Elenco notifiche

InfraBIM, Design, Construction and Management


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Edile - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Osello Anna Professore Ordinario CEAR-10/A 20 0 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
D - A scelta dello studente
D - A scelta dello studente
D - A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
A scelta dello studente
The aim of the course is to provide students with the methodological approach of digital modeling (BIM) and interoperability, using tools and methods between tradition and innovation for the representation of the survey of the territory and the project of an infrastructure, both above (structures) than under the ground (geotechnics).
The aim of the course is to provide students with the methodological approach of digital modeling (BIM) and interoperability, using tools and methods between tradition and innovation for the representation of the survey of the territory and the project of an infrastructure, both above (structures) than under the ground (geotechnics).
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate: Knowledge and understanding • Having memorized the essential concepts of digital modeling and interoperability between the architectural and structural design with particular attention to geotechnics working on built heritage. • Being able to compare modeling contents, tools and methods for the interpretation of the complexity typical of linear and horizontal infrastructures. Skills and abilities • Master the communication of information typical of advanced modeling. • Being able to work in a team with people of different backgrounds, to achieve a common goal. Judgment and approach • Be able to use a critical thinking to elaborate a mental map for setting up a project idea based on the knowledge of the context in which it is inserted. • Be creative in setting up the technical sheets illustrating the theoretical contents.
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate: Knowledge and understanding • Having memorized the essential concepts of digital modeling and interoperability between the architectural and structural design with particular attention to geotechnics working on built heritage. • Being able to compare modeling contents, tools and methods for the interpretation of the complexity typical of linear and horizontal infrastructures. Skills and abilities • Master the communication of information typical of advanced modeling. • Being able to work in a team with people of different backgrounds, to achieve a common goal. Judgment and approach • Be able to use a critical thinking to elaborate a mental map for setting up a project idea based on the knowledge of the context in which it is inserted. • Be creative in setting up the technical sheets illustrating the theoretical contents.
Knowledge of the basic contents of construction science and technology and geotechnics.
Knowledge of the basic contents of construction science and technology and geotechnics.
The teaching program is divided into three macro topics: BIM-InfraBIM-GIS 1. Introduction to BIM and InfraBIM: contents (1 week) 2. InfraBIM: tools and methods (3 weeks) 3. InfraBIM-GIS integration: from detail to general and vice versa (1 week) InfraBIM models 4. Infrastructure design with BIM: the As-Designed model (2 weeks) 5. Interoperability for geotechnical checks of the context (1 week) 6. Interoperability for the structural calculation of a punctual infrastructure (1 week) 7. Building an infrastructure with BIM: the As-Built model (1 week) 8. Management and maintenance of an infrastructure with BIM: the As-Is model (1 week) 9. Smart InfraBIM: use of sensors for infrastructure monitoring (1 week) Data visualization 10. InfraBIM and VAR: use of virtual and augmented reality for data communication (1 week) 11. Digital Twin of an infrastructure: contents and potentiality (1 week)
The teaching program is divided into three macro topics: BIM-InfraBIM-GIS 1. Introduction to BIM and InfraBIM: contents (1 week) 2. InfraBIM: tools and methods (3 weeks) 3. InfraBIM-GIS integration: from detail to general and vice versa (1 week) InfraBIM models 4. Infrastructure design with BIM: the As-Designed model (2 weeks) 5. Interoperability for geotechnical checks of the context (1 week) 6. Interoperability for the structural calculation of a punctual infrastructure (1 week) 7. Building an infrastructure with BIM: the As-Built model (1 week) 8. Management and maintenance of an infrastructure with BIM: the As-Is model (1 week) 9. Smart InfraBIM: use of sensors for infrastructure monitoring (1 week) Data visualization 10. InfraBIM and VAR: use of virtual and augmented reality for data communication (1 week) 11. Digital Twin of an infrastructure: contents and potentiality (1 week)
The 11 theoretical topics that make up the program are set with weekly modulation and find direct application in the 3 practical exercises which are instead with different cadences and duration: 1. Production of a graphic sheet of a project idea and tools that can be used starting from the knowledge of the context and the reading of the international literature on the subject. Objective: to develop a critical reading ability summarized in essential graphic signs through the preparation of a mind map (BIM-InfraBIM-GIS). Individual work, to be developed during the first four weeks of teaching: 1 sheet in A4 horizontal format. 2. Development of a project of an infrastructure. Objective: to learn how to choose the most suitable tools for design and communication each time, always with particular attention to data interoperability (InfraBIM models). Group work (max. 5 people), to be developed over 7 weeks: production of at least 5 sheets in horizontal A3 format including elements in virtual and / or augmented reality. 3. Public presentation of the project. Team work (max. 5 people), to be developed over the last 2 weeks: production of a maximum of 5 slides in ppt.
The 11 theoretical topics that make up the program are set with weekly modulation and find direct application in the 3 practical exercises which are instead with different cadences and duration: 1. Production of a graphic sheet of a project idea and tools that can be used starting from the knowledge of the context and the reading of the international literature on the subject. Objective: to develop a critical reading ability summarized in essential graphic signs through the preparation of a mind map (BIM-InfraBIM-GIS). Individual work, to be developed during the first four weeks of teaching: 1 sheet in A4 horizontal format. 2. Development of a project of an infrastructure. Objective: to learn how to choose the most suitable tools for design and communication each time, always with particular attention to data interoperability (InfraBIM models). Group work (max. 5 people), to be developed over 7 weeks: production of at least 5 sheets in horizontal A3 format including elements in virtual and / or augmented reality. 3. Public presentation of the project. Team work (max. 5 people), to be developed over the last 2 weeks: production of a maximum of 5 slides in ppt.
DEL GIUDICE MATTEO, (a cura di), Il disegno e l’ingegnere. BIM handbook for building and civil engineering students, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2019. OSELLO ANNA, FONSATI ARIANNA, RAPETTI NICCOLÒ, SEMERARO FRANCESCO, InfraBIM. Il BIM per le infrastrutture, Gangemi editore, Roma, 2019. OSELLO ANNA, Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per ingegneri e architetti, Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2012.
DEL GIUDICE MATTEO, (a cura di), Il disegno e l’ingegnere. BIM handbook for building and civil engineering students, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2019. Šimenić, D. (2021). Building Information Modelling (BIM) For Road Infrastructure: TEM Requirements and Recommendations (No. ECE/TRANS/308). OSELLO ANNA, FONSATI ARIANNA, RAPETTI NICCOLÒ, SEMERARO FRANCESCO, InfraBIM. Il BIM per le infrastrutture, Gangemi editore, Roma, 2019. OSELLO ANNA, Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per ingegneri e architetti, Dario Flaccovio, Palermo, 2012.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Group project;
... The oral exam, starting from the sheets created during the semester, aims to verify the achievement in terms of responsibility and autonomy of the topics covered during the lessons, according to the following evaluation matrix: Sheets: 40%. Oral exam: 60% Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the essential concepts of BIM and Interoperability about built heritage (oral exam, 30 %) Understanding of contents, tools and methods of digital modelling for the design of different typologies of infrastructures (sheets, 20 %) Skills and abilities Competence in communicating information typical of advanced modelling (oral exam, 20 %) Ability to work in a group with people of different backgrounds, to achieve a common goal (sheets, 10 %) Judgment and approach Judge the contents learned using a critical thinking starting from a mental map (oral exam, 10 %) Creatively approaching the setting of the technical sheets illustrating the theoretical contents (sheets, 10 %)
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual graphic design project; Group project;
The oral exam, starting from the sheets created during the semester, aims to verify the achievement in terms of responsibility and autonomy of the topics covered during the lessons, according to the following evaluation matrix: Sheets: 40%. Oral exam: 60% Knowledge and understanding Knowledge of the essential concepts of BIM and Interoperability about built heritage (oral exam, 30 %) Understanding of contents, tools and methods of digital modelling for the design of different typologies of infrastructures (sheets, 20 %) Skills and abilities Competence in communicating information typical of advanced modelling (oral exam, 20 %) Ability to work in a group with people of different backgrounds, to achieve a common goal (sheets, 10 %) Judgment and approach Judge the contents learned using a critical thinking starting from a mental map (oral exam, 10 %) Creatively approaching the setting of the technical sheets illustrating the theoretical contents (sheets, 10 %)
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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