Elenco notifiche

Information and communication theory


A.A. 2022/23

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Communications Engineering - Torino



Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 60
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Taricco Giorgio Professore Ordinario IINF-03/A 30 0 0 0 8

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/03 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni
The goal of the course is providing a description of the fundamental features and technologies for digital communication systems. During the course, the basic characteristics of the additive Gaussian channel model will be described along with an information theoretical analysis and interpretation of the achievable transmission rate. Basic concepts on information and modulation theory will be illustrated in this framework. An introduction to coding will be provided, covering both block codes and convolutional codes. The key features of error correction and error detection will be studied. The advantages given by coding will be analysed, and applications to most important communication systems will be presented.
The goal of the course is providing the fundamental tools for analyzing and designing standard digital communication systems. During the course, the foundation of Information Theory will be provided as a fundamental tool to understand the limit to the achievable transmission rate on a given physical channel. An introduction to channel coding will be provided, covering both block codes and convolutional codes. The key features of error correction and error detection will be studied. The advantages given by coding will be analyzed, and applications to most important communication systems will be presented. In the second part we will discuss the main digital signal processing blocks in a standard digital baseband receiver, including the auxiliary blocks of channel estimation, channel equalization, timing, carrier, and frame recovery. In the final part we will introduce modern channel coding techniques based on concatenated codes and iterative decoders.
Knowlegde of the signal space representation and of the modulations for the additive Gaussian channel Knowledge of the optimum Bayesian receiver and its performance analysis Knowledge of the performance of standard digital modulations Knowledge of information theoretical metrics Knowledge of channel capacity and Shannon’s capacity formula Knowledge of block encoding techniques. Knowledge of convolutional encoding techniques. Knowledge of basic decoding algorithms for block coding. Knowledge of Viterbi algorithm and its application to convolutional decoding. Knowledge of key parameters dominating coding performance and providing coding gain. Knowledge of interleaving techniques for burst channels. Knowledge of most important application of coding to communication systems. Ability to design an optimum receiver over the AWGN channel Ability to evaluate the performance of digital modulations over the AWGN channel Ability to compare different digital modulations with different spectral efficiencies Ability to evaluate the capacity of some classes of discrete channels Ability to interpret the modulation performance in a Shannon diagram Ability to choose the coding parameters for a given communication system. Ability to evaluate a basic block and convolutional coding scheme. Ability to design a basic block coding scheme and a basic block decoding algorithm. Ability to design a convolutional coding scheme and a Viterbi decoding algorithm. Ability to design an interleaver to counter the effect of burst errors. Ability to understand the key properties of codes used in practical applications.
• Knowledge of the optimum Bayesian receiver and its performance analysis • Knowledge of information theoretical metrics • Knowledge of channel capacity and Shannon’s capacity formula • Ability to evaluate the capacity of some classes of channels • Ability to interpret the modulation performance in a Shannon diagram • Knowledge of fundamental classes of channel codecs, block codes and convolutional codes • Ability to evaluate the performance of codecs over the AWGN channel • Ability to choose the coding parameters for a given communication system. • Ability to design a digital baseband transmitter and receiver, including auxiliary blocks of channel estimation, channel equalization, timing, carrier, and frame recovery. • Knowledge of modern coding techniques, Turbo codes and Low Density Parity Check Codes
Calculus, linear algebra, probability, and signal theory.
Calculus, linear algebra, probability, and signal theory, fundamental in digital transmission (representation of signals, linear modulations and their performance evaluation, Nyquist criterion, optimum receiver based on matched filter).
The course program is divided into two parts: 1. Digital modulations for the AWGN channel and basic concepts from Information Theory (4 credits) (prof. Taricco) • Analytic signal representation • Review of basic probability concepts • Introduction to signal spaces • Linear modulations for the AWGN channel • Digital receiver design • Baseband and pass-band modulations • Signal detection • Error probability • Standard digital modulations • Power density spectrum of linear modulations • Comparison of digital modulations: Shannon diagram • Information theory: entropy and mutual information • Definition of channel codes • Discrete channels • Discrete channel capacity • Continuous input-continuous output channels • Shannon capacity formula 2. Introduction to Channel Coding (4 credits) (prof. Garello) • Block codes o Generating matrix and parity check matrix o Hard and soft decoding o Error detection o Minimum distance, performance evaluation and coding gain o Interleaving for burst channels o Automatic Repeat Request o Communication systems applications • Convolutional codes o Convolutional encoder, trellis representation o Hard and soft decoding: the Viterbi algorithm o Minimum distance, performance evaluation and coding gain o Puncturing o Communication systems applications
The course program is divided into two parts: Information Theory and block codes (3CFU) • Review of probability concepts • Entropy and mutual information • Entropy rate of information sources • Lossless source coding • Shannon Theorem for communication channels • Discrete channel capacity • Differential entropies • Additive noise channel • Shannon capacity formula • Capacity versus outage framework (SISO wireless channel) • Block codes Communication Theory (3 CFU) • Channel estimation (Single Carrier and OFDM) • Adaptive Equalization ML and MMSE (Single Carrier and OFDM) • Carrier, Timing and Frame Synchronization • Convolutional codes • Iterative channel decoders (LDPC, turbo, polar)
Classes alternate lectures and exercises: theoretical topics are developed during the lectures and their knowledge is tested during the exercises. Exercises are proposed to the students and subsequently solved by the lecturer.
Classes alternate lectures and exercises: theoretical topics are developed during the lectures and their knowledge is tested during the exercises. Exercises are proposed to the students and subsequently solved by the lecturer.
1. For the first part, lecture notes handouts are provided to students. The following books represent useful supplementary reading: • S. Benedetto and E. Biglieri, Principles of Digital Transmission: With Wireless Applications. Kluwer. • A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. Cambridge University Press. • U. Madhow, Fundamentals of Digital Communication. Cambridge University Press. • A. Molisch, Wireless Communications. Wiley.
J. Proakis and M. Salehi, Digital Communications (4th Edition). • McGraw-Hill.
T. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition). Prentice-Hall. • D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge University Press. 2. For the second part, • Stephen B. Wicker, Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage, Prentice Hall • David J.C. MacKay, Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press
1. For the first part, lecture notes handouts are provided to students. The following books represent useful supplementary reading: • S. Benedetto and E. Biglieri, Principles of Digital Transmission: With Wireless Applications. Kluwer. • A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. Cambridge University Press. • U. Madhow, Fundamentals of Digital Communication. Cambridge University Press. • A. Molisch, Wireless Communications. Wiley.
J. Proakis and M. Salehi, Digital Communications (4th Edition) McGraw-Hill. • 
T. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition). Prentice-Hall. • D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge University Press. 2. For the second part, • Stephen B. Wicker, Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage, Prentice Hall • David J.C. MacKay, Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula);
Exam: Written test;
... A written exam, where six to eight exercises and/or theoretical questions on the two parts are proposed relevant to the course topics. The assessment will consider the correctness of the answers, the clarity and rigorousness of the development, and how exhaustive is the overall exam about the questions proposed. The questions aim at assessing the knowledge on the topics listed in the course program and the ability to apply the theoretical concepts for the solution of the exercises. Use only A4 white papers without stapling or foldings to simplify the scanning operations. Exam duration: 90 minutes. Books and lecture notes not allowed. Maximum grade: 30 LODE
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test;
A written exam, where six to eight exercises and/or theoretical questions on the two parts are proposed relevant to the course topics. The assessment will consider the correctness of the answers, the clarity and rigorousness of the development, and how exhaustive is the overall exam about the questions proposed. The questions aim at assessing the knowledge on the topics listed in the course program and the ability to apply the theoretical concepts for the solution of the exercises. Use only A4 white papers without stapling or foldings to simplify the scanning operations. Exam duration: 90 minutes. Books and lecture notes not allowed. Maximum grade: 30 LODE
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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