Elenco notifiche

Management and safety of transportation infrastructures


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 45
Esercitazioni in aula 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Bassani Marco Professore Ordinario CEAR-03/A 45 0 0 0 3

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/04 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria civile
The course is both cultural and professional in nature. It aims to provide advanced knowledge for the management of transportation infrastructures (TI, i.e. roads, railways, airports), according to a sequential pathway that starts from the presentation of the topics of infrastructure management, passes through the examination of techniques for the collection and modelling of data useful for management, and arrives at the use of methods and tools also through the analysis of case studies. The topics will be presented referring mainly to cases of existing infrastructures, with some aspects that may also be useful for the design of new infrastructures. The course is delivered in English.
The course is both cultural and professional in nature. It aims to provide advanced knowledge for the management of transportation infrastructures (TI, i.e. roads, railways, airports), according to a sequential pathway that starts from the presentation of the topics of infrastructure management, passes through the examination of techniques for the collection and modelling of data useful for management, and arrives at the use of methods and tools also through the analysis of case studies. The topics will be presented referring mainly to cases of existing infrastructures, with some aspects that may also be useful for the design of new infrastructures. The course is delivered in English.
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to manage TI assets through knowledge of the issues, tools for data collection, and engineering methods in order to preserve value and increase safety performance. Topics are introduced to form autonomy of analysis in each student. They will learn referring to the state of the art in the scientific sector. In the final examinations, the student will be asked to know - the characteristics and performance of the fundamental components of a transport infrastructure, - the reference models and analysis methods required for asset and safety management; - the prescriptions contained in current national and international technical standards. For their judgment skills and ability to relate to other professionals, students must be able to: - compile technical and descriptive TI project documents (drawings and reports), - adopt and motivate design decisions, - coordinate working groups; - communicate and engage with specialists from other civil engineering disciplines (structures, geotechnics, hydraulics, topography), - use the specific terminology of the TI sector appropriately.
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to manage TI assets through knowledge of the issues, tools for data collection, and engineering methods in order to preserve value and increase safety performance. Topics are introduced to form autonomy of analysis in each student. They will learn referring to the state of the art in the scientific sector. In the final examinations, the student will be asked to know - the characteristics and performance of the fundamental components of a transport infrastructure, - the reference models and analysis methods required for asset and safety management; - the prescriptions contained in current national and international technical standards. For their judgment skills and ability to relate to other professionals, students must be able to: - compile technical and descriptive TI project documents (drawings and reports), - adopt and motivate design decisions, - coordinate working groups; - communicate and engage with specialists from other civil engineering disciplines (structures, geotechnics, hydraulics, topography), - use the specific terminology of the TI sector appropriately.
Students are required to have fundamentals of Road, Railways, Airports from the undergraduate study program, and Design of Transportation Infrastructures at the CE graduate study program. An understanding of written and spoken English is also mandatory.
Students are required to have fundamentals of Road, Railways, Airports from the undergraduate study program, and Design of Transportation Infrastructures at the CE graduate study program. An understanding of written and spoken English is also mandatory.
Lectures (39) 1. Course introduction (1.5) - Introduction on transportation asset management: goals and tools. Regulations and policies (European directives, national legislation), main references and good practices. Course organization and rules. 2. Transportation Asset Management (6) - Life-cycle asset management - Fundamentals of descriptive and inference statistics, sample size and data collection methods, basic of financial mathematics - Key Performance Measures, performance monitoring, managing risk, investments, resource allocation - TI needs assessment 3. TI Asset Improvements (4.5) - 3R (resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation) and 4R (reconstruction) project types - Projects for functional, safety and environmental enhancement. Design standard for TI asset improvements - Fundamentals of TI project evaluation 4. Data collection, treatment, and modelling (6) - Inventory of TI asset. Data for: pavement management, maintenance, congestion and level of service, safety analysis. - Performance modelling of TI components - As built formation: regression analysis of road and railway alignment 5. Project cost analysis (6) - Project documents and drawings (cross sections) for cost analysis. Parametric vs. analytic cost analysis based on project stage. Elementary and composite unit costs. Cost list formation. - Parametric estimation of construction costs. Examples for feasibility and preliminary projects. - Analytic estimation of construction costs. Materials and operations. Examples for definitive and final projects. - Final cost computation based on . Economic analysis and decision for TI asset improvements. 6. Active/passive safety systems (4.5) - Active safety systems for roads. Markings and vertical sign and signals. - Passive safety systems for roads. Traffic barriers, crash cushions, arresting beds. - Safety systems for railways and airports. 7. Safety analysis and predictions (9) - Crash definition and safety performance measurements. Contributing (road and human) factors to crash occurrence. General descriptive statistics. EU/IT policies and programs. - Spatial data analysis identification of road crash hot spots (HSL). - Safety performance functions (SPF) for road elements and intersections - Crash modification factors (CMF) for specific safety treatment/countermeasures - Calibration of SPF and CMF from crash data - Surrogate safety measurements: observational and experimental assessment 8. TI safety improvements (6) - Safety management process: screening, diagnosis, countermeasures, economic appraisal, prioritization, safety effectiveness evaluation. - Safety evaluation of road projects and alternatives. - Intersections improvements and VRU protection. - Speed management. Practice (16.5 hrs) H1. Parametric cost analysis of Project Alternatives (3) H2. Analytic cost analysis of a Road Project (1.5) H3. Design of barriers, horizontal markings and vertical sign for a road project (3) H4. Crash prediction with Safety Performance Functions for road segments and intersections (3) H5. Crash prediction for highway alternatives (1.5) H6. Evaluation of safety countermeasures through CMF (3) H7. Evaluation of intersection safety improvements (1.5) Laboratory (4.5 hrs) 1. Statistical analysis driving simulation data in a driver-pedestrian interaction with Surrogate Safety Measures (3) 2. Speed and Lateral Position field data analysis (1.5)
Lectures (39) 1. Course introduction (1.5) - Introduction on transportation asset management: goals and tools. Regulations and policies (European directives, national legislation), main references and good practices. Course organization and rules. 2. Transportation Asset Management (6) - Life-cycle asset management - Fundamentals of descriptive and inference statistics, sample size and data collection methods, basic of financial mathematics - Key Performance Measures, performance monitoring, managing risk, investments, resource allocation - TI needs assessment 3. TI Asset Improvements (4.5) - 3R (resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation) and 4R (reconstruction) project types - Projects for functional, safety and environmental enhancement. Design standard for TI asset improvements - Fundamentals of TI project evaluation 4. Data collection, treatment, and modelling (6) - Inventory of TI asset. Data for: pavement management, maintenance, congestion and level of service, safety analysis. - Performance modelling of TI components - As built formation: regression analysis of road and railway alignment 5. Project cost analysis (6) - Project documents and drawings (cross sections) for cost analysis. Parametric vs. analytic cost analysis based on project stage. Elementary and composite unit costs. Cost list formation. - Parametric estimation of construction costs. Examples for feasibility and preliminary projects. - Analytic estimation of construction costs. Materials and operations. Examples for definitive and final projects. - Final cost computation based on . Economic analysis and decision for TI asset improvements. 6. Active/passive safety systems (4.5) - Active safety systems for roads. Markings and vertical sign and signals. - Passive safety systems for roads. Traffic barriers, crash cushions, arresting beds. - Safety systems for railways and airports. 7. Safety analysis and predictions (9) - Crash definition and safety performance measurements. Contributing (road and human) factors to crash occurrence. General descriptive statistics. EU/IT policies and programs. - Spatial data analysis identification of road crash hot spots (HSL). - Safety performance functions (SPF) for road elements and intersections - Crash modification factors (CMF) for specific safety treatment/countermeasures - Calibration of SPF and CMF from crash data - Surrogate safety measurements: observational and experimental assessment 8. TI safety improvements (6) - Safety management process: screening, diagnosis, countermeasures, economic appraisal, prioritization, safety effectiveness evaluation. - Safety evaluation of road projects and alternatives. - Intersections improvements and VRU protection. - Speed management. Practice (16.5 hrs) H1. Parametric cost analysis of Project Alternatives (3) H2. Analytic cost analysis of a Road Project (1.5) H3. Design of barriers, horizontal markings and vertical sign for a road project (3) H4. Crash prediction with Safety Performance Functions for road segments and intersections (3) H5. Crash prediction for highway alternatives (1.5) H6. Evaluation of safety countermeasures through CMF (3) H7. Evaluation of intersection safety improvements (1.5) Laboratory (4.5 hrs) 1. Statistical analysis driving simulation data in a driver-pedestrian interaction with Surrogate Safety Measures (3) 2. Speed and Lateral Position field data analysis (1.5)
With the sole exception of the introductory part of the course, there is a corresponding number of hours of exercise which serve to help students learn about computational and design methods and tools. Homework is expected to be delivered to the teacher within the week following the end of the course. The electronic copy of the project must be in a pdf format. The delivery must be processed via POLITOApp. Material for the project is provided on the website page of the course. Specific software for the data analysis will be let available on the course webpage. The lecturer and the instructor will provide continuous assistance in the lab and with tutoring meetings. Video projector for slides during lectures and tutorials. No consumables. Lecture notes, handouts of the slides used in class, texts of design themes assigned and technical standards will be made available on the course webpage. Students will receive print credits for the printing of the project.
With the sole exception of the introductory part of the course, there is a corresponding number of hours of exercise which serve to help students learn about computational and design methods and tools. Homework is expected to be delivered to the teacher within the week following the end of the course. The electronic copy of the project must be in a pdf format. The delivery must be processed via POLITOApp. Material for the project is provided on the website page of the course. Specific software for the data analysis will be let available on the course webpage. The lecturer and the instructor will provide continuous assistance in the lab and with tutoring meetings. Video projector for slides during lectures and tutorials. No consumables. Lecture notes, handouts of the slides used in class, texts of design themes assigned and technical standards will be made available on the course webpage. Students will receive print credits for the printing of the project.
Lectures: 39 hrs. Practice and lab: 21 hrs. Organization: groups of 4 members, deadline for project delivery, document to be prepared on electronic format (pdf) only, limited number of pages for individual reports (attachment excluded).
Lectures: 39 hrs. Practice and lab: 21 hrs. Organization: groups of 4 members, deadline for project delivery, document to be prepared on electronic format (pdf) only, limited number of pages for individual reports (attachment excluded).
Suggested readings: AA.VV., Strade. Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Stradali. Vol. I – Progettazione. Pearson ed. Wright, P., Highway Engineering, Ed. Whiley. Profillidis, V.A., Railway Management and Engineering, Ashgate ed. Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F.X., Planning and Design of Airports, McGraw Hill. Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti (2001, 2004, 2006). Norme Tecniche. AASHTO (2010). Highway Safety Manual. The following will be made available on the course webpage: - Teaching material (slides) presented during the lectures, - Exercise texts, - Design manuals, - Technical standards.
Suggested readings: AA.VV., Strade. Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Stradali. Vol. I – Progettazione. Pearson ed. Wright, P., Highway Engineering, Ed. Whiley. Profillidis, V.A., Railway Management and Engineering, Ashgate ed. Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F.X., Planning and Design of Airports, McGraw Hill. Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti (2001, 2004, 2006). Norme Tecniche. AASHTO (2010). Highway Safety Manual. The following will be made available on the course webpage: - Teaching material (slides) presented during the lectures, - Exercise texts, - Design manuals, - Technical standards.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
... An individual oral examination, lasting 45 minutes, will be held via the BBB Virtual Classroom platform or in presence. To be admitted to the oral exam it is necessary to obtain a positive evaluation in the homework (H1-H7). The oral exam consists of at least three questions. The examination has the objective to assess if the student has acquired sufficient autonomy and ability to understand and solve the proposed design problem, in compliance with mandatory and non-mandatory design rules. The final evaluation is based on both the evaluation of the oral (50%) and the homework (50%).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
An individual oral examination, lasting 45 minutes, will be held via the BBB Virtual Classroom platform or in presence. To be admitted to the oral exam it is necessary to obtain a positive evaluation in the homework (H1-H7). The oral exam consists of at least three questions. The examination has the objective to assess if the student has acquired sufficient autonomy and ability to understand and solve the proposed design problem, in compliance with mandatory and non-mandatory design rules. The final evaluation is based on both the evaluation of the oral (50%) and the homework (50%).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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