons and any other teaching material needed for the exam will be made available through the Teaching web portal. The following texts are suggested for further reading: - Pozzati P., Teoria e Tecnica delle Strutture, UTET, Torino (Italian). - Ballio G., Mazzolani F., Strutture in Acciaio, Hoepli, Milano (Italian). - Ballio G., Mazzolani F., Theory and Design of Steel Structures, Spon Press, 1983 (English). - Nilson A., Darwin D., Dolan C., Design of Concrete Structures, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016 (English). - Chopra A.K., Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering, 2005 (English).
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
... Oral examination on the theoretical bases and discussion of the design exercise developed by the student during the course.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
Oral examination on the theoretical bases and discussion of the design exercise developed by the student during the course.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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