1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering) - Torino 1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica - Torino
The course provides a basic knowledge of the characteristic aspects of electronic systems, presenting the main tools for analyzing their behavior, the implementation choices and the fabrication technologies. In particular, the course addresses the study of some basic modules for Analog Electronics (amplifier stages realized with feedback operational amplifiers and interfacing stages) and introduces the operation principles of semiconductor devices (transistors). In support to experimental activities, the course provides an introduction to measurement uncertainties and error propagation and to the use of fundamental instrumentation tools in an electronic lab. Finally, the course also includes basic concepts of Electronic Measurements, with reference to measurement methods and instrumentation.
The course provides a basic knowledge of the characteristic aspects of electronic systems, presenting the main tools for analyzing their behavior, the implementation choices and the fabrication technologies. In particular, the course addresses the study of some basic modules for Analog Electronics (amplifier stages realized with feedback operational amplifiers and interfacing stages) and introduces the operation principles of semiconductor devices (transistors). In support to experimental activities, the course provides an introduction to measurement uncertainties and error propagation and to the use of fundamental instrumentation tools in an electronic lab. Finally, the course also includes basic concepts of Electronic Measurements, with reference to measurement methods and instrumentation.
• Knowledge of the most common instruments present in a laboratory and ability to properly use the instruments and to evaluate the instrument uncertainty
• Knowledge of the structure of a complex electronic system: building blocks and interfaces
• Knowledge of the elementary amplifier topologies, feedback amplifiers using operational amplifiers
• Knowledge of threshold comparators based on operational amplifiers
• Knowledge of the operation principles and models of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) transistors
• Ability to analyze analog (op-amp based) amplifier circuits: evaluate transfer function and network functions in DC and frequency domain
• Ability to evaluate the bias point and small-signal circuit of active devices
• Ability to carry out elementary electrical characterizations of simple circuits
• Knowledge of the most common instruments present in a laboratory and ability to properly use the instruments and to evaluate the instrument uncertainty
• Knowledge of the structure of a complex electronic system: building blocks and interfaces
• Knowledge of the elementary amplifier topologies, feedback amplifiers using operational amplifiers
• Knowledge of threshold comparators based on operational amplifiers
• Knowledge of the operation principles and models of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) transistors
• Ability to analyze analog (op-amp based) amplifier circuits: evaluate transfer function and network functions in DC and frequency domain
• Ability to evaluate the bias point and small-signal circuit of active devices
• Ability to carry out elementary electrical characterizations of simple circuits
Basics of: mathematical analysis (differential and integral calculus); complex arithmetic; theory of linear electrical networks: time domain and frequency domain analysis; physics (basic electromagnetics, dimensional analysis).
Basics of: mathematical analysis (differential and integral calculus); complex arithmetic; theory of linear electrical networks: time domain and frequency domain analysis; physics (basic electromagnetics, dimensional analysis).
• Electronic measurements and instrumentation (30 h)
Introduction; basics of Safety behavior in Lab; basics of metrology
Direct and indirect measurements; uncertainty evaluation and propagation according to the deterministic model
Basics on the Analog/Digital Conversion process (AD) and the AD Converters most commonly used in measuring instruments; Integrating ADC
Instrumentation: numeric multimeters, alternating voltmeters, digital memory oscilloscopes: basic architecture, operating modes, potentialities and limits
Basics on resistance measurement
Description of laboratory experiments
Practical training in laboratory: digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO); passive filters
uncertainty propagation in microcontroller-based measurement systems
• Electronic Systems (15 h)
Functional block decomposition of complex systems; frequency and time domain representation of signals, analog and digital signals; sensors
Noise as source of error; advantages brought by the use of digital signals
Review on circuit theory: Bode plot and dynamic behavior of circuits in time and frequency domain
Amplifier configurations and main parameters
Operational amplifiers and negative feedback: inverting and non-inverting stages, with reactive elements and several inputs; cascaded stages
Summing and differential amplifier modules
• Real operational amplifiers (9 h)
Open loop amplification, input differential resistance, output resistance
Input currents and input offset voltage
Transcharacteristics and limitations (linearity, safe operating area).
Frequency response
• Threshold comparators: circuits and applications (6 hours)
• Semiconductor devices and elementary amplifier stages based on MOSFETS (20h)
• Electronic measurements and instrumentation (30 h)
Introduction; basics of Safety behavior in Lab; basics of metrology
Direct and indirect measurements; uncertainty evaluation and propagation according to the deterministic model
Basics on the Analog/Digital Conversion process (AD) and the AD Converters most commonly used in measuring instruments; Integrating ADC
Instrumentation: numeric multimeters, alternating voltmeters, digital memory oscilloscopes: basic architecture, operating modes, potentialities and limits
Basics on resistance measurement
Description of laboratory experiments
Practical training in laboratory: digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO); passive filters
uncertainty propagation in microcontroller-based measurement systems
• Electronic Systems (15 h)
Functional block decomposition of complex systems; frequency and time domain representation of signals, analog and digital signals; sensors
Noise as source of error; advantages brought by the use of digital signals
Review on circuit theory: Bode plot and dynamic behavior of circuits in time and frequency domain
Amplifier configurations and main parameters
Operational amplifiers and negative feedback: inverting and non-inverting stages, with reactive elements and several inputs; cascaded stages
Summing and differential amplifier modules
• Real operational amplifiers (9 h)
Open loop amplification, input differential resistance, output resistance
Input currents and input offset voltage
Transcharacteristics and limitations (linearity, safe operating area).
Frequency response
• Threshold comparators: circuits and applications (6 hours)
• Semiconductor devices and elementary amplifier stages based on MOSFETS (20h)
General organization: 62 hours of class work (44h for the electronic part and 18h for the measurement part) including lectures and analytical/numerical practices and 18h of experimental labs. Six numerical/experimental lab sessions (3 hour each) are proposed to practice with electronic laboratory instrumentation (4 experimental lab sessions) and electrical characterization of pre-assembled analog circuits (2 experimental lab sessions). Goal of the labs is to test what is presented in the lectures, highlighting the limits of the models. The organization will be such as to favor team working and allow the students to practice with the preparation of a technical report. Hand calculation exercises will be proposed and solved during classroom lectures.
General organization: 62 hours of class work (44h for the electronic part and 18h for the measurement part) including lectures and analytical/numerical practices and 18h of experimental labs. Six numerical/experimental lab sessions (3 hour each) are proposed to practice with electronic laboratory instrumentation (4 experimental lab sessions) and electrical characterization of pre-assembled analog circuits (2 experimental lab sessions). Goal of the labs is to test what is presented in the lectures, highlighting the limits of the models. The organization will be such as to favor team working and allow the students to practice with the preparation of a technical report. Hand calculation exercises and numerical circuit simulations (with a Pspice based free software) will be proposed and solved during classroom lectures.
Electronic systems and devices:
• Sedra , Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Ed. Oxford University Press
• Donald A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices - Basic Principles, Third Edition, 2003 McGraw-Hill
• Teacher notes and examples of worked problems available on the course website
• Beginner’s Guide to Measurement in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (freely available at: http://www.npl.co.uk/upload/pdf/beginners-guide-to-measurement-in-electronic-and-electrical-engineering.pdf, last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• The measurement Instrumentation and sensor handbook (freely available at http://www.kelm.ftn.uns.ac.rs/literatura/si/pdf/Measurement%20Instrumentation%20Sensors.pdf , last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• JCGM 100:2008, Evaluation of Measurement Data - Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (freely available at http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/gum.html, last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• Teacher slides, notes and examples, available on the PoliTO Student Portal
Electronic systems and devices:
• Sedra , Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6th Ed. Oxford University Press
• Donald A. Neamen, Semiconductor Physics and Devices - Basic Principles, Third Edition, 2003 McGraw-Hill
• Teacher notes and examples of worked problems available on the course website
• Beginner’s Guide to Measurement in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (freely available at: http://www.npl.co.uk/upload/pdf/beginners-guide-to-measurement-in-electronic-and-electrical-engineering.pdf, last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• The measurement Instrumentation and sensor handbook (freely available at http://www.kelm.ftn.uns.ac.rs/literatura/si/pdf/Measurement%20Instrumentation%20Sensors.pdf , last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• JCGM 100:2008, Evaluation of Measurement Data - Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (freely available at http://www.bipm.org/en/publications/guides/gum.html, last checked Sept. 14th 2017)
• Teacher slides, notes and examples, available on the PoliTO Student Portal
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula);
Exam: Written test;
Exam: written test; optional oral exam; group project;
The final exam consists of a written test including: 10 multiple choice questions (10 points weight); 3 numerical exercises (20 points weight) that will be on the main topics of the course (2 for Electronics and 1 for Measurements) in proportion to number of credits. During the exam books, notes, slides, and laptop/notebook are not allowed. Students may use a pocket calculator. The time available for the written exam is 2 hours. The examination may be supplemented, at the discretion of the teacher or at the request of students who have at least 24/30 in the written test, by an oral exam on all lecture topics and labs. The final mark is given by the average of the score of the written and oral exam. Aim of the written and oral exam is to test the students ability to deal with basic setup and instruments for electronic measurements, included the analysis of uncertainty, and understand the behavior of elementary electronic devices and circuits (see also the detailed list in "Expected Learning Outcomes").
Students have the option to prepare two lab reports (one related to the electronics lab, one related to the measurement labs) which will be evaluated by the teachers with a score between 0 and 1.5 points each. The evaluation of laboratory reports – if delivered – will be added to the mark obtained by the written and oral exam (i.e. a maximum of 3 points added to the mark obtained by written and oral exam). If the total mark exceeds 32 points, the exam rating will be 30 cum laude.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test;
Exam: written test; optional oral exam; group project;
The final exam consists of a written test including: 10 multiple choice questions (10 points weight); 3 numerical exercises (20 points weight) that will be on the main topics of the course (2 for Electronics and 1 for Measurements) in proportion to number of credits. During the exam books, notes, slides, and laptop/notebook are not allowed. Students may use a pocket calculator. The time available for the written exam is 2 hours. The examination may be supplemented, at the discretion of the teacher or at the request of students who have at least 24/30 in the written test, by an oral exam on all lecture topics and labs. The final mark is given by the average of the score of the written and oral exam. Aim of the written and oral exam is to test the students ability to deal with basic setup and instruments for electronic measurements, included the analysis of uncertainty, and understand the behavior of elementary electronic devices and circuits (see also the detailed list in "Expected Learning Outcomes").
Students have the option to prepare two lab reports (one related to the electronics lab, one related to the measurement labs) which will be evaluated by the teachers with a score between 0 and 1.5 points each. The evaluation of laboratory reports – if delivered – will be added to the mark obtained by the written and oral exam (i.e. a maximum of 3 points added to the mark obtained by written and oral exam). If the total mark exceeds 32 points, the exam rating will be 30 cum laude.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.